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"I'm sure it's the thought that counts," Lorna told Kitty, trying to cheer her friend up. Truthfully though, she didn't really know what to make of Poseidon. She had a hard time imagining him as a cuddly, cheerful, touchy feely sort of parent - but maybe she was wrong. Maybe he would be happy with just a picture with some macaroni glued onto it. It'd been a while since there were any demigod kids of Poseidon, so something was better than nothing, right? "I wouldn't worry aboat it," Lorna added, her own Canadian accent shining through on about.

Of course, the minute her attention was back on Fable, her mind was freshly short circuiting again. How did Fable get her hair to look so perfect? Lorna immediately started tugging slightly on her own hair, wishing that her color was a little brighter and her waves a little straighter. She laughed what felt a little too loudly at Fable's joke about Kitty's words being silly.

"Pudding and biscuits are totally so confusing - like, biscuits are soft and dough-y and not sweet and you put jam on them. And then pudding is the stuff you make from the Jell-O box and definitely couldn't be what you'd call cake or ice cream," Lorna agreed. Her heart was pounding and she didn't know why. "I'm free right now, actually - well we have crafts later but that isn't for a few hours so I have nothing to do, it isn't my day to clean the cabin thank god everyone's socks smell so so so bad. What aboat you? Oh sorry, you just said you have nothing. Kitty has nothing too. Did you want to do something?"
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"I suppose you're right." The girl agreed and sighed. "Mhn, well....thats just what we say." Crossing her arms. Kitty noticed how Lorna always seemed to get flustered with certain girls in the camp. Mostly Fable since she was friends with the two so they usually spoke even more. "You know your face is coloured like a strawberry." She decided to point out to the girl.

It was a bit funny how Lorna rambled on, trying to crack jokes or just speaking because she probably didn't know when to stop. So of course kitty had to tease her friend.

Fable laughed quietly, a hand to her mouth, trying not to laugh too much at the situation. "Cleaning isn't very fun....I hate doing the cabin cleaning. Ah, well we could hang out at the lake or just wander the forest area. Course we'd need our weapons in case anything tries to get at us."
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Lorna was completely oblivious as to the real reason why her face was red. She really hadn't put much thought into crushes and stuff like that - kissing boys and everything just didn't interest her. She figured it might later, but she wasn't worrying about it. So, when Kitty told Lorna that her face was red, she didn't consider it was because of feelings she might have been having - or the fact that she was completely flustered. "Oh gods, I hope I don't have a sunburn - that'd be the worst, especially on the face, bleh. D'you think ambrosia would work for that? Does your cabin have some sort of special sun care treatment thingy?" she asked, addressing that last question at Fable in particular, as Fable's father was the sun god.

Her eyes lit up at the idea of going into the forest and bringing their weapons. Yes, Lorna's arm had been aching from sword practice and her body was covered in bruises, but she was already excited at the idea of running through the woods with their weapons. The lake also seemed fun to her, but she figured it wouldn't be as active and she didn't like lying around on the beach as much as other people did. "Both sound pretty cool to me - the wood's'd be pretty fun, especially if we get lucky and find a monster." Yup, her heart was pounding from excitement at getting to maybe go fight a monster. That was it.
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"Uh huh.... face sunburn totally...." The water girl shook her head a few times with a giggle.

Unlike Kitty, Fable didn't want to tease her friend at all over the fact her face was red for other reasons. "Hmn....maybe? Id have to ask my siblings, they're better at the healing stuff than me. Still learning all that mumbo jumbo." The sun girl ponders the thought for a moment. "Could also see if theres any sunburn stuff at the concession stand." Fable looks at Kitty and hums. "So, any luck talkin' to Luke?"

Kitty scoffs softly while standing. "Nothing besides during sparing. S-stop asking." Her face had gone a bright red now, embarrassment was easy to see on her face with how pale her ivory skin was. Someday she'd get the courage to talk to Luke more....maybe see if he liked her.... of course that was a wild dream in its self! "Anyways, lets grab some swords and go in the woods!!" She wanted to change the topic away from her love life. So of course she grabbed a sword and marched off to the forest line, wanting to run away from such talk.
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Lorna was very happy when the attention was off of her, feeling like she could relax ever so slightly. It was nice to focus on Kitty and Luke for the moment anyways. Her friend was always a little nervous around Luke and right now, the blush in Kitty's face was undeniable. "Oof, she has it bad," Lorna commiserated, watching for a moment as Kitty walked off towards the tree line with a sword. Lorna still had with her the sword she had used during training today, so she just kept it and went off after her friend at a run, seemingly refilled with energy already.

