Avatar of DragonicQueen


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Ive fallen in love with a super amazing ARG. It just has a fucking cutest art. I love Welcome Home, its just great.
2 yrs ago
Probably will add it to my bio later. Just busy rn
2 yrs ago
Well damn my post for my Cuphead server got deleted. Just inbox me. It is 18+ people thanks 💜💚
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2 yrs ago
Anytime drama starts I'll read/watch it. But if its happening to me I have an anxiety attack. Kinda why I stick to my friends & people who my friends trust.
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2 yrs ago
That Chaos Chaos song plus the fucking Living Tombstone "Goodbye Moonmen" song always gets triggered for me when I think about Rick & Morty.


Real Name: N/A
Nickname: Kitty
Age: 26
Pronouns: She/Her

18+ Roleplay Partners Please

Multifandom RPer [Main Fandoms]
Batman [Live Action Movies & Cartoons | Not the Comics except the Webtoons (WFA & Red Hood: Outlaws)]

Percy Jackson & Heroes of Olympus

South Park

Gravity Falls

Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss

I do have other fandoms so just ask me what else I enjoy.

NSFW is accepted; Violence, Soft Gore [Blood/Wounds], Smut. Do ask what Im comfortable with beforehand.

Song of Heroes: A Percy Jackson RP || 1 X 1 w/ @Morose

Ω Heroes of Olympus: The Next Age of Heroes Ω || Group RP

Most Recent Posts

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"We have a ship?" Seraphina questioned, wondering who would be able to pilot a huge ship since it sounded rather large if they were questioning if it would be able to get through the doors of death. She'd go along with Kiera to get supplies for sleeping. Since it was a large group they'd need to make sure to get enough supplies but not to many at the same time. Lugging too much would be a pain while traveling around on foot once they had to. "Should we bring extra weapons?" She pondered. Only having a sword and her shield. Would they need more than just one weapon? She'd never gone on a quest so she had a lot of questions floating in her mind.

Also was it the best idea for her to tag along? She wasn't as trained as the rest of them but Sera really wanted to help her fellow demigods get their friends out safely.

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Another god in the flesh. It still felt pretty crazy to actually be meeting Olympians so casually, as if they weren't all mighty powerful deities. At some point this wouldn't be such a wild concept to the young demigod. For now it was. She stood listening to everything. The doors where found! Thank the gods for that! Now they could go and rescue their friends. Yet the worst part would be facing whatever monsters lurked inside. Would the monsters there even die if you struck a fatal blow? Seraphina wondered to herself.

"Yeah, you're a little late to the party." She spoke up when Alexios came to join the group. Ironic in a way, wasn't it?

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Mmhm. Seems that they do now." Giving a slight nod. "Oh, well, lets go check and see whos training then." Sera replied as the two headed off. Keeping side by side with Kiera as they keep talking. "It's always interesting to see what sort of techniques people use while they train. Becomes pretty helpful to watch actually when I feel stuck and don't know how to do something. I'm still trying to learn so much. Did you have a difficult time at first learning how to fight?" The demigod asked her sister.

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

Sera did follow along, glad that the fighting was over, she couldn't even imagine how much worse it could have gotten if it kept continuing with no avail. Probably would have to get help to stop it and then there'd be consequences for fighting. Yet she did feel bad for everyone involved. They were now upset with one another it seemed. Which was never a good thing but it happened, despite wishing it didn't. "At least everyone was able to calm down, even if the final outcome isn't the best." Her eyes followed Demi as he rushed away from the area. "Hopefully somebody checks up on him later to make sure he's alright. I'm sure he need some time to cool down from that..."

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

She stopped right away once feeling Kieras arm going across her chest. "W-woah, what the heck is going on?" Seraphina questions upon seeing the fighting. Hearing the words being thrown out into the open air, having to cover her ears upon the scream from Nancy. "Eek....She ah....sounds really angry at Demi." The demigod was out of the loop with what was even happening. Sure she was curious but maybe it was best to stay out of things for now. Looking over at her sister to see if she was going to step in and help or keep away from the others.

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"Praetor and cohorts.... so like basically the leaders and cabins for the demigods? Or is it entirely something different?" She questioned as the two walked to the New Rome side of camp. Curious as always, the girl wanted to know about the Romans just so she wouldn't look too foolish. Thankful to have help from her older sister if she ever had questions. Of course Sera could ask just about anyone in Camp about New Rome but hey might as well do so now as they where going over to that area anyhow.

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

She hoped no more sticky accidents would be happening. Sera changes into the clothing and fixes her hair. "Oh yeah, lets go and meet them then." She agreed, getting her shoes back on, thankful that they didn't get filthy from the breakfast mess that was dumped on her. "There, ready to go, Kiera?" Looking over at her sister. "I don't really know my way around the Roman side all that well. Probably because I haven't needed to be over in their uh side of the camp that much."

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"I'm... well just a little annoyed, but I know it wasn't on purpose. I feel like accidents just somehow find me easily. Ive always been clumsy. Surprised I can even wield a sword without hurting myself with it." She responded while getting back to the cabin. "I wish this had been milk that spilled on me." Mumbling to herself while looking for clean clothes that she can put on after washing up. It was a good thing she always made sure to have plenty of shirts and pants around just in case anything happened. "That oatmeal was damn hot, glad it didn't burn me at all. Just very sticky is all." Seraphina looked at her sister. "But ah thanks for checking on me. I'll be back out as soon as Im done cleaning up. Won't take too long, I'd really like to try and help plan the party."

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

It sounded like Demi just wanted to get out of planning the party, but it probably would help more to have a more experienced person around to help plan that actually knew everything. Unless said person couldn't do so. "Oh well I was probably just going to do some training but I can help plan a party. I've helped my uncle do parties for his friends. Mostly just carrying things around but Im sure I can do a lot more than that." Sera had been young, so she just put paper plates on tables and set up decor where she could reach.

Sera went to get up, only to bump someones elbow. Food flew and covered the poor demigod in oatmeal, syrup, and bacon. "I'll....need to go shower now..." Being clumsy was one thing but being accident prone was another, probably all tied in with her clumsiness. Oh well. "Excuse me." She did not like feeling sticky at all. Hurriedly going to clean herself.

Seraphina Cedergren

Location: Camp Half-Blood
Skills: N/A

"I'm sure if you just asked politely for someone to help you plan, they'd say yes." Of course Sera knew that Alexios just wanted Demi to stick around but you can't just expect such a thing to happen without asking! "Hmn, guess even some gods do have to do a bit of work instead of throwing things around and saying they did their job." Grabbing her drink to sip on. How many of the gods actually did work anymore? Seems like none really, they just played with their all powerful magic and the deed was done right then and there. Nothing to worry about at all if they didn't need to go through a bunch of hoops to complete a task. Sera wished she could do that sometimes. Just snap her fingers and be done with it. Like doing chores! That'd make things so much easier.

She put her cup back down on the table. "Guess since it'll take time to plan... that just means it'll be spectacular instead of subpar if it was only a quick flick of the wrist." Which a perfect party was deserved after coming out of a pit.
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