Lonely Outpost
This is a story of a place they rumor is used as a punishment post
It is a detailed study of an O class world the planet a little larger than earth with a total landmass the size of the British isles on the entire planet, a true water world
The woman above is named Si yue an despite her sharing some features with Vulcan she's not connected to that race even genetically an comes from a federation world that is also an O class an she is an expert on aquatic environmental sciences.
There are 16 Federation personnel on the world an everyone works in pairs
You got stuck with Sisi as she likes to be called, hope you brought your swim fins
Sisi like Kira on Deep Space 9 is on loan to star fleet, a doctor of several sciences her body amphibious
Her age is 210 her people living into 600+ oldest ever was 782 an she is middle age among her kind.
You could be here as planetary security, engineer, medical doc, no commanders I Would like that as a sort of Charlie Brown adult meaning only a figurehead that is never seen an seldom heard from.
Play almost any race but lets not go all dark an edgy
I don't see attacks but dangerous Missions like riding a shuttle for a week inside the the great serpent a strange Typhoon / Hurricane Storm that hasn't shown an inclination to dissipate in 60 years since she was first discovered. There are ruins which is why the outpost is there to explore but is under staffed.
I'm open to romance the world is beautiful when the storm isn't near an maybe even then a bit exciting