I was thinking of an Illusionist type who has to use her illusions all the time because of how body enhancing magic altered her appearence

I was thinking of an Illusionist type who has to use her illusions all the time because of how body enhancing magic altered her appearence
@Dragonfly 9
Finished my character sheet. Let me know if anything needs changing."I’m always here to help. What else would I do?"
Name: Asa Mist
Age: 42
Gender: Male
What Makes You A Misfit?: Asa is an expelled medical student who is illegally providing magical medical aid
Appearance: Asa stands at six feet tall, with a slim build. His skin is sea blue in color, without any blemishes. He has eyes that are a soft violet, while his hair is the green of seaweed, falling just down to his shoulders. Asa wears a variety of clothing as he is not picky and likes to experiment. Since he started traveling around the country, Asa has been getting most of his clothes from thrift stores.
Personality: Asa is a very determined individual, always working toward a goal. For most of his life, that goal has been increasing his magical abilities and using them to help others. He tends to care more about others than himself, often to his own personal detriment. Asa is usually quick to trust, has a very optimistic view of the world. He is opposed to using his skills or magic for harm, though he has never been pressed into a situation where he was forced to do so. Asa is also an animal lover, having grown up in a home with many pets.
Skills/Abilities: Asa was an excellent student, excelling in most classes. However his focus was on biology and medicine, as he was in the making to become a great doctor before he was expelled. Asa also did kick boxing as a way to stay in shape, but he has never had to use it as he would only use it defense. As a Water Elemental, Asa is a skilled swimmer. He also likes making craft projects as a hobby.
Powers/Magic: As a Water Elemental, Asa naturally can use water magic. While nearby a body of water, he can change its flow, pressure, and even cause it to raise into the air. But he is limited to only water that already exists. Most of Asa’s magical studies have been into healing magic, so he is something of an expert. By touching his hands on someone, Asa can heal wounds and remove minor diseases or poisons. It is technically possible to use this power to harm someone, but Asa has never tried this. Using any of these magics drains Asa’s innate energy, meaning that using it too much at once will leave him unable to use any magic until his energy recharges.
Backstory: Born in the Great Lakes region of Canada, Asa was born into the Mist clan, an old family of Water Elementals native to the area. As a child, Asa manifested the water controlling magic that comes naturally to Elementals of his kind. However, his family taught Asa to control his magic and only use it in emergencies, as to not draw the ire of the government and its restrictions on magic use. Still, Asa grew in power, inadvertently using his magic a few times, but luckily nothing ever came of it.
Once Asa started school, he was exposed to people without magic. He realized how blessed he was to have magic, so he decided to use it to help others. By the time Asa was the age for picking a future career, he decided on becoming a doctor. A High Elf teacher would take notice of Asa’s budding skill and begin to secretly train him in the ways of healing magic.
However, the teacher would be fired after another student he was training in magic reported him to his parents. Asa would take this event very hard, retreating into his studies. But in secret, he would continue training with his magic. By the time he reached high school, Asa was a proficient mage.
Asa would graduate with honors, deciding to attend university in the United States. This choice would come from the fact that this school had prototype medical robots that would assist with medicine. Asa would be assigned a robot named TQ-58, which he began to call Tiku, quickly becoming fond of it.
With the help of Tiku, Asa would excel at medical school. However on the side, Asa would work at an illegal medical clinic, offering healing magic to the poor for free. This action would feel right for Asa. Eventually, the clinic would be raided by the government, the doctors working there arrested.
Through the help of his family, Asa would be released but was expelled from medical school. In a fit of rage, Asa trashed his school and stole Tiku. He then hit the road, driving around in his old car, offering free medical aid to needy communities. Eventually his car would break down, stranding Asa in a small town. But he would encounter like minded individuals, and began traveling with them.
Done! Any feedback is appreciated. ;)
"Don’t. Just don’t…”Name: Thulile SaintMaurice
Age: 17
Gender(or lack thereof): female
What Makes You A Misfit?:
Thulile shies away from human company. It makes her uncomfortable and feel unsafe. She also has this weird magical power, which she doesn’t properly control: animal mimicry. It means she can mimic animal attributes. It seems to have a strong and annoying link to her emotions.
Her blushes, in her childhood rarely visible on her dark skin, now pop up in strange colour patterns like a chameleon’s. Uncontrollably, a dainty hand can suddenly changes into a heavy, hairy bear paw. How can Thuly explain that in any plausible and sane way?
Thulile really understands animals. She is a fierce fighter for animal rights. She doesn’t mind breaking rules and limbs to protect animal life.
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 126 lbs.
