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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Divitia: N. A world created by the Akin’Is for an unknown purpose. It is the home world of The Divitians.

Divitia, on the surface, is just another life-supporting planet. Nearly identical to Earth several thousand years ago. However, below the surface is thousands of miles of installation, creating a network still yet unmapped fully. At the center of which is a power core that keeps the planet alive. Due to it’s location, it’s year is exactly ⅕ of an Earth year. Now you may ask “How can a planet not be too hot that close to a star?” And the answer is: “It’s climate controlled!” And it’s true, always has been. The Akin’Is, a now dead race, built it close to star and wrapped what’s called a “Warp Shield” around it. This shield dissolves any matter that pass through it. It is sustained by twenty-four satellites places in geosynchronous orbit around the planet. These satellites also keep an energy shield around the planet, and give controlled bursts to the planet to keep it habitable.

The Divitians are polytheistic, and (As far as the Triumvirate is concerned) everyone believes in the same gods. (There might be exceptions, but those groups that might believe differently kill anyone that interacts with them.) The primary gods that are followed will be outlined later.

In Divitian year 4576 the Divitians finally achieved control of the orbital stations around their planet, which allowed them to explore the rest of their solar system. In 4883 (307 Divitan years later/61.4 Human Years.) a storage cache of Akin’Is space technology was discovered inside the planet, and the Divitians started basing their technology on this. Doing so gave them the ability to live in a symbiosis with the planet, instead of the way modern day Humans do. In 4922 (39/7.8) the first working FTL drive was developed. After that they explored the galaxy, colonizing where possible, but never ever starting a war if possible. The grandeur of the galaxy they lived in amazed them.

It is now 5342 (420/84). The Divitians have colonized most of the known galaxy. Having made many allies and many more enemies, they had not developed technologically for nearly two hundred years. There had been no need to. The Akin’Is left enough technology behind that they were far superior to any other race they came across, spreading Envy and Awe of them.

Fifteen years ago an unknown race calling themselves the “Halycon” declared war on the Divitians. Their forces are far inferior to Divitian ships, and have not won a single battle as of yet. But they refuse to parley or make any pact of peace. In these short years the Divitians have not located a single Halycon world, and still don’t know what their foe actually looks like. But so far, all that has happened is the mass decimation of their fleets. But you’re probably wondering. What IS a Divitian. Well to put it the easiest way possible, an animal person.

Yes, animal people. Don’t go running for the hills! I’m not talking one particular kind, Divitians have many different subspecies resembling various Earth-Like creatures. (Of course, Earth is an unknown place to the Divitians, as Earth is in a different Galaxy.) The ones you may encounter in this RP are (In Alphabetical order. Ones marked with a “(P)” are ones you can play as.): Aardvark(P), Avian(P), Centipede(P), Crocodile(P), Dragon(P), General Insectoid, Lizard(P), Millipede (Different than Centipede.), Porcupine(P), Spider, and Wolf(P).

For what I have in mind, I’m going to need at least 6 people (Including me.), though I will be willing to have more. Keep in mind the Divitians for the most part never have long wars, so everyone is a tad green combat-wise. I will need
Divitian General: Whoever this is won’t RP much, but will get to be the awesome guy in charge of the primary strategy of the Divitians. (I will fill this role if no one wants it. Doesn't require a character app, and all rping/strategy will be done in PMs, so you won't actually be posting anything in the IC chat.)
Divitian Soldiers: 4-7 slots, most RP, but I’m not big on promoting people, so keep that in mind. For the most part, you will be on a space ship handling basic affairs, though there will be combat. You will have to take on a second role on ship. (Such as Engineer, security, ect ect. Captain's messanger will be an Insectoid that will be played by me)
Divitian Captain: Commander of aforementioned Divitian Soldiers, will command an entire ship, because He’s cool. (He will get slightly more RP than the overarching General, but not as much as the soldiers.)
Divitian Researcher: Someone who goes with everyone else on ground missions. Mostly a liability, but you’re ordered to keep him safe.

(If I have a large excess of good apps)
Halycon Researcher: Someone who researches the Halycon, NOT an actual Halycon.
VIP: Someone that has to be saved at some point. Woohoo! You know something no one else knows about the Halycon. (I will PM you what you know.)

