As he ascended the steps to the White-Gold tower behind a cheering crowd, nobody could deny that the Dragonborn had not earned the crown by right of conquest, by mandate of heaven, and any other qualifier. Legate of the Imperial Army, husband of the High Queen of a unified Skyrim, Chosen of Stendarr, liberator of Solstheim, Saviour of all creation from Alduin, the purger of Volikhar, any amount of titles stemming of accomplishments could be said in his name. With the death of Titus Mede II at the hands of the Dark Brotherhood, all it took was the blood of Alduin - Firstborn of Akatosh - being shouted into crystal and forged into a new Amulet of Kings for the Imperial nation to kneel before the Dovahkiin.
Though there was much celebration following the coronation, he knew he had to get to work. The Empire had to be molded into something new, something that would stand the test of time and be worthy of the rule of his children, something that would have the strength to go on its own and at last grant the man respite.
Citizens, countryfolk, kinsmen. I address you now, on the anniversary of the signing of the White-Gold Concordat. With the divines as witness, I have always stood for the path of peace. Where the Thalmor have always pushed the boundaries of the treaty, where the Elves have shown naught but aggression and hatred, I have worked to have the Empire not rise to insults and provocations. But the patience of even holy Talos - yes, holy! - was finite. Today their transgressions will no longer go unpunished! Today the Thalmor will know justice, tomorrow not a single Thalmor will live, and the Aldmeri Dominion will be a footnote in history. For The Empire, for its people, for all Nine Divines, in memory of Alessia and Septim, by the will of our ancestors, Dinok wah Thalmor!

Greets, I’m Andy. This is an interest check for an RP set about 20 years following the events of TESV: Skyrim, wherein the Dragonborn becomes Emperor of the Fifth Cyrodillic Empire. The Empire has recuperated its strength, and now wars against the Aldmeri Dominion. If you like the Elder Scrolls, if you like slaying some damn knife ears, if you like a mishmash of Rome in antiquity and the Holy Roman Empire you never knew you needed, if you like a gritty high fantasy setting, this is the right place for you.
I'm here in the interest checks recruiting because recently two players dropped off, and while we have enough to keep going right now a more diverse cast would be interesting.
Rules are quite simple, don't be a dick, metagamer, etc. Etc. I come from a more NRP background so I value dedication more than consistency, and so I'll be a bit broader with my post schedule and say at least once a month. I am very open to constructive criticism as several players here now given I reformed some of the lore/events based on their insight, and I will listen to any such presentations of critique. However I am the God here, my say is final, if I say “that’s that” then that is in fact the case. Now then, let’s get to the fun stuff.
Here is a chronological listing of critical events to the geopolitical situation in Nirn until 4E222.
4E201 following the Markarth incident the Skyrim civil war begins. The Dragonborn - to the public eye - performs all the "lawful good" quests save those done for Daedra (Azura, Meridia) and storylines. He negotiates a ceasefire between Stormcloaks and Imperials to slay Alduin. Resourceful, he used this meeting to make many contacts among the Stormcloaks. In his infinite mercy he spares Parthuurnax before defeating Alduin and saving all creation. Rumours of his membership in the Dark Brotherhood and assistance in the slaughter of Emperor Mede are but Thalmor propaganda, citizen!
4E202 With the truce expiring, Imperial victory is brought by the dragonborn to Skyrim. Using his friendships made with the Stormcloaks at the peace negotiations he ensured that the efforts of their remnants were redirected to other, more productive efforts. With the jagged crown secure, uneasy peace reigns. The events of Skyrim DLC occur. Joining the Dawnguard he felled Lord Harkon, before travelling to Solstheim and defeating Miraak. Returning to Skyrim he obtains the hand of Elisif in marriage. The event is a glorious one with dignitaries from all across Tamriel attending along with Odahviing himself prostrating his frame before the great blood before him The Thalmor seeing the chaos in the North radically increase their presence of Justiciars and other agents to take advantage of the post-war chaos, whilst radically increasing their deployments on the Cyrodiil border. However the Northwatch Keep, base of Thalmor military activity is burned to the ground with a gruesome display of the charred remains within.
4E203 Bearing twins with Elisif of Solitude named Kuno and Pelagia, The Dragonborn arrives in the Imperial city, traversing the place upon the hands of adoring crowds. Though many are skeptical including Potentate Tullius himself, the sheer popularity - and assumed naivete - of the Dragonborn following his stunts at the White-Gold tower ensure the Imperial crown is his. Though there is much celebration as once more reign Dragonborns with a new Amulet of Kings, and a Golden Age as that heralded by Tiber Septim begins. As part of this, the Grey Beards expand their circle to take more students for the Way of the Voice. It is a place many Nords find solace in for their culture with the ban on Talos worship now entrenched.
4E204 Using the good will he garnered by the defeat of Miraak to prevent protest, the Dragonborn places targetted tarriffs and trade laws as well as establishing ports along the Nordic settlements of Solstheim. The aim is to economically strangle House Redoran and the Dunmer as a whole to make Morrowing reintegrate into the Empire de facto in addition to its de jure membership. The guise to justify this however is varied, from public health and safety concerns in skooma traffic prevention to concerns of food security in Skyrim reducing shipments to Solstheim. Though Solstheim buckles, Morrowind stands its ground. The Imperial family has a second son, young Ramil.
