First off thank you for stopping by! This thread is dedicated to stories I have been workshopping. I've reformatted this thread in order to have the ability to change and add stories at my whim! As such, there are bound to be plot holes and things that may be unclear! What am I looking for? A partner with an imagination as crazy as mine to embark on this adventure with. Someone who isn't afraid to not only ask questions but willing to help build this world of ours to play in! Please, read through this thread carefully and if you feel this is you then I WELCOME YOU!!!!
With all that out of the way, next up is the most boring part of this thread but just as important as the plot itself, the rules! Ugh, I know, I know. I don't have many so it'll be brief I swear!
With all that out of the way, next up is the most boring part of this thread but just as important as the plot itself, the rules! Ugh, I know, I know. I don't have many so it'll be brief I swear!
- Please be over the age of 18. This WILL be a Mature story, so, elements of Mature themes such as Drugs, Sex, and Adult Language.
- As stated above Sexual theme is an element in this story, so, this will take place in the PM's. Now hold on! This is in no way a Smut-based play. This play will focus on the story first, and sex second.
- Still talking about the birds and bees? Yeaaaaaaaah, I'm open to writing the scene out or fading to black, whichever my partner is more comfortable with! Keep it tasteful!
- I'm expecting a partner who can write at min 3 paragraphs. I can get lost and write up to seven, BUT, in no way am I expecting you to match that.
- Speaking of writing expectations, I'm looking for someone that can paint a picture with their posts, dive into the feelings of your character at the moment, and bring them and the scene to life!
- Post frequency. I'm a very lenient person, I work and go to school myself so I understand if we cannot swap 20+ replies a day! Just don't be gone longer than a week without a heads up or a reply and I'm good!
- Lastly, have fun, and be creative after all this is just a way for us fellow creatives to explore the deepest aspects of our imaginations!
This world, this damned world. For over 300 thousand years modern humans have walked and cultivated this world without concern for otherworldly beings. We flourished, created, made love, and caused our destruction through war. Humans are beautiful and flawed creatures. Those relatively short years were harmony all things considered, but, as we progressed in secret, under the cover of night evil creatures plot their take over. Vampires, Wolves, Witches, and warlocks, all things we once thought were myths were frighteningly true accounts told throughout history.

We knew not who threw the first blow, but, one day, the veil was torn open and a grand war for our survival started across the globe. Man and women took up arms against abominable creatins capable of nightmarish power. These, creatures burned civilizations and razed whole kingdoms to the ground, without abilities of their own nor the weapons to combat them the humans were pushed to the brink of extinction. This was until a benevolent coven of powerful warlocks and witches came to aid the humans, hand in hand they gifted hundreds of humans with the powers of the supernatural. These chosen warriors imbued with enhanced strength, elongated lifespans, durability, speed, and even in some rare instances humans with the ability of their magic began to fight back fiercely and over time began to push them back behind the torn veil. When the time came, Witches and Humans joined together once more to combine their power and resealed the veil stopping further advancement permanently or so they thought.

It has been thousands of years since the last grand attack on the human race, reality turning to stories told around a fire and then fading into obscurity once more. The war is long from over however and all across the globe the whispers of the supernatural still plague us. That's where The Eternal Cord comes in. An elegant Organization working in secret not only to protect and keep our claim to this beautiful blue jewel we call home but to protect those unaware of the ever impending danger that is lying just beyond the short reach of the veil. At the head of this elite organization sit several powerful Slayers capable of immense power. With their ears close to the ground, they wait for other strong individuals borne with the mark of the Slayer.

Those born with this mark embedded into their very skin are taken at birth and raised in secret to develop their abilities and protect hunt those the organization deems too dangerous to live.

We knew not who threw the first blow, but, one day, the veil was torn open and a grand war for our survival started across the globe. Man and women took up arms against abominable creatins capable of nightmarish power. These, creatures burned civilizations and razed whole kingdoms to the ground, without abilities of their own nor the weapons to combat them the humans were pushed to the brink of extinction. This was until a benevolent coven of powerful warlocks and witches came to aid the humans, hand in hand they gifted hundreds of humans with the powers of the supernatural. These chosen warriors imbued with enhanced strength, elongated lifespans, durability, speed, and even in some rare instances humans with the ability of their magic began to fight back fiercely and over time began to push them back behind the torn veil. When the time came, Witches and Humans joined together once more to combine their power and resealed the veil stopping further advancement permanently or so they thought.

It has been thousands of years since the last grand attack on the human race, reality turning to stories told around a fire and then fading into obscurity once more. The war is long from over however and all across the globe the whispers of the supernatural still plague us. That's where The Eternal Cord comes in. An elegant Organization working in secret not only to protect and keep our claim to this beautiful blue jewel we call home but to protect those unaware of the ever impending danger that is lying just beyond the short reach of the veil. At the head of this elite organization sit several powerful Slayers capable of immense power. With their ears close to the ground, they wait for other strong individuals borne with the mark of the Slayer.

