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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

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@Dark Light

Lavender’s head was still bowed when she pursued her lips at Clay’s first question. Not at him, no, but at her own lack of a real answer. She knew she had to run a couple of errands but part of that task was already completed, courtesy of the man who asked her the question in the first place. Not to mention all of her allies were constantly all over the place. In short, she actually had no set destination in mind. ”I suppose wherever the road would’ve taken me.” She responded.

Lavender nodded with a bit of a grimace at Clay’s second question though she quickly followed her gesture with a small ”yes..” upon seeing he was currently looking over his bandages.

She barely caught the last sentence, but still heard it nonetheless and had to restrain herself from quickly glancing up and at him in surprise. That was certainly something she hadn’t heard from someone before in that context. Clay was a man full of surprises, she decided.

The fox-faced woman decided to copy his movements and also glanced around (albeit less relaxed than he seemed), picking through the recovering tavern’s patrons to see if there was anything interesting she could see or hear going on at the moment.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Dark Light

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”So, Since your stuck here, might as well make the most of it.
You could always get yourself a room. Or share mine.”
he add with a playful shrug and a guilty teasing grin.

Clay found another mug of ale and continued to watch the tavern over the top of his drink.

”It does this.” he said, voice echoing in his cup.
”The excitement comes in waves. This place is like the ocean or the weather, never know when things are gonna start coming crashing down around you.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enoch Styx
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Enoch Styx The friend of Death

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

It was raining a little outside, and foggy. A person came from the fog, a dazzling blue cloak hiding their face. They enter the tavern and look about. Not too many here today. They stride across the floor to the bar and seat themself and wait to be tended to. As they wait they remove their hood and run their fingers through their light blue hair, fluffing it up after being hidden under the cloak. They take out a small knife and fiddle with it, running their fingers along the blade and looking about. The Tavern had a strange feel to it. The person examined the people in the room, essentially sizing them up. The last thing they wanted was to get into a fight here, let alone now. They sigh and begin to space out a little, examining the ceiling.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BaalZhebub
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BaalZhebub Master of flies

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The next unfamiliar silouette appears soonly after, noisily pushing the door.
"God damn this stupid rain, you wouldn't believe how wet you can get in a minute!". The stranger was elegantly dressed, but the clothing was evidently in dissarray, even to the most untrained eyes. His extreme height was distracting, accentuated by his awful slenderness. He wore a leather bag hanging from the left side, permanently seized by an uneasy hand. His eyes fulgurated in the dark, expressive, but somehow calming.
"I wouldn't taint the Godess' name by calling Her a 'He' around these parts," spit the bartender, while rolling a rotten toothpick from the incisors to the canines. "There are faithful believers among our staff".
"Please", the stranger said with a benign, almost foolish smile, "do not take offense in my words; my game is not infamy, but curiosity. And of curiosity I'm full, since I'm not yet accustomed to the idiosyncrasy of this new plane of existence. Today is a grand day of discovery for me!".
The stranger looked around, filled with awe, although he tried to conceal it. As his pupils travelled from right to left, trying not to stop for too long on the mistrutful arrange of shapes and shadows on the tables. Eventually, he set sight on the person cloaked in blue. Not because they looked more friendly, but because they were closer and, inevitably, more approachable.
"I salute you, kind stranger", he joyfully said, after he stumbled upon the uneven floor. "Isn't a bit dangerous what you're playing with? I believed those - knives, I mean - to belong in the kitchen!"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enoch Styx
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Enoch Styx The friend of Death

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

He glared at the newcomer "oh this?..." He held up the knife "this is merely a...repercussion of sorts, gotta protect yourself somehow." Skyler shook the stranger's hand and sighed. He wasn't good at making friends, not even acquaintances, but figured he should try. "I'm Skyler" he held out his hand to the stranger "Skyler Quinn, it's nice to meet you...uuhhh, how are you?" He sounded uncertain, not about his name, but more of his interaction in its entirety. He wasn't good at people, and people usually weren't good at him...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The door flew open banging against the wall as the frantic figure entered the tavern.
Quickly closing the door, but not before peering out once more.
The figure was dressed in tattered rags that were once clothes, even the hooded cape had seen better days.
A large sack was tied to their belt, something hefty was in there, and rattled when they walked.
The figure searched the room, but did not make eye contact with any of the patrons.
Finding a secluded table in the back, the figure sat down, their back against the wall.
A black leather gloved hand reached out and snuffed out the light of the candle.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BaalZhebub
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BaalZhebub Master of flies

