Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud πŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilπŸ’€

Member Seen 3 mos ago

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The vast wilderness almost seemed endless, the days passed without an end to the tree-lined woodlands and desolate cliffs that stretched the path only by the end of the second moon did the foliage give way to a tiny vale surrounded on all sides by a sea of great firs and deciduous trees, with their golden leafs swaying in the wind like the waves of the ocean, it whipped through the small crook in the land. A distant howl blew from the cliffs, the rock appearing to be carved with the faces of men. A faint path led downward to the remains of a settlement, walled in with a stack of smoke drifting upwards from the center.

The coachman, a squat and disgruntled man reigned in the mule that led the carriage. Braying and kicking up dirt the animal halted at the very precipice of the vale, making the carriage grind to an unceremonious halt "This be as far as I take ye." the man shouted to his passengers "Gods ave' mercy on you lot. I wish ye luck." once the group found their bearings and gathered upon the grassy knoll standing over the valley the old man warily held the mules reigns, his tired blue eyes surveying the surrounding area.

"If'n ye have any questions, I'd speak em now." the coachman glanced to the group looking a bit on edge "I'd prefer teh be off if ye don't." he added, the mule mirrored his anxious demeanor with a loud bray.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It had been quite a journey, Jay would acknowledge to anyone who asked. The cart's atmosphere had felt so oppressive and nerve-wracking that he'd chosen instead to study the grimoire in his possession. And wasn't that nerve-wracking in its own right? The one possession he'd come out of this land clutching like his life depended on it (perhaps it did?), with text was almost entirely in an ever-shifting cipher that no one in town recognized, some of it written in his own handwriting, and without any clear purpose. Perhaps he had once known the reason behind acquiring the text, but it felt like he had traded years of his life for it, and those years included the reasoning for the tome.

Such reflections did no good. However, neither did his most recent attempt at deciphering the text. There was no one to blame but himself - he just couldn't figure out the key. As such, when he left the cart, it was more with an air of self-loathing than defeat or aggravation. He brushed himself off physically - it'd been quite dusty - and mentally as he surveyed the terrain lying beneath them. The settlement intrigued him - had he been there? He did hope he could persuade the group to accompany him on a detour to explore its remains.

The coachman was speaking. He was going to leave. Yes, that made sense - he remembered some folks recoiling when he told them where he'd been, as far as he could recall. There had been questions about his very sanity when he made it clear he intended to return as well. Part of him wondered if they'd be able to call the coachman back to this spot once their journeys were through - but that was a silly question, wasn't it? No one wanted to be out here. Not even everyone in the group seemed to be here voluntarily. So instead, he said, "Thank you for your services, good sir. I personally require nothing more." He glanced to the others, wondering what they'd say.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Goblinguy
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Goblinguy Chaotic green troublemaker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Burt had spent the majority of the ride either watching the scenery or fiddling with the bits and bobs he'd brought along. He seemed to vibrate with excitement as he wondered what new and interesting things he could build to meet the challenges of such a rough land and what new exotic ingredients he could experiment with. He had a constant wild smile on his face almost the entire trip. He hoped to find a few desperate people he could pay to help 'test' his new elixirs on. Though he hoped the people here were a little more understanding 'You accidentally melt someone's husband with a prototype cure for the red pox and suddenly you're the bad guy.' He thought to himself as he went over what little supplies he'd been able to escape with. He'd bought passage on the first carriage headed out this way he could find. He'd always wanted to see the frontier and see what he could learn from it, but his work had always kept him from going, until now.

It was only a few hours later that they arrived at their destination. Burt hopped out and gave a good stretch as even for someone of his stature had felt cramped after so long in that wooden box. He listened to the coach man ask if he'd had any questions and he'd thought about that for a sec. "I would have to agree with my skinny friend here that I personally am fine, though I will point out that I think you should get your cart checked, that axel sounded a little wobbly to me." He said before turning towards the town. "Any who I for one am ready to see what horrors and wonders this place has to offer!" He said with a chuckle. "Oh I hope to see them all." He glanced at the bookish human to his right, then to the rest. "I'm Burt, it's a pleasure to meet yall."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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The young acolyte stepped out of the carriage with the others. It had been hours since her feet touched solid ground. She stood on the grass, she could feel it tickle her ankles. Mira turned towards the coachman, the wind played with her veil while she spoke to the man.