Those born with this mark embedded into their very skin are taken at birth and raised in secret to develop their abilities and protect hunt those the organization deems too dangerous to live.
Hi there! This section will briefly discuss SOME of the factions, and their info on the types that will be at play during this story.
Yes, there are many many many supernatural beings out there. This story will focus on a core few to keep our focus and not expand too much! When creating your character please feel free to let your imagination run wild as you please! Once again just to reiterate, you are free to choose your origins, should a being you wish to be isn't listed below doesn't mean you cannot play it, there are plenty of benevolent supernaturals that just want to live peacefully with humans after all. Just include Strengths/Weaknesses so we are on the same page.
Vampires: I'm sure everyone is aware of these creatures and the things they can do so we will not be going over every nuance about them.
Werewolf: Same as above so I'll keep this short.
Witches/Warlock: Capable of terrifying magic. Some covens specialize in one area of magic while others are "Jack of all trades" practitioners.
Slayers: Humans imbued with the powers of the supernatural.
Yes, there are many many many supernatural beings out there. This story will focus on a core few to keep our focus and not expand too much! When creating your character please feel free to let your imagination run wild as you please! Once again just to reiterate, you are free to choose your origins, should a being you wish to be isn't listed below doesn't mean you cannot play it, there are plenty of benevolent supernaturals that just want to live peacefully with humans after all. Just include Strengths/Weaknesses so we are on the same page.
Vampires: I'm sure everyone is aware of these creatures and the things they can do so we will not be going over every nuance about them.
- In this story they do not day walk whatsoever.
- The older they are the strong they are.
- To fully kill one must Stake the heart and chop off their head or set them on fire.
- They have the usual weaknesses of silver, garlic, UV rays, etc etc.
Werewolf: Same as above so I'll keep this short.
- They are still weak to Silver, Wolfsbane, Magic
- Their transformation can be a painful one, they can freely turn regardless of the presence of a full moon.
- Slightly slower than Vampires at full speed.
Witches/Warlock: Capable of terrifying magic. Some covens specialize in one area of magic while others are "Jack of all trades" practitioners.
- Aside from being able to perform impressive abilities the arcane Witches/Warlocks are still as mortal as regular humans. Their lives can be fairly long however but they are still susceptible to the same dangers a human is.
- More powerful practitioners do not need a grimoire to cast a spell, some can even cast without uttering a word.
Slayers: Humans imbued with the powers of the supernatural.
- Naturally all Slayers share similar traits such as; Speed, strength, endurance, agility, etc. Think the super soldier Capt. America/Bucky Barnes but slightly stronger.
- Can still be killed if not careful when facing a Supernatural
- The trait of developing powers on top of their traits was once common but as time went on it became rarer and rarer.
- The majority of Slayers are purebreds, however, it is not unheard of a Slayer to reproduce with a human and hide from The Organization (They are not all-knowing after all).
- Most Slayers work in a two-man cell overseen by a handler (Think a spy agency).
- At full speed a Slayer can match agility and strength with a full fledge Vampire.
- Weak to a special incantation that the witches created as a safeguard. Most covens have long since lost this incantation but they are still practiced by the descendants of the original witches that cast the spell.
Setting: Modern
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Adventure
Pairing: MxF FxF
Slayer x Witch/Warlock
All your life you had a strange feeling you were created to be special, to do something great what exactly? Hell if you knew, but, there was this annoying itch in your spirit that compelled you to overachieve in everything you tried. As you got older you felt your parents were always hiding something from you, but, they were parents, that's normal isn't it? But, screw it! It's summer! Why not call up some friends and let loose for a night or two!?
With summer winding down you figure what better way than a grand send-off with a huge party? But not just any party, oh no, a total rager something out of a movie! Drinks, drugs, good friends, and sexy potential lovers? What's not to love? All went to plan and the party went off without a hitch! Your night was amazing, to say the least, until, it wasn't. Suddenly, chaos breaks loose, people screaming and running in every direction. Blood, so much blood was being spilled but why? Gunshots rang out echoing over the wall shaking speakers. Your chest heaved heavily, your legs burned from running, and your eyes scanned every possible nook and cranny as you desperately tried to find a place to hide. You stay put, hands clasped over your mouth to muffle your ragged breathing. Your friends, were they alright? Would you even survive? These thoughts swirled in your mind. "I know you're here" A voice cut through the deafening silence. "Come out. Now!" it demanded. Coming from your hiding spot your eyes fell upon a woman whose face was masked and eyes were glowing brighter than the moon itself, more importantly with two guns pointed directly at you. Dammit, it was all over wasn't it? Would you live or would you die, you weren't sure but one thing was for certain. It was here your old life died and your true life began.
