Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by WarChild
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name/Nickname: WarChild (War)
•Age: 20+
•Gender: ♂️
•Timezones: US Central

Bit about me:
Avid Rp'r for several years. Love collaboration, and odd stories.
Style of writings-
I could care less if you make typos, grammar errors, if your lit/semi-lit or whatever. I write in third person from habit but doesn't mean I prefer it I'll write in any way that I'm feeling that day. I don't care how long or how in depth responses are, however, one word replies or just the vaguest replies cause me to lose interest which effects how I respond in the story.
Plots wise-
I'm open to pretty much anything, I don't have any interests in fandom, or sci-fi, magic stuff. Typically I do have strong adult content material, +18, NSFW type plots so those are always interesting.. angst, romance, crime, drugs, violence, abuse, horror, wolves, animals in general, shifters, Vampires, hybrids and other similar stuff is what I know I'm comfortable writing. (Just cause I typically do these types does not mean I absolutely won't do sfw materials as well!)
I'm always looking for ppl to join my servers, or to 1v1.
Discord is the usual place to find me. Just ask for tag.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Vampiretwilight
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Vampiretwilight fellow roleplayer

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

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Welcome, WarChild.
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