Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Force and Fury
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Force and Fury Actually kind of mellow

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Azar was normally... a light sleeper. She'd learned to be over the past few years. So, when her door reeled open and the guards marched inside, she was already leaping to her feet. The good things didn't last. They never did. She stood there, robe gathered about her and fists clenched as she listened to the Imit's - or rather, his servant's - accusation. You stupid, lying maggot, she thought, but her eyes turned not to Mamuno, but rather to the servant girl. Her temperature rose. Flames quietly licked and writhed along her skin.

For a moment, Azar was about to angrily protest her innocence in the traditional way. She had not done the deed, of course, even though she'd briefly considered it. Yet - Damn it! - she knew a setup for what it was. She knew it because... in other capacities, she had done nearly the same thing. She glared unflinchingly at the servant through a gap between two of the guards' heads and her rage built. She let out a quick, angry snort from her nostrils and her gaze flicked Mamuno's way. "Your worship," she admitted, struggling to keep her tone composed and just about succeeding, "If you have your men check this room right now, you will almost certainly find jewellery stolen from this household." Her chest heaved with anger and anxiety. Her fists clenched so tightly that they hurt. Lying bitch! screamed a voice within her. Burn her to ash! Make her suffer! Some of that anger even leaked over onto the Imit himself, but she had enough of a primary target that she could deflect it - hide it. "I cannot say where: maybe even under the pillow, if this thief or her accomplices were stupid. Unless they are merely trying to frame me out of personal vendetta, there will be more that they do not find."

Azar took a couple of steps forward, but no more. If she could get around the guards... if she could, her mind's eye visualized what she would do, how she would burn this lying wretch alive, how the girl would scream and beg for mercy and regret her ploy in her final moments. The ayiralite's hands trembled with fury. She unclenched and clenched them again. "I say this because I have done it. I am ashamed to admit that I have not always followed the Gods well, may they offer me mercy, but I would not abuse the generosity of a gracious and - more importantly - powerful host." Azar shook her head. "It is the oldest trick in the book, your worship, and a man of your wisdom should well know it." It killed her, grovelling like this, but something within her burned with a desire to be exonerated, to see the one who deserved it and not herself be punished. Then, everything else could rot, for all she cared. She spread her hands. "You sssteeeaal something," she hissed, eyes locked on the cowering servant girl. "When you find a guest who looks... conveniently untrustworthy." Her voice slithered and snapped like a snake's. She paused and her tone changed for a moment as she glanced toward the Imit. "And let's be honest: I look like a thieving wretch; I well know it. Then," Azar concluded, raising a pointer in the air, a lick of flame flaring from its tip, "you blame that innocent person for what you or your accomplices did. Profit!" she snarled.

She began to draw, then, from the plane, fire and fury filling her veins. "I am not your enemy," she began evenly, "Truly, and I make no claims to whatever you may find in this room, but should anyone seek to harm my person, the ayiralite warned, her eyes flashing at the guards like those of a very dangerous, very cornered animal, "I will return his violence thousandfold!"

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Shu
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@Force and Fury

The servant at point shivered with fright, eyes flickering to her master and then back to the seething jinnblood before them all. The guards were uneasy, even as they held their stern, unyielding expressions and shuffled not even a foot one attentive enough could see that they were perturbed by the rising anger of the fiery creature before them. The flames that crackled and kissed against her wrists and spouted from the tips of her fingers were reminiscent of a volcano about to burst at the top. The men clenched at the shafts of their weapons, they wiggled their toes in their sandals and slight heaves of their shoulders and chests could be scene as they struggled to maintain their composure. They were sworn to protect the Imit and any visible weakness was a betrayal of their duties, not to mention possible encouragement for this Ayiralite to try something.

Mamuno had to admit that even he felt his heartbeat climbing as he prepared to address the little speech that his guest made in her defense. He stayed behind his guards but stepped forth in slight, the cowering servant taking the opportunity to slip around behind him. In truth she wanted nothing more but to bolt from the room with each passing moment as she watched the jinnblood grow more and more angry.