General Rules for OOC chat:
1. Forum Rules
2. Do not bring up issues that do not pertain to this RP.
3. Don’t use overly vulgar language, and no NSFW content or links.

Rules for Characters:
1. Your character has to be somewhat dynamic.
2. Your character MUST follow a particular god/goddess (Of your choice), but that doesn’t mean you have to constantly pray/worship ect. You can be a non-practitioner, but, there are several guidelines you still have to follow. Atheists/Agnostics/Anything else against religion is a no-no.
3. Racism is possible, but unlikely in some cases (Such as against Dragon subspecies. Or such as Lizard/Crocodile racism.)
4. If your character is Avian, he can’t be or have been in the two major Assassin groups (Ah’Kier and Dro’Kiyn). However, they COULD have been given the chance to join the Ah’Kier, and turned it down. (Dro’Kiyn just abduct you.)
5. Maximum (Except in the captain’s case) of ten Divitian years of experience in the military (Two Human Years).
6. I will have leniency on all of these, of course.

I might have said this before, but the technology is as follows for infantry.
1. Psionic guns (Have a limited charge based on number of crystals. Have a ballistic mode that can fire small scrap metal pieces or bullets, but this still drains the crystals and is not very effective at long range. Due to the fact that these guns use Psionic energy, there is no recoil and psionically gifted individuals can recharge them.)

2. The armor given comes in four tiers. "Scar" plating is the least protection, covering only the chest, head, and front of their legs. The plates are designed so that the armor makes no sound while moving, so the armor is often given to scouts. The armor also comes equipped with a shield with a psionic gem set into it. The shield comes as a bracer, and can fold out into a full sized shield, with a weak shield emitter.

The "Second Tier" Armor is “Shadow” plating. It comes equipped with a second gen active camouflage and a light full-body shield emitter. It serves for the same purposes as “Scar” plating, but it covers their entire body, and has extra psionic gems on the arms and legs, giving four extra full-psionic shots, and depending on the size of the shot, 20-32 ballistic rounds.

“Third Tier” Armor is the most common plating. It is moderately heavy armor and has a heavier shield than the other armor. It provides a complete immunity to psionic weapons, meaning friendly-fire is not a danger, and the armor provides some protection against ballistic weapons and animal. The armor is too heavy for most Avians, as their bones are hollow and not built for large amounts of constant stress. It has eight extra crystals around the belt, providing eight extra psionic shots and 40-64 extra ballistic rounds. However, the armor no longer provides the psionic immunity if it runs out of power.

“Fourth Tier” Armor is virtually power armor, with a full face mask and full body coverage. It has Fifteen extra psionic crystals, clips for larger weapons, Psionic immunity, and physical strength boosts. These can only be worn by Crocodile and Porcupine subspecies, and for the exceptional, uncommon, male, wingless Dragon. The weight and training of the armor takes to long and is too intensive for any other Divitian Subspecies. It has its own oxygen supply, two medkits, and an emergency psionic explosion, as well as a slot on the back for Rejuvenation kits to be used on.

3. Medkits consist of medi-gel and minor rejuvenation kits that can regenerate portions of the body as large as one’s hand.

4. Centipedes and Millipedes who have outgrown their chitin get a fake one about as tough and useful as the most common Allumptial Plating.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


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Name: Niivari Vi'saad
Nickname: *Doesn't have one yet*
Gender: Female
Age: 18 human years
Subspecies: Lizard (Namibian Gecko)
Physical Description: Stands around 5'7" has markings Like this and since she can't blink she licks her eyes to keep them moist and to get any water off of her face. Wears a black crop top and black shorts, doesn't bother wearing shoes.
Goddess/God: Avos
Background: Niivari never was the 'good kid' when she was little. She'd always find herself stealing something small from anyone who didn't suspect a thing. As years went by she found herself beginning to steal bigger objects, either for herself, or for someone else that would pay her for it. Due to not wanting to be caught if someone saw her, she practices running and climbing almost everyday, also slipping in some parkour in here and there just for fun, she doesn't need to practice swimming much because her hands and feet are already webbed. Most people can often find her parkouring almost anywhere when she isn't training herself. When she does rest people can find her underneath a shadow or in a dark place while she cools off.
Personality: Niivari can be really fun and energetic, but thats just her 'cover up' for what she's really like. Underneath all that playfulness is her sly, micheivous, and possibly dangerous self. Most don't see this side of her however, those who do are usually the ones who assist her with stealing or the ones that 'hired' her to get the object they want or need. (more will be shown in the IC)
Role: *shrugs* I dunno really, all I can say is that Niivari is a theif (I've been playing Skyrim ALOT and I usually go with a theif way-of-life lol)
Thats all I could think of for now and I FRIKKIN love how much thought you put into all this lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EllfenBrofis said
Thats all I could think of for now and I FRIKKIN love how much thought you put into all this lol

