<Snipped quote by MacieLightfoot>
"Houndour and Poochyena aren't exactly friendly at first, but they'll eventually trust you. Riolu, I mean, Rocky, is more open to strangers, but as a general rule, gaining the full trust of a Riolu, or a Lucario, is easier said than done. I had Rocky for a while, and I don't think that he trusts me enough to evolve yet." James exaplined, advising against approaching Poochyena and Houndour until they decided to trust the newcomer.
"You talk like I'm not even here and listening." Rocking Fist said, sitting down next to Poochyena.
"Sorry. I just didn't know how to put it." James apologized to the fighting-tupe pokemon.

Abigail: It's okay. I was a little timid when i first ran away. Didn't know who to trust. But it was halfway to where here is that i met Mewtwo. He was living solo and didn't really care much for human contact. Only thing was when i came across him... He looked at me with a means to perhaps of course aim at me. But when he saw that i was scared and i really was scared from the ones i was running from. He saw that i was all alone and terrified. He brought himself out from being distrusting of all humans and swore to protect me and defend me. I had a couple pokemon back at where i was staying... living with my guardian Miss Hilda and the man Beaumont. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to get out. She would call me Orphan and put me in the attic... Giving my room to her dog. Fernando.
Jessie: Fernando? What kind of trippy ass name is that? Who'd want to name a dog... Fernando?
Abigail: She even tried to steal my locket once. But i climbed out and got it back. I got it and made the move to get out and i started running... I knew they were gonna catch me if i were to stop...
Jessie: So you just kept running.

Abigail: As fast as i could and i'm not going back. *Turning in stubbornness*
Jessie: *Scoffs* Oh god. I can't believe what i'm hearing come from you just now. You have run away from a home. With a roof over your head and 3... count them. 3 meals a day. A Warm bed to sleep on and not ever having to know what it would be like to be without. Why the hell would you do that? Are you cracked? Abigail... Kid. You are making a rather dumb move.
Mewtwo: Abigail... Not to add salt to the issue... but they happen to be right. You have a home. A place to live and with 3 meals a day. A place with a warm spot to sleep. Comfort. Running away isn't the sole smart answer. it solves nothing. All it leaves a person is a sense of loneliness.
Jessie: Besides... you don't ever have the idea of what you got... till the moment comes when you just find yourself being without it. Like me.
Jessie then got to explaining...
Wichita, Kansas then Metropolis was my one known home. But then when i dealt with a heavy loss... a Deep and personal one over the last 2 years close to 3... My new home became California. Been there since. However now... i'm on the journey to get my chance in competing in the Pokemon League then getting my chance at nailing the bastards who done away with my Landlord/Benefactor Andre Possleson. He took me in and gave me a home. An allowance and it was like 50-100 dollars a month. But i'd do some errands for him and earn my keep. All he asked was that i went to school and got an education for myself and that i stayed out of trouble for as much as i could. Because i'll tell you. He could frickin' tell that i was troubled and from the shit that i went through... It shook me and numbed me so much... I took to smoking. *Pulling out her pack of smokes* Cigarettes. I was that screwed up and it got to where... i could just shut down and say... the hell with everyone. But while i was going through the pains of what i lost. I dug deep and remembered that i still had a talent of singing. I did some Karaoke and there would be contests. One of them... no. two of them... were with prizes that came with Pokemon. Which are some of the ones i got with me. Charmander... Andre gave to me. Pidgeotto... i caught on my own. but the rest... Won from a contest. I came across a troubled person who also smoked. She's the daughter of a family that didn't give two shits about her. So... she did whatever the heck she wanted. This whole thing makes me think about the hell i went through... The things about it though... It's that... I am learning to flip it and put a positive spin to it. I focus on how to make better with myself. Because i know that i can get past it and make things better. Do i miss my father and Mother... And Brother. You better believe i do. I miss them alot. But i also know that in spite of it all... their passing was a blessing because it reminded me that we're only here for a short time. A very short time. And while alive... we have to make best of what sort of life we happen to lead. Just keep looking forward and keep going. Living. Because when it's your time to die... that's it. It's over. There's no redo's... no takebacks... nothing. You're done. But my habit... it's because i came to california... troubled. I dealt with my brother getting shanked and left dead like Cesar's ghost. Which was after my mother died of Scleroderma. End stage. It took her like a prized billy goat. Then my father soon after left and went for a drive... never came back. a little later... i learned that he died in a car accident. Then after that... later down the road... My brother gets mugged and beat up... Shanked and left dead. I am the only remaining member of the Levinson family left. I'm it. When i'm gone... it's done. The family line is defunct. Dead on arrival.
Jessie: You see... Abigail. You have it lucky. You might be an only child in your family. But at least you still got a daddy. Me. I got nobody. No family. The only type of family that i did happen to attain... if at all for a while was when i was taken under the wing of my landlord Andre. However he was snuffed by Team Magma. So... now i don't seem to have him. You are throwing away the good life you got. That's a rather crappy thing to do. Wouldn't you think?

Abigail: But you don't understand... You don't know Aunt Hilda. On the surface... she seems rather nice and kind. Sweet. But deep down... she's mean. REALLY Mean.
Jessie: Tell you what, Kid. Come tomorrow morning. We'll take a trip with you back to your place. We'll stick by you for a couple days and see how things are. If things are really that bad as if may seem as you're the one that lived it. We'll help you pack some stuff up and grab your pokemon. The ones you left behind and you'll come with us. And yes. We'll also help you reunite with your old man. Trust me. I know what it's like to be without a loving home with loving parents and all. It sucks. Sucks the big one.
Abigail: *Nodding slowly in understanding* Okay. I guess.
Jessie: James... Would that sound like a rather sincere plan. It's the best move to make as this kid... as courageous as she's tryin' to be... in reality... when it comes right down to it... she's not gonna make it out on her own for much longer. She's gonna be pretty damn lost. Not knowing where to go... who to turn to. Nothing. And if any of those Team Magma and or Team Aqua dipsticks catch sight of her... she'll be lucky if she doesn't get clobbered into jerky pow by them.
It was now a move to become guardians to the girl. But what could they see to do for her? Would they be able to help her and protect her from the cruel Guardian that she had ran from home just to get away from the clutches? What were they to do?