"So if you don't wanna talk about boys, what do you wanna talk about?" Lorna inquired. She knew that most of the campers their age tended to like to talk about boys or girls, usually in private - something Lorna never really felt the urge to do herself. Whenever they'd play games of MASH, Lorna was always stumped as to who to put for potential partners, usually just listing off random gods or heroes from myths.
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"Oh she has it soooo bad." Fable laughs, grabbing an extra dagger, she already had her special personalized bow on her back.

"I dont mind talking about boys.... I just dont need people hearing me talk about Luke. Im surprised nobodys blabbed that I like him. I'd think the Aphrodite would gossip... but maybe Quinns told them not to do it." Kitty replies. Holding her sword as they wander the trail. "Maybe Ill tell him I like him....but it has to be the right moment."

"Oh goodness darlin', you really just need to say somethin' to Luke. I mean, he might reject your feelin's cause he is...well an adult...." The Apollo girl comments, feeling a bit bad that her friend was crushing on a guy that was older and much more mature.
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Lorna hesitated for a moment as Fable brought up the minotaur in the room - the fact that Luke was way older than Kitty. Luke was college aged, 19 years old. If he did like Kitty back, it would be weird - and though Lorna would never admit this to Kitty, gross as well. The best case scenario was that Luke turned her down gently. It wasn't Kitty's fault though - she couldn't help it. Lorna didn't blame her at all. "I didn't want to say it, but... You're 13 and he's 19... It would be weird if you two dated," Lorna admitted, hoping her friend wouldn't hate her for saying it. But again, she wasn't going to add her opinion that she would find it gross as well.

"But maybe when you're older and he's older, it'll be less weird - like 21 and 27 doesn't sound too bad," Lorna offered. She didn't know if Kitty would still like Luke then - but her friend really did have it bad for him. Maybe they could work out, in a few years, when the age gap wasn't as bad. Lorna didn't say anything else for a moment, looking at Kitty nervously, but the more nervous Lorna felt the more prone to blabbering on she became. "Like what would be your ideal outcome if you talked to him? Like let's say that you do it, you tell him you like him when the time is right... Would you want to ask him to, like, date? Or..."

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Kitty paused for a moment, right she was younger than Luke. It'd be foolish to think he'd like her at all in the same way. People would find it disgusting, gross, and very wrong if they dated now. She sighed. Luke was like those fantasy boys she'd read in books.... Unable to obtain. "Dating him would....be nice but you're right.... It'd be weird at this moment. Besides, he probably just sees me as a sibling or something." She felt heartbroken, any guy she liked was either fictional, far older than her, or thought of her as a freak.

The girl didnt even want to tell Luke about her feelings now that she was fully realizing the full picture. Being rejected would hurt even more. He would probably laugh, pity her, and move on.

"Aw Kitty....hey its alright. I mean you dont have to say anything. Just keep it to yourself." Fable says, feeling bad that her friend was now in a bad spot. "Sometimes its better kept inside than out in the open, ya know?"

She nodded and looked away. "Im not feeling it anymore.... You two have fun in here. I....I need a moment." The ginger haired girl left the forest, putting the sword back in the armory before going to sit alone by the lake. Hoping that she wouldn't get bothered by anyone.
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The Woods...

Lorna didn't know what to say or do. She blamed herself for this. Kitty was clearly upset. If she had just kept her stupid mouth shut, then her friend wouldn't have run off to go be alone. She wouldn't be hurting. Lorna stared at the ground for a moment, as if there would be an answer amongst the twigs and the dirt as to what to do. "Kitty, I..." Lorna tried to say, but her friend was already gone. She let out a sigh of frustration. Why did she decide to chime in along the same lines of what Fable had said? Why'd she do that?

This entire moment, it felt like a liminal space. Lorna hated dwelling in it. She hated conflict that wasn't resolved. She wanted to move on, to get back to everyone having fun and having a good time and just talking about silly things that didn't matter. Finally, Lorna decided on what to do. "I'm going to keep on going deeper into the woods, you're welcome to join if you like, but no pressure," she told Fable. Physical activity would help her feel better. It'd be a good distraction. And maybe when she got tired out, Kitty would be done having a moment to herself.

