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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Welcome to the Interest Check for Tales of Azeroth: Flames of Chaos, a roleplay set in another Azeroth -- yet one that is inexorably linked to the true reality we know. Many things are similar, but others are very different, all because a single Elf decided to right the suffering of her people.

There is, for example, no Burning Legion to invade Azeroth, for demons, as beings outside of time and space, can only exist in singularity; in other words, there was only one Kil'Jaeden, one Tichondrius, one Archimonde, one Sargeras...

Thus, those on Azeroth are disrupted and leaderless, left to run amok.

The Scourge, likewise, ails -- its back was broken by the offensive against Quel'thalas; met by constant Farstrider harassment, it was unable to penetrate deeply into the Eversong Woods, its rapid expansion turned into a brutal, gruelling quagmire at the impenetrable Elfgates and the incredible might of Silvermoon's Magisters. Deprived of Kel'thuzad, there was little they could do aside from shallowly penetrate into the Eversong before being forced to retreat and consolidate in Lordaeron.

The Old Gods, however, still threaten to awaken, separated from the Void Lords as they are. The titan watchers are thrown into chaos, granting them further opportunities to spread their admittedly weakened influence, this shard's Algalon quelled from purging the planet only by the fact that the true Azeroth exists elsewhere, thus making re-origination unecessary.

The Broken Isles -- and the Shal'dorei -- stand on a dangerous precipice, Elisande having potentially discovered through her time magics that her city is finally safe from the Legion, free to spread her influence without worry of being obliterated by the demons.

The Mists of Pandaria -- the final black mark on Emperor Shaohao's legacy -- have abruptly faded, blown apart by the enormous release of magic created by the violent discorporeation of the Legion's most powerful commanders, leaving Pandaria exposed to the rest of the world for the first time in ten thousand years.

The Dark Portal, exposed to the very same release of magic, has abruptly re-opened, wrenching an equally unintended fractured Draenor into being, offering whole Tempest Keep and its Draenei inhabitants an unexpected lease of life.

This Azeroth's Nozdormu, having realized the unintentional nature of this Azeroth's existence, wrestles with the reality of whether or not he can allow it to exist -- and the Dragon Aspects, still as powerful as they ever had been, return to the Dragon Isles decades early, convening on the nature of their duties, Malygos's role still in question, the Aspects grappling with their role in this false world.

Everything else (and the specifics of the above) are for the writers to decide, barring what I specify. In essence -- I'm providing a framework for the state of Azeroth, but only that -- a framework. Think of this as a pseudo-nation RP where you control organizations and nations through important people like Maxwell Tyrosus, Go'el, or people who might have taken their places. Multiple players can fit into a faction, of course, and are encouraged to do so -- Cairne and Thrall, for instance.

As such, while I intend to open things up more later on, initially at least, writers will be heavily encouraged to take on roles of great import, to fill out the essential spots in the world. Some -- even many -- will be canon characters, but you're more than encouraged to field proposals for OCs and where/how they'll be involved. Either way, I expect decently hogh-effort applications. This doesn't mean you need to give me an essay for each character (frankly, I'd prefer to not need to read a novel!), of course, but I reserve the right to reject applications when the time comes for the full RP. Currently, the plan is to start approximately four years and six months after the start of the first war, and about three and a half years after the Scourge was forced out of Quel'thalas by the High Elves, having failed to penetrate the first Elfgate.

Other major events to note -- everything up to Arthas's slaying of Terenas has happened as normal. It's around that time that Aranaeyl killed Dar'khan, creating this new timeline, and past that point when things can diverge. I'm hoping to help solidify some of these events in the process of setting up the interest check.

You know why this is here. I got obsessed with Azeroth again and decided to run an RP for the first time in eons. There's no need to be familiar with the franchise to join in -- I'm happy to discuss lore with people!

The vignettes I've included above are meant to provide some context and focus in on the events that lead us to where the RP's timeline started.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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Maybe? IDK. I don't really RP nation-style roleplays at all, and I've always been iffy on RPing canon characters because sometimes I feel I won't be able to properly portray the character(s) correctly. But I'm closing in on around a decade and a half-ish of playing WoW + some of the RTS so I might be able to work out something readable and not downright stupid.

Funnily enough, on the topic of WoW I was actually playing it the other day on a server a few friends and I have played sometimes (fuck the night elf barrow quest, I forgot how much I hated it) and this happens to drop today.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

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I kind of have an idea for a character and a story path in the Southern Eastern Kingdoms (Around Stormwind, Westfall, ect).