Mamuno inhaled slightly to try and suppress the tightness in his chest, forcing a self-assured smile as he responded to Azar, choosing his words delicately, “You certainly do seem steadfast in your innocence in this matter. Perhaps you are indeed innocent, and perhaps you have prepared this little scene in advance as you knew that one of my servants might find anything of value tucked away in this room and tell me of it. This is after all a simple guest chamber and not a place to find my most valuable of treasures. Or even the least valuable of them.”

Mamuno stroked at his chin, letting his first words set before continuing, “Now, let us indeed see if there is anything of value tucked away in this room. Anything that has been stolen.”

With a hand signal from the Imit one of the guards on the far side of the room stepped forward slowly, eyes at the back of Azar, ready for any sudden movements as he reached one hand down towards the guest bed. A quick flinging of the pillows revealed what was to be expected one could say. A handful of golden jewelry lay clustered together where Azar’s head had been moments before. Five rings adorned with rubies and a slender rope chain necklace with a matching pair of earrings. Glares from the other guards as they readied themselves for their masters’ call to arms even as their blood ran cold and hot. The man who made the discovery scooped up the stolen jewelry and stepped back, holding them for the moment.

Mamuno maintained his calm, unbending image as he continued, “So, did you steal those? Or were they placed there by another?” Mamuno turned towards the servant who was rattling in fear behind him, “You have served me for all your life, you have never stolen from me or did other ill acts in my house. I know this.”
The servant weakly nodded, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes as she saw that she had her masters’ protection of assurance.

Mamuno turned back to Azar, “Why would the very servants who have the privilege and comfort of serving me within the shade and grandeur of my palace dare do ill of any guests I had invited? I see no cause for any personal vendetta against a stranger such as yourself, Azar. My guards and lifelong servants all are obedient to me no matter my command and never would commit any such transgressions against their master. Only the frightened woman here at my back ever entered this room and it was she that found the pilfered items under your pillow before you slept.”


Mamuno turned to face the woman at his back, her face glistened with sweat and her eyes bulged with fear and what looked to also be a touch of uncertainty. “It was him,” the woman shot out one finger to point across the room at the guard opposite the one gripping the stolen valuables, “he gave me those things and told me to put them under her pillow! I asked why and he threatened to accuse me of stealing them myself if I did not do as told!”

“You lie!” the guard screamed back as all eyes turned to him.

Mamuno’s eyes narrowed as looked at the servant who shook harder than before, sweat pouring down her dark form as her lips quivered and her eyes grew wild, “I don’t want to die! I won’t! Not like this, not for this!”

“She lies,” the guard repeated, “I would not steal nor would I abscond upon a guest in this palace!”

“And I would not steal!” the servant screeched back at the guard, tears now flowing, “But it was you that handed me those things and forced me to hide them in here! I swear it on the great Maatrho!”

“This is the lies of a thief! That or some plot by this fire-blood!” the guard roared, his face growing red. The other men were dumbfounded, glances moving back and forth from their master to their comrade and then to each other and back again.

“Azar,” Mamuno spoke up, “what say you in this? The servant now breaks accusing the guard - after accusing you. Is she a desperate liar and a poor thief? Or has one of my men betrayed me and is using a hapless servant for some ill cause? Or perhaps this is some plot on your part - do you use your wit and wiles to turn my people against me?”

The guard in questions’ face grew redder and his searing expression sharper as he stared into the eyes of the servant behind the Imit who was a mix of terrified and indignant.

A. Intimidation Check (Accused Guard) (Charisma + Intimidation)
B. Perception Check (Mamuno) (Wisdom + Perception)
C. Attack (Accused Guard)
D. Attack (Everyone-Battle)
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Shift
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 The Abmin

Admin Seen 2 hrs ago

The knave pondered Okan's idea, but only for a moment. There was really no reason not to do the job, if he had to be honest with himself, and he was often inclined to only be honest with himself. He didn't think Okan was planting him for a trap, and even if he was, Amal never doubted his chances of escaping and wreaking vengeance. It had happened plenty of times before. If one did what he did, that led to risks.

