Like many other Power Rangers fans I was shocked to hear the news about the passing of Jason David Frank. I was kind of surprised there aren’t more PR themed roleplays or interest checks already on here. I’ve tried a few PR games in the past and usually the Mighty Morphin era was always what I drew from. I think I’ve finally got an idea for a more original type of team. If this takes off there’s limited space unless somebody wants to stop by once in a while for out of costume shenanigans or play some of the villains. As a lifelong PR fan I’d love to get something like this going for a longer period of time. So before I get emotional again thinking about the guy in real life, let’s do something different with the character of Tommy Oliver….

The year was 2030. Over three decades had passed since the Power Rangers had to protect the city of Angel Grove. Most of them had moved on with their lives. Tommy Oliver had earned a doctorate in paleontology, and in 2004 had a hand in the creation of the Dino Thunder Power Rangers in Reefside, California. He tried getting married, but always let the life of being a Ranger interfere. He moved back to Angel Grove years ago, and bought the land where Zordon’s old command chamber used to be located. He still had technology and artifacts from his time as different Rangers over the years, and it was kept in an underground bunker beneath his home. Dr. Oliver had got another teaching job as a science teacher, this time at Angel Grove High. To his surprise, Billy Cranston had also recently moved back to the area and was also teaching at the school.
Everything seemed to be going well, until it wasn’t. Someone or something had broken into the bunker of Tommy Oliver and swiped many of the items being stored there. Within weeks, it was clear that some alien or madman had started creating monsters. Oliver and Cranston used the remaining tech and their connection to the Morphin Grid to create another team of Power Rangers to protect Angel Grove and the rest of the world. Within weeks a portion of the city was decimated, but then the Dragon Force Rangers hit the scene.
The two elder Rangers were both pushing sixty and too old to do any fighting themselves so they did the best they could with what they had. The Dragon Morphers were somewhat mystical and technological in nature and sought out the students who would wield them. They would become the Red Dragon Ranger, the White Dragon Ranger, the Green Dragon Ranger, and the Black Dragon Ranger. Using designs from the Red Dragon Thunderzord as well as tech from the Dragonzord of the Green Ranger, four serpentine Dragonzords were built each with a secondary humanoid fighting mode.
Who were the enemies causing chaos and creating hybrid monstrosities? An older Scorpina as well as the now adult King Sprocket of the Machine Empire, in possession of the staff of Rita Repulsa and the stolen tech of Tommy Oliver!

So… who’s still with me? I’m kinda surprised a similar gimmick like this hasn’t been tried yet, and I’m still not entirely sure what the powers will be for each of the different Dragon Rangers and Zords. A few other Ranger fans from work gave me some inspiration and I just had to get something down while the idea was still fresh on my mind. I miiiight take an additional Red Dragon Ranger into consideration since the colors are based on the Rangers JDF portrayed and he played two different Red Rangers [Zeo and Turbo], but I’ll have to figure out how to make it special without making it too OP. Maybe a future descendant of one of the characters becomes the Red Dragon Ranger in the future and comes back to the past or something.
So this will be a smaller scale RP, probably with the same episodic type format that I’ve used often to further plots and character development in roleplays. If there’s interest I’ll post a CS template and we’ll try to get this going before the holiday weekend if possible.