Welcome to...

The massive space research station stranded in the middle of nowhere in both time and space. You landed here (or will land here; time travel makes grammar truly troublesome! And don't get me started on dimensional travel...) during what you had believed to be a normal day in your home universe. But something went wrong, whether on your end or ours, and now you're here. I am afraid I lack the time, however ironic that statement is, to explain the depth of the incident you have found yourself in. All I can ask of you, stranger(s?), is this;
You will find the secrets to this station, and your key home, with enough exploration, understanding, and a healthy amount of caution. I cannot guarantee the station will be secure, just as I cannot guarantee that some...Less savory types have not have been brought aboard. I can only hope during your time here, you can discover the truth behind me and my people...And perhaps find it in your hearts to set things right, however that could be.
....This is Castellan, Head Researcher and last member of the Chronian race, signing off.
I'm happy to welcome everyone to Multiversal Discord! This RP is gonna have a fun blend of mystery, adventure, action, and plenty of time to have characters interact and develop their relationships of any sort. What's not to love? Now, before, I continue, let's get the rules outta the way, alright?
Now that you've torn your way through that slog, we can get to the fun part; characters! There's a small rule list here as well, but it's brief compared to the last one, and arguably more important.
That's that! Now, to wrap this off, you'll be receiving an example Character Sheet to help you get started. Happy posting, folks!

The massive space research station stranded in the middle of nowhere in both time and space. You landed here (or will land here; time travel makes grammar truly troublesome! And don't get me started on dimensional travel...) during what you had believed to be a normal day in your home universe. But something went wrong, whether on your end or ours, and now you're here. I am afraid I lack the time, however ironic that statement is, to explain the depth of the incident you have found yourself in. All I can ask of you, stranger(s?), is this;
You will find the secrets to this station, and your key home, with enough exploration, understanding, and a healthy amount of caution. I cannot guarantee the station will be secure, just as I cannot guarantee that some...Less savory types have not have been brought aboard. I can only hope during your time here, you can discover the truth behind me and my people...And perhaps find it in your hearts to set things right, however that could be.
....This is Castellan, Head Researcher and last member of the Chronian race, signing off.
I'm happy to welcome everyone to Multiversal Discord! This RP is gonna have a fun blend of mystery, adventure, action, and plenty of time to have characters interact and develop their relationships of any sort. What's not to love? Now, before, I continue, let's get the rules outta the way, alright?
- 1: This one's pretty self-explanatory; try not to be a jerk, alright? No one likes trying to play alongside someone whose being all riled up for no reason. And of course, if you have an actual reason to be upset, bring it up to me. It's what I'm here for!
- 2: Like any good story, there's gotta be stakes, and while I'm not particularly planning on character death anytime soon, characters will be finding themselves under serious threat more often than not, and won't likely escape unscathed. Isn't very interesting if someone wins every time, eh? Which leads into my next rule...
- 3: No Godmodding, alright? Pretty sure everyone around here's familiar with the term, though the main piece I'm concerned with is making your character seem too perfect. No one perfectly dodges every move, counterattacks at just the right time, and always thinks things through. Characters, no matter how cool, strong, or smart, can make mistakes and be caught off their guard. Don't be afraid to get roughed around; it just makes the turnaround all the cooler ;) On an...Slightly related note, if you read between the lines....
- 4: Romance is fine, of course, but keep any intense stuff behind the black screen, yeah? Assuming anything like that happens, of course. The ol' fade to black trick always works...
- 5: On a vaguely similar line, while getting wounded, even grievously so, isn't something I'll be trying to stray away from here, let's keep some excessive stuff clear. No one needs to hear about your innards spilling out or something, right? Right. That falls under torture too; I mean, let's be honest, most bad guys ain't above that kinda thing, but we don't need to get graphic about it.
- 6: Let's avoid anything political. C'mon, like the fictional bad guys aren't enough to tango with, yeah? It'll just leave a bad taste in most people's mouths, so better to stay hush-hush than come at each other's throats.
- 7: I'm no grammar nazi...Okay, that's a lie, I totally am. I'll try not to be on your case about it, but try to make sure your punctuation and grammar are proper. Or at least as proper as it needs to be for your character lol.
- 8: I'm not looking for mile-long posts, but a few paragraphs is a good point to land on. Quality over quantity, I say.
- 9: I mentioned it somewhat near the beginning, but if anything comes up in/from the RP that you want to talk about with me, I'm all ears. Sorta my job as the GM, y'know?
- 10: If you've read this far, when you're making your Character Sheet, add a piece near the bottom where you mention your favorite superpower; it'll tell me you actually made it this far into these rules.
- 11: Last, and most important rule of all...HAVE FUN! It's sorta what we're here for. Y'know, besides the drama, badass action scenes, character development....Okay, maybe there's a little more to this than just the fun. But all of it just adds to it!
Now that you've torn your way through that slog, we can get to the fun part; characters! There's a small rule list here as well, but it's brief compared to the last one, and arguably more important.
- 1: The character limit is currently four (ideally, two heroes, and two villains, for balance's sake), but might be expanded upon in the future.
- 2: Characters for this RP are characters from all different forms of fiction; movies, comics, anime, cartoons, you name it, it's here! Probably. The only real qualifiers I look for is that the character has a name, and has at least seen fair screen/page time. Though, if you're willing to put in the extra legwork and work in an undeveloped or underutilized character from the piece of fiction, be my guest! They may be under more scrutiny though, do be warned.
- 3: While I know being a villain can seem unappealing, I sincerely hope you consider having at least one; otherwise, you might miss out of being on the fun side of some evil plots! And if you are one of said villains, you'll likely have your own hand in creating said plot! The villains of this story will be the real backbone of the storytelling, so the more, the merrier! Not to say I don't have my own plans in motion. Hehehe....
- 4: This is less a concrete rule and more a suggestion, but I'd recommend sticking your feet in multiple different fictions with your characters of choice; it'll give me more ability to include a variety of storylines, and also keep the variety of your own line-up.
That's that! Now, to wrap this off, you'll be receiving an example Character Sheet to help you get started. Happy posting, folks!