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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Larsene108
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Larsene108 Your Best Ghoulfriend

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Nahla's eyes narrow, a gentle wrinkling of the nose as she grins. She had to give a giggle, as if what she had said was the silliest thing she'd heard. As if she wasn't aware of why anyone would want to leave the cruel, watchful eye of the Vizier and her ilk.

"And why would I want to leave? After all, it's comfortable here. I have a soft bed, warm meals. I have my river, I can keep myself busy with the Sultan-"

Her eyes dared to steal a glance into Ruz's as Nahla made an effort of slowly unfolding and refolding her legs. If Ruz would think her some barbarian toy, she would Be Her Dream. A pretty thing who would volunteer to give Ruz what she wanted with little more than the vague promise of stability. If Nahla was not meant to see herself in this plan, let her be guided by her desire, a thought that made the girl once again all too aware of the vial in her pocket.

"And you are more luxurious than any ruby a miner could be promised. Now then, if I may be excused, I believe the Sultan would swoon if I apologized for my candor with a flower taken whilst I 'snuck out' for her."

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TectonicRobot
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Silsila Om

Om's face twitches at this Hai Lin makes another accusation. What--what! Her face scrunched, cheeks hot and red as the woman pushed into the strategist, before abruptly pulling back, stumbling away from her, making distance between the two of them. She panted, her golden eyes wild.

"What do you want me to do, then!?" Her words were hot and harsh, exasperated and earnest, the words of someone sick of having to deal with the expectations of others forced upon her. "I could march straight back to the Heavens now, shoulder my way in, and figure out where Birsi went. Would that show you my power? Would that fix all of this? I could, with gusto!" A hand goes up to run through her hair, her sword down by her feet. Keep your head in the duel, Om!


Honor demands her Punishment… Honor requires Sacrifice… Birsi steeled herself in her mind, taking her thoughts and soothing them with a slow exhale that felt like steam leaving a boiling pot. “Ma’am…” Her words leave her mouth with a lack of fire behind them, instead the firmness of steel and order is behind them. “Please think clearly, you may have numbers, but aside from you, I do not think you have the skill to handle both the guards and the Fire Wheels. The weakest link in a chain is the one that breaks, and in the case for your majority, they are the weakest links.” Surely this person would listen to some form of reason, right?

Birsi herself couldn’t understand where this person was coming from… Discontent with the Sultan? How was that even possible, she is the very word and voice of the Almighty, her rule is just and fair, how could someone even think of being a dissenter aimed against her? Surely this was just an overreaction on this woman’s part… She couldn’t allow Usurpers or Rebellion, but she could at least convince this person with logic and reason like any person, right? First she would make her realize that there is too much strength mounted against her view, and then convince her that all is well, a simple process… She hoped.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FraughtFaun
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Soot had pushed herself with surprising force, rocketing back off of the chest of the spirit-clad sorcerer and slamming into the couch. Knocking it back as she toppled head over heels. Disorientated, the painter rolled forward onto the floor and staggered to her feet. She adjusted her dress carefully, dusting it with a few measured pats before turning to address the Firewheels.

“Now, I Don't know about you. But I thought we were all here for a nice game of cards. Now, a little rowdiness is to be expected... but, if this is the expected level of decorum…” Soot pointed over her shoulder at the raging Rose “I think I'd rather cash out. You can keep her as compensation for my Ante”

Soot sauntered to the table and rested a hand back on her sword. “Only seems fair, no? Given how poor of a sport she’s been”

Her voice was strong, but the painter was shaking inside. She tried her hardest to maintain a wry smile.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Tatterdemalion
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“If you do well,” Ruz says, suddenly, sitting forward, “then perhaps you might be released from her service. When she marries my daughter. Doubtless she will not have the time to take care of you.”

She offers you a heavy-ringed hand, and guides you through her room with care. Is she, perhaps, besotten? With you? Enough to treat you like a precious item, like one among the many that this dragon of a woman has filled her chambers with?

Perhaps you were simply that impressive.

“Take whatever you like from here,” she adds, just before you can go. “As a reward.” She gestures expansively at her rich study; there are so many treasures here that it is impossible to gauge any as being better or worse. This sapphire? That orb of interlinked chains? This elegant dagger? That coil of lavender rope?

And when you do finally leave, it shall come to pass that you meet Ruz’s court painter in the halls of the palace.