Eye colour: soapy green
Hair colour: raven
Thuly is a pretty petite. Prominent in her heart shaped face are a pair of big, green eyes, which look at you with a fragile gaze of innocence lost. These soapy eyes barely hide the cracks in the soul behind them. Her lips might be full, but her tendency to squeeze them into a tight line makes it super hard to tell.
The girl isn’t tall, but is flat chested and thin, with extraordinary big feet. It makes Thulile look gangly and clumsy. It also ensures she is well grounded and sure footed.
Thulile is a timid girl. She openly wears the insecurity of a teenager. Through her past experiences she has learned that trusting people is a liability.
She loves the directness and honesty of animal companionship. Thuly feels calm and balanced out in nature. Crowds, villages and cities creep her out.
Beneath the thin, timid facade sleeps a fierce animal. Push her buttons too hard, or in the wrong order, and Thulile will explode in a terrible rage. In this berserk-like state she is oblivious to danger and only wants to hurt, hurt, hurt.
Thuly didn’t finish school. She does know how to survive out in the wilds, living from the land. With her talent comes a knack for understanding animals of all sorts and sizes.
Animal mimicry - the power to mimic the attributes of animals.
Thulile hails from Normandy in France. Born into a dirt poor family of sheperds, she was an only child. From an early age on she helped out, caring for the sheep and running wild with the sheep dogs. Although she went to school, she didn’t have a knack for bookworming, as she calls it. Thuly couldn’t ever sit still for school to end.
One dreadful winter, when Maeve was fourteen, her family’s flock was hit by disease. Within a couple of days nearly all sheep succumbed to it. Without any means to provide for his family Maeve’s dad saw himself backed into a corner. In blind panic he leaped from the nearest cliff to his death.
Fiercely maternal, Thulile’s mother took up the gauntlet from her husband’s spread eagled corpse, to ensure survival for her daughter and herself. Sadly, within weeks her methods got her imprisoned for theft, and armed robbery. Thuly thus found herself parentless within two months of her father’s demise.
From America her uncle, brother to her father, came to her rescue. Or so she thought. He had no warm feelings for her. He did have the hots for her, though. In a cold, clinical way he started to groom her for his twisted, carnal pleasures. The first time he tried to force himself upon young Thulile, she surprised him by lashing out, and breaking his nose. Before he could recover, Maeve had fled the house. This was the first time her power exploded from her. It scared the hell out of her, and she not just fled the scene, but also the shock of her magic.
Without any kin, no friends, no passport, and only a couple of francs to her name Thulile roamed the streets. She managed to put some distance between herself and her cursed uncle by taking refuge in the anonymity the homeless society. There she had to fend for herself. It learned her how to grow and - mostly - control her power.
RP Sample:
“Merde, merde, g’damn!”, Thulile gasped. After the last time she’d vowed to stay calm and not meddle. But the man had asked for it. ‘He was kicking his dog half to death!’, Thuly thought. She couldn’t just stand there and do nothing. Perhaps she would’ve shown some more restraint, if she had known the man was the local deputy, but probably not.
Now she was on the run. She’d sped through the adjacent forrest, hoping to lose the posse which the sheriff had set on her. Well, perhaps Thulile shouldn’t have broken the deputy’s leg. “I at least made my point”, she smirked. “That’ll teach him”.
With the shivering body of the deputy’s dog on her shoulders Thuly ran through the dense undergrowth. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks. The trees were gone. A river of asphalt sliced through the greenery. Surprised, the young girl looked left and right, almost expecting to see a squad car speeding towards her. It wasn’t there. With a sigh of relief, Thulile gathered her wits. ‘What now?’
Faintly a tingle of music tugged at her earlobe. It seemed to come closer. At the same time Thuly heard the faraway screaming of sirens. A sense of urgency, bordering on panic, trampled her heart.
The music - ‘Country’, recognized Thulile - was now clearly audible. The source of it abruptly rounded a curve in the road. It was a beat up pick up truck. As it came nearer Thuly could hear the old thing creak and groan like an old man. Involuntary it reminded her of those two grumpy, old men on the balcony of the Muppet Show. ‘Statler and … what’s his name’, she concluded. A tiny smile curled the corners of her mouth upwards.
As again the peril of her situation invaded her thoughts, Thuly started to wave her hands at the nearing vehicle. “Help me”, she gasped, “please stop!”
Is there still room for one more? I'd love to be a misfit
Great! Thank you!"Lifes a hell of a thing to happen to a person"
Name:Elia Colden but goes by Eli Lovette
Gender(or lack thereof): Female but presents male as its easier to hide
What Makes You A Misfit?: Eli is a misfit simply for not understanding nor wanting to hide the only thing she's actually good at. She refuses to keep her 'curse' under wraps to appease her family.