4E205 Seeing the Dark Elves state under stress from the Imperials, Black Marsh once more attacks the Dunmer to another refugee wave. Hearing of Brunwulf's promises of more fair treatment in Skyrim compared to Ulfric, most set it as their destination. Their arrival coincides with renewed and more organized strikes by Reachmen upon all Skyrim. Seeing cause and effect, the Nords are not placated by soothing words of Brunwulf and Elisif and a violent ejection of Dunmer from the population centres of Skyrim occurs. The Emperor responds with a legal crackdown upon Skyrim with the promise such will never happen again. However many critics state that it appeared the arrival of Imperial inspectors was only used to curtail corruption and eliminate political enemies of the Dragonborn.
4E206 Struggling to find the camps from the Reachmen, Nordic militias traversed ever wider across Skyrim. Though this yielded many wonders as Dwemer ruins and ancient Nordic burial sites were explored, whilst dragons were pushed to swear fealty to the dragonborn, they likewise trod where they never should have. The Falmer growing ever more intelligent found a concrete foe for themselves in the Nords. Likewise, a hostility between Skyrim’s Nords and Orcs developed as the former saw the entirety of Skyrim as theirs’ to traverse and the latter prevented this. Most surprising perhaps were the vampires covens, largely splinters of those that escaped the wrath of the Dawnguard. Regardless, much to the chagrin of the Forsworn, by trying to best one foe the Nords created far more than they had initially.
4E207 Ever frustrated at their failures to secure their very homeland and ever more feeling strangers within Skyrim, the groundwork for new infighting in Skyrim was being laid. In an effort to bring some unity and calm to the land, the Emperor declared that worship of the God Ysmir aas dragonborn hero of the Nords was not synonymous to worship of Talos and hence was legal. Though the Thalmor much protested, they did not use this as pretext for war amidst their own internal difficulties following Bosmer resistance and proddings from Argonia. In an effort to exert further influence upon the Dunmer, the Emperor sent “relief caravans” for the Dark Elves. However they would only provide their food, water, medicine, coin and other aid in the event that the recipient could either prove Imperial citizenship or was willing to swear undying loyalty to the Emperor and obtain it. Using his friendship with the Alik’r hero Kematu, the Dragonborn was also able to establish a far greater and more personal relationship with Hammerfell.
4E208 The an assassination attempt was had on Kuno that took the boy’s eye earning him the nickname “The Cyclops.” Many were blamed from the Thalmor to remnants of the Dark Brotherhood. A great paranoia overcomes the Emperor as the event happens mere months before the royal family has a second daughter, Zaharia.
4E209 Having resolved many of its issues in Valenwood, the Thalmor were once more prepared to strictly enforce the White-Gold concordat. Though the worship of Ysmir was a more emotional demand, they first forced the more practical one; they demanded that the newly reformed Blades be properly disbanded as first demanded, an ultimatum for the completion of which was given one week. Largely unbeknownst to the Thalmor, the Emperor and the Blades had grown distant over the issue of Parthuurnax, Odahviing and the other dragons spared (or as in the case of Durnevhiir, liberated) by the Dragonborn. However he could not bring himself to betray Esbern, Delphine and the many other faces he brought there and thus upon ejecting them from Sky Haven temple announced to the Thalmor that all was as it should be.
4E210 The relief efforts for Morrowind by the Empire’s hand had enticed some of the small folk of Morrowind, but for any true return of influence the elite needed to be poached. Accordingly the Empire got to work. Offers of grand scholarships in Imperial magical colleges were made to those talented in magic fleeing the Argonian onslaught. Promises were made to displaced House members that they and their followers could be provided with new lands in the undeveloped parts of Cyrodil, High Rock, Skyrim. The effect is mixed as though this does secure the loyalty of many of Morrowind's elite, it also transplants the many existing pro-Imperial Dunmer from the lands where their influence is most needed.
4E211 In an effort to secure more ties and loyalties the Emperor marries off members of his now royal family to powerful names; Orsinium, High Rock, and Hammerfell were the primary targets but House Redoran received a bride as well. The policy was thoroughly critiqued as the work of an inexperienced Emperor creating the groundwork for future succession crises.
4E212 Seeing the Empire reaching out diplomatically, the Thalmor got to work in sowing chaos within the mainland. The most important such activity was the creation of baseless conflict between Orsinium and Hammerfell. Knowing the Imperial intent to reintegrate the Redguard province, they sent many conjurers to make the Orcs believe they had been raided by Alik’r and vice versa. Gortwog IV demanded that the Empire intervene on their behalf. Sensing manipulation but lacking proof, the Emperor put forth vain efforts to find peace. At the same time, he provided coin, resources, food and everything but actual troops to Orsinium to show he was supporting Gortwog whilst avoiding conflict with Hammerfell.
4E213 The royal family has yet another son, Genrik. Far darker of skin, hair and eye than the dragonborn, a rumour spreads that the boy (and even his siblings) are the progeny of unfaithfulness with a redguard, or even Dunmer.
4E214 The Ebony mines of Solstheim are exhausted for a second, a final nail in the coffin of the island's domination by the Empire and complete reintegration.
4E215 The twins of the Imperial family are sent to High Hrothgar to study the way of the shout.
4E216 Following the assassination of Jarl Elisif suspected to be done by vampires taking vengeance for the purging of Volikhar, the Emperor becomes a recluse. Investing millions of gold pieces into the Dawnguard and Vigilants of Stendarr, he gives them near total legal carte-blanche as long as they can prove their efforts are directed to discovering true quarries of their organization.
