Aaaaaand here's a villain idea.

Name: Redmaw
Nicknames/Titles: Thunderjaw, Autonomous Defense Unit
Age: At least 6 years old
Gender: N/A
Affiliation: Villain
Personality: Vicious. Cunning. Ruthless. If the Carja people had to describe Redmaw in just three words, it would be these. One of the most dangerous machines that roams the Sun Kingdom, Redmaw is a notorious killer robot, a hulking monster 24 meters in length and 9 meters in height, that has little regard for human life. While this description would fit any Thunderjaw- or in fact any Combat Class machine- in Redmaw it appears to be amplified. Countless Carja have attempted to kill the beast, and failed. It had acquired such notoriety that if a hunter went missing when going on a hunt and nobody knows what happened to them, they were probably hunted down and killed by Redmaw. It cements its reputation as king of the killer machines.
In reality though? Redmaw is best described as a guardian. The personality assigned to it by the Carja is born of legend- mostly. Like other Combat Class machines, it was designed to protect smaller, weaker machines like a mama bear protects its cubs. It is particularly overprotective, hence its questionable reputation amongst the Carja.
Biography: Redmaw's detailed history has been a point of debate amongst Carja historians, but it appears that Redmaw's first attack was on a Carja freehold in the spring of 3035, in which it led 9 people to their demise. A hunting party of four, set out to investigate what happened during the attack, was also led to its demise.
A few months later, in early summer of 3035, a group of six investigators set out to research what happened during the machine attacks of spring 3035. Five of them were killed. The sixth returned to the city of Meridian, albeit heavily wounded, and reported that the party was brutally murdered by a machine. Said machine, a vicious Thunderjaw, had been given the nickname Redmaw. Another expedition of 8 men in late summer of 3035 never returned.
The Hunters Lodge of Meridian was ordered by the king Jiran to slay the beast, in the fall of 3035. Three hunters and their apprentices were sent. As one may expect from Redmaw, only one pair lived to tell the tale. The fact that the king executed the remaining hunter and their apprentice discouraged any hunter from taking up the challenge of killing Redmaw.
Redmaw's attacks were not limited to Carja only. In 3036, a trading caravan of the Oseram was attacked by the beast. Six were killed. A year later, when 34 soldiers were sent to slay Redmaw, only four made it back (although it must be said that Redmaw had some assistance of Stalkers, cheetah-like machines with excellent camouflage turning them nigh invisible). Under Jiran, the hunters were not able to kill Redmaw.
Years passed, and in 3038 a new king rose to the throne- Avad.
Redmaw literally didn't care, however, and just continued with its murder spree. Attacking Oseram trading caravans, killing military expeditions sent out against it, Redmaw did not discriminate.
Powers/Skills: A formidable machine, Redmaw has various attacks that it can use to curb-stomp its enemies, which are mostly tribespeople. As for melee attacks, it can:
- Bite by snapping with its large mandibles
- Charge by running towards the enemy and ramming them, or biting them after the charge
- Stomp on the enemy
- Slam the enemy with its large tail
- Swipe at the enemy with its large tail
More sophisticated than "beat your enemy into pulp" are its ranged attacks, mostly performed using weaponry on its head and on its back.
- Disc Launcher: This is a formidable cuboid weapon that is attached on top of its right hip. It launches explosive discs at the enemy. Redmaw can get quite creative with this, as it has full control over what the discs do. It can for instance shoot homing discs at enemies, launch a group of them in a barrage or shoot them around its own chassis to deter enemies around it.
- Laser: Hidden within its beak sits a laser weapon that shoots out various red laser beams in the shape of a fan, used to deter the crowd in front of it.
- Cannons: On the sides of its head are two cannons that can shoot energy blasts at rapid speed.
In addition, it is in the possession of an advanced radar sitting on its back that can detect humans- even when they're not moving. It can hear the shot of a bow, and is therefore clever enough to investigate the location of an arrow's origin instead of the location where the arrow landed (as machines usually do).
Other: My favorite superpower is still aquakinesis.

