Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Archimedes calling in once more. Remember to not veer too far away from the group. Spreading my attentions, and analysis thin. I will not be able to support you all at the same time. The crew here can try but I'm still overseer of all rayshift operations given my technology." the voice of the scientist said placidly as he appeared in front of Leon in a digital blue form. "Suffice to say splitting up far enough may be grounds for termination if not given by the order of the Team Captain, or circumstances. I will not suffer AWOL masters." he comments grimly before vanishing once more. "Running a tight shift? What a pain in the ass...he's pissing me off so I bet he's pissing the others off too." grumbles Mordred as they place a hand on their steely helmet. "Master just let those two go ahead they're free to die if they feel like it. I'll protect everyone else." grumbles the annoyed Knight of Treachery which did not go too far to settle Leon's nerves as he was already having his authority put in question while he was focused on examining the situation. "I'm still in charge of the squad's immediate orders. I'll give Lancer, and his master the chance to go ahead to the BRIDGE. Alteration to the formation plan is as follows. Assume tight formation adjust for Saber in the back and protecting the three others from surprise attacks, and Caster can watch the left, while I watch the right. I trust Connor but I'm more battle ready I believe. Not ideal but such is the world we're in right now. Until we can establish a proper summoning layline I cannot use Archimedes' summoning system to call upon a temporary servant." Leon making his orders on the matter clear as this time Orson's voice comes in. "I give my blessing on that do as you will Team Captain." Orson said briefly as Leon made his way out of the estate with the others in formation.

The streets were as empty as the house was. There was signs of cars having been abandoned, and houses destroyed along the way. Whatever happened it would seem that not everything happened without a fight. Or perhaps things were meant to be that way? Saber grumbled none to happy to be the rear guard she would very much prefer to be in front but judging but what she remembered in the past Berserker would be able to be able to handle themselves. "There's no blood. No remains. Whatever happened this wasn't the work of an assassin it was the work of a caster, or something else." Mordred comments as she looks at a toy in the corner of a storm drain most likely dropped by feeling disgusted at whatever had caused this singularity. Leon himself pointed out that none of the houses look like they had been hit with magic more so some sort of force has crushed them.

"My guess this was servant combat in regards to damages. The houses not hit were just lucky. No blood lines up with what-" Leon comments before the words come into his ear, "Enemies detected. Defend now." Archimedes says as Leon quickly casts a spell sending a change of direction of the wind to deflect a nearby arrow shot into a wooden pole nearby. Saber quickly charges up to the house where a dragon tooth bone warrior stood on top of the house. Sabers quickness allowed her to quickly reach the thing decapitating it. To the left where Caster was watching there came a large group of about 20 of the warriors all charging the group. "Defend the area!" Leon orders as he charges a wind bullet and shoots it at the group crushing the skull of one of the warriors in the back. The warriors remaining charged at them with their clubs, axes, and swords of crude make. A similar number of them up ahead charge at Lancer, and Scarlett.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

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So much for getting our bearings, we're already on the move., Conner thought to himself, nervously sighing. He knew they were going to be fighting sooner or later, but he honestly thought it would come after they had time to settle and prep themselves. The young man was the youngest and most inexperienced in the team. As he tried to hype himself up, a hand fell on his shoulder. Turning, he saw Fran giving a small reassuring smile.

"Be....near....by. No....need....for.....wor....ry.", she said with a confident nod.

A moment after digesting her words, Conner took a deep breath and gave his own resolved nod.

"Thanks, Fran.", he replied before following the rest of the team. "Let's do this."

"Enemies detected. Defend now."

Upon hearing Archimedes' words, Conner's head became a swivel and the head of Fran's battle mace crackled with green electricity. From their side of the group, Conner would see an incoming gang of undead warriors, armed with various weapons.

"Defend the area!" Leon orders

Alright Fran, listen up. With Saber covering the rear, Lancer leading the front and Caster holding our westside, it's mainly Leon's side we have to worry about. If he starts getting overwhelmed, clear out his side. Otherwise, take out any undead that gets near us.

"Grrraaaaaaah!", the Berserker cried out, whether as a battle cry or in confirmation to Conner's mental message, no one was sure. But she did stay near the group as she leaped and crashed into a group of skeletons, trails of electric green coming off her weapon as she destroyed multiple enemies with every swing.