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Mephistophanes", said the stranger, while stretching Skyler's hand for more time than necessary. He got distracted by the newcomer who silently went to the back of the room. "An infortunate name, of course", he added when he got himself together, "and awfully long, but my parents were very fond of Greek culture. You can call me Mefy. May I sit by your side?". He didn´t wait for his answer. He put himself on the stool while throwing peeping glances to the person that had just entered the tavern.
"So, Mr. Quinn, you use it for protection, is that so? But how about the power of words? I've always managed to scape even from the most dangerous situations just by flapping these lips". He got uncomfortably close to Skyler and lowered his voice; this was an act of futility, since, at the same time, he was noticeably pointing his finger at the newcomer: "For the sake of argument, if that misterious person over there were to come here and start a rumble with you, what would you do?".
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The stranger's hands trembled, not from the cold of night, nor for fright of anyone in the tavern. No this trembling was from within, yes he was scared, but not for himself.
There was a commotion outside, and the stranger cowered in the darkness ,hoping, praying he would wake up...this had to be a nightmare.
Then he heard it, muffled at first, but then the bell rang out louder!
The death bell, an alarm to alert others of a murder!
The stranger gulped, and the trembling got worse.
They would be coming,
for him.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Enoch Styx
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Enoch Styx The friend of Death

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Skyler raised an eyebrow and looked at the newcomer.
"My good sir, that man is feeble. you can tell. see his posture, he's cowering. He wouldn't be able to do a damn thing to me. I wouldn't even have to use a knife. I'd probably just have to pin him to the floor and slap some sense into him."
He sighed and looked at Mefy. "now you on the other hand would be a fair match. either way, I know what you mean, I've used my words to fair my way out of a few scrapes, but only when I'm more concerned about the other person, when I know if I cant talk my way out I'll still be able to kick their ass. don't mean I enjoy hurting people, I just don't wanna loose my life to some hungry man in a side alley"
Skyler waved the bartender and ordered two pints of hard whiskey and set one in front of his hew friend.
"hope ya drink well" Skyler grinned
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BaalZhebub
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BaalZhebub Master of flies

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"Cheers to you, comrade, and to our new forged friendship!". Mefy took a deep gulp and gasped enthusiastically, before he continued. "I find myself astonished by your wit and courage, you seem as sharp as the tool you are handling. However, I wouldn't count on the likes of me to put on a fight, if I were you: despite my size, I'm quite clumsy and unexperience in the arts of combat. Anyhoo! I believe - if I'm allowed to talk in all honesty, my friend - you shouldn't be so harsh on that creature, over there. He appears to be in horrible pain and anguish. Say, how about we come sit by him and we cheer up his spirit with a sip of this wonderful juice?"
Mefy's display of unadvisable sympathy was not without a taint of well hidden pity. Pitty for the lone soul that was sitting at that table, but also pitty for himself. He had felt plenty of rejection in his time: he'd been forced to experience utter solitude, incomprehension, abuse.
It was not advisable to approach a man who hadn't asked for conversation nor for help. Specially, since this man was obviously in big trouble. Furthermore, Mefy was asking a third party, our trustful Skyler, to play a role in his savior complex. It was a bad idea, anyway you look at it, but... Could this predicament result in an interesting tale to tell in a tavern, among strangers?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Metal Head
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Metal Head White Skull 💀

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The stranger watched the window, Why did he have to come here? What was he thinking, that he could hide among the tavern patrons?
For just a brief moment he glanced away from the window,
his dark eyes scanned the room to see if anyone was watching him.
Those people were staring at him,Do they know me? Did they see what i Did?
Why are they looking at me?