The Lake...

Kitty wasn't the only one having a moment alone at the lake. Nadja Eisenhardt, a brown skinned girl with fiercely curly hair, was sitting on the shore. One of the children of Athena, Nadja had a bit of a reputation at Camp for being prideful, competitive, and somewhat serious. She had a notebook in her hand that she was writing in - just journaling about her day, the words coming out in a mixture of English and Ancient Greek. It was her own special sort of shorthand. In the margins, she had doodled various things - barn owls, moons, and haunting pairs of eyes.

Nadja glanced up, as Kitty came nearby. She tilted her head slightly, recognizing that the girl was clearly upset. "You okay?" Nadja asked. She had seen Kitty around camp and knew who she was - it was hard not to know who the daughter of Poseidon was. Nadja hadn't really gone out of her way to talk to Kitty before, per Poseidon and Athena's status as rivals. But she didn't bear her any ill will - not yet, at least.

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- The Woods -

Fable rubbed her neck while sighing softly. "Jeez... I know she goes after boys she can't have but never seen her get that pissed when I say something about it! I guess Lukes a different case from all the other boys." The southern girl felt horrible that they'd pissed their friend off. Fable had been friends with Kitty for longer, due to their mothers being friends because the two were in the entertainment work field. "I'm comin' with ya." She quickly followed behind, figuring they could just chat between themselves.

"So ah, any boys catch your eye? Or even a girl?" She questioned. Fable was known to like either gender, of course the Stolls where her main target of interest. Though she'd be seen flirting it up with a couple of the Aphrodite girls if the Stoll brother's had pissed her off at all.

- The Lake -

Kitty noticed Nadja, of course she wouldn't just walk away to another area of the shore. She could just go in the water if she wanted to be fully alone. "Oh....um.... not really." The girl shook her head. Usually she didn't speak to the Athena cabin, they didn't enjoy her a lot except when it came to Capture the Flag since Kitty was oddly very sneaky just like a feline. Being quiet was easy to do when she was always by herself, sometimes people wouldn't even notice her unless she made a sound. Forgotten at times.

So to speak with an Athena child, besides it being Annabeth, was a bit odd. "Boy troubles. Thats all." She muttered while sitting down, putting herself in the lake but not to far in, she'd still be able to talk to Nadja but also could escape if she felt far too embarrassed.
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The Woods...

Lorna nodded, commiserating with Fable over the shared surprise and regret from how Kitty had reacted. She felt truly horrible that they had hurt their friend like that. There was a small, tiny part of Lorna that wondered if it had been better that they raised the point now - better them than Luke rejecting her. She imagined that would have crushed Kitty. But it still didn't make Lorna feel any better. Of course, if there was one thing to take Lorna's mind off of her guilt, it was Fable asking Lorna about any crushes she had.

"I honestly haven't really thought about it. Liking people, I mean. I know everyone is supposed to be, like, super into dating and crushes and all right now," Lorna said, shaking her head slightly. "But I never look at a guy and go wow, I would really like to swap spit with him right now. Maybe I'm a late bloomer or whatever?" she asked. Her cheeks were flushed a bit in embarrassment. Lorna never talked about it, but she always did feel strange, hearing the other girls go on about boys that they liked. "But, um, what about you? I mean, you could get any guy or girl in camp that you want, you're beautiful, smart, funny, athletic, caring..."

"Sorry, did I make that weird?" Lorna asked, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "Sometimes it's like my mouth just starts going and going and I can't stop it."

The Lake...

Nadja frowned. The girl was clearly upset over some boy at camp - and while Nadja didn't really know Kitty, she felt somewhat angered on Kitty's behalf. "Oy vey, I'm sorry to hear that," Nadja said. She closed her notebook and set it down beside her. For whatever reason, despite not knowing her, Kitty seemed at least willing to talk. Nadja had had a painful break-up herself about a month or so ago, right before the end of the school year, so she could empathize with her.