Appearance(face claims are allowed, as well as just descriptions):
Personality: Towards strangers Eli tends to have her guard up, keeping people at arm's length with snark and sarcasm but when you get to know her, she's basically an orange cat in a black cat's body. Seems all spooky and intimidating but is actually rather..well she's a bit of a ditzy dumbass. No common sense, maybe two brain cells and full of chaos. However, when she cares for someone, she's fiercely protective, will go above and beyond to make her people happy and won't hesitate to hunt those who even think about hurting her friends.
Skills/Abilities: Eli grew up in a very rich, very well-to-do family. They made damn sure she knows how to act and behave around those with status and money. She's developed the ability to hide in plain sight, managing to blend into crowds and slip away. She's also rather good at being able to determine if a building or area is safe to hide in and for how long it'll be safe to stay. In her time on the run, she also picked up a few, typical runaway skills like pickpocketing and such along with hustling people in card games. The whole 'I've never played before go easy on me' routine helped Eli more than she'd like to admit
Powers/Magic: Eli's magic, or curse if you ask her parents, is essentially plasma. She can summon a gooey sort of substance from surrounding life, like plants and control it. She tends to use it mostly as projectiles, throwing the goo at cameras to block them, at guns to jam them, that sort of thing. However it can be used in other ways, before now she's used it to bust open a lock from the inside, she's used it to put pressure on one of her more serious injuries and she's used it to soften her fall when tumbling off a roof.
Backstory(Optional): Elia grew up in your typical rich home, her father constantly away at his government job and her mother too busy being a socialite to care for her daughter. She did okay at school, had a couple of friends, and lived her life.
When Elia turned 16, she discovered her powers and, not really knowing any better, headed right to tell her mother.
Her mother was horrified, sobbing about her daughter being cursed and how could this happen to their family. Elia didn't understand what was so wrong about her gift until her father explained she would be 'going away' for a little bit and they'd fix her, make her normal. Elia wasn't that naive, she knew what it meant to be sent away by someone from the government and like hell was she about the vanish into thin air.
She waited until nightfall, packed a few sentimental things then vanished into the night. Elia turned herself into Eli and vowed to never see her parents again.
RP Sample(Optional; helps me to see a glimpse of how your character acts):
Eli swore loudly as he ran, feet pounding on the floor hard. He wasn't sure how but he'd managed to catch the eye of some local cops. "Fuuck! I need to figure out how to stop my plasma from glowing."
He scanned his surroundings as he sped down the dank alley, looking for something. A grin spread across his face when his eyes landed on exactly what he needed. He pushed an open palm at the wall of the building to his left, and a ball of plasma seeped up from the ground where weeds had managed to grow.
Eli turned on heel and jumped onto the plasma, the goo giving him the bounce he needed to grab the fire escape ladder that was a ways above the ground. He scurried up the ladder, glancing down at the cops who'd clearly decided he wasn't worth the chase up a building. He laughed breathlessly to himself and gave the cops a final fuck you with his middle fingers before securing over the open onto the roof and out of sight
"Show me who needs their ass kicked!"
Name: Vincent Ryder
Age: 27
Gender: Male
What Makes You A Misfit?: Vincent's been in his fair share of trouble with the law. Not only does he not see the sense in hiding his powers, but he also has no qualms about using them in the fights that he "gets sucked into."
Vincent stands at about 6'0" with shoulder-length black hair, usually in an unkempt state, steely gray eyes, and a scar that runs diagonally through his eyebrow, narrowly missing the corner of his eye. His has a well-built, toned physique with tattoos that cover his right arm, which glow when he uses his power. His outfit of choice is a black shirt of some kind, usually a t-shirt or sleeveless, jeans, boots, and his trusty overcoat. He also carries compressed lumps of steel in his pockets so he always has raw material on hand.
Personality: Vincent isn't a total idiot, but he isn't exactly the brightest crayon in the toolshed, either. He's also a bit of a hothead and enjoys a good fight a little more than he probably should, figuring most problems can usually be solved with a good punch and if not, then it's not a problem worth solving most of the time. That said, he's quick to trust, to his detriment and benefit, and if he considers someone a friend, he has their back for life.
Skills/Abilities: To see him and hear him talk, one may not initially think that he's not only rather decent in the kitchen, but that it's one of the few passions he has aside from fighting. He's also a halfway decent mechanic, his primary magic making it easy for him to create the parts and tools he needs.
Powers/Magic: Vincent's main ability is two fold, one part being a form of ferrokinesis, the manipulation of metal. Specifically, he can alter and shape iron, creating a wide assortment of items with the only limits being his imagination and supply of raw materials. The second half of his main power is the manipulation of raw carbon, capable of drawing it out of the carbon dioxide in the air or even manipulating the structure of the carbon within his own body, giving him ability of creating a kind of dermal armor for himself. While he has an instinctive knowledge of how his power works, explaining it is an entirely different story.