No...no of course they didn't, if they had, their weapons would be drawn, it's just coincidence.
A light shown thru the window,
Torchlight? Was that them? Are they coming for me?
The stranger glanced around the room looking for an exit, but then came to his senses, before doing anything rash.
Get a hold of yourself Nigel, calm down...relax.
How can I relax they're out there looking for me.
The stranger's hand came up and he slapped himself hard in the face.
Calm down, or I'm coming out.
Nigel gulped, "I'm calm...I'm calm."
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Dark Light

The fox-faced woman had spaced out for quite some time, still half listening if Clay spoke but mostly occupied with searching the tavern. She promptly choked on air at his words which then turned into a short coughing fit. Options, indeed.

She turned to look at the man when the fit subsided, silently regaining her composure and wondering whether to take him seriously or not. She also realised he may or may not have just offered a one stand.

Lavender couldn’t help but agree with what he said next. This certainly was an unpredictable place. Nothing she couldn’t handle, anyway. It was fun to watch all the chaos unfold.

She opted to not answer him by looking around, and this time she found three new rather interesting characters had entered the tavern. One blue haired fellow was currently engaging in conversation with another who had recently also made an appearance. The third, however, looked like they were hiding from someone or something (and had also slapped themself) She felt sympathy towards them, but nothing else more. Though it would be interesting to see a chase inside the tavern.

All of that, was perhaps to distract herself from the slight blush that appeared earlier she knew was still visible on her neck, and she quietly pulled her cloak higher and prayed to whichever deities existed above that nobody (especially Clay) spotted.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by BaalZhebub
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BaalZhebub Master of flies

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mefy had sprung up from the stool, boiling with anticipation. Something in his gut told him this was going to be a an interesting soiree. He politely pointed to Skyler the path with a nod of his head, while filling his big hands with both mugs. A smile from ear to ear met Nigel's nervous gaze. In his way to this new social interaction, Mefy felt a chill that gave him goosebumps. He'd always been very perceptive, a bit psychic sensitive even, so he couldn't help but search for the source of that feeling. His eyes soon met two immense animal pupils, unapologetically staring through his body and into his naked soul.
The more eager beings are to appeal to reason, the more they fall for the unspeakable mysteries of nature. And quite literally, the man felt to the ground, as lengthy as he was, with a clangorous sound. Both of his hands were empty now, because the glasses and all their content had been spilled over the already uneasy Nigel and some other person that was sitting in the next table.
Maybe person or man would be an understatement. Creature may be more appropiate, as it had to bent its head when it stood up from the chair. Otherwise, its head would have broken trough the ceiling. It took its now wet cloak from over its shoulders and shook it off in apparent disgust. If it would have eyes, they would have been crushing Mefy's figure under their fiery gaze. But it had none. Only two empty eye-sockets were presented into its face - a giant moose skull with antlers and all, devoid of meat, dry to the bone. From neck to toe, however, it presented a colossal humanoid musculature over a human bone structure.
"Egads, I dropped the beverages" was the only nonsense he could mutter, as his face turned white as wax. His survival instinct gathered all the energy in his body and made him stand up. Mefy tried to put any kind of existing matter between that decadent god and him, including his friend Skyler. "Somebody, help!", he cried while praying with his eyes and countenance to the regulars of the tavern, specially Nigel, who had gotten the same treatment as the creature, and that intriguing fox lady.
"It wasn't my fault! Somebody tripped me up!".
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ordsmed
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She sighed and then straightened her back. Oh, how she missed her servants right now. Just someone to hold an umbrella over her once elegant dress. The rain had been drooling over her for some time now, and it showed! Even the plastic bag she’d found hadn’t been much of a savior.

As Marelynn reached the tavern’s door, she crumpled up the bag and threw it on the ground. Quickly the 27 year old aristocrat wrangled most of the rain from the bottom of her dress. Then, head held high, Marelynn entered the tavern.

The musty heat slapped her in the face. As it teamed up with her fatigue, it made her stumble. Immediately she regained her composure. ‘Never show weakness! It makes you a victim, prey’, thundered her father’s voice in her head, a head covered in wild black curls - now firmly held high. Beneath her breath she snarled: “I AM NOT PREY!” Immediately Marelynn’s stance changed. Her natural elegance and authority stepped forward as she flicked her hair back. Even in the sparse tavern lights her delicate features would rob a man’s breath. Looking around, Marelynn’s moss green eyes found the counter.