"I've never had problems with grave robbers, but if it brings me a vial of the good stuff then who am I to complain? I'll see you when it's done." He remarked with a propitiating shrug, and with a knowing look to Okan, Amal stepped away and faded into the shadows, wanting to see the layout of the town whilst vaguely walking in the direction he was pointed at. More than one his trained eyed caught thieving signs and pickpockets nabbing their marks. Arilquas really was a place for him. At least in style. There was a lot of competition for work, but that never bothered him much. Guilds he did not like, but a bunch of freelancers weren't a problem.

He slid through the bazaar and a few downtrodden streets, scoping out some of the more well-to-do buildings before laying eyes on the prize. Just outside of the small city was a running river, the smell was discernible to him. A desert dweller could sense water unlike any other. The stone canopy of the house looked like it could bake a slave in the sun, but it kept the manor below it cool.

Amal kept to the trees, keeping himself out of sight. He glimpsed the barest hint of movement near the villa; likely the hired sword Amal had been warned about. He approached cautiously, going around and hugging the river, before scaling a small garden wall and following the path until he neared where he last saw the guard. Quietly he pulled his scimitar out, poising it for a killing strike the next time the guard patrolled back towards his area... @Shu
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Fetzen
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As the desert sun scorched the dusty streets of Qadir, Dalani found himself more and more being a lone Ayralite on an increasingly desperate search. This old, beaten up mad had not exactly looked like someone having an easy time to hide, but either Dalani's eyes were deteriorating rapidly in the heat or the traces they tried to follow decayed much more quickly than he had hoped for. He ultimately ran out of further clues just a few hundred steps out of the tavern where the unfortunate events had taken place.

What should he do now ? Just standing there, dumbfounded like a pillar, and letting the few passer-bys who dared to confront the blazing heat openly just watch the crystals on his head glisten in the intense light did not sound like a good choice. It certainly didn't feel like it either as Dalani could already sense some serious buildup of sweat on his skin. The Ayralite retreated into the shadows, saddened that he had not been able to find the one he had been trying to follow.

Qadir deserved being left behind. Maybe there were people who happily lived assuming that an earth Ayralite had to think of a desert as a paradise because there was no other place where their element was so blatantly and ubiquitously visible, but Dalani could only disapprove. The sand irritated the eyes, the heat put a constant strain on one's body and last but not least there were those Tawran people who constantly mistook themselves for a weird sort of slaves who had to obey and serve for some axiomatic reasoning. Time to start packing!

Dalani happily left the heat outside to its own devices while he found retreat in the small, halfway subterranean room he had rented for the anticipated duration of his stay. A quite clever construction he had to admit: Far down enough in the earth to benefit from its temperature-stabilizing and cooling effect, yet at the same time with its ceiling a tad above ground level so to let in some light through small windows -- enough to illuminate stuff once the eyes had adjusted, but also not enough to introduce additional warmth. It really wasn't like a high ground water level was an issue with the cellars here after all. The Ayralite packed his stuff with just barely enough care and precision so not to make things fall out of their bag on a rough journey and, of course, not to damage anything. That included his armor, simply because wearing that heavy, dark stuff would provide at least as much discomfort as it would offer protection.

One question of not so negligible importance remained however: How to make some solid distance once outside the gates ? Horses were expensive, especially if one probably needed more than one in order to get one's not so little self and gear hauled around, but joining a caravan would be much cheaper while possibly also being safer! Just... where to find one ? It wasn't like there was a strict schedule of arrivals and departures or any kind of market where free spots where sold, was it ?

So, somewhat oblivious towards what might be the best approach, Dalani headed out with his back covered in bags, clothes and his weapons. Maybe the city gates were a good place to start indeed for everyone had to get in and out that way.
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