Meanwhile, Conner kneeled in the center of their group, his magic circuits coming to life as he laid his palms flat against the ground. Conner kept his eyes darting and his ears open, ready to spring up any defensive walls or lay down any pitfall traps.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Connor keep berserker on the offensive. Saber will be more than capable of dealing with the threats of those who are attacking at range." Caster said more advising than demanding of Connor. He seemed to be perfectly fine with how Berserker was dealing with the threats. As he did so his voice transferred over to Elise. "Caster, and yourself are doing well make sure to keep track of your mana. If you run low we can try boosting the help we're providing to you from Chaldea. Each servant here is receiving some level of support from the machines I built to keep your servants manifested. If you need a larger amount I will send more but it may boost your signal to others nearby. Watch out not to burn Berserker, and Saber." Archimedes commented as the skeletons melted away as they tried to move to flank Fran only to be caught by destroyed by the burning wave of liquid. The skeletons seemed no more stronger than one might expect of them. Saber made her way back to the group having kept on the looking out for more skeletons she found none. Instead Leon opted to request that she stay close now that he heard the shots up ahead. "Given conditions at hand we'll move up to reinforce their position. It doesn't look like there was much more than that brief wave. Besides we haven't run across anything that would give Team A trouble I'm getting the feeling we're not even being treated like real threats here. Let's advance." Leon comments to Elise as he watches Berserker thrash, and destroy the remaining skeletons.

Mordred, and Berserker moved to help clear away destroyed cars, and other miscellaneous debris on their way to rendezvous with Lancer, and his master. After having been told that the skeletons have been cleared out by work of their magecraft, and tactics Orson was the one who's voice came through the group's intercom. "Scans have been completed and have been double checked on what we have detected. There are a number of servants in the city. No read on their origins. No detection of masters though. One of them is by the docks up north. That one is keeping itself on the low its energy isn't peaking. It doesn't register as Chaldean. One of which is at the station front, it is openly allowing its energy to flow. However its dipping in, and out of our scans. Probably assassin class. It is being followed by another one. There's another down far south however even for a spirit its energy is low we believe it is a fading heroic spirit and may be chaldean but it doesn't match out records either. Furthermore don't expect anymore working street lights. Power is entirely out in the city. Its a miracle that you even found some working around here. Fuyuki, as stated, appears to have been completely abandoned. My theory is that it is a magecraft working on similar par to the Blood Fortress Andromeda listed on Medusa's list of noble phantasms." Orson told the group. Leon bit his tongue a bit as he looked at how tired Scarlett was luckily the rest of the group seemed good to go. "We move to the station front then unless we have an objection to my order. We can't let an assassin do as it pleases. Let alone with another servant in tow assuming its not a friendly. I'm starting to imagine Team A is gone if there are four servants with unknown readings coming around."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

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@vancexentan @The Irish Tree @Enkryption

"I don't think it's a good idea to go for the station. Like Scarlett said, it could be a Caster that's following the Assassin....or worse. And I don't think that's one of ours that's following them.", Conner commented with Fran standing off to the side, surveying the area for any more potential threats. "If you are willing, Captain, I would like to accompany Elise to check the Servant reading down south. If there's the slightest chance of any member of Team A still being around, we have to take it and save them. However, what are the chances of that fading signal being fake? Hell, what if all the readings we're getting are all fake? If that's the case.....well, better for Elise and Caster to have backup for the worst case scenario."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Team A's current status is dubious I'm afraid I must say as such. I cannot confirm their living, or dead status until we see a body, or some other source. Thus I will agree with Miss Scarlet to avoid any servants that may, or may not have managed to beat Team A." comments Archimedes as he tries to think of the next move. He considers the options laid before him, and then sighs. "Team B, as your tactical, and technical advisor I suggest that you try to immediately head south. I will guide you to the location of the spirit. Gods be willing it will be someone who can help. Not that I ever put much stock in the gods even in my own life. Worse case it'll be a heroic spirit here summoned here who has lost, or had never received a master. This was the site of a number of grail wars it is not out of the ordinary to consider such. We have four masters a temporary contract may be valuable." comments the Caster as Leon takes what he says in stride, and takes a deep breath but is interrupted by Mordred.

"All this tip toeing around is pissing me off. Its not my typical style I'd much rather a straight up fight and those skeletons haven't scratched my itch. But at the end of the day we've got a job to deal with this singularity right? Then we need to probably wipe out those enemy servants whoever they are. We can go south but we could be followed, and if the house turns out to be a trap we're going to be fighting three instead of two. I'd rather just deal with the assassin, and the one following him if he is also an enemy." Mordred says trying to bring up an contrary opinion. Leon chooses to acknowledge her opinion first given Mordred's probable skill with warfare it would be silly to ignore her. "Yeah but we have you Mordred. Between you, and Lancer I'm pretty sure that even if they are enemies that the chances of them beating you while also playing keep away with Berserker will allow us to handle all but the strongest threats to our team." Leon says confidently as he watches Mordred tap her sword against her shoulder making a clanging sound.

