Hawkshadow purred in amusement at Smokestep's words and nodded in agreement, "That's probably why Coyotestar picked him, they're like two rabbits in a warren with their matching serious stares." The larger tom kept his eyes ahead, in the direction of the BreezeClan border, and tightened his jaw as the salty scents crept over the air. The shadows were easy to see and these days BreezeClan meant trouble.
The constant stream of chatter coming from Oakpaw distracted Stormstrike from the teasing that was going on behind him. His whiskers twitched slightly, "Very good Oakpaw, you've got a sharp nose." He would have to check in and make sure that she could focus in on the prey scents as well as other cats more so than the smells of the area, though that could come in handy too. He kept an eye on the opposite side of the border, though his attention was more focused on his apprentice. He came to a stop the moment he heard the angry voice come across the scent line.
He bit back a sigh as he turned his attention to the gray and black tom, "Greetings Cloudstorm," he fought to keep his irritation at bay as the warrior insulted him. He managed well enough, but his brother had always had more of a temper than him. He rested his tail over Smokestep's shoulders in a calming gesture, "We aren't on your territory," it was always difficult to tell exactly where the border was given the constantly shifting sands, but he was always careful not to cross it and today was no exception. "In fact I believe you're closer to the border line than we are."
Another growl came from the BreezeClan patrol as a reddish tom stepped up to stand next to Cloudstorm. "I think we know where our own border is rabbit-breath," Redtalon hissed back at them his own long claws digging into the sand.
Stormstrike's eyes shifted slightly to the rest of the patrol. He recognized the long black pelt and disinterested expression of Nightwater and the pale pelt of Cranesong. Though the shrinking form of a large golden tom he was unfamiliar with. Probably a new apprentice then. He turned his attention back to the two toms, "We're on our side of the border unless BreezeClan has decided to encroach on our territory," his tail flicked irritably, "If that's the case I can tell you Coyotestar will not stand for it."
He didn't want this to devolve into a border skirmish, and Dawnstar herself had said they weren't looking to start a war. It seemed her warriors thought differently as Redtalon let our another angry growl and lunged at him with claws extended. He felt the wind leave his lungs as he was bowled onto the ground and screeched in pain as Redtalon's hind claws batted at his stomach. The weight was quickly removed though as Hawkshadow's massive form grabbed the other tom and threw him to the side. He had enough time to roll onto his feet and see Nightwater slam into his brother with a yowl. So much for that.