Name: Bai Yue (White Moon)
Age: ?
Gender: Female
What Makes You A Misfit?:Bai Yue is cursed to look like some alien creature, chalk white skin, Horns/Antlers rowing from her skull whose tips glow like embers, and large pointed ears

Vita est pro
Personality: Bai Yue is friendly but always on guard, because of her power curse she believes she is no longer human which what few medical scans have been done point that she is close to the truth. Fearless but not reckless she is able to make fast combat decisions so when facing her it is best to not count on any easy openings.
If she sees the odds against her she will abandon a fight and use her illusions to vanish or multiply in any case uses the confusion to her advantage.
Passionate an romantic she still manages herself with an iron fist
Skills/Abilities: Acrobatics/Parkor, Special Effects Engineer (Her cover profession) Pilot
Powers/Magic:She's what happens when you try to enhance beyond your casting level, made her look like an Oni
So Illusions, Body Enhancing Magic and Wind Magic
Body Enhance is a perm spell so she can't do much more with it besides heal her injuries
It made her twice as strong, twice as fast, with endurance her healing magic is self only and requires she drop all other spells
Illusions are not area effect but appear in real world as objects, people, animals or things like fire, steam, or other elemental effect. Cannot do damage or manipulate the physical world
Wind magic at the moment allows her to fly, breath underwater or toxic environment, and create pressure waves which she likes to channel into a tube she loads with rubber, glass, or steel pellets. power comparison single shot .50 cal at max with a possible
40 shots before her power drops off till exhausted around 60 shots the last as strong as maybe a BB gun
Backstory: Bia's past is a mystery because depending on who you ask the story changes with each retelling
RP Sample:Bai yue sat on a street lamp munching on a delicious pastry she had picked up earlier knowing from experience stakeouts were long an boring. To any passerby she looked like a pigeon a normal illusion she cast to hide her presence so any with life magic didn't wonder why there wasn't something there as when she was completely invisible.
Her quarry was a group that had been draining the mana of misfits to create a drug that prolonged the life of the greedy rich who thought their wealth a barrier against death trouble was the effects were short term and the more someone used it the more they needed. Worst was the effect of aging the victims of this darkest magic till some had died weathered and appearing almost 100 years old.
The pastry finished Bai yue was happy to see the van she waited on coming down the alley towards her trap which she charged then set off with a finger snap.
To the Driver it looked like a corner of a nearby old building was crumbling and falling into the alley an for effect the long string she pulled spilled about 9 bricks on the van as it screeched to a halt.
The 5 men in the van reacted as she expected 2 remaining an 3 exiting sure this was as it appeared an attack only trouble they were in a fight with illusions. Doors popped open down the street spilling 9 heavy armed men wearing ATF, DEA, FBI an Local SWAT labels their weapons cracking off forcing the guards to focused on the overwhelming but crappy aims the officers threat posed.
Bai yue bounced down a practiced path a calico cat running from what looked like a mongoose to pass near the van's rear an when the rear guard started to aim at her the mongoose leapt in a screaming attack at his face forcing him to shift to defense.
Her attack was elegant, it didn't need to be because by the time his eyes saw through her illusion the edge of her blade decapitated the man severing his left arm in it's path. She didn't slow as left hand held the hilt her right palm on the ball shaped pommel allowing her to force the point of her sword all the wall through the body of a man next to headless's back as he too engaged illusions.
Her sword busy she drew a police issue taser from her toolbelt an snapped her fingers allowing the remaining guards to see 14 women that looked like her true self coupled with sounds she'd made which had a sort of fear effect attacking her side of the van their friends screaming as if being torn apart.
"Time to close the curtain on this play" Snap!
A little something extraShe earns an odd job income as a local special effects expert Named Emilia Longwalker
Owns 3 vehicles Box Truck, 2500 class 3/4 truck an an Electric Motorcycle
1, 4 seat plane also electric homebuild
(flies reasonably well)