4E217 The Imperial twins return from high Hrothgar, their comparatively short tenures with the Greybeards spreading further rumour that they are not Dragonborn. Though their father was, and would hypothetically pass on the trait much like the Septim family did, prophecy also stated that he was the Last Dragonborn, implying there would be no more. Pelagia is married to Frothar of Whiterun. She is crowned High Queen following a session of the moot.
4E218 Leaving the affairs of state in the hands of his son Kuno and the councils, the Emperor departs alone on a vessel North claiming to be on a pilgrimage to frozen Atmora, to seek the homeland of the heroes like Talos and Ysgramor. Many debate whether or not it is Kuno or Ramil that should be made Emperor despite the wishes of the dragonborn as Ramil was the calmer, more timid soul that would be more willing to heed the advice of councillors to compensate for his inexperience; an important argument made in favour of Ramil's coronation was the fact that Kuno had spent his last two years amongst the Greyboard, secluded from courtly studies. Nevertheless the fear of public outcry has the councils relent and crown Kuno Azariah I. It is a coronation with many hopes and fears, as the Dragonfires restored by the Dragonborn are alit for the first time since the passing of Martin Septim by a thu’um from Emperor Kuno as he donned the new amulet of Kings. Even within the event there is much contention whispered to its validity as many report the flow of magicka as the Emperor shouted, and many say that the Amulet hung low on his neck, only held in place by the gorget of his breastplate. The former gave further substance to the gossip that he was not dragonborn as his father was, whilst the latter fell into the prophecy that the Amulet of Kings would slip off of the neck of false Emperors. Kuno sends his brother Ramil to High Hrothgar.
4E219 Though many say she is too young, Zaharia is also sent to High Hrothgar. Emperor Kuno declares that the treaties of between the dominion and the Empire allow for Thalmor Justiciars to operate in the Empire to ensure that Talos is not worshipped, but nowhere is it specified that other activities may be done. As well, collaboration with their activities is suppressed among citizenry and elites alike, and assisting staff of the Justiciars such as servants or medical staff are ejected; non-elven agents of the Dominion are sentenced to death given them having no formal status as Justiciars.
4E220 Following apparent continued violations of the White-Gold concordat as interpreted by the Empire, the ban on the worship of Talos is lifted in entirety. By decree of the Emperor, all temples to the divines were to refurbish their ninth pedestal for Talos. Though many take the move well, newer generations that had not grown with Talos worship were confused and skeptical of the forced change. The daughter of Jarl Balgruf dies from apparently botched assassination. The man promptly resigns in favour of his son.
4E221 The Thalmor attempt to force the treaty’s return by moving their troops to occupy border towns and villages. This leads to a declaration of war upon the Aldmeri dominion. Seeing opportunity, many forces take action. Argonia once more strikes upon Morrowind, disparate secessionists and raiders among the Falmer, Forsworn, Orsimer and Dunmer strike for their own states battling with Nordic militias, Imperial Legions and loyalists of their own kind. Thalmor agents continue the false-flag strikes between Orsinium and Hammerfell provoking further reaction from the Empire to defend Gortwog IV; though Imperial troops do not strike upon Hammerfell’s forces they occupy critical positions that the warriors of Hammerfell dare not attack providing the Orcs far safer logistics and strategic movement than their counterparts.
4E222 The RP begins.
4E202 With the truce expiring, Imperial victory is brought by the dragonborn to Skyrim. Using his friendships made with the Stormcloaks at the peace negotiations he ensured that the efforts of their remnants were redirected to other, more productive efforts. With the jagged crown secure, uneasy peace reigns. The events of Skyrim DLC occur. Joining the Dawnguard he felled Lord Harkon, before travelling to Solstheim and defeating Miraak. Returning to Skyrim he obtains the hand of Elisif in marriage. The event is a glorious one with dignitaries from all across Tamriel attending along with Odahviing himself prostrating his frame before the great blood before him The Thalmor seeing the chaos in the North radically increase their presence of Justiciars and other agents to take advantage of the post-war chaos, whilst radically increasing their deployments on the Cyrodiil border. However the Northwatch Keep, base of Thalmor military activity is burned to the ground with a gruesome display of the charred remains within.
4E203 Bearing twins with Elisif of Solitude named Kuno and Pelagia, The Dragonborn arrives in the Imperial city, traversing the place upon the hands of adoring crowds. Though many are skeptical including Potentate Tullius himself, the sheer popularity - and assumed naivete - of the Dragonborn following his stunts at the White-Gold tower ensure the Imperial crown is his. Though there is much celebration as once more reign Dragonborns with a new Amulet of Kings, and a Golden Age as that heralded by Tiber Septim begins. As part of this, the Grey Beards expand their circle to take more students for the Way of the Voice. It is a place many Nords find solace in for their culture with the ban on Talos worship now entrenched.
4E204 Using the good will he garnered by the defeat of Miraak to prevent protest, the Dragonborn places targetted tarriffs and trade laws as well as establishing ports along the Nordic settlements of Solstheim. The aim is to economically strangle House Redoran and the Dunmer as a whole to make Morrowing reintegrate into the Empire de facto in addition to its de jure membership. The guise to justify this however is varied, from public health and safety concerns in skooma traffic prevention to concerns of food security in Skyrim reducing shipments to Solstheim. Though Solstheim buckles, Morrowind stands its ground. The Imperial family has a second son, young Ramil.
