You've been taken from your worlds, thrust into somewhere new. Somewhere dark and unrecognizable. Very clearly, you had been put underground. The rocky walls around you resembled that of a cave, and the floor below you consisted of dirt and gravel. Perhaps most oddly, though, was the fact that you were in what appeared to be a... classroom? Or at least, a shoddy recreation of one.
That's when a panel opened from beneath the gravel, and out sprung the one who you'd come to know as the Headmaster of this "school".

"Hi there! I'm Monooookuma! And I'll be your Headmaster for this Killing School Year!"
Just what had you gotten yourself into?
OOC Rules/Guidelines
Hi there! So, this is an idea that I've had cookin' for a while now. Originally, it was supposed to be a Discord RP, but I think that the format translates to a forum much better, so here we are! This is intended to be pretty small scale - no more than 8-10 players max. If a lot of interest is shown, maybe I'll extend it to fifteen, but I'd rather not have this going at an impossible, breakneck pace.
There will be about six rounds total, and this RP will ideally last about a month or a month and a half (assuming GMing and posting is consistent, that is. Life happens, after all.) An OOC Discord will be made, and I will DM the invite to participants. Make sure to join that if you sign up, as I important information and updates will be posted there!
The way killing works is simple. Once per round, a Killing Slot will open up. This slot will be for anyone to take. If nobody takes it by the deadline (usually a few days OOC), then the game will end and Monokuma will win. However, if someone DOES take it, they will DM me who they intend to kill and how they intend to do it. I will then jot down all the necessary information in a Google Doc and an investigation will commence thereafter. After a few days have passed OOC, a class trial will begin. Failure to find the killer will result in the RP's end, and the killer themselves going free. Finding the killer will result in the RP continuing, until the intended ending of the RP proper.
I will let you all know in the Discord when a Killing Slot for that round has been filled, so don't worry. It will be first come first served, however.
Rules are generally the same as you'd expect anywhere. No godmodding, no meta-gaming, no drama (serious on this one, I will kick you if you start shit for the hell of it), and also make sure to meet the expected literacy standard. I'm not asking for anything too big, no novels or anything. But please at least aim for at least a paragraph per post. I get that sometimes isn't achievable, like if your character is just having a conversation with another - and in those cases, exceptions will be made. But don't make one-lining a constant habit, please.
Also: OCs are welcome! Duos (playing more than one character), however, are not. Neither is teaming up on traitor kills.
There's not gonna be an afterlife plot for those who die. If you die, you're out of the RP, and that's it. You're free to stick around in the Discord and chat/watch the RP, however.
That's all. I'll put up sign-ups either tonight or tomorrow - depending on how much interest this garners. Have a wonderful day!