"If you want to talk about it, I'm a great listener - and an excellent strategist at how to get back at people," Nadja offered. She didn't know enough context about these boy troubles Kitty was having, but she was certain there was someone that Kitty might get some joy out of pranking. Of course, Nadja tended to hold grudges and enjoyed the concept of revenge in general - Kitty might not. "Or if you want me to piss off and leave the shore to you, that's fine too."
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- The Woods -

"Yeah, pre-teens and teens think about dating. I mean, you don't have to like a guy per say. Girls are fantastic as well." Fable hums and shoots a monsterous bird thats high in the tree. "Hah, perfect shot." She grins while grabbing another arrow. "I mean.... I do like the Stolls but its hard to pick which one. They're both sweet and cute~"

She looks over at Lorna, giggling softly. "Kitty sometimes talks a lot when shes nervous. So Im use to it! Don't worry about over doing it." Waves her hand and looks around for another thing to shoot at. She was rather perfect at archery, one of the top out of her siblings, she'd usually win at any of the competitions they enjoyed having against each other or the other cabins. "Hell, if a girl ever strikes my fancy more than the Stolls, I'd go after her in a heartbeat."

- The Lake -

"I like a boy.... here in camp but he's an adult." The girl sighs lowly, putting a hand through her hair. "I always go after much older guys cause of....some issues Ive had in the past." Kitty hated going into that part of her history. Her mother always hung out with many popular men, boys that where teens and adults that took interest in her. She liked the attention since she didnt get it from her mother and step father. So of coruse she took an interest in Luke. He was sweet and kind.... very helpful and ugh that smile.

The girl splashed the water, biting her lip. "It not so much a revenge thing I need. More of a reality check with myself I suppose. I feel like Aphrodite cursed me some how in a way...."
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The Woods...

"I-I don't like girls," Lorna stammered, her face turning bright red. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course! It's totally cool and everything it's just... I don't think that's me?" Her heart was pounding furiously and Lorna wondered what was wrong with herself. Why was she losing her cool now? Why was she unable to stop her heart from skipping a beat whenever Fable glanced back at her? Why did the temperature feel like it was skyrocketing, as if the woods had turned to lava?

"Oh yeah, the Stolls are fun," Lorna agreed. "They'd totally both date you, honestly. Everyone seems to be really into my brothers these days," she added, attempting a slight joke. "Oh yeah? You would? I mean of course you would, sorry I don't know why I asked that, that was very dumb and... Oh look, is that something moving in the bushes over there?" Lorna said, tearing her gaze away from Fable - she had been noticing too much how the light filtering through the trees was hitting her blonde locks - as she headed in a new direction with her sword. There was a smaller monster in the next clearing and Lorna swung her sword, slicing it neatly in half. Monster dust fell in a neat pile on the ground.

The Lake...

Nadja tilted her head, studying Kitty's face for a moment. While some at camp felt that Athena's children could lack emotional intelligence, Nadja never felt that that was the case. Athena's children were highly perceptive, after all - as long as they bothered to deem something worthy of their time. "Hmm. You like to crush on obtainable men - I'm guessing they tend to be rather safe as well - ones where you know they'd never hurt you?" Nadja posed. She hadn't known Kitty very long, but she was building something of a psychological profile.

It helped, though, because Nadja had done something similar - once upon a time. She used to pick safe, nice boys who she knew would never be interested in pursuing a relationship with her. She'd put their names in hearts in her notebook and convince herself that she was crushing on them. It had been something of a defense mechanism, a way for her to avoid the question of her own sexuality, by picking someone she knew would never pick her. "I used to do that, too. I was scared of being vulnerable with someone - terrified, really."
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- The Woods -

"You sure? Cause you seem to get flustered over the thought darlin'. Maybe ya need to think it over some more." Fable giggled softly, like an angelic melody. She found it amusing how embarrassed Lorna seemed to be getting. Of course she had also noticed the glances her friend would take of her. Trying to look but not for too long. The Apollo girl was one of the more wanted one of her siblings when it came to dating. Boys, girls, a few satyrs even got interested in Fable. Probably was her Southern Charm. Plus she was very bubbly and friendly. Easy to speak with, even if she did cause mischief people forgave her after a while.

She followed behind Lorna, holding her bow in case anything else appeared. "Not bad with a sword. I swear I can never get the hang of it. Archery and knife throwing I can do with no problem. Which at least I'm helpful if anyone needs a sharp shooter." Fable paused for a moment. "Perhaps we should head back to camp. I'm sure it's almost time for your cabin to go do arts & crafts."