"Yeah but ain't your Team A suppose to be the big dogs?" Mordred questions her master as they find the whole thing confusing where was his confidence coming from? "That's why i'm not worried. Team A, if they were defeated, unless they were so soundly trounced that we have no chance, means that they probably took down the bigger threats down with them. For my own part I still believe at least one of them is still around. I served with them they're all strong mages." Leon assured his servant who sighed, and looked up to the grey sky, and then across the bridge to the greyed out city. "I can't stand this place. I hate it here. I don't care where we go at this point let's just keep moving so I don't have to think about it. I feel like this whole city is just one big empty graveyard." grumbles Mordred. "Elise's plan is sound we will move south immediately. Unless we have any objections to it?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Uh, yes, I object,” Scarlett says, raising her hand. “I need to resupply what I’ve spent to secure this little apartment-house,” she says, “The idea of going straight to another location - especially one that is uncharted - displeases me. Immensely.” Scarlett dropped her hand, “My suggestion, you three go check out what could potentially just lead to disaster, and I’ll stay here in this house I’ve secured, restocking myself, she glanced over, cutting her eyes at them, “Char and I can defend this house. The halls and rooms are small enough that close-quarters combat favors the range of my bullets and the thrust-based combat of a Lancer over the shambling sword users we’ve faced so face.

Establishing a safehouse was something Scarlett was used to, and it boiled down to three requirements:

> Ease of defense

> Ease of escape

> Ease of maintenance

The small attachment to the apartment complex was all those things, as it was, a single bedroom with two doors, two windows to the front room, and three to the back - one for the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchenette. It had a pull-down access that led to the attic, which led onto the rooftop of the complex itself, and afforded multiple routes of escape.

Each window could be barred, as could the doors, with a fair bit of Alchemy, and that would allow her time to commit to her escape. If the skeletons could slam through the walls, there was time enough their to escape. And, due to the fact it was, for all intents and purposes, abandoned, there was little to maintain, and even less reason to bother - the kitchenette was the perfect size for a field workshop.

I’m curious, though, since you haven’t shut up about it since we arrived, what’s gotten you so scared, Saber,” Scarlett says. “Why are you in such a rush? Afraid a skeleton might turn you into a frightened bitch or something,” she asks, “or did you get summoned in a weakened state, and you don’t know if you can actually hold you ground in prolonged combat?

Doesn’t bother me, either or, but your incessant whining about how “uncomfortable” you are is getting old, Goldilocks. So, cry about it later in your diary, and stop distracting every conversation with it. Have some pride as a Knight of the Round, at least.

Already seeing where this was going, Celtchar would get between Elise and Scarlett, putting his hands up. "Woah there Master, let’s not go slinging mud when we barely have a stream to wash ourselves in. Even if this place is bad news, we gotta keep our heads on straight. Scarlett needs some time to restock like she said, so…I’ll stick around and guard her. That is assuming that you trust me enough to handle anything that could come and threaten the little base we’re gonna establish."

Celtchar had to admit, picking a fight with Mordred was just about the worst thing his Master could do. But he at least had an idea of how to ease it up a bit. "Mordred, when we get back, how about a couple sparring matches? That way if nothing in this place is a fun fight, you’ll at least get a half-decent challenge."

As a dishonorable knight in life, Celtchar was used to saying things to get out of bad situations. He was absolutely the type to apologize without meaning it, do a task and bitch about it, and silently nurse a grudge for a lifetime. But right now, regardless of the circumstance, he didn’t want his Master pissing Mordred off enough to start an actual fight. Even if the Lancer was confident that he could severely wound Mordred if the fight went on long enough, any Knight of the Round Table was a top class Heroic Spirit, especially the one that killed the King of Knights.

Scarlett huffed, and relaxed... looking out into the distance. ‘Dock. Station. South. Four Saint Graphs detached. Origins, unknown. Classes, unknown. Suspected Assassin. Two together. Two alone...’ she recounted the current intel, before shifting her attention towards the south...

South... That’s where Caster all but ordered them to go, where Saber was pushing them to go, where Elise volunteered to go, where Capricorn elected to go, and where Libra was reluctantly issuing the command to go - everyone was dead set on the south, on the vague notion that, maybe, just maybe, an ally was there in need.

...’ Scarlett was lost for thoughts; too many variables to track; too many possibilities to consider... tactical advisor, my ass... An shift to the north, to the station, the well of mana. ‘Caster? Berserker? Saber? Distraction? Bait? Why would they be presenting Mana so blatantly? As if, they are taunting someone; looking to be caught; vying for a fair on their terms... or maybe not? It could be a Summoning Ritual? A Master trying to recover a Servant, bring a new one to light, or enforce their will on a wild one. I can't --’ Scarlett gripped her head, and brought her knees to her chin. ‘Stop thinking. Stop thinking. Stop thinking. Stop, so you can start thinking....