Name: Redmaw
Nicknames/Titles: Thunderjaw, Autonomous Defense Unit
Age: At least 6 years old
Gender: N/A
Affiliation: Villain
Personality: Vicious. Cunning. Ruthless. If the Carja people had to describe Redmaw in just three words, it would be these. One of the most dangerous machines that roams the Sun Kingdom, Redmaw is a notorious killer robot, a hulking monster 24 meters in length and 9 meters in height, that has little regard for human life. While this description would fit any Thunderjaw- or in fact any Combat Class machine- in Redmaw it appears to be amplified. Countless Carja have attempted to kill the beast, and failed. It had acquired such notoriety that if a hunter went missing when going on a hunt and nobody knows what happened to them, they were probably hunted down and killed by Redmaw. It cements its reputation as king of the killer machines.
In reality though? Redmaw is best described as a guardian. The personality assigned to it by the Carja is born of legend- mostly. Like other Combat Class machines, it was designed to protect smaller, weaker machines like a mama bear protects its cubs. It is particularly overprotective, hence its questionable reputation amongst the Carja.
Biography: Redmaw's detailed history has been a point of debate amongst Carja historians, but it appears that Redmaw's first attack was on a Carja freehold in the spring of 3035, in which it led 9 people to their demise. A hunting party of four, set out to investigate what happened during the attack, was also led to its demise.
A few months later, in early summer of 3035, a group of six investigators set out to research what happened during the machine attacks of spring 3035. Five of them were killed. The sixth returned to the city of Meridian, albeit heavily wounded, and reported that the party was brutally murdered by a machine. Said machine, a vicious Thunderjaw, had been given the nickname Redmaw. Another expedition of 8 men in late summer of 3035 never returned.
The Hunters Lodge of Meridian was ordered by the king Jiran to slay the beast, in the fall of 3035. Three hunters and their apprentices were sent. As one may expect from Redmaw, only one pair lived to tell the tale. The fact that the king executed the remaining hunter and their apprentice discouraged any hunter from taking up the challenge of killing Redmaw.
Redmaw's attacks were not limited to Carja only. In 3036, a trading caravan of the Oseram was attacked by the beast. Six were killed. A year later, when 34 soldiers were sent to slay Redmaw, only four made it back (although it must be said that Redmaw had some assistance of Stalkers, cheetah-like machines with excellent camouflage turning them nigh invisible). Under Jiran, the hunters were not able to kill Redmaw.
Years passed, and in 3038 a new king rose to the throne- Avad.
Redmaw literally didn't care, however, and just continued with its murder spree. Attacking Oseram trading caravans, killing military expeditions sent out against it, Redmaw did not discriminate.
Powers/Skills: A formidable machine, Redmaw has various attacks that it can use to curb-stomp its enemies, which are mostly tribespeople. As for melee attacks, it can:
- Bite by snapping with its large mandibles
- Charge by running towards the enemy and ramming them, or biting them after the charge
- Stomp on the enemy
- Slam the enemy with its large tail
- Swipe at the enemy with its large tail
More sophisticated than "beat your enemy into pulp" are its ranged attacks, mostly performed using weaponry on its head and on its back.
- Disc Launcher: This is a formidable cuboid weapon that is attached on top of its right hip. It launches explosive discs at the enemy. Redmaw can get quite creative with this, as it has full control over what the discs do. It can for instance shoot homing discs at enemies, launch a group of them in a barrage or shoot them around its own chassis to deter enemies around it.
- Laser: Hidden within its beak sits a laser weapon that shoots out various red laser beams in the shape of a fan, used to deter the crowd in front of it.
- Cannons: On the sides of its head are two cannons that can shoot energy blasts at rapid speed.
In addition, it is in the possession of an advanced radar sitting on its back that can detect humans- even when they're not moving. It can hear the shot of a bow, and is therefore clever enough to investigate the location of an arrow's origin instead of the location where the arrow landed (as machines usually do).
Other: My favorite superpower is still aquakinesis.
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