- The Lake -

"I well… I suppose so. I go for the more mature guys… The attention they give me is nice. I'm used to it because my mother brings her coworkers home for big parties at our estate. So lots of famous people. The guys would give me attention and it felt great. So now anytime an older guy does it…. I crush on them. It's so foolish. Ugh." She puts her hands on her face, trying to hide herself. "I want to tell him that I like him but…. I'll just get rejected!"

Kitty sighs lowly, feeling horrible about this little romantic piece in her life. Only her close friends knew about it. "I think I'm just going to keep it to myself for now….maybe I'll find someone else to crush on."
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The Woods...

Lorna's face was bright pink as Fable suggested that she needed to think it over. She had never really considered the possibility that she might like girls - Lorna was always more interested in sword fighting and hanging out with friends. But there was a certain amount of power in being told by someone she, well, liked that liking girls could be a label that fit her. She tested it out in her mind for a moment, wondering what her life would be like if she ended up with a girl... and the blush only deepened on Lorna's face as she realized she wouldn't mind that - that she might even like that.

Yeah, she was going to need to think on this more.

Nothing else was jumping out at them, something that Lorna was disappointed in - it would've been nice to swing her sword a few more times and take out some small monsters. "Th-thanks - I know I'm not as good as Luke or anything, I mean no one is as good as Luke, he's Luke, that's his entire deal, if someone was better than him than he'd just be... some white guy, you know? Instead of... well, a white guy who's really good at the sword. A-anyways, if you wanted to I could offer you some pointers - maybe spar - but only if you wanted to? We could even trade, archery lessons and sword lessons?" Lorna rambled.

"Oh, right - arts and crafts..."

The Lake...

Nadja nodded, listening to what Kitty had to say. The good thing was that Kitty seemed to be aware of her own habits and patterns, meaning that Nadja didn't really need to do much prompting to get Kitty to reflect inward. However, the conclusion that Kitty reached Nadja had mixed feelings on. In her experience, finding a crush was just a way of forcing yourself to like someone you picked out - crushes tended to find you. "Don't force it," Nadja advised. "You'll find someone - and then that'll probably end horribly and you'll find a new person and you'll repeat this cycle until you find the one."

Nadja stood up from her spot on the shore, dusting some sand off of her knees. "And if an older guy ever does give you that sort of attention, kick him in the balls," she recommended. "Did you still want to talk more? Or do you want to be alone? I can go journal elsewhere and leave you be, if you want." Again, while she didn't really know Kitty, she did feel for her. Nadja wasn't heartless - just blunt.
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- The Woods -

"Thats funny, some white guy.... sounds like most of this silly country." Fable was laughing at that comment. She herself was a mix of French and American, along with the whole Greek bloodline of course. "Ah sure sure, I can teach you archery. I am one of the best in the Apollo cabin." The girl winks before humming and heading back towards the camp.

She put her bow back into its hidden form, a bronzed metal hair claw clip with flame colored jewls. Her hair was quickly twisted and pinned up with the clip. Looking like a perfect bun. "Ah, seems Kitty is actually not sitting alone....Odd an Athena kids talking to her thats not Annabeth."

- The Lake -

Kitty stared into the water, watching the floating seaweed at the bottom and the fish swimming by. "Right....right.... Ill try not to force things. Im sure I'll find somebody." She nodded calmly before running a hand through her mess of curly locks. "Ehe, okay. Ah...being alone for a moment would be nice. Um thanks for talking to me. Usually your siblings give me the cold shoulder."
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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The Woods...

Lorna had NO IDEA how to feel when Fable winked at her. Maybe it really was time for some self reflection. Her face was bright red as Lorna followed after her friend, her sword at the ready in case anything jumped out at them. Part of Lorna did wish for the earth to swallow her whole. That would've been nice. She tried not to stare too much when Fable put her hair up into a perfect bun, and she tried not to think about how beautiful the gems of the clip looked when the light caught them.

When they made it to the edge of the woods, where they could look out and see Kitty sitting on the shore, Lorna was surprised to see Kitty sitting with one of the Athena kids - someone who Lorna instantly recognized. "Oh woah, I didn't know that she was friends with Nadja - I'm friends with her because her grandpa always insists on her inviting me over for the High Holidays - but I didn't know that Kitty was friends with her," Lorna quickly explained. Lorna and Nadja had bonded over their identities as Jewish demigods, although they weren't super close, they were friends. Lorna had found Nadja intimidating at first - she still did, really.