Thanks, you should see my graphic organizer for Halycon.
That is, after this RP, of course.

Also, I forgot a couple things in the OP post >.<
First two things: Character apps. I forgot the "Personality" and "Role" sections.
Second thing: Divitians are considered "Of age" at fifty Divitian years (Ten human years) EXCEPT for Insects, as they only live to be 50/10. I will edit the OP soon to reflect my forgetfulness.

As for the gods things, it's a matter of names for me, I can so the realms of control fairly easily however. Not too much you have to change ^-^'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


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Burthstone said
Thanks, you should see my graphic organizer for Halycon.That is, after this RP, of course.Also, I forgot a couple things in the OP post >.<First two things: Character apps. I forgot the "Personality" and "Role" sections.Second thing: Divitians are considered "Of age" at fifty Divitian years (Ten human years) EXCEPT for Insects, as they only live to be 50/10. I will edit the OP soon to reflect my forgetfulness. As for the gods things, it's a matter of names for me, I can so the realms of control fairly easily however. Not too much you have to change ^-^'

I edited mine ^-^

Most of my characters that I make worship evil-like gods so thats why I haven't decided yet. In Skyrim my characters worship Molag Bal, Namira, or Malacath. Molag Bal is the Daedric god of Domination, Namira is the Daedric goddess of decay (I prefer to call her the goddess of cannibalism because you gain the ability to feed from corpses to up your health in the game), and Malacath is the Daedric god of the bloody curse and sworn oath. I love Skyrim xD
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EllfenBrofis said
I edited mine ^-^ Most of my characters that I make worship evil-like gods so thats why I haven't decided yet. In Skyrim my characters worship Molag Bal, Namira, or Malacath. Molag Bal is the Daedric god of Domination, Namira is the Daedric goddess of decay (I prefer to call her the goddess of cannibalism because you gain the ability to feed from corpses to up your health in the game), and Malacath is the Daedric god of the bloody curse and sworn oath. I love Skyrim xD

Heh, I played Skyrim for a bit, but I never got entirely into the RPG aspect of it, just played it for the mechanics, story, and quests. Might go back and play it more. I plan on adding one or two more gods/goddesses today some time, one of which being Avos, god of fear.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Damakos Suonglung
Gender : male
Age : 52
Subspecies : dragon
Physical description : 3'1". Obsidian black in color, with gold markings starting from his eyes and running down his sides, branching of at his limbs. has blood red eyes. Resembles a dragon more than a human. Has 8 Crimson horns coming out from the back of his head. Insides of his wings are golden colored. Claws are Crimson as well, giving the apprentice that his hands and feet where diped in blood. Has a black glove With a psy gem impeded in it. Wears black pants with red decals. No shirt.

goddess: Azure. (tends to pray before battle/shooting.)
background: born from a avian and a dragon. Damakos had a pretty normal childhood. Using his gift of speach he would get out of most problems. As soon as he became of age, he joined the government ( not the triumvirate though) but was soon disappointed ( the only thing that was agreed on in there was that nothing would get done, and that no one was to agree). He soon left and decide to look for another influential job in hopes to change the world. Not being able to find any that he liked, he joined the military.

Personality: Because of his strength is speech, and lack of conflict, Damakos tends to be overconfident in his ability. He also tries his best to forge friendships, believing that a team has fewer flaws then a lone person. He always tries to be optimistic, even in the darkest of situations. Due to his youth he is very energetic, and prefers options that give him results that effect him sooner. He HATES being alone.