Kill me.

Growing concerned, Elise would go over and lay a hand on Scarlett’s back. "...You okay there?"

Elise would find Heartbeat pressed to her forehead; a wide-eyed Scarlett spun around, and prepared to tackle the sudden threat, before she registered who it was.

Elise...” she breathed, drawing back, and hostlering her Mystic Code, “Sorry.

Elise flinched initially at having a gun aimed at her, but was glad that Scarlett came to her senses. "...Leon, I’m seconding her staying behind to resupply. We can’t run around all night and day, so having a place be potentially safe enough to rest up will help." It was a bad sign when a friend pulled a gun on you, and had it in a perfect position to kill you before you could make a move to stop them.

More so, if you do find a Team A Master or Servant,” Scarlett says, as if nothing had happened, “You can't rely solely on Elise to heal on the road. Having a place to lay low is better for the long term,” she says, “Even a temporary one, since I can just scout out a new safehouse and defense it, as many times as needed. Such is the boon of Alchemy.

Bunbuku hummed, as she watched and listened. ‘How curious a friend you made, Master. Do you attract broken butterflies? Ugly moths like us, knowing nothing better than to fly, thinking we, too, are beautiful and not scorned by our reality...’ she pondered, ‘Or, is it your Origin? The best of friends, after all, can be found at the bottom of a bottle, or a barrel, in some cases.

Hm~’ she smirked, ‘Either or, I'll let this transgression slide... I don't want to kill someone I haven't served tea to, after all... That would just be rude.

Bunbuku bonked Elise in the head. “Baaaka~” she drawled, very Kansai region, as she chides, “That trusting nature of your is more dangerous than your Magecraft. You should sneak up on people, if you aren't going to kill them. Honestly, you could serve to be a bit more lady-like.

Elise recoiled as she was hit on the head, saying: "You just let me worry about that…also, fucking, OW."

Pain is our greatest teacher,” both Bunbuku and Scarlett quoted, “Confucius said that.

A moment of silence passed, before Master and Caster started attempting to "jinx" each other and racking up a vending machine's worth of sodas.

Elise would stare in abject confusion, before looking to Leon. "...Uh, Leon, I think we should go before Scarlett manages to steal my Servant from me."

"Back off, tea-kettle, that’s my Master!" Celtchar said.
Dialogue from @The Irish Tree
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 days ago

@vancexentan @Enkryption @The Irish Tree

“I’m curious, though, since you haven’t shut up about it since we arrived, what’s gotten you so scared, Saber,” Scarlett says. “Why are you in such a rush? Afraid a skeleton might turn you into a frightened bitch or something,” she asks, “or did you get summoned in a weakened state, and you don’t know if you can actually hold you ground in prolonged combat?”

“Doesn’t bother me, either or, but your incessant whining about how “uncomfortable” you are is getting old, Goldilocks. So, cry about it later in your diary, and stop distracting every conversation with it. Have some pride as a Knight of the Round, at least.”



Less than 3 words were exchanged between the Master and Servant but the level of understanding and meaning was enough to get the message across, which is why Fran quickly walked over and held Mordred by the scruff of her armor to prevent the blonde knight from plowing through Lancer and separating Scarlett's head from her body.

"Scarlett, you clearly know more about a lot of things than I do. From my standpoint, I'd say you probably even forgotten more about said things than I'll ever know. So when, in your infinite wisdom, is it a good idea to poke the proverbial angry bull? In the middle of hostile territory? During a mission where Humanity, as we know it, is at stake?", asked Conner in a deadpanned tone.

Then he saw Scarlett pull her gun on Elise, startled. That got the most incredulous eyebrow raise from the young Griggs heir.

And now she's pulling her weapon on teammates. This woman vexes me at every turn...

"...Leon, I’m seconding her staying behind to resupply. We can’t run around all night and day, so having a place be potentially safe enough to rest up will help."

“More so, if you do find a Team A Master or Servant,” Scarlett says, as if nothing had happened, “You can't rely solely on Elise to heal on the road. Having a place to lay low is better for the long term,” she says, “Even a temporary one, since I can just scout out a new safehouse and defense it, as many times as needed. Such is the boon of Alchemy.”

"I concur with the ladies, Leon. We're very well in the thick of it and the only info we have to work with is that Fuyuki is a dark, barren ghost town and a murder scene of an Einzbern back at the landing point. It's best to play it safe and have a shelter that we can fall back to at any given time. As they say, 'Rome wasn't built in a day'....pardon the rhyme."

Bunbuku bonked Elise in the head. “Baaaka~” she drawled, very Kansai region, as she chides, “That trusting nature of your is more dangerous than your Magecraft. You should sneak up on people, if you aren't going to kill them. Honestly, you could serve to be a bit more lady-like.”

