Avatar of Night Diamond


Recent Statuses

2 mos ago
Current Second semester is gonna be rough, slow replies.
2 mos ago
Hope everyone had a good holiday, open to role-plays.
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3 mos ago
Will reply in new year!
3 mos ago
I'm finally back! It took longer then planned but I am back! I'm sorry to everyone who was waiting on me.
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10 mos ago
Leaving for summer break. Will try to return in August with hope this doesn't get blocked.


I love to RP! I wouldn't be here if I didn't XD. I've been rping for a significant period of time at this point its become my form of escape from my rough past. If any RP ideas come up and you think I would be interested please feel free to PM me.

Interests: Fantasy
Small town
Fandom (Ask me and I'll let you know if it's one of mine)

Writers Block ATM?: No. Replying as much as posisble.

Do not: Control my characters, stop the RP without a reason, write one-liners, and be afraid to ask questions.

Do: Write long posts, ask before you do something with the plot that's major involving one of my characters, tell me what character you plan to use, any triggers, and if you plan to stop replying tell me.

Most Recent Posts

Upon arrival at the school, Ella and Jacob had gone their separate ways. First, they had to go to the office and get their schedules. Both were pretty basic and stuff that they both could handle. "Try to be careful, looks like we have no classes together so I'll see you after school. Try to make some new friends, I know you miss your old ones." Ella looked at her brother with a small smile "Will do. You should try to make some new friends too." Ella split off from her brother and found her way to the homeroom class. She introduced herself to the teacher before sitting down. She looked around the room...she froze when she saw one of the boys she had run into the night before. She didn't recognize anyone else. She just sat with her stuff. As the bell rang Ella couldn't stop watching the boy, she was brought out of this by hearing the sound of a girl's voice who was clearly running late. She turned her head and so did the boy...could he be? Was he a werewolf? She couldn't believe it was possible that he could be a werewolf but she would need to have a conversation with him and try to help him. The girl came running into the classroom upon this Ella and Scott...she thought that was his name...turned their heads at the same time. She watched him, trying to take in his stance. He looked almost...prepared for her to be walking in. She watched as the girl walked up to the teacher, she must be new too with the way the class was looking at her. She just let him take attendance. She watched the girl sit down next to Scott. Ella managed to pass a note to Scott I think I can help you, meet me in the girls' bathroom after homeroom. I know you don't know me, and if you choose to ignore this note it's okay. My name is Ella. He looked at her and she just nodded reassuringly before turning around in her seat and seemingly withdrawing into herself. She was observing the girl...she didn't know her name but she seemed so flustered as if she was looking for something. She watched Scott turn around and give the girl a pencil...maybe that was what she was looking for.

Jacob watched his younger sister walk in the other direction. He was scared and nervous for her, she wasn't the best with new people. He walked off to his own classroom upon walking in he introduced himself to the teacher and sat down. He looked around the classroom not really noticing anyone particularly special except for this one boy who looked athletic and was wearing a lacrosse shirt. The boy looked over at Jacob and started walking towards him. "Hi, my name's Jackson. You must be one of the new kids I couldn't help but notice how athletic you look. I was wondering if you would be interested in joining the lacrosse team.

Jacob thought it through before responding,"Sounds great and all, but I'm not really a sports person."

Jackson looked almost upset by Jacobs's response but he wasn't giving up that easy. "Common dude, you're going to need some friends in this place otherwise you'll end up as one of the rejects. You don't seem like one of the guys who wants that. The lacrosse team is like a family, we look out for each other. Well, for the most part, unless you happen to be Scott Mcall or Stiles Stilinski. Just give it some thought man.

Jacob sighed "Listen I'm not gonna lie I don't know you. I don't like to do sports, even though I'm fully capable of doing so. I'll think about it as long as you promise to not keep bugging me about it."

Jackson nodded before walking away. Jacob started to turn the thought idea over in his head. It could be good for him, but he didn't need a new family. He had the person he needed and that was his sister. He didn't need this Jackson character screwing with his life by taking time away from his sister. He started to wonder how Ella's homeroom would be going. He was genuinely worried about her...she was so standoffish compared to him where he tried to be open about stuff. He didn't do to good job of it with Jackson but some people just gave him the wrong impression and made him act standoffish.
When Ella arrived at the house her brother was waiting for her. She knew what was coming, her brother was overly protective and was most likely gonna yell at her. She saw this coming, she couldn't hide it now. She smelled like the woods, her clothes were torn. While she was running she had fallen a few times, she could be clumsy in a rush. But when it came to battle she was always fierce. She was just as protective over her brother as he was to her. They had to bond when they were close, and Ella had been viewed as a mistake by her parents. Ella wasn't supposed to be born. Her brother who had been born 2 years prior, and was now 18 had been there for her. As they grew older they grew closer. She could tell he was upset and in one of his moods. "Before you say anything..." She was cut off by Jacob.

"What were you thinking? Why did I even let you leave? Clearly, you got into some trouble and had to run. What if you were seen? Did you think of that? Not to mention your clothes being torn, which means you had to run. Mind telling me why? Were you seen? Or did you find the body and get scared? Jacob said in a rather overprotective aggressive tone.