Silsila Om!

“Then do so,” Hai Lin says, with a faint smile. Provoking you to do that was her plan all along! Or a back-up plan? Who’s to say with her. “Go bring me back my girl, Host.”

Do you take orders from the likes of her? How do you handle being thus bamboozled?


“One chain may break,” she retorts. “But in enough numbers, even dragons may be bound. And the Vulenids will. The arc of destiny bends towards it.”

This sounds as if it is personal for her. As if there is a hidden pain that spurs her on. What do you make of that, disguised guardswoman?


Rosethal is unable to let her curse upon you, treacherous harlot, escape her lips— not before she is seized by the Fire Wheels. Do you slip away while their attention is on her, or do you watch while they turn her into a writhing, fuming, glaring package?

Regardless— when you do slip away, it shall come to pass that you meet the Sultan’s harem girl, Nahla, in the halls of the palace.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by TectonicRobot
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Silsila Om

Silsila's mouth opens and stays there, gaping like a fish, before closing shut, golden lips pressed into a thin line. A dark, burning flush rolls over her cheeks, one hand behind her head, the other sheathing her sword. "You could have simply asked!" She says, notes of humiliation and frustration on her voice, mingling with relief, as she turns around and dashes out of the room.

Birsi couldn't have gotten into THAT much trouble, could she?

Honor demands her Punishment… Honor requires Sacrifice… Birsi steeled herself in her mind, taking her thoughts and soothing them with a slow exhale that felt like steam leaving a boiling pot. “Ma’am…” Her words leave her mouth with a lack of fire behind them, instead the firmness of steel and order is behind them. “Please think clearly, you may have numbers, but aside from you, I do not think you have the skill to handle both the guards and the Fire Wheels. The weakest link in a chain is the one that breaks, and in the case for your majority, they are the weakest links.” Surely this person would listen to some form of reason, right?

Birsi herself couldn’t understand where this person was coming from… Discontent with the Sultan? How was that even possible, she is the very word and voice of the Almighty, her rule is just and fair, how could someone even think of being a dissenter aimed against her? Surely this was just an overreaction on this woman’s part… She couldn’t allow Usurpers or Rebellion, but she could at least convince this person with logic and reason like any person, right? First she would make her realize that there is too much strength mounted against her view, and then convince her that all is well, a simple process… She hoped.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Larsene108
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Larsene108 Your Best Ghoulfriend

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Nahla had to use every bit of her prowess to not chuckle as the words left the vizier’s lips. Her, being cared for by the Sultan? As if she hadn’t spent this time letting Grace-of-Heaven practically wrap her consort around her like a blanket in the middle of winter. As if she needed to be cared for, as if she ever had been cared for and not vice versa. As if she would ever picture being comforted at Grace’s hand, her palm gently rubbing against the underside of her consort’s chin, forgiving her for her misdeeds and assuring her that it was all for the best…

As her mind raced with impossibilities, her hands gently glided over a few of the items so kindly offered for her to pick from. The sapphire’s deep blue gleam reminded her of her Sultan, the chains of her interwoven links of lies and tricks. The lavender rope was so gentle against her fingertips compared to the normal hemp rope and carried the faint pleasant aroma that practically cleared the way to your lungs with a whiff.

“I thank you for this generous reward, Lady Ruz. Your kindness shall not be forgotten.”

Ultimately, when her thanks and bows were said and done, Nahla stood outside the Grand Vizier’s chambers, heavy, pondering eyes examining every inch of the unsheathed dagger in her hand. The silver polished metal and gemstones embedded into the hilt was a thing of beauty, the shimmering sun reflected against the walls by the blade, some stones even leaving an almost rainbow-like refraction scattered about the corridor. She thought the dagger could make an excellent addition to the spectacle of her mirror sword, once she was forgiven for her indiscretions and her blade returned to her. Perhaps it could also make for a useful concealed means of protection when she went about her little nighttime errands, though she would certainly have to find something less flashy in time than the similarly encrusted scabbard. Perhaps a simple dark leather, dark as that urchin girl’s eyes, as tough yet smooth as her hands…

When the artist would eventually abscond from her card game shenanigans, the hallway would be occupied by a concubine, eyes and expression dulled in deep contemplation as her gaze locked onto an unsheathed, extravagant dagger in her hand, standing just outside of the chambers of the Vizier.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by FraughtFaun
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Soot scooted though the halls hurrying back to her studio. Desperately trying to get her outfit back in order. Her face was flush, hair unkept, dress askew, even one of her boots was partially undone, laces dragging along the ground. Getting thrown around by a sorcerer isn't the best for keeping your clothes together After-all, this little distraction had costed the painter half a working day, and she still had a piece to finish... As well as a waiting servant girl who really should to be let down to stretch her legs.