Elise recoiled as she was hit on the head, saying: "You just let me worry about that…also, fucking, OW."

“Pain is our greatest teacher,” both Bunbuku and Scarlett quoted, “Confucius said that.”

A moment of silence passed, before Master and Caster started attempting to "jinx" each other and racking up a vending machine's worth of sodas.

Elise would stare in abject confusion, before looking to Leon. "...Uh, Leon, I think we should go before Scarlett manages to steal my Servant from me."

"Yes, let's get a move on. Since we'll be down to three, Saber can be vanguard while Berserker brings up the rear if that's good with you, Cap."

"Hmmm. Ah.", added Fran, still holding onto Mordred in case the Saber is still livid from Scarlett's comment.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 6 days ago

"YOU WANNA FUCKING DIE!?" Saber growled as she pulled her weapon out and made a move to kill Scarlet the second she started to mock her but with Fran in the way, and the prospect of getting killed by a command seal that was glowing on Leon's hand she decided to stay her sword for the moment. "Don't you dare call me fucking weak again! No one talks to me like that and I don't care if Leon makes me kill myself. Humanity be damned I don't let anyone talk to me like that." Saber growled as she looked over the group.

"That's not a threat, but a promise get me!? Same goes to all of you! I didn't answer a god damn call to save the world to be made fun of! Lancer! This ain't the time to be talking about god damn training this is a real god forsaken war zone. I'm complaining so much because every inch of me is telling me this place has some sort of weird magecraft. And I should know Merlin was my father's aid." Saber shouted loudly as the red mana around her sizzled loudly. Mana burst coming to her uncalled for. Leon was afraid of Saber in that moment but he wouldn't call her out on in.

"Make no mistake Saber I understand your frustration." Leon comments as he holds his hand up command seal in play. "I will not force you to get along with anyone. But understand that the mission takes precedent. As Team Leader I decline the chance to stop here. This singularity screams at me, get it done as quick as possible. We're heading south immediately. Scarlett, and Lancer can stay here, and guard the bridge and set up shop if they desire. But I'm done. I read that you have some issues that you're working through Miss Scarlet but I'm done playing nice. I'm sorry for whatever happened to you but I'm here to save lives, and right now I value action over caution. Its in my blood. Elise I understand you may disagree with me, and I will also allow you to stay behind but Caster of Chaldea has ordered me south so I'm moving south if you're here then you two can possibly fend off the two servants together. I've got a feeling the servant, or individual up north is going to move. What they're doing screams 'come and find me'." Leon says rather forcefully as he tries his best to exert his authority. He was never quite the type to order others around. His inexperience hurt him but he was doing what he felt was right. "Leon as your Director if Saber tries to attack another master then you are to chain her. This is a matter to save the world. Understand Saber as Leader of Chaldea you may feel free to hate me but I will not take the world being put in jeopardy. That being said I will now have Team C be placed on Standy-By. Understand this Scarlett I made the mistake of picking you for your experience. Your ability to be flexible in the field. But if you antagonize your squad I will have your lessers finish this fight instead."

"The hell with that! I'm a Knight of Camelot! I'll finish this singularity by myself if I need to! Master! Orders!" Saber demanded of Leon who gave a prolonged sigh. "Orders received moving to the south to investigate the fading servant on behalf of the the tactical advisor."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 days ago


God, at this rate, we might end up killing each other before anything in this singularity does.

Conner pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed in exasperation as, to the surprise of no one, Scarlett's words set off Saber. Thankfully for all involved, Fran's earlier actions made sure to prevent Mordred from committing friendly fire.

"Orders received moving to the south to investigate the fading servant on behalf of the tactical advisor."

"Acknowledged. By all means, Captain....lead.", spoke Conner, putting a bit on emphasis on the final word. "Berserker, we're on the move. Come on."

Fran nodded and released her hold on Mordred but made sure to put herself between the blonde knight and Scarlett, just in case. However, this action didn't mean Fran was protecting the redheaded Master. She was actually protecting Mordred from making a big mistake that would get her killed.

"It's.....o......kay.", Fran spoke to Mordred as they walked, hoping to calm the rebel knight and offer some friendly reassurance. "D....on't.....li....ke.....her......ei....ther."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Is that all, then,” Scarlett asks, looking at Mordred and Fran with an air of boredom and indifference, before she hopped onto her feet. Launching off the roof, Scarlett landed past everyone to stand in front of Mordred; hands in her pockets, she tilted her head, and exposed her neck. “Oh, don't go yet. Fran can wait. Go ahead. Decapitate me. That’s what you want, right? I'll just get one last speech in, then Red Queen me. Since, you make decisions. Orson’s giving all the orders. Archimedes is making all the calls. Leon's just repeating the narrative; pretending like he’s making decisions, but he’s just following orders. But, you're making the quick and hard decisions on the battlefield. Or, at least, you're trying.

