NAME; To any who would ask this Qunari woman her name she is “Asaara”. She has no “birth name” as is custom among those raised by the Qun, her existence marked by a mere jumble of numbers and lettering. This name was not chosen by her but given by comrades of the past and it is a name she clings to.
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PERSONALITY; Asaara is somewhat more whimsical and charismatic than most of her kind, of course this can be attributed to her time with the Ben-Hassrath. As a member of the Dangerous Questions branch of the Ben-Hassrath she has been among human and to some extent elven society more than most of her kind giving her a more open approach to humans and other races not of the Qun. Despite this outward friendly nature to be seen Asaara also has a cold streak which can be seen by enemies and allies alike and she is without hesitation in killing anyone that may be a liability to her causes and pursuits.
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SHORT BACKGROUND; Asaara was born in Qunandar, the capital city of Par Vollen in the Qunari heartland. When she came of age she was assigned to the Ben-Hassrath where she would be placed in the Dangerous Questions branch, these agents being charged with spying, interrogation, espionage, and assassination. Asaara proved to be swift of foot and a capable fighter, her marksmanship making her a dangerous force on the battlefield. She showed a pension for ambushes and guerrilla tactics which lead her to many successes against Tevinter units.
Believing her talents wasted fighting in the jungles of Seheron and interrogating captured Tevinter soldiers, the Viddasala granted Asaara the rank and duty of Tallis - assassin. The Viddasala would keep Asaara close at hand due to her resourcefulness and only dispatches her when she feels no others are capable of handling a task. While “assassin” is Asaara’s technical role among those of the Qun she also is called upon for scouting, information gathering, and interrogation of bas.
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AGE; 24 Y/O
HEIGHT; 6’7” (200.66 cm)
WEIGHT; 220 Lbs (99.79 Kg)
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PRIMARY WEAPON; Custom recurve bow (& arrows).
SECONDARY WEAPON; Qunari short-sword. (“Qunari Slasher”)