Ella looked down...she had to tell him that someone might have seen her...but could she? She sighed as she started to struggle within her own mind. "Fine I MAY have been seen. I don't know. In full honesty, I started running because I found the body. The body was ripped in half, any person in their right mind would run from that. Stop worrying so much, I know I have to be careful. I've been a wolf since I was little, I know how to control myself." She said this slightly upset. Why was he questioning her? Oh right, it was a full moon...he got more protective and aggressive when a full moon was out. They both did.

Jacob sighed as he tried to calm himself down. "It's a full moon, and YOU decided to go outside. For what? To find a stupid body, that as you stated was scary enough that you ran from it. Will you ever learn to just let things go?" He was making a slight jab at her flashbacks. He was praying she didn't notice...but she was wrong.

Jacob's comment about letting things go was enough to set her off. She felt her anger building and took deep breaths to control it. This was normal of them, while they cared for each other they tended to argue just as much as they were nice to each other. "This is enough, I'm going to bed. Next time you want to make regret something don't tell me to let things go. I can't control my flashbacks.". With this, she stormed upstairs and slammed her door before going to sleep.

Ella upon waking up in the morning got a shower, she always woke up before her brother because she had more of a routine. As she had to put multiple earrings in, she had her typical ones but she was changing it this time. So she had to be up early, she was only wearing new ones since she was in a new place. She was changing her style slightly too. As much as she hated to have her tattoos out she also wanted to make a good impression, she while not caring what other people thought still sometimes cared about what they thought of her. She was putting her hair up today too, something she normally didn't do. As an hour passed she was finally ready, she was wearing black leggings, and she decided instead of wearing her hoodie she would wear a crop top. She didn't want to appear, vulnerable or weak. Her bottom earrings were a pair, one was a wolf the other a full moon, only people who looked closely could tell it was more than a wolf. She never had this problem when wearing them so she felt she was safe to wear them to school. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, her back tattoo was also slightly visible. She had a jacket in case she got dress codded, she doubted she would but she still wanted to be sure.

Ella moved downstairs and let her brother take the upstairs area. They would be leaving in an hour, and her brother didn't take long to get ready. Well after is 15 or 20-minute shower he didn't. They both woke up early, well her brother slightly early, just to make sure they were ready on time. She started making breakfast, a quick breakfast of eggs and bacon, which was typical for them. She looked up as her brother walked into the kitchen she made him a plate before starting her apology.

"I'm sorry I went out when I shouldn't have...I can never stay mad at you. I know I should have turned around as soon as I saw it was a full moon. I should have been more careful. I'm sorry okay? I'm sorry for slamming the door too." She smiled slightly at her brother, her mood was a little somber and she didn't want to seem too depressed. So she put a smile on and acted as if she was fine. It wasn't anything she couldn't handle on her own. She had to be independent, well as much as she could be.

Jake looked up at Ella with a sympathetic look, "It's okay, I'm sorry too for making that comment...I could hear your screams last night...I was to mad to come over...I'm sorry I should have come over."

Ella smiled,"It's okay just a small flashback, I'm okay now." She smiled, as well as her brother knew her well and he could tell it was fake. He didn't bother to say anything he didn't want to ruin her mood before they went to school. He motioned for her to sit and start eating herself. She finished her meal decently fast...it was a bad habit of hers.

"Let's get to school lots of new people to meet. And please be careful to not expose anything. I don't need hunters poking around in our business. Jacob said.

"I won't expose us. I've been doing this for years." She smiled as they left for school
Ella was sitting in her room. She had just moved to Beacon Hills and she didn’t have a lot to do. She knew high school would be the hardest part. She didn’t know anyone…her brother was somewhere else in the house. She didn’t know where though. She stood up from her chair and moved to her bed, she grabbed her laptop and opened it. She planned on watching the news but when she saw that there was a 10-54 her first instinct was to get up and go investigate. Maybe this place had other werewolves..she didn’t know much. She went around the house looking for her brother, it didn’t take long for her to find him. “Hey Bro, I’m heading out for a bit, I might stop at the store do you need me to pick something up?

Her brother looked at her, “No, but this doesn't have anything to do with you going out to investigate the 10-54?” They both only knew what it was because they both had pretended to be older at one point and worked in a station. They looked old enough for it so they faked documents. They decided that by moving to Beacon Hills they would stay with their normal files. So they were sticking to their real names and files. “No not at all.” She tried to sound as unsuspicious as possible. She watched him shake his head, he knew what was going on but he chose to remain quiet.

She made her way out the door in all black and took off, she was fast and had forgotten it was a full moon. Her eyes turned yellow as she took off into the woods. She was in control and she used her abilty to smell to track down the body and when she found it…in half… she ran the other way.
My biological name is named after a movie.
I would so do this!
I love to read. And started RPing when I was around 12 or 13.
<Snipped quote by Night Diamond>

Great. I can get everything set up either tonight or tomorrow.

No rush!
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