Do you find yourself with extraordinary ability that no one else around you seems to understand? Have you worked hard all your life to try and hide who you are or even try and fail to control your powers? Well then this college is the perfect place for you. Welcome to The School of Special Skills and Talents located just outside of New York City in the upper part of the state. It only accepts people with abilities that may have led them to live in isolation or even have to hide their true nature, or what others would call mutants, freaks, etc.
All you need to do is apply, and show us what you are truly capable of. We have all manner of technology and teachers that can help with any sort of power management and other extra circular activities to choose from. There are many ways you can use your powers in any way you want without any judgment.
Name: Age: Appearance: Ability: Personality: Back Story:
The more the merrier. I am making the post zero with some of our professors. You can play as many characters as you can handle and either play professors or students
Well...things that are too overpowered or a bit... touch-dead kind of skills would not be allowed. Especially if this would be for a student. But it could be fine if it was similar to rouge where it would only kill with long contact and could be stopped from long contact.
If we had it to a reasonable amount of time as a student like a couple seconds that would be fine. AS he got stronger it could get longer but it would not be anything like YEARS etc.
Correct because it could be used to dodge an attack but not enough to change the entire fabric of time. It will be encourage to not use unless needed in fear of that but they would have to see if it would be possible to cause a rift.
That would be intersting to happen, like using his powers enough that it could cause some time-related shenanigans. How do you feel about my character being able to stop, rewind and fast forward time by 3-5 seconds. Would that be too OP? And if so maybe they could just stop time.
In that aspect that would be okay. It wouldn't be quite as "timeline breaking" then pausing and going back. 5 seconds would still be fine but you would not be able to "control" another character while you are in this seconds of pause. You cant use it to harm another student