Straight as an arrow the slender aristocrat floated in her dark blue gown towards the counter. Oh, how she craved a hot choco, with a generous dollop of whipped cream, and a handful of those cute, little marshmallows… ‘Hmmm, a healthy shot of brandy wouldn’t hurt either’, Marelynn mused. As she reached the counter, she slapped her palm on the sticky wooden surface. “One big brandy, right here”, she ordered in a silky smooth voice.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ordsmed
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*can I delete this one?*
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Itotia standing on stage looking around after finishing her fist song, places her guitar down on its stand and moving over her stool. She reaches over grabbing her drum and lightly starts to beat a slow jazz style song moving closer towards the edge of the stage and starts to sing a very folksy jazz tone. The very melodic notes are almost a calming zen feeling the tensions climbing somewhere inside the tavern. It was not her business. Even if she could fight, she would rather make a living showing her actual talent, music...

The song entails the story that a lot may have experienced before. A little betrayal and a little loss of trust. But having the will and power to grow and get stronger from it all. She wrote the song herself and even if she felt out of place in this tavern, she will show them how strong she is to get up there and preform even if they don't even glance her way. Her falcon lightly perches up against a speaker swaying from side to side.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by UnWorthy28

UnWorthy28 Gregory (Username is a character reference)

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Two girls, one 12 and the other 17, busted open the door, looking more than a little frazzled.
"Kaia, this looks busy, do you think they'll actually have a room for us?" The younger one asked the older one.
"Hopefully. If not, we'll just sleep on the floor." Kaia paused for a moment, "Actually no, sleeping on the floor in a place full of drunk guys is a very bad idea." She shuddered at the thought.
"Storage closet then?"
"That'd work Adebola."
They walked up to the bartender and asked for a drink, Kaia asked for plain water and Adebola asked for apple juice.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by aia2022
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aia2022 fishy girl?

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Lavender watched in silence as the man(?) named Mefy made his way across the tavern floor to the nervous one, when suddenly she realised another patron- a spirit of darkness, she presumed- was also watching the man. The moment he realised, he tripped and fell, which honestly amused her quite a bit. She glanced around, noting the new arrivals and more children who were talking about sleeping in the tavern.

(Speaking of sleeping, how long has it been since she actually slept?)

His desperate cries did not fail to reach her ears, though as she turned to stare at him, her gaze could only be interpreted as cold through the fox-mask of her’s. Abruptly she stood up from her chair, crossing the tavern…


…across the fallen man and his spilt drinks to the stage, where the feline was performing. Digging through her pockets, she eventually found a silver ring, embedded with small emeralds and jades. A lucky find from years ago, which she had kept until she had entered the tavern, polished and good-looking. She hoped it was at least of some value as she dropped it into the tip jar.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Zmija Sebastian
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Zmija Sebastian Polska Królestwo Dabrowski Szpadel.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A wall, that looked like a wall, opened to be a door, but didn't look like a door, but after the Person stepped away from it it closed into a wall again. Sebastian had mastered the Roleplayer Guild Equalibrium. He was now here, as he was at another tavern a few seconds ago; now in Shadow Imperial Royal Guard armor.

The music was a good tempo in this place he thought. Enjoying the music he sought through the occupants for a chair, or better a chair with a table.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by themadhatter420
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themadhatter420 The Only Mad Hatter

Member Seen 8 hrs ago


Itotia smiled as she heard a clink hit the bottom of her jar, bowing her head as she kept singing and performing showing her dearest gratitude. A tip was a tip no matter how small or what the item may be. She would drum for a few beats to speak to the customer. "Thank you, do you have any requests." Everything on this world has its own value. As she keeps singing the song, she looks all around the room suddenly seeing a stranger almost appear out of nowhere.

@Zmija Sebastian

She saw that they were bobbing their head to the beat of her song which affirmed this would probably be the better type of music to preform for at least some of the customers in the Tavern. She knows the owner said she could do what she wanted but she didn't want to anger or upset anyone on her first day at least. Especially with a stage with no cage to protect her like some Taverns she had seen before.
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