4E205 Seeing the Dark Elves state under stress from the Imperials, Black Marsh once more attacks the Dunmer to another refugee wave. Hearing of Brunwulf's promises of more fair treatment in Skyrim compared to Ulfric, most set it as their destination. Their arrival coincides with renewed and more organized strikes by Reachmen upon all Skyrim. Seeing cause and effect, the Nords are not placated by soothing words of Brunwulf and Elisif and a violent ejection of Dunmer from the population centres of Skyrim occurs. The Emperor responds with a legal crackdown upon Skyrim with the promise such will never happen again. However many critics state that it appeared the arrival of Imperial inspectors was only used to curtail corruption and eliminate political enemies of the Dragonborn.
4E206 Struggling to find the camps from the Reachmen, Nordic militias traversed ever wider across Skyrim. Though this yielded many wonders as Dwemer ruins and ancient Nordic burial sites were explored, whilst dragons were pushed to swear fealty to the dragonborn, they likewise trod where they never should have. The Falmer growing ever more intelligent found a concrete foe for themselves in the Nords. Likewise, a hostility between Skyrim’s Nords and Orcs developed as the former saw the entirety of Skyrim as theirs’ to traverse and the latter prevented this. Most surprising perhaps were the vampires covens, largely splinters of those that escaped the wrath of the Dawnguard. Regardless, much to the chagrin of the Forsworn, by trying to best one foe the Nords created far more than they had initially.
4E207 Ever frustrated at their failures to secure their very homeland and ever more feeling strangers within Skyrim, the groundwork for new infighting in Skyrim was being laid. In an effort to bring some unity and calm to the land, the Emperor declared that worship of the God Ysmir aas dragonborn hero of the Nords was not synonymous to worship of Talos and hence was legal. Though the Thalmor much protested, they did not use this as pretext for war amidst their own internal difficulties following Bosmer resistance and proddings from Argonia. In an effort to exert further influence upon the Dunmer, the Emperor sent “relief caravans” for the Dark Elves. However they would only provide their food, water, medicine, coin and other aid in the event that the recipient could either prove Imperial citizenship or was willing to swear undying loyalty to the Emperor and obtain it. Using his friendship with the Alik’r hero Kematu, the Dragonborn was also able to establish a far greater and more personal relationship with Hammerfell.
4E208 The an assassination attempt was had on Kuno that took the boy’s eye earning him the nickname “The Cyclops.” Many were blamed from the Thalmor to remnants of the Dark Brotherhood. A great paranoia overcomes the Emperor as the event happens mere months before the royal family has a second daughter, Zaharia.
4E209 Having resolved many of its issues in Valenwood, the Thalmor were once more prepared to strictly enforce the White-Gold concordat. Though the worship of Ysmir was a more emotional demand, they first forced the more practical one; they demanded that the newly reformed Blades be properly disbanded as first demanded, an ultimatum for the completion of which was given one week. Largely unbeknownst to the Thalmor, the Emperor and the Blades had grown distant over the issue of Parthuurnax, Odahviing and the other dragons spared (or as in the case of Durnevhiir, liberated) by the Dragonborn. However he could not bring himself to betray Esbern, Delphine and the many other faces he brought there and thus upon ejecting them from Sky Haven temple announced to the Thalmor that all was as it should be.
4E210 The relief efforts for Morrowind by the Empire’s hand had enticed some of the small folk of Morrowind, but for any true return of influence the elite needed to be poached. Accordingly the Empire got to work. Offers of grand scholarships in Imperial magical colleges were made to those talented in magic fleeing the Argonian onslaught. Promises were made to displaced House members that they and their followers could be provided with new lands in the undeveloped parts of Cyrodil, High Rock, Skyrim. The effect is mixed as though this does secure the loyalty of many of Morrowind's elite, it also transplants the many existing pro-Imperial Dunmer from the lands where their influence is most needed.
4E211 In an effort to secure more ties and loyalties the Emperor marries off members of his now royal family to powerful names; Orsinium, High Rock, and Hammerfell were the primary targets but House Redoran received a bride as well. The policy was thoroughly critiqued as the work of an inexperienced Emperor creating the groundwork for future succession crises.
4E212 Seeing the Empire reaching out diplomatically, the Thalmor got to work in sowing chaos within the mainland. The most important such activity was the creation of baseless conflict between Orsinium and Hammerfell. Knowing the Imperial intent to reintegrate the Redguard province, they sent many conjurers to make the Orcs believe they had been raided by Alik’r and vice versa. Gortwog IV demanded that the Empire intervene on their behalf. Sensing manipulation but lacking proof, the Emperor put forth vain efforts to find peace. At the same time, he provided coin, resources, food and everything but actual troops to Orsinium to show he was supporting Gortwog whilst avoiding conflict with Hammerfell.
4E213 The royal family has yet another son, Genrik. Far darker of skin, hair and eye than the dragonborn, a rumour spreads that the boy (and even his siblings) are the progeny of unfaithfulness with a redguard, or even Dunmer.
4E214 The Ebony mines of Solstheim are exhausted for a second, a final nail in the coffin of the island's domination by the Empire and complete reintegration.
4E215 The twins of the Imperial family are sent to High Hrothgar to study the way of the shout.
4E216 Following the assassination of Jarl Elisif suspected to be done by vampires taking vengeance for the purging of Volikhar, the Emperor becomes a recluse. Investing millions of gold pieces into the Dawnguard and Vigilants of Stendarr, he gives them near total legal carte-blanche as long as they can prove their efforts are directed to discovering true quarries of their organization.