"Thank you for taking us here, I shall pray for your safe return."

She nodded to him, a hint of a smile on her features. Some would say she was foolish. Who would be grateful to be taken to these lands? No one dared to venture here. Yet there was a quiet confidence to the way she carried herself, her voice serene and sure.

Mira had not exchanged much conversation with the others while on the carriage. She still knew little about them. There was one thing they shared, a need to travel to this place. There were signs of life further up ahead. The hills, cliffs and trees seemed to be guiding the company towards that path. It almost looked peaceful, but she knew that was far from the truth.

She joined in on the introductions, deciding on their course of action could wait until she at least learned their names. Mira bowed lightly towards Jay and Burt. One tall and thin with ginger hair, the other short and lithe, white bearded.

"I'm Mira."

As the coachman left Mira watched him go. After he was out of sight she turned towards the Frontiers with a weary look on her face.

"We shouldn't stay in one place for too long."

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Timemaster
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Timemaster Ashevelendar

Member Seen 3 mos ago

On the road again. Ashe's life was filled with travel from one side of her homeland to another. Different inns, different taverns almost every night. It was late in life that she discovered her talent and matured it enough to be useful at anything more than very simple commands.

This road was not very different than all the others she's been on. Even if the surrounding weren't even close to what she experienced 'till now. A path to a new life. A new rise to fame. No matter where she is, she will never retire. She would never put down her gift.

During the ride, Ashe made sure her mask was properly secured and a hood was on top of it. None could see her face. Ocasionally she'd humm under her breath a song or some long forgotten tune that somehow got stuck in her mind. Loud enough for those next to her to hear but not enough for those at the back of it.

Eventually, they reached the destination. The couchman was scared, very much so. It was obvious. Not that Ashe cared but she noticed it and dismissed it straight away. Little men have little dreams and big fears. The others already went off and started introducing themselves, Ashe looked at them with curiosity and then shook her head. Children. All of them.

" Aur. Lady Aur. Not giving any autographs to fans. " she said, her tone calm.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bastian
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Bastian Busy Overthinking

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As he clambered off the back of the cart, Rish stretched out his aching joints. Even after spending the entire lengthy cart ride without them on, the elf still felt strange without the weight of the heavy iron shackles on his wrists. The Moonwardens had taken those, when they went. There was no need for such things out here. There were no prisons to hold him, in this place where he would live out the rest of his wretched existence. He gazed up towards the rugged splendor of the cliffs. Not a bad place for a holdfast, perhaps, but something had had him feeling slightly uneasy since they arrived nevertheless.

He took a moment to surveil his traveling companions, wondering how they felt about sharing the road with a murderer. The poor devil driving the carriage had probably spent the whole time looking over his shoulder, wondering if Rish would try to kill them all one by one and steal the reins.

Himself? Rish had no more appetite for violence. That young man's fire had burned itself out of him some time ago, now. Be that as it may, he had no intention of simply allowing violence to happen to him, should it come to that. He stretched out both hands towards the coachman, gnarled and frightened old thing that he was.

"My things, if you'd be so kind." His voice sounded strange to him these days, still refined and carefully controlled while his inner thoughts sounded so old and worn, just like the outside of him. "I do not much like the idea of you leaving here with them still under your seat."