It wasn't exactly her 'proper' work attire but luckily it seemed the halls were quiet. If she could get back without too many interruptions the day might not be a total loss.

Until she ran into the Sultan's attendant. Who was... standing in front of the Vizier's office, enraptured, holding a dagger. Soot stared, for too long, in the way that an artist does. Before realizing she was staring at a girl, with a knife, incredibly absorbed in said knife.

Deciding this was most certainty not her problem: Soot turned on her heels and tried to march off, her face a stoic 'now is not the time to ask questions', before stopping on her bootlace and tumbling down to the ground.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Larsene108
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Larsene108 Your Best Ghoulfriend

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Nahla's eyes broke out of her distant thoughts at the sound of an artist slamming into the floor. Her face lit up to it's normal self, a look of concern across her face. With a gasp, she hurries over to Soot, sheathing her dagger as she approached and offered the fallen woman a hand.

"Are you alright, Miss-? Say, you're the artist the Lady Ruz brought to dinner last night, aren't you? My apologies for my most uncouth behavior!"

Soot braced herself as she heard Nahla approaching. When she heard the dagger being sheathed she exhaled and rolled over with a wince. Her previously injured leg exacerbated by her scrap with Rosethal.

She rolled over with a customer service smile, staring up at the Dancer. She stared blankly for a moment too long, trying to recall the events of dinner (it had fallen to the bottom of her memory, with all the excitement of the evening) "Yes! Right!" Soot replied finally, taking the offered hand "I think I have some of your performance in my sketchbook actually."

As Nahla assisted Soot to her feet, mentally trying to recall if she had ever been told the artist's name, her face flushed red. She knew there was bound to be some mementos from that night, but the uncertainty of what aspects of the night before Soot had sketched away...

"Oh my! I'm honored you found my performance worthy of your artistry, Miss. If you should desire a followup performance, one without such mistakes, or to serve in any way you would like for your arts, I would be ever grateful for a chance to apologize for what you bore witness to last night."

Close to the artist, the lingering scent of Ruz's perfume lingered on Nahla, a scent that Soot was likely familiar with after spending a portion of the night before so close to the vizier.

Soot, blushed and shuffled back, the Vizier scent lingering on her nose.

"W-well yes of course. I'm sure you are quite busy with your... attending to the Sultana. But I'm certain, should the Grand Vizier find it necessary..." Soot trailed off. There was a particular potential in the dancers figure, with the right lightning.. an intricate web... the Vizier did like painting Forigners.. the welcoming arms of the church and whatnot- the painter shook her head "Yes, yes, theres a backlog of course, but I always love being able to.. uh.. capture, my fellow staff... Artistically" Soot nodded

A nearly imperceptible tensing of her muscles as Soot's words leave her mouth. "Should the Grand Vizier find it necessary." The thought of the vizier having her bound and at her hand...

"Yes, well, if you're busy I won't hold you up any further!" The words stumbled out in a hurried, raised voice. A panicked voice that leapt out of the throat before the mind could fully ponder them. A voice like one might hear from a dramatic, concerned person across a roof. With a bow, the Courtesan began to turn away from the artist, making her way back to the Sultana a few steps before halting. Frozen in thought for a moment, wondering if she should say it, and finally-

"Oh! Madame, I'm afraid I didn't get your name!"

Soot cocked her head, momentarily confused at the question. 'Oh right pleasantries' she thought

"Yes, apologies, I forgot we hadn't been introduced. With our... previous meeting." Soot gripped her sketchbook softly in her bad "I go by Soot. I guess: Soot the painter..?" she chuckled to herself

The courtesan nods, once again bowing deeply to the tall woman before her. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Lady Soot. I am Nahla. I look forward to helping you in your artistic endeavors!"
This time, when Nahla turns away, she continues off in a hurried fashion. She had a lot to do tonight, and she had let herself get distracted by everything that had happened. She wondered what she should bring back to Grace-of-Heaven tonight...
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