4E217 The Imperial twins return from high Hrothgar, their comparatively short tenures with the Greybeards spreading further rumour that they are not Dragonborn. Though their father was, and would hypothetically pass on the trait much like the Septim family did, prophecy also stated that he was the Last Dragonborn, implying there would be no more. Pelagia is married to Frothar of Whiterun. She is crowned High Queen following a session of the moot.
4E218 Leaving the affairs of state in the hands of his son Kuno and the councils, the Emperor departs alone on a vessel North claiming to be on a pilgrimage to frozen Atmora, to seek the homeland of the heroes like Talos and Ysgramor. Many debate whether or not it is Kuno or Ramil that should be made Emperor despite the wishes of the dragonborn as Ramil was the calmer, more timid soul that would be more willing to heed the advice of councillors to compensate for his inexperience; an important argument made in favour of Ramil's coronation was the fact that Kuno had spent his last two years amongst the Greyboard, secluded from courtly studies. Nevertheless the fear of public outcry has the councils relent and crown Kuno Azariah I. It is a coronation with many hopes and fears, as the Dragonfires restored by the Dragonborn are alit for the first time since the passing of Martin Septim by a thu’um from Emperor Kuno as he donned the new amulet of Kings. Even within the event there is much contention whispered to its validity as many report the flow of magicka as the Emperor shouted, and many say that the Amulet hung low on his neck, only held in place by the gorget of his breastplate. The former gave further substance to the gossip that he was not dragonborn as his father was, whilst the latter fell into the prophecy that the Amulet of Kings would slip off of the neck of false Emperors. Kuno sends his brother Ramil to High Hrothgar.
4E219 Though many say she is too young, Zaharia is also sent to High Hrothgar. Emperor Kuno declares that the treaties of between the dominion and the Empire allow for Thalmor Justiciars to operate in the Empire to ensure that Talos is not worshipped, but nowhere is it specified that other activities may be done. As well, collaboration with their activities is suppressed among citizenry and elites alike, and assisting staff of the Justiciars such as servants or medical staff are ejected; non-elven agents of the Dominion are sentenced to death given them having no formal status as Justiciars.
4E220 Following apparent continued violations of the White-Gold concordat as interpreted by the Empire, the ban on the worship of Talos is lifted in entirety. By decree of the Emperor, all temples to the divines were to refurbish their ninth pedestal for Talos. Though many take the move well, newer generations that had not grown with Talos worship were confused and skeptical of the forced change. The daughter of Jarl Balgruf dies from apparently botched assassination. The man promptly resigns in favour of his son.
4E221 The Thalmor attempt to force the treaty’s return by moving their troops to occupy border towns and villages. This leads to a declaration of war upon the Aldmeri dominion. Seeing opportunity, many forces take action. Argonia once more strikes upon Morrowind, disparate secessionists and raiders among the Falmer, Forsworn, Orsimer and Dunmer strike for their own states battling with Nordic militias, Imperial Legions and loyalists of their own kind. Thalmor agents continue the false-flag strikes between Orsinium and Hammerfell provoking further reaction from the Empire to defend Gortwog IV; though Imperial troops do not strike upon Hammerfell’s forces they occupy critical positions that the warriors of Hammerfell dare not attack providing the Orcs far safer logistics and strategic movement than their counterparts.
4E222 The RP begins.
Player Name: (tag and what u go by [I.e. I go by Andy as an abbreviation of my username])
Character Name: full name, honorifics, aliases
Race: There will be very different attitudes to your character depending on their race. Imperials will have the most preferential attitude (from leadership anyway), followed by Nords and Bretons, followed by Orcs and Dunmer, followed by Redguard, followed by Argonians, followed by Bosmer Reachmen and Khajit, and at last High elves. Of course there is also regional variance. In the cosmopolitan Cyrodil most people save High Elves will be treated well. In Skyrim, very few people but Nords and Imperials can so much as get a handshake from the friendliest of men.
Age: technology is mostly medieval so even if you are of one of the "immortal races" a life beyond 60 is unlikely, especially for someone that is a (or among them anyway) lowly Legionnaire.
Sex: Nirn is rather egalitarian for its technological progress but there will be variance of attitude to your characters based on their sex.
Physical Description: what does your character look like in things like eyes hair build etc. A picture is helpful but text first
Faith: somewhat important. Though a simple list of Gods your character pays homage to is fine, nuance is much preferred. How seriously do they take their religion? Do they embrace, resist, or have some other reaction to the (somewhat forceful) reintroduction of Talos to the Nine Divines? Stuff like this. Religion is very important in the Elder Scrolls setting as a whole and in the Fifth Empire in particular.
Position: the three main are hastati, ballistarii, and mage. Others like auxilia, two handed warriors, scout, Chaplain, Bard, etc. Are possible but please do note, if your character is in a position where they are far away from the rest of the party or are in greater danger than the rest you will have the correspondingly smaller portion of content to RP, or a higher chance of wound or even mortality to take you out of action. I try to accommodate diverse characters but I am not a God, not to speak of the fact being too easy goes somewhat against the gritty feel I envision for this. A normal squad will look something like five hastatii, three ballistarii and two mages. Better give a good explanation for being outside of these if you want it. I will give you your rank after the CS is approved, it will be private or some other lowly one.