Role: ill just let the gods decide
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

metagros said
Name: damakos SuonglungGender : male Age : 52Subspecies : dragon Physical description : 3'1". Obsidian black in color, with gold markings starting from his eyes and running down his sides, branching of at his limbs. has blood red eyes. Has a black glove. With a psy gem impeded in it. Wears black pants with red decals. No shirt. goddess: azure. (tends to pray before battle/shooting.)background: born from a avian and a dragon. Damakos had a pretty normal childhood. Using his gift of speach he would get out of most problems. As soon as he became of age, he joined the government ( not the triumvirate though) but was soon disappointed ( the only thing that was agreed on in there was that nothing would get done, and that no one was to agree). He soon left and decide to look for another influential job in hopes to change the world. Not being able to find any that he liked, he joined the military. Personality : optimistic, a bit over confident in his ability to speak, energetic. Tries his very best to make friends.

*Cough* Capitalization *Cough cough*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by metagros

metagros shhhhhhh.... i don't exist.

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ignore this plz
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by BlackCat
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BlackCat Ruler of the Underworld ~Nya

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Agana Chambers
Gender: Female
Age: 13 human years
Subspecies: Lizard (Northern Alligator Lizard)
Physical Description:4 foot tall. Gray,scaly skin.Being a lizard she has no eyelids and has to lick her eyes to keep them moist. Wears a white tank, black cargo pants, and gray combat boots.
God: Helvïn
Personality: Short-tempered to the extreme, a single insult can get her incredibly mad. She is also extremely untrustworthy and childish, to the point that if she promises not do something you can expect her to do whatever she promised not to do within 5 hours.
Background: Agana wasn't the best child you've ever met but she also wasn't the worst. She didn't do well at keeping promises and was shunned by others because of that. Because of her short temper Agana got really angry really quickly and the one person that could/can calm her down is her older brother, Agro. A long family history in the military has made it so that Agana was trained from a young age in fighting. Besides that Agana has a pretty normal childhood. Once Agana became of age she thought about her occupation but didn't make a decision until she was 11 human years old, when she joined the military. Since then, she has worked during the day and at night and during the weekends she trains. The reason Agana trains so often is that she wants to live up to her brother's expectations.
Role: Divitian Soldier, second role is Security Officer.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


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Burthstone said
Heh, I played Skyrim for a bit, but I never got entirely into the RPG aspect of it, just played it for the mechanics, story, and quests. Might go back and play it more. I plan on adding one or two more gods/goddesses today some time, one of which being Avos, god of fear.

I find quests fun until I get one that I can't beat and it ends up ticking me off. If you want to try getting the Mace of Molag Bal you need to go to Markarth, talk to the guy that gives you the note in the shrine of Talos, and when you go back out there should be a guy standing by a door that asks you if you've seen anyone go into it. Ask him if he needs help and you'll go in with him. Ya gotta kill him after Molag Bal speaks to you. Then when you go to his shrine you get a quest from him. Complete it and you'll get his mace. Its pretty cool looking lol plus it fills soul gems. Avos might end up being my character's god xD fear is fun to toy with
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EllfenBrofis said
I find quests fun until I get one that I can't beat and it ends up ticking me off. If you want to try getting the Mace of Molag Bal you need to go to Markarth, talk to the guy that gives you the note in the shrine of Talos, and when you go back out there should be a guy standing by a door that asks you if you've seen anyone go into it. Ask him if he needs help and you'll go in with him. Ya gotta kill him after Molag Bal speaks to you. Then when you go to his shrine you get a quest from him. Complete it and you'll get his mace. Its pretty cool looking lol plus it fills soul gems. Avos might end up being my character's god xD fear is fun to toy with

Heh, I remember that quest. However, while normally I'm inclined towards the arcane, the most magical thing that could possibly happen in this RP would be meeting an Akin'Is, which is most likely NOT going to happen. (And BTW, I have updated the gods/goddesses section.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


Member Offline since relaunch

Burthstone said
Heh, I remember that quest. However, while normally I'm inclined towards the arcane, the most magical thing that could possibly happen in this RP would be meeting an Akin'Is, which is most likely NOT going to happen. (And BTW, I have updated the gods/goddesses section.)