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Bugman
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Kinda interested, mulling over the idea of grabbing Dalaran/Kirin Tor, perhaps take it into a Magi-Tech direction (it seemed to already be going there with all the Dwarf tanks and copters there in the WC3 campaign) or alternatively a Stromgarde trying to retake its ancestral home and reform the Arathor Empire (admittedly map painty)
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Kinda interested, mulling over the idea of grabbing Dalaran/Kirin Tor, perhaps take it into a Magi-Tech direction (it seemed to already be going there with all the Dwarf tanks and copters there in the WC3 campaign) or alternatively a Stromgarde trying to retake its ancestral home and reform the Arathor Empire (admittedly map painty)

Either of those sound good to me -- I'm perfectly ok with the Stromgarde idea, too. When I talk abotu map-painting, I'm moreso talking about taking land just to 'win'; it's perfectly sensible for the Trollbanes to want their shit back. Danath can show up, too, what with the Portal being open.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Maybe? IDK. I don't really RP nation-style roleplays at all, and I've always been iffy on RPing canon characters because sometimes I feel I won't be able to properly portray the character(s) correctly. But I'm closing in on around a decade and a half-ish of playing WoW + some of the RTS so I might be able to work out something readable and not downright stupid.

Funnily enough, on the topic of WoW I was actually playing it the other day on a server a few friends and I have played sometimes (fuck the night elf barrow quest, I forgot how much I hated it) and this happens to drop today.

Feel free to ask for help, if you need it -- and remember that you don't necessarily *have* to play canon characters. Organizations are fine, too; i.e. the Scarlet Crusade.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Carlyle
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<Snipped quote by Kuro>

Feel free to ask for help, if you need it -- and remember that you don't necessarily *have* to play canon characters. Organizations are fine, too; i.e. the Scarlet Crusade.

Yeah, I'm aware. But it just seems that this roleplay is more geared towards such things.

Current ideas I have rolling around in my head:
-- Gilneas power struggle (post-northgate sympathies? worgen shenanigans? escaping the greymane wall? pyrewood/ambermill stuff? idk yet)
-- Finnall Goldensword (only canon in the RPG, need to alter her background to fit slightly more into this setting since Dalaran still exists)
-- League of Arathor (doesn't exist at this point to my knowledge, only came into play around vanilla WoW? maybe can be changed for the RP?)
-- Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth (Probably not a grand admiral as of this moment timewise + Daelin isn't dead yet, doesn't have much lore though)
-- Morgan's Vigil (reclaiming land from the dark irons, old horde, etc. to rebuild a settlement type stuff)

Most of the things I think of are kind of almost to present vanilla WoW type stuff, but they're like borderline WC3 anyway so they might kinda fit in with this setting.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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is this WC3 era?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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is this WC3 era?
kind of! It starts a few years after WC3; it's it'sown timeline that diverged during the Third War.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

<Snipped quote by POOHEAD189>kind of! It starts a few years after WC3; it's it'sown timeline that diverged during the Third War.

Adding on to this post, the state of the world is frankly closer to WC3 than WoW, but it'struthfully somewhere in the middle.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Let's go!

I imagine I'll do something dragon related, but I am also a big fan of all shades of Warcraft elf and then also Kul Tiras.... decisions decisions.

The removal of the Legion as a unified body brings up the question of if fel magic/demons are still a thing at all? I think cutting them entirely out wouldn't be ideal, I find warcraft demons and fel a pretty fun play on the usual fantasy demons/corruption tropes and it would be a shame to completely remove them. Blood elf vibes for the win.


Collecting my thoughts a bit more on this, I'm not sure why the One Legion thing would mean that the Legion in this timeline would be cut off, as we see in WoD and both Karazhan instances its not that the Legion is only interested in main Azeroth its that they are pan-reality. Until the Legion is defeated on Argus in the main timeline surely they would still be a substantial threat?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Let's go!

I imagine I'll do something dragon related, but I am also a big fan of all shades of Warcraft elf and then also Kul Tiras.... decisions decisions.

The removal of the Legion as a unified body brings up the question of if fel magic/demons are still a thing at all? I think cutting them entirely out wouldn't be ideal, I find warcraft demons and fel a pretty fun play on the usual fantasy demons/corruption tropes and it would be a shame to completely remove them. Blood elf vibes for the win.


