Isac Vixen
The lost soldier of fortune.
"Credits, guns and a nice cold drink is all I need in this life... Right?"

D7941176 | M, Age 26 (Sep 21) | Arche | Freelance Mercenary/Bodyguard |
Isac has always been known as a generally laid-back individual, mostly deciding to wing life and enjoy the small things with a half-cup-full point of view of the world. Socially he can be a man of few words but has always had a welcoming aura about him that has benefitted him in sinking in well with a crowd, especially when he decides to hit the bar. After downing a few of his favorite drinks he'll become more open, perhaps even a bit wild if the day has been good enough to him. There have been times though when he would be seen drinking alone, refusing to interact with anyone and seemingly staring off into his drink with a heavy look on his face. Overall though, he's become to be known as one of the greatest drinking buddies around. That is when he's off the clock from his profession.
Over a few years Isac has managed to make a small name for himself as a Freelance Mercenary and part time bodyguard for the highest bidder. When on the job Isac can become a cold and calculated man, choosing professionalism in his field over his moral compas. After years within the lifestyle of a hired gun Isac has learned that men like him can only survive by having two things: Credits and a reputation. One without the other means a freelancer's career is as good as dead. So, to maintain both Isac will ignore the line between right or wrong and ensure the jobs he's hired for are complete with the utmost professionalism. As the years have gone by though, Isac has had his doubts on whether or not if this is all he is good for. Is there really another path for a man like him, or is the life of guns and credits truly all there is for him?
Born and raised within the harsh slums of the Herse Isac has always been confronted with the struggle of conflict and poverty. Little is known about Isac's parents, the only known members of his family being his older brother and sister who seemed to have raised him together the best they could. Life within the Herse was no easy experience for the three siblings, gang wars, drugs and the constant dangers around every corner truly gave Isac an early harsh lesson on life within Taygete's forsaken district. As time went by life seemed to only become an even more difficult struggle to overcome. At the age of twelve his brother, the oldest of the three, was unfortunately gunned down after being caught up within the crossfire of a gang turf war. The loss of their oldest and most relied upon sibling left Isac and his sister alone to fend for themselves. Wanting to avoid losing her youngest and only family member, Isac's sister knew she had to do whatever it took to escape the slums of Herse, or at least that one of them needed to escape. To this day Isac still has no idea what favors or strings his sister pulled, but within a week he and he alone was being smuggled to a new district. His sisters fate still remains unknown to this day.
After escaping the slums of Herse Isac was brought to the lively district of Carme Promenade and left to fend for himself. To survive Isac found work as an extra hand around several of the shops and businesses that filled the shop. Washing dishes, loading and unloading product and even working as a busser within a the well known The Heritage bar. It wasn't an easy living but compared to Herse Isac was no longer scared to turn around every corner. One night after a few years of working within the The Heritage Isac encountered a group of off duty Freelancers of the CrimsArk Security company. Isac couldn't help but notice the heavy amount of credits the group had been dropping that night and grew curious of the life of a merc. Anything at that point seemed better than cleaning dishes and clearing tables. So as he reached the age of seventeen Isac put everything he had into to joining the CrimsArk security company. Least to say he was successful and had joined the ranks of the private military company. His time within the company remains vague, Isac mostly refusing to speaking about it with a distasteful attitude towards his former employers.
After serving within the CrimsArk Isac became a solo Freelancer, offering his services to those looking for more specific jobs or looking for a cheaper gun for hire compared to CrimsArk prices. Even managed to get himself a set of business cards to hand out! In the beginning things were slow and rough, but soon things began to improve the more small-time jobs he completed. He even managed to buy his own apartment in the Arche district and made it his main HQ for business. For now, Isac is living life on his own terms, but he knows all to well it won't last for long.
Highly trained and experienced in both security and combat situations. After years in being put in dangerous situations Isac knows his way around a gun quite well and can hold his own in a fight. His time within the CrimsArk security company had rewarded him with plenty of knowledge and experience in the field, making him a very dangerous individual.
And here's Isac! Hope he passes inspection.