I updated my CS. I haven't bothered with the arcane yet, it hasn't struck my interest much. Molag Bal's quest gets on my nerves sometimes because if you tell him that you see 'An Altar' you have to rescue the guy from a HUGE forsworn camp, but if you say you see 'A Rusted Mace' you only have to go to a small forsworn camp which consists of only two forsworn. I wish you could interact with the Altar more though, performing rituals would be a nice add on. Namira's quest was pretty awesome too since you get to become her champion, dunno why but I seem to always be attracted towards the EVIL side of things eventhough I've been raised quite the opposite lol
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EllfenBrofis said
I updated my CS. I haven't bothered with the arcane yet, it hasn't struck my interest much. Molag Bal's quest gets on my nerves sometimes because if you tell him that you see 'An Altar' you have to rescue the guy from a HUGE forsworn camp, but if you say you see 'A Rusted Mace' you only have to go to a small forsworn camp which consists of only two forsworn. I wish you could interact with the Altar more though, performing rituals would be a nice add on. Namira's quest was pretty awesome too since you get to become her champion, dunno why but I seem to always be attracted towards the EVIL side of things eventhough I've been raised quite the opposite lol

Heh, I know right? I try to make my characters good, but they have yet to make a game where I don't just want to kill some of the NPCs. And, in Skyrim, I do so (After saving, of course). Just, some of the idiots there. And I only did that mission once, I picked the rusted mace :P, I dumped that mace the second I found a Katana. I then became the ultimate ninja warrior assassin of the Brotherhood after finding that. (Also, added information about Infantry gear, but it shouldn't effect anyones CS much, as you choose what armor you're going to use IC instead of now. But wanted people to have the info now.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


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Burthstone said
Heh, I know right? I try to make my characters good, but they have yet to make a game where I don't just want to kill some of the NPCs. And, in Skyrim, I do so (After saving, of course). Just, some of the idiots there. And I only did that mission once, I picked the rusted mace :P, I dumped that mace the second I found a Katana. I then became the ultimate ninja warrior assassin of the Brotherhood after finding that. (Also, added information about Infantry gear, but it shouldn't effect anyones CS much, as you choose what armor you're going to use IC instead of now. But wanted people to have the info now.)

You just keep on getting more and more ideas don't ya xD If this works out good you could probably make a nice story or fanfiction (although its technically not a fanfiction lol) and post it somewhere since you have so much detail already.

Dude as soon as I sneaked past the bear when the game started out I thought I was a ninja until the real shit started happening xD lmfao then I thought I was rich once I got 500 gold, until I saw how much a frikkin horse cost o-o Lots of the NPCs get on my nerves, I kinda wish there would be a separate story line where you get to help Alduin destroy stuff. I like destruction xD Today I stood around instead of following one of the guys at the beginning just so I could listen to Alduin talk and I had the biggest 'O-O oh sh-' moment ever when he landed RIGHT INFRONT OF MY FACE and when I backed up he walked closer, luckily I was right infront of the door so when I backed up I went into the keep. But it was so cool xD I'm thinking about making a Skyrim rp on here, but I gotta think of the details more.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EllfenBrofis said
You just keep on getting more and more ideas don't ya xD If this works out good you could probably make a nice story or fanfiction (although its technically not a fanfiction lol) and post it somewhere since you have so much detail already.Dude as soon as I sneaked past the bear when the game started out I thought I was a ninja until the real shit started happening xD lmfao then I thought I was rich once I got 500 gold, until I saw how much a frikkin horse cost o-o Lots of the NPCs get on my nerves, I kinda wish there would be a separate story line where you get to help Alduin destroy stuff. I like destruction xD Today I stood around instead of following one of the guys at the beginning just so I could listen to Alduin talk and I had the biggest 'O-O oh sh-' moment ever when he landed RIGHT INFRONT OF MY FACE and when I backed up he walked closer, luckily I was right infront of the door so when I backed up I went into the keep. But it was so cool xD I'm thinking about making a Skyrim rp on here, but I gotta think of the details more.