A Master like that is no good for someone with a drive like yours.

Scarlett looked at Mordred sincerely. “They say I'm antagonizing, but I don't see that. What I see is you aren’t like him, content to just follow orders... King Arthur... the bastard father you hate and cherish in your own conflicted way...” she says, “They want to compress you into his mould. But, you have so much more to prove. I can see that. The worth of a still-raw soldier. I can see what you are here: out-of-character. You are better than anything Leon deserves.” Scarlett smirked, “Mordred the Silent, son of King Arthur, the Rebellious Knight, warrior to the core, dishonoured, disowned, and yet still loyal to the Throne, and those sat upon it.

Smiling, Scarlett raised a small sandwich to Mordred. “Anyways, this is my favourite thing,” she says, “This is my reason to save the world. People; innocent or guilty; young or old; don’t matter to me. I don’t like people. I don’t remember them. I leave that to good people like Leon, Conner, and Elise.

All the good in the world is material to me. I’ve seen the evils of Humanity, and all that they’ve done,” Scarlett says, “But, I will save them for a simple reason...

People... make things I like.

That’s why I save them.

If they didn't...
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

[My phone posted twice.]
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

Member Seen 3 days ago


At first, Fran moved to put herself between Scarlett and Mordred once more......but then the redheaded Master continued to speak....and Fran listened. By the end of the woman's speech, Fran tilted her head to the side, an eye of sapphire peeking through peach-colored bangs as the Berserker gave Scarlett an inquisitive look. Was this her way of apologizing? Or perhaps making peace for the situation at hand? Fran then turned to Mordred, wondering how she would respond to this.

Meanwhile, Conner stood silent yet also taking in his fellow Master's words, looking at her as if she was the world's most complex puzzle. The way he sees it, everyone's got their own method to their madness, as well as finding their own way through life. Finding a reason to save humanity and the world, although grander in scale and stakes, was no different, it would seem. Scarlett's reason seems downright petty.....but who was he to judge when his own reason can be just as selfish?

Huh....maybe my comment about Scarlett forgetting more than I'll ever know may be a bit too on the nose...
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Things were coming to a head in a way that Elise wasn't a fan of. ...Mordred was restrained from killing Scarlett at least, but that was a verbal prohibition without a command spell. The reality of it was that Scarlett was veritably dancing upon the edge of a knife and daring the hand to tip. Thank goodness that Fran existed as a bastion of some semblance of sanity. Ironic, given that she was the Berserker here.

Right now, Elise doubted she had the words to convince Mordred in any capacity...but there was, of course, the obvious of there being bigger fish to fry. And, with the four-to-one request for a chance to stop and establish a base denied, it was becoming readily apparent that the team was more there for body count than it was to provide actual advice for their leader's course of action. Elise guessed that now, mages seemed to operate more on gut feelings than the evidence at hand, but whatever. Now Scarlett was being allowed to set up a base, and that was at least the mildest step towards getting a foot dug-in.

Even if it also involved Scarlett putting herself in danger. ...Though, from the events of this morning, Elise was doubting that it was really Scarlett at all. After all, if a doll could fool her for hours, who's to say that this wasn't a facsimile and the real Scarlett was already setting up the base before receiving her orders?

Either way, one thing was becoming abundantly clear: working on this team was going to be damn stressful. Taking out a flask and taking a swig, Elise didn't care if this was a minor breach in protocol, exhaling after downing her liquid courage. "I'm going South too. Bunbuku Chagama, keep on the lookout for anything strange. ...Scarlett. ...Stay safe. Celtchar, protect her, or else I'll be the one making threats around here."

The Ulster Lancer would exhale, rubbing the back of his neck as he eyed his Master egging Mordred on, his offer to get beaten the fuck up by Mordred falling on deaf ears since Mordred was focused on the bad vibes of the city. At best, the group would go off, complete their mission, and come home to a happy little workshop that Scarlett set up. Worst case scenario, he'd rush Mordred, target her sword arm, and rile her up enough to make enough mistakes that he can bridge the gap in power with skill.