Some of the others were actually introducing themselves, standing in a loose group and looking around at each other earnestly. Rish gave a dry chuckle, thinking back on how quiet the long stretches of their journey out here had been.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jay smiled at each introduction, glad he was getting to know this group better. He suspected everyone came here for their own reasons, but as long as they worked together, he was sure - well, most of them would be getting out alive. Some even with their goals completed! Jay privately hoped he'd be one of those lucky few. He couldn't afford to be too optimistic, he knew - traveling into the Frontier, he had been warned repeatedly, was a fool's errand. Traveling with limited knowledge on how to defend oneself was tantamount to suicide. But was he supposed to just give up on his book? On his memories? On his very identity? Nay, he said, and boarded the cart that had brought them here. But that was beside the point. He still owed everyone an introduction.

Then Lady Aur introduced herself, and his expression fell into a puzzled frown. Was she famous? Should he have known her? The name didn't ring a bell, didn't stir a single familiar feeling in him.

"That... will be remembered?" he offered, almost apologetically. He looked to Burt, then Mira, and then at the last fellow who hadn't introduced himself but had been freed of his shackles. With any fortune, his arrest and exile were politically motivated. Such things weren't uncommon. How was he so confident of that? He tried to brush off that familiar feeling and cleared his throat. "You all may call me Jay. I imagine we all have our goals for being out here, some we don't mind sharing-" He glanced to Burt in acknowledgement, "-and some we do. That's fine! I'm quite willing to assist. I just have a small request: might we visit that settlement in the valley below? Very few people mentioned a settlement here." No one had, really. And didn't that seem like something worth investigating? Especially with the smoke. What had happened?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud πŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilπŸ’€

Member Seen 3 mos ago

With a cautious look from the old geezer at the seat of his rickety wagon, the coachman leaned between his legs with a grunt and procured a cloth bundle that had been resting safely with him for the journey "Hmph, there y'are. Dunno what ye did to be brought to Frontier an' but ye elves are an inscrutable bunch." shrugging the man gripped his wrinkled and dirty fingers tightly around the reigns tied to his trusty mule, giving everyone one last look. His eyes rested upon Jay for a moment and he mumbled something under his breath.

"That face..." were the only words he could make out before the coachman whipped the reigns with a startling crack, jarring the wagon forward towards a patch of trees leading southwards into the unknown. As sqeal of the rust pitted wheels faded in the distance the silence that followed was interrupted by the howl of wind off towards the cliff side where the stome faces stood. A feeling of isolation fell over everyone, they were alone. Even together they were lost, maybe the outpost below had answers?

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Goblinguy
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Goblinguy Chaotic green troublemaker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Burt examined each person as they made their introductions his wide smile never leaving his face. As the hooded and masked figure spoke and seemed to offhandedly remark about not taking autograph he raised an eyebrow at the statement but otherwise distribute comment. He seemed to study each individual carefully but quickly, though his eyes did linger on the now unshackled prisoner. 'Someone exiled out here, may be desperate. Wonder if he'd be open to some clinical trials once I get some supplies.' He thought to himself before turning back to the human who called himself Jay. "I would be delighted to accompany you, though I had planned to check it out even if no one suggested so." He said with a chuckle.

He needed to make some coin so he could restock so to speak, and he could do so by plying his trade and fixing the odd gizmo or do hikey. As much as he wanted to explore the unknown he didn't have the supplies to do so safely, or as safe as one could get out here. He had spent years working on controlling his impulsiveness and he wasn't about to let it get him killed now. "Welp if you want to join me then come on, it should be easy to keep pace I am very small and so have short legs." He set off towards the settlement, he did keep an eye out in case he noticed anything useful or interesting or shiny....or particularly interesting rocks.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bastian
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Bastian Busy Overthinking

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rish gratefully reached out to accept the cloth bundle, smoothly unrolling and shaking out the wrapping to reveal a simple but well cared-for wooden cudgel and an equally plain single-edged knife, both of which he tucked carefully into his crude rope belt. The cloth from the bundle he folded and stuffed into his pack. With a final nod of thanks to the departing coachman, the elf finally turned to acknowledge the rest of the group, catching a scrap of conversation from the young redheaded lad about investigating the settlement below. He looked hard at the smoke rising from the middle of the place, wondering if it could be the source of the uneasy feeling still laying cold in the pit of his stomach.