Genre: Fantasy, Horror, Romance, Adventure
Pairing: MxF FxF
Slayer x Witch/Warlock
All your life you had a strange feeling you were created to be special, to do something great what exactly? Hell if you knew, but, there was this annoying itch in your spirit that compelled you to overachieve in everything you tried. As you got older you felt your parents were always hiding something from you, but, they were parents, that's normal isn't it? But, screw it! It's summer! Why not call up some friends and let loose for a night or two!?
With summer winding down you figure what better way than a grand send-off with a huge party? But not just any party, oh no, a total rager something out of a movie! Drinks, drugs, good friends, and sexy potential lovers? What's not to love? All went to plan and the party went off without a hitch! Your night was amazing, to say the least, until, it wasn't. Suddenly, chaos breaks loose, people screaming and running in every direction. Blood, so much blood was being spilled but why? Gunshots rang out echoing over the wall shaking speakers. Your chest heaved heavily, your legs burned from running, and your eyes scanned every possible nook and cranny as you desperately tried to find a place to hide. You stay put, hands clasped over your mouth to muffle your ragged breathing. Your friends, were they alright? Would you even survive? These thoughts swirled in your mind. "I know you're here" A voice cut through the deafening silence. "Come out. Now!" it demanded. Coming from your hiding spot your eyes fell upon a woman whose face was masked and eyes were glowing brighter than the moon itself, more importantly with two guns pointed directly at you. Dammit, it was all over wasn't it? Would you live or would you die, you weren't sure but one thing was for certain. It was here your old life died and your true life began.
A Hybrid has moved into town with a surprisingly strong army of vampires and werewolves. For months they've been hunting down and abducting Witches and Warlocks alike. The last time one walked the earth was thousands of years ago, it took several Slayers to bring it down saving humanity from yet another apocalyptical event. Along with whom you believed was a childhood friend you venture out to find and kill the hive before it becomes problematic and The Chord has to step in. All the while learning to control your newfound abilities and navigate this brand new world you find yourself in the middle because like it or not you are quite special!
Name: Celeste
Alias: Lyn Castillo
Age: 240 years old (Appears to be in her 20's)
Power: Ability to teleport short distances leaving behind a mist-like trail when she does. (Think Nightcrawler)
When not actively hunting her eyes are a light hazel. In combat or when sensing danger her eyes glow a fierce Silver.
Celeste; was born in [REDACTED] TO [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] in the year [REDACTED]. Taken at birth like all Slayers, all she's known was pain, fear, and violence. Deep underground she was tortured mercilessly and taught to harness her powers, she learned to master that fear, harness her pain and become a machine purely meant to eradicate the undesirables that plagued the planet. A prodigy in her own right, Luna quickly adapted and became a feared Slayer at a young age. Around eight it was discovered that Luna had developed the ability to teleport. Powers weren't uncanny to Slayers but to see one develop was a rare instance. It had been years since one had been born with that trait, it's said that other than the leaders of the organization there were only a handful of slayers that shares this similarity. Due to her power and her skillset, she became a feared Slayer in the Supernatural community and wasn't long before The Cord began to send her to different cities around the world to quell the whispers of supernatural uprisings. Every few years she is relocated with her two handlers posing as her parents and her direct link to the organization. At her current age, she has garnered a bit of her reputation within the Chord, the solo hunter, the moonlight's shadow, and The Quiet death which is Celeste.
Alias: Lyn Castillo
Age: 240 years old (Appears to be in her 20's)
Power: Ability to teleport short distances leaving behind a mist-like trail when she does. (Think Nightcrawler)

When not actively hunting her eyes are a light hazel. In combat or when sensing danger her eyes glow a fierce Silver.
Celeste; was born in [REDACTED] TO [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] in the year [REDACTED]. Taken at birth like all Slayers, all she's known was pain, fear, and violence. Deep underground she was tortured mercilessly and taught to harness her powers, she learned to master that fear, harness her pain and become a machine purely meant to eradicate the undesirables that plagued the planet. A prodigy in her own right, Luna quickly adapted and became a feared Slayer at a young age. Around eight it was discovered that Luna had developed the ability to teleport. Powers weren't uncanny to Slayers but to see one develop was a rare instance. It had been years since one had been born with that trait, it's said that other than the leaders of the organization there were only a handful of slayers that shares this similarity. Due to her power and her skillset, she became a feared Slayer in the Supernatural community and wasn't long before The Cord began to send her to different cities around the world to quell the whispers of supernatural uprisings. Every few years she is relocated with her two handlers posing as her parents and her direct link to the organization. At her current age, she has garnered a bit of her reputation within the Chord, the solo hunter, the moonlight's shadow, and The Quiet death which is Celeste.