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Big Bump
Triumphant returning bump!
Hello Fellow Novella Writers And Welcome!

So welcome to my IC thread! I've been wanting a dark and gritty take on The Star Wars universe. So here we are, down below are my rules and the plot. Simple. Please read the rules and apply if you'd think we'd be in a good fit! Regarding the story, this will be inspired from The Force Unleashed, The Mandalorian(Slightly), where our force powers are much stronger and much more destructive than how they are portrayed within the normal Star Wars universe, but, WILL NOT TAKE PLACE IN THAT UNIVERSE! You do not have to have a deep intimate knowledge of the entire Star Wars fandom, but, please have knowledge on the premise of who the inquisitors are and Darth Vader/Emperor Palpatine. As for your Jedi! You have free reign over how you wish to customize them. Want to use a blaster in one hand and a saber in the other? Cool! Wish to utilize a vibro-blade instead of the normal lightsaber? Sounds fancy go for it! Go nuts! Lastly, this story is still a loose idea and I'm very open to any ideas my potential partner may have, so please share away! Cool? Cool. Onto the rules!


  • No GODMODDING, Although this is based off of the Force Unleashed universe where our Force Powers are insanely strong, please still write a believable and beatable character. We won't be bringing down star destroyers from space left right and center with no consequences on our bodies!
  • No one liners. I myself can write from 3-7+ Paragraphs. In by no means do you have to match me, but, I cannot deal with one-liners. This will end the RP promptly
  • 18+ only. I tend to write romance in my stories. More of like 80/20(20% being the smut, sex). I also can play the scene out or fade to black per my partners request. As well, I write mature themes within my stories so expect heavy violence, drugs and more. So as such, I need a mature writer's
  • Real life happens, I get it, if you need to leave, let me know, if you are no longer interested, cool, let me know, no hard feelings I'm very easy going.
  • Don't let me take the lead! I LOVE partners that can create their own twists and surprises. Please, if you have an idea that you believe can enhance our story please bring it up in OOC! There is like a 0.00000000001% chance that I'll say no.
  • Have fun!

Hello Fellow Novella Writers And Welcome!

So welcome to my IC thread! So I'll get straight to the point, I've been ITCHING to play, now I do have some still in the planning phase with some other RP's, but, I've wanted to play a story inspired by The Boys myself so I figure, why not come up with my own! So here we are, down below are my rules and the plot. Simple. Please read the rules and apply if you'd think we'd be in a good fit! Regarding the story, as I said, this is inspired by The Boys, but, WILL NOT TAKE PLACE IN THAT UNIVERSE! Really the only aspects that are inspired from that show are the fact that these "Hero's" are not what the public perceive them to be, as such you do not need to have seen the show or have intimate knowledge about it. As for our powers, think more along the lines of X-Men where human DNA has begun to evolve. Lastly, this story is still a loose idea and I'm very open to any ideas my potential partner may have, so please share away! Cool? Cool. Onto the rules!


  • No GODMODDING, Make interesting powers sure, GOT NUTS! But, they have to be realistically beatable, No Supermen
  • No one liners. I myself can write from 3-7+ Paragraphs. In by no means do you have to match me, but, I cannot deal with one-liners. This will end the RP promptly
  • 18+ only. I tend to write romance in my stories. More of like 80/20(20% being the smut, sex). I also can play the scene out or fade to black per my partners request. As well, I write mature themes within my stories so expect heavy violence, drugs and more. So as such, I need a mature writer's
  • Real life happens, I get it, if you need to leave, let me know, if you are no longer interested, cool, let me know, no hard feelings I'm very easy going.
  • Don't let me take the lead! I LOVE partners that can create their own twists and surprises. Please, if you have an idea that you believe can enhance our story please bring it up in OOC! There is like a 0.00000000001% chance that I'll say no.
  • Interested? I'm glad! Send me a PM, this story will be PM ONLY!
  • Have fun!

~Nightly Bump
Revised bump

First off thank you for stopping by! This thread is dedicated to stories I have been workshopping. I've reformatted this thread in order to have the ability to change and add stories at my whim! As such, there are bound to be plot holes and things that may be unclear! What am I looking for? A partner with an imagination as crazy as mine to embark on this adventure with. Someone who isn't afraid to not only ask questions but willing to help build this world of ours to play in! Please, read through this thread carefully and if you feel this is you then I WELCOME YOU!!!!

With all that out of the way, next up is the most boring part of this thread but just as important as the plot itself, the rules! Ugh, I know, I know. I don't have many so it'll be brief I swear!

Revised Bumpie!

First off thank you for stopping by! This thread is dedicated to a story I have been workshopping in my mind over the last few days (or well, any time I've been able to give it I mean lol). As such, there are bound to be plot holes and things that may be unclear! What am I looking for? A partner with an imagination as crazy as mine to embark on this adventure with. Someone who isn't afraid to not only ask questions but willing to help build this world of ours to play in! Please, read through this thread carefully and if you feel this is you then I WELCOME YOU!!!!

With all that out of the way, next up is the most boring part of this thread but just as important as the plot itself, the rules! Ugh, I know, I know. I don't have many so it'll be brief I swear!

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