The Lake...

Nadja nodded, smiling ever so slightly at Kitty's comment about the Athena children usually being somewhat hostile. "My siblings are stupid," Nadja said bluntly. "I'm not my mother and you're not your father. So for now, I don't have a problem with you," she explained. "Although that could change, so be on your toes, Kitty," she joked, attempting to bring a bit of levity back in. Nadja knew that she tended to be overly serious at times and could intimidate people who didn't know her, and she didn't need this brokenhearted girl worried about Nadja being out to get her.

She then gave Kitty a wave, before heading off - she needed to tidy up her space in Cabin Six today anyways. And she was sure she'd end up finding something else to do. Maybe she'd grab one of the unsolved puzzles and spend the rest of the day until dinner working on it.
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- Woodland Boarder -

"Shes never mentioned it.... Im like her BFF. So maybe Nadja was just near by and noticed Kittys sad attitude written all over her face." Fable explains while tapping a finger to her cheek. "Cause those Athena kids never talk to Kitty unless its for Capture the flag!" She tilted her head a bit. "High Holiday? Never heard of that before.... Only heared about uh Hanuka? Thats like a Jewish thing right? Did... Did I say it wrong?"

The Southern Belle was raise.... in a cult. So when she first came to Camp Halfblood she was confused about a lot of things. Other religions that weren't about worshiping the Cult Leader like a Greek God himself seemed rather silly for a long long time. Even more so that she didn't have to wear the same clothing all the time, she could finally put on something other than a pale blue dress with black little heels. So slowly over the years she learned about Catholics, Piegans, Jews, the Amish. Learning about fashion, movies, pop culture as well.

- The Lake -

"I know. I don't have a problem with you or your siblings truly....But I know sometimes we can't stop having a little war between us all due to our godly parents." She laughed a bit while shaking her head. "Lets hope I don't get on your bad side."

The girl waves gently before deciding to go fully into the salty water, she could swim until dinner, usually the Naiads would let her know when it was time. Plus being alone in the water was always soothing after a bad day. Nothing but fish and other creatures, no sound besides the soft sway of the water moving around her.
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Woodland Border to the Lake...

Lorna couldn't help but giggle slightly, relaxing a bit now that Fable seemed to be a bit more nervous. It was incredibly cute - a thought that Lorna was slightly aware of but really didn't want to spend too much time unpacking. Emotions and stuff were hard - she'd much rather focus on fighting and swordplay. "Yeah, you said it fine," Lorna said with a smile. "They're, like, like the main holidays in the Jewish calendar - like how the Solstices are important for the Greeks above everything else." She was used to people being confused whenever she mentioned something about Jewish holidays. It was more unusual when they knew what they were, to be honest.

Lorna hadn't been raised particularly religious - her father was a Greek god after all and her step-father was a classic WASP. Her mother didn't really practice or observe things, treating it more as a cultural heritage than a religious one. But Lorna did like exploring her Jewish identity, and the Eisenhardts were nice people. Nadja's grandfather always had the best stories that captivated Lorna's imagination for hours on end.

She reached the lakeshore, just in time to see Kitty dive underneath the waves. "Kitty?!" Lorna called out. "Are you okay? We're really sorry!"
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"Oh good.... Ah I see. So its like when people go celebrate Christmas and Easter." She nods softly before hearing the splash of the water. Welp there she went. Fable figured Kitty would eventually submerge herself in the water. Not like she could drown like the rest of the demigods if they tired something like that. So she didn't freak out. "I'm not sure she'll come up right away. We'll probably just have to leave her alone."

Kitty heard the shout, looking upwards to the shore. She sighed silently. Slowly pushing herself back to land. Her head popped out, like always she was dry like the water wasn't even touching her. "I'm peachy.... Really, its fine. I know you two were just looking out for me. So....I think I need time to think over things. Nothing to worry about too much." The demigod glances towards the crafting building. The Hermes cabin seemed to be heading inside already, chatting between each other or with satyrs & nymphs. "Luke probably sees me as a friend, which....is reasonable. I'll stick to that. H-he doesn't need to know I ever liked him. If he does fine out. I hope it can just be ignored."
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