Magic: As somewhat of a “nerf” to magic, it will function similarly to how it does in the game(s). While an axe to your noggin isn’t something you can survive here as opposed to that being a very liveable wound in the video games, magic will require continuous effort and input to produce the desired effect; pointing your fingers at a dude with flames will need you to keep those hands up for at least a few moments if you want him to burn to a crisp rather than just igniting his clothes and hair. Regardless, I will only allow a few novice and one or two adept spells; custom spells are allowed. I will consider letting Nordic characters have Thu’um but not for magicians. None of this is to say magic is weak. It is a terrifying force changing the battlefield or domestic life by its application. But it does not make the warrior obsolete.
Core: this is the fiddly bits. Let this be a consolidation of your character's personality, backstory, motivation for joining (enlistment [if so, why?] or conscription?), and anything else of the sort. It doesn't have to be too long; I prefer "show, don't tell" and find stories better elaborated on in RP than dropped as dump trucks before it begins. I just want enough to go on that I wont be surprised by anything your fellers say IC. This is to give me an overall understanding of the character, naught more.
Misc.: anything else you haven't mentioned thus far but want to. Inspirations for the character or whatever, music, et cetera.
Character Name: full name, honorifics, aliases
Race: There will be very different attitudes to your character depending on their race. Imperials will have the most preferential attitude (from leadership anyway), followed by Nords and Bretons, followed by Orcs and Dunmer, followed by Redguard, followed by Argonians, followed by Bosmer Reachmen and Khajit, and at last High elves. Of course there is also regional variance. In the cosmopolitan Cyrodil most people save High Elves will be treated well. In Skyrim, very few people but Nords and Imperials can so much as get a handshake from the friendliest of men.
Age: technology is mostly medieval so even if you are of one of the "immortal races" a life beyond 60 is unlikely, especially for someone that is a (or among them anyway) lowly Legionnaire.
Sex: Nirn is rather egalitarian for its technological progress but there will be variance of attitude to your characters based on their sex.
Physical Description: what does your character look like in things like eyes hair build etc. A picture is helpful but text first
Faith: somewhat important. Though a simple list of Gods your character pays homage to is fine, nuance is much preferred. How seriously do they take their religion? Do they embrace, resist, or have some other reaction to the (somewhat forceful) reintroduction of Talos to the Nine Divines? Stuff like this. Religion is very important in the Elder Scrolls setting as a whole and in the Fifth Empire in particular.
Position: the three main are hastati, ballistarii, and mage. Others like auxilia, two handed warriors, scout, Chaplain, Bard, etc. Are possible but please do note, if your character is in a position where they are far away from the rest of the party or are in greater danger than the rest you will have the correspondingly smaller portion of content to RP, or a higher chance of wound or even mortality to take you out of action. I try to accommodate diverse characters but I am not a God, not to speak of the fact being too easy goes somewhat against the gritty feel I envision for this. A normal squad will look something like five hastatii, three ballistarii and two mages. Better give a good explanation for being outside of these if you want it. I will give you your rank after the CS is approved, it will be private or some other lowly one.
Magic: As somewhat of a “nerf” to magic, it will function similarly to how it does in the game(s). While an axe to your noggin isn’t something you can survive here as opposed to that being a very liveable wound in the video games, magic will require continuous effort and input to produce the desired effect; pointing your fingers at a dude with flames will need you to keep those hands up for at least a few moments if you want him to burn to a crisp rather than just igniting his clothes and hair. Regardless, I will only allow a few novice and one or two adept spells; custom spells are allowed. I will consider letting Nordic characters have Thu’um but not for magicians. None of this is to say magic is weak. It is a terrifying force changing the battlefield or domestic life by its application. But it does not make the warrior obsolete.
Core: this is the fiddly bits. Let this be a consolidation of your character's personality, backstory, motivation for joining (enlistment [if so, why?] or conscription?), and anything else of the sort. It doesn't have to be too long; I prefer "show, don't tell" and find stories better elaborated on in RP than dropped as dump trucks before it begins. I just want enough to go on that I wont be surprised by anything your fellers say IC. This is to give me an overall understanding of the character, naught more.
Misc.: anything else you haven't mentioned thus far but want to. Inspirations for the character or whatever, music, et cetera.
Your deployment:
Your first deployment will be to Skyrim, home of the Nords. Your vessels will land in Solitude on the first of Rain's Hand, 4E222. Though your character may have had other deployments, this will be their first in the Grey Legion. Formed from a mixture of conscripts and enlistees, it is a new one created to fill the gaps left by the insufficient quantity of Legions and the men therein after the first year of the Second Great War. It is called the Grey Legion for the white and black colours they wear mixing into such in the distance, and upon them appearing as such from being dirtied and worn in the field. Under the Command of Legate Ingjald of Stuhn and General Rikke, your immediate superior officer is Sergeant Antony Dallio.

The situation in Skyrim is dangerous. With spies and illusion magic the Thalmor were able to make the Empire believe their Southern border was under far graver threat than it was. This allowed them to smuggle assets into the Nordic lands. Mounting three separate invasions, they were able to take the hold of Dawnstar and establish several beachheads including one supported by their invasion of High Rock. Their Khajit and Bosmer auxiliaries were able to penetrate deep into their territory to help strangle control of the rivers. As well, they have all but encircled Morthal making entering or exiting the city a task demanding an armed escort of one does not want to have more arrows in them than a porcupine quills.
