The shout full of rage from the now really pissed off villain caused Rosaria to immediately turn her attention to the inside of the lobby. Drats. That doesn't sound good at all. She realized that there's no time at all. Not even to wait until the wounded girl outside with her respond to her question. It was bad. Rosaria didn't like this at all. Moving in without a clear plan had never been something she liked as it more often led to undesirable consequences than the other way around. And yet there was just no time, so whether she liked it or not she will have to act now or never.
And then a thud as another woman just got thrown out from inside the lobby, landing right in front of the entrance where Rosaria and Paige were standing. Rosaria immediately moved to check on the woman, but then there's yet another quick development as she heard another loud shout from inside. "Everyone! ALL IN!" She saw the man who shouted, rushing toward the blinded villain with everything he got. So in the intense situation, Rosaria quickly surmised that she had two possible things to do. Help drag the woman that just got thrown from the inside get to safety or help the man that was attacking Thundercloud. Both seemed crucial, yet there was no time to think which will prove to be the better course of action. So it seemed obvious to Rosaria what she should do.
She decided to do both. Nothing else much I can do... Can only hope that this will actually make a difference! She quickly took out her combat knife, flipped it around so she's holding the tip of the blade, and then used all of her considerable knife fighting skill to thrown it as strongly and accurately as she can, aimed at Thundercloud from an angle that will not hit Kane. Thus the knife flew through the air, its blade pointed straight to hit Thundercloud on the side of his chest. Without skipping a beat, Rosaria then demanifested her power to make herself fully corporeal and then started dragging Kestrel away as fast as she can. There was no way to know whether her knife and Kane's strike will be enough to stop the villain's own attack and that was a risk she had to accept when she decided to both attack and protect in one move.
And with all that was going on Rosaria unfortunately didn't notice the other body in the lobby, that of the now unconscious Olivia. But then again even if Rosaria had noticed her, there wasn't really any way for her to help Olivia...