Julia Lee Strauss
Age 17

FC: Hunter Schafer
Julia is taller than average for a young woman, standing at 6' even. At 140lbs on weigh-in, she carries a slim, modestly toned physique, and boasts a competent athleticism to go with it. She is of a healthy Caucasian complexion with a slight hint of tanning. Her facial structure is of an ambiguous, androgynous nature, edging and sometimes blurring the line between feminine and masculine. She's a natural blonde, though the precise hue fades to a dirty blonde or light brown closer to the scalp; dyed, light purple highlight streaks accent her natural color. She's typically preferable to keeping her hair longer, extending past shoulder length, though she'll occasionally cut it shorter, and isn't bashful about trying new styles. Julia's eyes are a vivid blue color, and take on an electric glow when her power flares.
A broad and colorful expanse of quirks and traits marks Julia's persona. It can be a challenge to truly pin a shortlist of qualities to her, and she's vehemently objectionable towards having herself placed into a box, and unapologetic about anything that she is or comes off as. She feels with intensity whether in joy, woe, and the spectrums beyond and in between. Rarely one to mask or hide behind facades, she makes it abundantly clear what she's feeling and, sharply so, what she's thinking. She pursues with utmost vigor that which she needs and wants in any given time frame. She is headstrong, and particularly stubborn when she gets herself worked up.
Electrokinesis. The ability to generate and control the spectrum of electricity, encompassing existing currents, and static or ambient charges. Julia can produce and direct discharges akin to lightning, disrupt and redirect electrical flows through conduits, short out electronic systems with EMPs, and charge her body to act as a human taser. She possesses the capacity to absorb electricity, rendering her own element effectively useless against her. A yet under-refined prowess for the manipulation of bio-electric signals and impulses gives way to a limited ability to enhance physical performance through hyper-stimulation of muscles, organs, and sensory functions; at baseline, Julia is gifted with an enhanced ability to process and react to stimulation as both a necessity and by-product of her electrikinetic powers.
Her powers extend, to some degree, into the sphere of magnetism as a closely-tied force to electricity. While this does not gift Julia a significant control over such materials as ferrous metals, it does grant her the modest applications of levitation and flight by way of controlling the electromagnetic field surrounding her body. She has demonstrated signs of being able to create defensive fields, though they tend towards dispersing other manners of energy projections rather than outright stopping physical strikes, ballistics and the like; even so, these may deter proximity through discomforting sensations similar in nature to being in an MRI machine.
A New York local, Julia was born and raised in Mt. Vernon, New York. Hers was a life of surprising independence, even as a youth. Her parents were absent, both wrapped up in their work, which left Julia largely to her own devices. Untroubled by, in fact relishing in the liberties this bestowed upon her, Julia drifted in the manners the best suited her interests and goals. Though not particularly delinquent, she was nonetheless an adrenaline junkie in search of times wild and good; this alone landed her in a few snags with the law.
One such incident precipitated her arrival at the School for Special Skills and Talents. In a moment during which the NYPD was apprehending a then 14-year-old Julia, the officer setting her into the squad car was suddenly on the receiving end of a moderate electrocution. When he recovered, he noted the surging of electricity that surrounded the young Julia. After a length of legal procedures, Julia was ordered by a New York state Judge to attend the school, where she would be both monitored closely and out of the way of the general public...