However the Thalmor in their cunning ensured word spread fast of their incursion prompting many an opportunist to strike. The Forsworn are the greatest of these, the great population of Reachmen having taken full control of a great swathe of Skyrim. Markarth is cut off from any aid at best the city is under siege, at worst it has been taken with all the Nords within exterminated as promised by the Forsworn.
Accumulating great magical artifacts and an armada of thralls, vampires have arisen near Solitude. Their apparent lack of aggression to the Altmer lead many to conclude they have an alliance with them
To the East, three other entities have arisen. Near Windhelm the bands of Dunmer refugees violently exiled years ago have coalesced into a separatist movement. Operating from the Dwemer ruins and forts they hold, they roads key to the Imperial war effort much to the delight of the Thalmor. Following suit, the Orcs of Narzulbur declared themselves independent of anyone save themselves, their definition of their hold expanding far beyond what it once was and thus dominating yet more critical roads.
In the Isle of Solstheim, the departure of most Imperials from the island yet again has emboldened the Rieklings to slowly resume a reign of terror.
Finally, the Falmer with their growing intelligence have become an ever more common problem in Skyrim. Though at first largely nocturnal, their raids now come day and night and with warriors going off to fight the High Elves the Falmer now have free reign across much of Skyrim, particularly the South East.
There are other minor presences from bandits to daedric cultists given new confidence, these other enemies of the Empire are negligible. However note must be made of those who serve the Empire’s interests.
Within Solstheim both the Skaal and the Dunmer owe far more allegiance to themselves than they do to Skyrim and the White-Gold tower. Though for now they are happy to host Imperial ships and sailors, dangers to themselves and ever bolder requests from the Crown may change this.
Paramilitaries of all sorts also roam Skyrim. Though the Emperor and his father have done much work to try integrate them into the Imperial Legion, the success of this is debatable.
In the East of the land, Vigilants of Stendarr run amok. From the Daedra worship of the Dunmer and Orsimer to investigations around the now ruined Sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood, Legionnaires steer clear of them. Though their headquarters are in the South-East of Skyrim, much of the Dawnguard has relocated on a semi-permanent basis to Solitude. Though their experience against the vampires proves valuable, their lack of dedication to the greater war effort makes them oft an annoyance to Imperial high command as they eat Imperial supplies but will not bother to do much more than take a few lazy pot shots at forces of Alinor they see.
In the West, The Blades still reside in Sky Haven temple. Now a veritable fortress, they have thus far fought off attacks of the Forsworn and are among the few that manage to reliably navigate the lands around Markarth. Their efforts against the Thalmor continue using their vast knowledge gained from the first Great War to perform great acts of subterfuge. However their ever colder relationship with the Emperor has them refuse to work directly with the Legion and Penitus Oculatus, and rumours spread they will not hesitate to end the lives of Imperials should they get in their way. As well, they are oft seen on wild goose chases across Skyrim for even the smallest mention of dragon sightings.
Greatest though arguably least unified of the paramilitaries in Skyrim are the Nord militias, consisting in great part of Stormcloaks that fell under the Imperial amnesty and secret accords formed following the Skyrim civil war. Though a great many Thalmor and their lackeys lie in Oblivion thanks to their efforts, they are a chaotic, rowdy bunch of rabble-rousers that tend to “creatively” interpret words of Imperial authority; their unsanctioned actions are among the larger contributors to the secessionist sentiment among Dunmer and Orsimer in Skyrim. Efforts to reign them in have been made only as symbolic gesture to Orcs and Dark Elves elsewhere in the Empire for their maintenance of safe routes between the holds and villages (particularly Windhelm and Winterhold) have at many points saved the Imperial war effort in Skyrim.
There are also two great contingents of mercenaries in Skyrim. The first are the Redguard, they who see the futility of their conflict with Orsinium and insist on continuing the fight against the Thalmor, they serve often for a negligible fee as independent forces or auxiliaries in support of the Imperial Legion. With many Alik’r in their ranks, they are irregulars particularly adept at fighting the Khajit auxilia of the Dominion.
Motivated far more by coin are the Dunmer from the Houses of Morrowind. Their hiring came with several goals in mind: to fill ranks, to create economic, personal, and other other ties to great Dunmer mages and warriors, and to create larger involvement of Morrowind against Alinor; if all goes as desired, the inclusion of this mercenary force would create a Morrowind more prepared for true reintegration into the Empire.
The first assignment of your Cohort in your deployment will be to remove all threats to Solitude. The vampires, Thalmor, and their auxiliaries all but surrounding the Hold must be driven out. Once the capital is secured, Markarth can be liberated. Following that the Aldmeri auxiliaries on the border of Hammerfell and Orsinium are to be defeated in an effort to discover Thalmor subterfuge.
Depending on the logistical situation, the Cohort will then be deployed to crush the separatists or to liberate Dawnstar. If by this point they have not retreated, then the Thalmor restricting Windhelm’s access to the sea are to be eradicated.
If it is determined that the pacification of of Skyrim is complete, then the Legion will be redeployed to a new conflict zone.
Thus far, the Legion has suffered a particularly devastating ambush at the hands of the Thalmor.

The situation in Skyrim is dangerous. With spies and illusion magic the Thalmor were able to make the Empire believe their Southern border was under far graver threat than it was. This allowed them to smuggle assets into the Nordic lands. Mounting three separate invasions, they were able to take the hold of Dawnstar and establish several beachheads including one supported by their invasion of High Rock. Their Khajit and Bosmer auxiliaries were able to penetrate deep into their territory to help strangle control of the rivers. As well, they have all but encircled Morthal making entering or exiting the city a task demanding an armed escort of one does not want to have more arrows in them than a porcupine quills.