...The last thing he wanted to do was fight someone that was supposed to be on his side. There was virtually no chance of victory for him if Scarlett died...though, killing Leon would be a win in its own right-

Clapping his hands against his cheeks, Celtchar would discard his thoughts of hypothetical vengeance and power-scaling to just...focus on the task at hand. Putting his lance over his shoulder, Celtchar would say: "I'll keep her safe. Ulster knights are nothing if not dedicated to oaths. We have to be, since Geas will weaken us if broken."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Fuck off. Don't try to play mind games with me. As a Knight of Camelot, even the one they call the Traitor Knight, I'm still the Knight of Londinium. Yeah I rampaged, and fought back, but even I gotta tell you. There was no grand plan. I had some idea but none of it was set in stone. I wanted them to understand how I felt. That's it. I rebelled, and I raged out it got out of hand. But even now I still see them as my former King. Leon being the one with those dumb command seals makes him the new king. Time will prove if he's worthy of it. Hasn't impressed me so far, that being said no one here has." Saber growls as she feels Fran come up next to her and say something to her through her helmet she grunts. "We got this! You, and me we'll fix this whole thing!" Sabers says bouncing back as if nothing happened.

"I'm not a king though. As much as my stock has plummeted recently, apparently, I'm just a mage who wants to save people. The world's foundations can't come undone." Leon commented as Mordred turned to him and even through the helmet he could feel her eyes staring right into his soul. Angry. Always angry it would seem but he felt in his bones that was wrong. It was probably just him in the end. "I'm a knight. I serve kings, and Dad ain't here. Not that I'd bother I'm not some cheap ass who serves two kings. You're my master right now for good or bad. Are you not?" Mordred said to Leon non to gently. "I am and I will prove myself worthy of being such." Leon said with no fear, or hesitation his patience at its current limit. "Then you're the king dumbass. That's just how it works. I'd be one hell of shitty fucking knight if I had no king so shut up and move!" Leon was none to convinced by Mordred's argument but he didn't want her railing inside his head so he relented and nodded in affirmation. "Elise, and everyone we assume the same formation. Tactical Advisor could you please inform us if Lancer, and his master are attacked so we can hurry back if need be." Leon called through is ear piece. "Consider it done. If anyone is in danger I will inform you. Its odd...the skeletons I've been keeping track of aren't moving to deal with you. Its a blessing as far as I'm concerned maybe whoever is controlling them is not aware of you yet...or doesn't care. Either way Make your way to the servant quick. Lancer do what you will to guard your master, and the bridge."


As Leon's main group moved south he looked at more of the grey housing units, and empty cars the more he saw the more he wondered where the people went. This was near a city. Thousands of people lived here, if not considerably more, and there was no way in hell it'd just pop out of existence. "Sir Director! I want to talk about the vanishing act around here do you have any idea of who, or what could've done this?" Leon asks as he quickly leads the way down the side walks looking over to the river he wondered if people could've been eaten by something? A monster of some sort? Then there would be more notable destruction? If it was some sort of radiation they wouldn't be here to speculate it. "At the moment we have yet to come across some sort of bounded field. But I have a feeling that it is something similar to it. Gorgon, or rather Medusa, is noted to have used a noble phantasm called Blood Fort Andromeda. It is a noble phantasm capable of killing people and taking their mana for themselves. But to this scale? Someone would've stopped it. It may work off a similar principle, and that is where my gut feeling is heading. But then the question becomes why? Was it the will of a grail war participant? If so why has Heaven's Feel not been achieved?" Orson began as Mordred cut him off, "Heaven's Feel? The hell is that?" Mordred questioned as she shoved a car through a house rather loudly since it was in the way. Leon could only sigh at how loud Mordred was being.

"It is...a part of the grail war system it is complicated. I'm afraid the specifics are currently locked. I apologize for even mentioning it. I'm thinking aloud at the moment. Simply keep on track. The servant is still fading, and we can only hope to make it there before they do." Orson comments as he monitors the situation at hand seeing no difference in Fuyuki with the two servants in the city still moving about but keeping their pace away from the groups members.

"Real helpful yeah..." Mordred mouths off.

The area near the bridge was quiet other than the sound of the water moving, and flowing into the land nearby. The bridge didn't shake, it didn't rumble, and the wind simply gently breezed by as if the day were normal. There was no sound other than the sounds Scarlett, and her Lancer made. The bone warriors, if they were nearby, weren't a threat for the moment it would seem. Whatever they wished to do it would seem the moment was ripe for doing it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Rezod92
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Rezod92 The Journeyman

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"Grail war system, huh?, Conner pondered as he walked, his Berserker trailing closely. "Take this with a grain of salt and I'm the furthest thing from an expert on this kind of topic, but from the way the Director worded it, Heaven's Feel sounds like some kind of failsafe, a contingency plan that would activate should something go wrong. I don't know what it would do, but it would probably involve preventing the situation we are currently trying to rectify from ever happening in the first place. I mean, take a look around us. No birds flying. No flies to pester us. No rats scurrying around. It's not just humans that have disappeared from Fuyuki. It's every living, breathing thing. Excluding the Servants and Team A's mystery status, we're the only living creatures in this city. Again, this is all my best guess, but in this case, the question becomes...

