Name: Badgerpelt
Age: 20 moons
Gender: Male
Species: Cat
Residence: Raincolony
Rank: Deputy
Mentor: Shadowtalon
Apprentice: Vixenpaw
Relations: Featherbright (Mother) Skunkpaw (Half-brother) Dustrunner (Brother) Blackberry(Sister)

Personality: Badger is very loyal. Almost to a fault. He can be extremely supportive, but this gets him in trouble. Cats think he's sucking up to the leader to maybe usurp them, but he really isn't. He will perform long vigils on request, even though this exhausts him sometimes. He is also usually a good judge of character, having experienced his share of both good intentions and shocking betrayals. He's serious, rarely taking a joke even if it is a bit funny, however, he is not above showing the younger kits a softer, more jovial side when needed.
History: He was raised in Nightcolony after being born to a queen named Featherbright, a young first mother with black and white splotches. He came from a littler of four, and climbed naturally up the ranks until he reached warrior. On his way up the ladder, he witnessed three really good acts of loyalty, and one very heavy betrayal. He had no asperations to become deputy, but aparently, 'fate' had other plans. He served faithfully, and is a strong hearted Deputy, determined to never let his leader down.