However the Thalmor in their cunning ensured word spread fast of their incursion prompting many an opportunist to strike. The Forsworn are the greatest of these, the great population of Reachmen having taken full control of a great swathe of Skyrim. Markarth is cut off from any aid at best the city is under siege, at worst it has been taken with all the Nords within exterminated as promised by the Forsworn.
Accumulating great magical artifacts and an armada of thralls, vampires have arisen near Solitude. Their apparent lack of aggression to the Altmer lead many to conclude they have an alliance with them
To the East, three other entities have arisen. Near Windhelm the bands of Dunmer refugees violently exiled years ago have coalesced into a separatist movement. Operating from the Dwemer ruins and forts they hold, they roads key to the Imperial war effort much to the delight of the Thalmor. Following suit, the Orcs of Narzulbur declared themselves independent of anyone save themselves, their definition of their hold expanding far beyond what it once was and thus dominating yet more critical roads.
In the Isle of Solstheim, the departure of most Imperials from the island yet again has emboldened the Rieklings to slowly resume a reign of terror.
Finally, the Falmer with their growing intelligence have become an ever more common problem in Skyrim. Though at first largely nocturnal, their raids now come day and night and with warriors going off to fight the High Elves the Falmer now have free reign across much of Skyrim, particularly the South East.
There are other minor presences from bandits to daedric cultists given new confidence, these other enemies of the Empire are negligible. However note must be made of those who serve the Empire’s interests.
Within Solstheim both the Skaal and the Dunmer owe far more allegiance to themselves than they do to Skyrim and the White-Gold tower. Though for now they are happy to host Imperial ships and sailors, dangers to themselves and ever bolder requests from the Crown may change this.
Paramilitaries of all sorts also roam Skyrim. Though the Emperor and his father have done much work to try integrate them into the Imperial Legion, the success of this is debatable.
In the East of the land, Vigilants of Stendarr run amok. From the Daedra worship of the Dunmer and Orsimer to investigations around the now ruined Sanctuary of the Dark Brotherhood, Legionnaires steer clear of them. Though their headquarters are in the South-East of Skyrim, much of the Dawnguard has relocated on a semi-permanent basis to Solitude. Though their experience against the vampires proves valuable, their lack of dedication to the greater war effort makes them oft an annoyance to Imperial high command as they eat Imperial supplies but will not bother to do much more than take a few lazy pot shots at forces of Alinor they see.
In the West, The Blades still reside in Sky Haven temple. Now a veritable fortress, they have thus far fought off attacks of the Forsworn and are among the few that manage to reliably navigate the lands around Markarth. Their efforts against the Thalmor continue using their vast knowledge gained from the first Great War to perform great acts of subterfuge. However their ever colder relationship with the Emperor has them refuse to work directly with the Legion and Penitus Oculatus, and rumours spread they will not hesitate to end the lives of Imperials should they get in their way. As well, they are oft seen on wild goose chases across Skyrim for even the smallest mention of dragon sightings.
Greatest though arguably least unified of the paramilitaries in Skyrim are the Nord militias, consisting in great part of Stormcloaks that fell under the Imperial amnesty and secret accords formed following the Skyrim civil war. Though a great many Thalmor and their lackeys lie in Oblivion thanks to their efforts, they are a chaotic, rowdy bunch of rabble-rousers that tend to “creatively” interpret words of Imperial authority; their unsanctioned actions are among the larger contributors to the secessionist sentiment among Dunmer and Orsimer in Skyrim. Efforts to reign them in have been made only as symbolic gesture to Orcs and Dark Elves elsewhere in the Empire for their maintenance of safe routes between the holds and villages (particularly Windhelm and Winterhold) have at many points saved the Imperial war effort in Skyrim.
There are also two great contingents of mercenaries in Skyrim. The first are the Redguard, they who see the futility of their conflict with Orsinium and insist on continuing the fight against the Thalmor, they serve often for a negligible fee as independent forces or auxiliaries in support of the Imperial Legion. With many Alik’r in their ranks, they are irregulars particularly adept at fighting the Khajit auxilia of the Dominion.
Motivated far more by coin are the Dunmer from the Houses of Morrowind. Their hiring came with several goals in mind: to fill ranks, to create economic, personal, and other other ties to great Dunmer mages and warriors, and to create larger involvement of Morrowind against Alinor; if all goes as desired, the inclusion of this mercenary force would create a Morrowind more prepared for true reintegration into the Empire.
The first assignment of your Cohort in your deployment will be to remove all threats to Solitude. The vampires, Thalmor, and their auxiliaries all but surrounding the Hold must be driven out. Once the capital is secured, Markarth can be liberated. Following that the Aldmeri auxiliaries on the border of Hammerfell and Orsinium are to be defeated in an effort to discover Thalmor subterfuge.
Depending on the logistical situation, the Cohort will then be deployed to crush the separatists or to liberate Dawnstar. If by this point they have not retreated, then the Thalmor restricting Windhelm’s access to the sea are to be eradicated.
If it is determined that the pacification of of Skyrim is complete, then the Legion will be redeployed to a new conflict zone.
Thus far, the Legion has suffered a particularly devastating ambush at the hands of the Thalmor.
The chances are that your new characters will be originally from other squads moved into this one with the reorganization of the forces given recently suffered losses.
Glory to the Emperor, Glory to the Empire.