Collecting my thoughts a bit more on this, I'm not sure why the One Legion thing would mean that the Legion in this timeline would be cut off, as we see in WoD and both Karazhan instances its not that the Legion is only interested in main Azeroth its that they are pan-reality. Until the Legion is defeated on Argus in the main timeline surely they would still be a substantial threat?

Thanks for bringing these things up -- this is a good opportunity for me to clarify a few things.

Fel Magic -- and the Twisting Nether -- are still absolutely things, and considering what you've said, I do think I'll amp up the threat level of demons somewhat, though my intent IS that this takes place concurrently with Dragonflight, timeline-wise. My bad for not making that clear in the OP.

In essence, what you have here is a WoD situation -- a pocket dimension that is concurrent with Azeroth rather than being an independent timeline. A number of the more important demons are still alive -- Detheroc, for example. Any demon that wasn't slain in finality in the true timeline.

This is my longwinded way of saying that demons are still a threat, particularly the Dreadlords, but they don't have some of the big guns backing them up or giving them orders.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Ezekiel
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Ah I see, there were multiple references in the post suggesting that things were happening faster than they did in canon (like returning to the dragon isles) so presumed it hadn't been that long since the divergence. Given that the events of Legion have already happened in the main timeline I suppose this now makes more sense. I'll admit it's a bit of a shame for me because I feel like the masters of the Legion could be interesting characters to still have bumping around but I get the decision.

I'm thinking I might combine the elf idea with the dragon idea to play something of a more formalised alliance of Kaldorei and Green dragons protecting Kalimdor from the new arrivals of the Alliance and Horde, as I would imagine the orcs and humans that fled the North would still have ended up there.

Also interested in something to do with an alternate group of Sunfury Elves and/or Kul Tiras but I'd be happy to wait to see what other people want to write or maybe even collab those with someone. Don't want to hog all my favourite bits right from the bat.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ah I see, there were multiple references in the post suggesting that things were happening faster than they did in canon (like returning to the dragon isles) so presumed it hadn't been that long since the divergence. Given that the events of Legion have already happened in the main timeline I suppose this now makes more sense. I'll admit it's a bit of a shame for me because I feel like the masters of the Legion could be interesting characters to still have bumping around but I get the decision.

I'm thinking I might combine the elf idea with the dragon idea to play something of a more formalised alliance of Kaldorei and Green dragons protecting Kalimdor from the new arrivals of the Alliance and Horde, as I would imagine the orcs and humans that fled the North would still have ended up there.

Also interested in something to do with an alternate group of Sunfury Elves and/or Kul Tiras but I'd be happy to wait to see what other people want to write or maybe even collab those with someone. Don't want to hog all my favourite bits right from the bat.

I'llbe sure to clarify those things when the actual OOC goes up, but for everyone else, be aware that things are happening CONCURRENTLY with Dragonflight; eg. This pocket dimension was created by a time traveller from "present" day.

Don't see any issues with either of those concepts, though. I'm a bit dragon-biased, admittedly! I'll likely be doing a few things myself -- Alexstrasza, most likely, plus a more traditional nation. Perhaps Gilneas, or Gnomeregan, an all-time favourite of mine.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Bugman
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Bugman What happens when old wounds heal?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I've played all the RTS games and WotLK but I'm somewhat ignorant of the new lore (though I have skimmed through the wiki to try get a base idea), but since most of the point of divergence seems to be "higher level" so hopefully I should be fine sticking to just what was depicted in Reign of Chaos for Dalaran

EDIT: By the way, how many "creative liberties" could we take, particularly given its an alternate timeline/universe? I.e. a lot of the characters that would be important to the story of Dalaran i.e. members of their council have rather barebones, unclear, or even conflicting lore.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

I've played all the RTS games and WotLK but I'm somewhat ignorant of the new lore (though I have skimmed through the wiki to try get a base idea), but since most of the point of divergence seems to be "higher level" so hopefully I should be fine sticking to just what was depicted in Reign of Chaos for Dalaran

EDIT: By the way, how many "creative liberties" could we take, particularly given its an alternate timeline/universe? I.e. a lot of the characters that would be important to the story of Dalaran i.e. members of their council have rather barebones, unclear, or even conflicting lore.

That depends on the given character, I guess. I'd encourage you to fill in gaps, that said!

Edit: to clarify, yesz feel free to fill in backstories that aren't, well, filled-in.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Jeddaven
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