XD I personally think dragons are smexy, and it's a shame you have to kill so many in Skyrim. I would pay the price of Skyrim a second time for a DLC that allows me to BE a dragon. Aduin would've been my god in skyrim if possible. Sadly in order to finish the story line you have to kill him. I was tempted at reading your post to boot up Skyrim and fight Alduin to death in the keep (We know how this would end). And I sorta have it partially down in a story following an Avian subspecies Divitian, and I am keeping it all in a google document and several flash drive copies. I'M NOT LOSING THIS INFORMATION! Also, no, it would not technically be a fanfic as I made this all up myself. (Though, the Halycon were inspired, the Divitians were entirely my idea, as were the Akin'Is. But I take my psionic system from SCII, as I've very much enjoyed that series.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


Member Offline since relaunch

Burthstone said
XD I personally think dragons are smexy, and it's a shame you have to kill so many in Skyrim. I would pay the price of Skyrim a second time for a DLC that allows me to BE a dragon. Aduin would've been my god in skyrim if possible. Sadly in order to finish the story line you have to kill him. I was tempted at reading your post to boot up Skyrim and fight Alduin to death in the keep (We know how this would end). And I sorta have it partially down in a story following an Avian subspecies Divitian, and I am keeping it all in a google document and several flash drive copies. I'M NOT LOSING THIS INFORMATION! Also, no, it would not technically be a fanfic as I made this all up myself. (Though, the Halycon were inspired, the Divitians were entirely my idea, as were the Akin'Is. But I take my psionic system from SCII, as I've very much enjoyed that series.)

Ok, you are now officially my friend xD I think dragons are smexy too. And Anthro dragons are always the smexiest in the furry universe, ALWAYS! I agree that it sucks that you have to kill Alduin, he practically saved us at the beginning! And yeah I'd buy skyrim again if we could be dragons. There WAS gonna be a dragon mmorpg that I randomly found on the internet but the developers NEVER started it up, grrrr. And yeah I knew it wouldn't be a fanfic but thats the only word I could think of that kinda sounded right xD 'Story' just sounds so plain ya know
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hmm, I'm interested the General position, or the captain position if you prefer to have more boots on the ground.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Heyitsjiwon said
Hmm, I'm interested the General position, or the captain position if you prefer to have more boots on the ground.

Kay... Now to decide what I'm looking for in the general position... (Nice to have someone apply though. Otherwise I'd basically be playing space chess with myself.)

EllfenBrofis said
Ok, you are now officially my friend xD I think dragons are smexy too. And Anthro dragons are always the smexiest in the furry universe, ALWAYS! I agree that it sucks that you have to kill Alduin, he practically saved us at the beginning! And yeah I'd buy skyrim again if we could be dragons. There WAS gonna be a dragon mmorpg that I randomly found on the internet but the developers NEVER started it up, grrrr. And yeah I knew it wouldn't be a fanfic but thats the only word I could think of that kinda sounded right xD 'Story' just sounds so plain ya know

I can always do with another friend. And I practically JUST read about an MMO you can be a dragon in, but it's like... Alpha of the Alpha stages. Shall I PM it to you? (And I'm iffy on the whole anthro dragon thing.)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by EllfenBrofis


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Burthstone said
I can always do with another friend. And I practically JUST read about an MMO you can be a dragon in, but it's like... Alpha of the Alpha stages. Shall I PM it to you? (And I'm iffy on the whole anthro dragon thing.)

Yeah sure, its alright if its just in alpha stages, it'll progress hopefully. (Why are you iffy? Got a different anthro species you like better? Cuz Dragons just barely beat other reptilian anthros that I've seen, but dragons are drawn with more fierceness and such which is something I tend to like lolz)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

EllfenBrofis said
Yeah sure, its alright if its just in alpha stages, it'll progress hopefully. (Why are you iffy? Got a different anthro species you like better? Cuz Dragons just barely beat other reptilian anthros that I've seen, but dragons are drawn with more fierceness and such which is something I tend to like lolz)

Kay, started the private conversation, but I need to go to bed soon, it's getting late. I'll probably think of more stuff tonight, add it tomorrow, and I will do the application process for the overarching general thing tomorrow. (Who will have a massive effect on the RP)
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