C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ![]() C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y ![]() Silvain Cellier De Roos _________________________________________________________ 24 | ♂ | Homosexual _________________________________________________________ Single | Prostitute/Technician | Mox P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E P H Y S I C A L P R O F I L E ![]() C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S ![]() | C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T ![]() Silvain Cellier De Roos was born in the heart of the European Union, Brussels, to a surrogate mother and delivered to her close friend and his husband. Both of them worked for Euro Business Machines—a megacorpration that generalized in the manufacture of computer products, information technology and electronics—as project managers for the various departments. Working for a prestigious European-based megacorporation guaranteed them a luxurious life. But for Silvain, he was never able to truly experience it. In 2061, the hacker collective, r4n, leaked classified documents that tied EMB to a bloody coup attempt in Germany. Public support for the megacorporation quickly fell along with its stocks as investors began pulling out. Eventually, the European Union unanimously approved plans to prevent EMB from going bankrupt by transferring ownership to the German government. In addition, warrants were issued to individuals responsible for the coup attempt. Silvain and his surrogate parents fled Brussels and sought sanctuary from the authorities in Sparta. Whatever wealth left was spent in brides and living arrangements, leaving them dirt poor with an outstanding warrant on the parents. Given he didn't remember much of his early childhood, Silvain wasn't struggling as much as his parents were to adjust to their new lives. But, it was his teenage years proved to be challenging. At the start of his third year at gymnasium, one of his parents was abducted and coincidentally ended up in the hands of the German authorities. A few months later, the other parent ended up overdosing on smash and nearly committed suicide due to its destructive side effect. Fortunately, paramedics responded quickly enough to save his life at a nearby hospital; and yet, the authorities were alerted and soon apprehend him upon his recovery. Silvain was all by himself and living on the streets. That all changed when the Sacred Band bought Silvain into their life. It was one of the many gangs within Sparta constantly fighting for control and influence. Unlike the other gangs, Sacred Band was a refuge for the marginalized and oppressed folks across Greece. And that made them frequent targets for the police state and rival gangs. Silvain had to pull his own weight and soon found his knack with technology, which was highly appreciated by other members. By 2071, Silvain was routinely repairing or modifying cyberware, weapons, gear, whatever required his talents. Sometimes he had to play the role of a ripperdoc to patch up a busted cybernetic on a wounded gang member. Still, despite the hardships and struggles, he loved being the technician of the gang. Plus, it paid extremely decently given his circumstances. Unfortunately, the golden age came to a sudden and brutal climax with the murder of the Sacred Band's leader. Sacred Band and the other gangs of Sparta were rapidly and brutally targeted by the military police and mercs eager to claim the bounties during the early 2070s. Silvain, realizing that his life was in jeopardy, gathered his hard-earned eurobucks and used much of it to book passage to North America. He left behind the gang and his home country without a farewell to avoid drawing attention from the authorities and bounty hunters. The first three years in the New United States were difficult but survivable compared to Grecce. Silvain operated a back-alley clinic in New York City as the local ripperdoc before moving west. In Detriot, he found decent work as a prostitute for two years while tinkering with braindances on the side. And then, he left further west after being nearly beaten to death by a powerful client and found himself in Night City. Night City, despite being overrun by corporations and gangs, was easy for someone like Silvain to adjust rather fast. But what he didn't expect was learning about the Mox. Seeing the similarities between them and Sacred Band, Silvain didn't waste any time approaching them to offer his talents. At first, Susie "Q" wasn't looking for "any more strays" and not "running a charity." That was until their own braindance technician and editor left town out of the blue. Nowadays, Silvain works for the basement of Lizzie's Bar with the leftover equipment for the last occupant as the Mox's own technician. On the side, however, he recently returned to sex work and started working for fixers in Night City to earn a little extra eddies. And with the uncertainty that comes with living in Night City, 2078 is going to look like an eventful year to Silvain. D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E D E T A I L E D A P P E A R A N C E ![]() Silvain Cellier De Roos is an average height person whose body type is between skinny and tone. Being a Mox and a prostitute has made sure that eddies are spent on maintaining a fashion style between kitsch and entropism. Gender roles be damned as long as the final product looks sensational to the client and functional in case of a firefight. And once in a while, you might be able to see his right arm sleeve tattoo (featuring a bluejay in the center) out for all to marvel at. There won't be an easy way of figuring out Silvain and that's done on purpose. His attachment issues make him effortlessly dodge any question about him with utter absurdity or performative distractions (that goes extra on men). And he isn't for one to hide his attraction to the same-sex including members of Maelstrom. But he will his disdain towards police officers and those in positions of authority pretty loud and clear. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) ![]() Silvain Cellier De Roos is still young and filled with potential despite his rough beginnings. While Night City doesn't treat new arrivals kindly, he is built differently and has been handed worst situations. Still, his primary is survival while the secondary is The Mox, which I hope to explore more than what the game provides. I am especially interested in its leader, Susie "Q", and the rivalry with the Tyger Claws. Of course, I also want to explore and develop Silvain as he slowly finds his place in this chaotic world. And who knows, maybe a few familiar faces will be allowed to pop up. |