Being an avid brawler, he had figured that just having one tool, despite it being a multi-tool of sorts, in his arsenal wouldn't cut it, so he found a tutor in an underground fighting coach to teach him his secondary magic: strength enhancement. While he isn't able to throw cars like his mentor could, he can easily flip them for cover or, say, push a truck by himself should it ever break down.
Backstory: Vincent and his twin brother, Isaac, were born to the Ryders, a family that prided themselves on their blacksmithing ability in times of old, thanks to their unique brand of magic passed down through the generations. Even when the government began cracking down on magic users, the Ryders continued their business, though they had to keep the more magical aspects hidden from prying eyes. Despite the danger, Vincent and Isaac's parents kept the tradition going by teaching both of their sons their magic. This not only involved traditional book learning, but due to the fine control the magic required, the boys had their right arms tattooed in special ink just like the rest of their family. The tattoos act as a focus for their magic, giving them greater control over the molecules they would be working with.
Then one day, when the brothers were young teens, the government raided the Ryder home after receiving an anonymous tip. The Ryders fought back with everything they had, but were no match for the organization and numbers the government had on their side. Vincent and Isaac had fled at their mother's behest, but they didn't get far before they were ambushed by government agents. The twins tried to fight back, but they were no match for their attackers. Isaac, having been more skilled with their family's magic than Vincent, held off the agents while Vincent, at his brother's urging, ran into the woods. To this day, he doesn't know if Isaac died that night or if he was still locked up in Area 66.
Ever since then, he had been on his own, living off of whatever jobs he could get, whether it be working in a kitchen, an autobody shop, or fighting for prize money in an underground tournament. He never stayed in one spot for long and always kept on the move.
RP Sample: helps me to see a glimpse of how your character acts): The sun had set long ago, yet Vincent walked down the street, whistling jovially to himself. He had just won another tournament and, after he got some food and paid for a motel room, he had a little money left over. He remembered a comic shop he had seen earlier that day, a rare one that claimed to be open 24/7, and figured he could get some reading material before he hit the road again. Wonder where I should go, next? he wondered to himself. Maybe south? I suppose I could head out west, though. I've always wanted to be a cowboy!
Just then, he heard a siren wail in the distance and instinctively ducked into a dark alley. He waited in the shadows for a few minutes as he listened. Normally, he wouldn't bother hiding, but he wanted to get those comics before he had to run again. When he heard the sirens fade, he let out a sigh of relief and started to step out of the alley, only to hear yelling behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see a pair of men, one pressed against the wall as the other aimed a gun at his head. He turned away and briefly thought about walking away before he let out a sigh and turned around. "Hey, buddy," he called as he casually strolled up to the men. "Not very neighborly to hold someone up at gunpoint, is it?"
The gunman whipped around toward Vincent, his eyes wide and his gun shaking in his hand. "D-don't come any closer!"
Vincent stopped and cocked his head, as if thinking, then resumed walking as he replied, "Well, I've gotta come closer. People are sleeping and I don't wanna yell."
The man steadied his gun with his other hand and yelled, "I'm not fucking joking, man, stop! I'll shoot, I swear!"
At this, Vincent couldn't help but grin. "In that case, wouldn't you want me to get closer? It'll give you an easier shot."
The gunman started to see red. This guy wasn't just trying to call his bluff, he was openly mocking him. Not only was he keeping him from an easy score, but he was making him feel like a fool! Before he knew what he was doing, the man pulled the trigger.
Vincent's head rocked back as the bullet slammed into his forehead. The gunman, who had truly never shot anyone before, looked on in horror as the energy from the bullet pushed him backward. This was it. He was going to go to jail, all because he was trying to make a quick buck. The man had turned around to run away, but heard the sound that made his blood run cold: a quiet chuckle. He slowly turned back to find Vincent still standing there, only he was slumped forward, this time, still chuckling. The horror of going to prison was replaced with an entirely new sense of fear as Vincent slowly raised his head, still grinning as the squashed bullet fell harmlessly from his forehead. A muted glow shown through the sleeve of his overcoat and there was just enough light in the alleyway for the gunman to see that the upper part of Vincent's face was covered in what looked like a black shell.
"Wanna try again?"
The gunman dropped his weapon and ran screaming, ironically for the police, his would-be victim running right next to him. Immediately, Vincent began to hear more sirens, growing louder this time. He sighed as his carbon armor vanished. "Well, shit," he muttered. "Guess I won't be getting those comics, after all." With that, he turned on his heel and ran.