"....who or what interfered with the grail war system and caused Heaven's Feel to not activate.....and why?"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 6 days ago

"Failsafe? No...more like a conclusion. Like I said I never won a war so I can't explain it as if I've seen it in person. The Founders of Chaldea did though. Its the process of the grail doing something. Some say its the catalyst for the grail granting a wish, others say its responsible for the gathering of mana, others say it is a process to grant eternal life. I'm operating off the premise that its is not so much a protection process more so that with a grail war WON why would a mage do this? And if the war was not won, and the masters died or were otherwise undone along with their servants, assuming they are indeed dead considering the fact that there are servants here, why not use the wish or try to use the mana that was gathered. Its troubling that there is no clear motive short of a psychotic mass murderer doing this." returns Orson as he tries to rack his brain for an answer, any answer. His voice unsure as he spoke he tried to keep talking as to try to settle down the group. "The fact of the matter is you have not been attacked by any meaningful enemies. You also have no received any signal related to the Team A Masters. Togami is a young man who prides himself on leaving a crumb trail to follow in case things need to be retracked. Always a way to follow up on past details. And yet nothing at the bridge, nothing in the city, no attempts at magical bounded fields. As you said Connor. There was NOTHING. Ugh! Even if I was blind sided by this it still frustrates me to no end that there is no conclusions pray that the servant at the end of the trail gives you something."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Enkryption

Enkryption Enkoded For Your Safety

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Well, at least Scarlett wasn't getting beheaded today!

Elise would nearly jump out of her skin as Mordred shoved an entire fucking car through a house, the car's automatic burglar alarm wee-wooing away now that it was firmly through someone's entryway. While Mordred was a bit too aggressive with her shoving, Elise had to silently agree that piping up about a True Magic without having the details about it is sort of like...a priest yelling this is God's Will without giving proof. If anything, now it made her even more worried that something on the scale of True Magic was overcome by...something. Or prevented by something.

Conner's statement was also confirming her worries. "...Yeah, this town's...dead. Unnaturally dead," Elise said just before Orson began further explaining Heaven's Feel.

"Oh. I think I have at least a little idea what's going on here," Elise said as she put her hands in her pockets, walking beside Leon. "Director, Archimedes, I've got a hypothesis here. I know we've got no evidence, but...what if this isn't because Heaven's Feel didn't activate? What if this is exactly what someone wanted?"

Without missing a step as she trailed along, Elise would stoop down low and grab a series of pebbles and one large rock. "Forgive me if I'm ignorant, but as I understand it, the grail is a vessel to summon Heroic Spirits from the Throne of Heroes to do the bidding of Mages in a Holy Grail War, yeah?" the magus asked as she closed her hands, opening them to reveal four pebbles between all five of the fingers on her right hand, and three held between the fingers of the left. "Saber, Archer, Lancer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker, with one or more being switched out occasionally. All to get a wish, right?"

Elise would palm the pebbles all into her left hand, then hold up the larger rock. "Naturally though, summoning the dead from the Throne isn't something possible. The grail's the catalyst and goal, and supplies bodies to the Heroic Spirits, rather than the Counter Force. But that leaves us with more than a few questions." Elise would drop the seven pebbles, and continue holding the rock. "Seven Servants, Seven Masters, and one winner. Someone gets the grail, and their Servant or the Master themselves makes a wish upon it. Then, all the Heroic Spirits go back to the Throne, winner and all. But then, that's if the wish was granted at all."

Pointing at Bunbuku Chagama, Elise would say: "Chaldea's leyline reserves let us preserve our Servants through rayshifting, but an ordinary mage usually has to use up a ton of their own energy, or the energies of others to keep their Servant around. In theory it might be possible to keep one around if they consume huge quantities of mana but...even then, there's no need to consume an entire town. The Mage's Association would step in, I would think. Unless, of course, they were wiped out too in this Singularity."

Tossing the rock in her hands a few times into the air, Elise would then throw it into the nearby river, the "grail" plonking into the water and sinking. "So the grail either still has to be around...or someone made a wish so stupid and reckless that it claimed the lives of every single person in this city. Or maybe, the grail exchanged their lives for something else. Which, I think would mean that Heaven's Feel was triggered, but ultimately didn't 'end' the conflict here." Turning on her heel to face the others, Elise would beam once more. "Anyways, that's just my theory though. I'm mainly guessing some sort of magic was the cause of everything being erased here, since Mordred's Instincts are pretty reliable, I think. I'm not really so good with the complicated magical theories and all that...after all, that's more our Wizard of Balance's job. But..." the smile faded from Elise's face as she straightened her posture, looking in the direction they were heading.

"If we're fighting something that used the grail to kill an entire town, we can't let our guard down. So let's hurry and see if this thing's on our side or not."
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