Daydreaming about where to set up camp on those cliffs was all well and good, but if something was wrong down there, ignoring it meant asking for trouble - or death. And if that hypothetical something wrong also happened to have friends, Rish knew all too well he couldn't deal with it by himself. He didn't plan on cozying up with this bunch, but for the time being, he needed allies.

"The young fellow speaks sense. I'm going to go see if I can find a decent vantage point and get a closer look at that place, maybe see where the smoke's coming from." Rish walked past the group and towards the settlement with an unhurried pace.

"You can call me Rish, by the way." He said over his shoulder.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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╔═════════════*.Β·:Β·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.Β·:Β·.*═════════════╗

Mira thought it best to start towards the settlement herself too. She followed Ja, Burt and Rish down the dirt path. Rish in particular captured her attention. His tattered attire and humble belongings indicated he'd been through tough times. Seeking out a vantage point was a much needed safety measure in a hostile place like the Frontier. The smoke drifting up into the air in the distance could point to a multiple scenarios. They each played through her mind while she walked.

"The smoke can be friend or foe, we should proceed with caution."

The acolyte warned with a weary look on her face. She continued to walk beside them, taking in their surroundings with a watchful eye.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Jay couldn't help but freeze as the coachman peeled off, arm half-raised as if he could've stopped the coach by such an action alone. Had he been recognized? What an awful feeling, to be recognized when you didn't recognize the other person. And now he wouldn't know, not for a good long while if ever at all. He lowered his arm, took a deep breath, and turned to follow the group who apparently agreed with his plan to investigate the settlement. The prisoner, Rish, discussed getting a vantage point and Mira mentioned how the smoke could indicate something dangerous.

"I hadn't thought of that," he spoke softly, a blush rising to his ears. He and Burt could've walked right into danger. "Thank you." For being there, he supposed. For having enough sense that their curiosity hadn't blinded them. He followed behind the three, thinking about what each hoped to gain. Burt had already explained himself; Rish didn't seem to have a choice; Mira and Laudy Aur were both a bit of a mystery, but then again, they maybe just didn't feel ready to disclose their reasons. Jay would not push them. No, he'd push a bit of a more dangerous subject.

"If I may, why did the elves send you out here?" he addressed Rish. Just vague enough that if Rish did not wish to explain, he wouldn't have to. Jay hoped he might but wasn't counting on it. He considered and then tacked on an extra question. "Did they expect you to make a new life out here?" Or to die, the question went unasked but was present all the same.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Bastian
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Bastian Busy Overthinking

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Rish turned a hard gaze on Jay as the young lad posed these questions, though only a second passed before his expression softened. It didn't seem like anyone from the group had truly recognized him, so he'd spent all this time on the ride out here on guard for no reason. Besides, Jay probably didn't mean anything by asking. Something about those naturally curious types. Rish resumed walking, falling into step with him.

"Well, if you must know. My city - my people - were facing a grave threat, one that would have perhaps been the death of us all. I had t- er, I was given a critical task in the city's defense. I succeeded. Though... in order to do so, I did some things I am not proud of." The elf looked down at his hands for a long moment as he walked. Would she have hated him? Spat on him, cursed him for it all, if she had lived? A question that circled his mind often, but one he dreaded the answer to. "That's the short of it, I suppose. As for their intentions, bringing me all the way out here: I doubt they care what I do, so long as I stay far away. They were pleased enough with their newfound safety, but having me around as a reminder of what happened would have been... unsavory." He gave a short, dry laugh, having had his fill of this particular subject. Secrets did no one any good, but these things weighed on him too heavily to be shared so freely. Instead, he turned an eye back to his companion.

"And how about you, lad? You don't strike me as much of a frontiersman. What are you hoping to find out here?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud πŸ’€Vibin' beyond the VeilπŸ’€

Member Seen 3 mos ago

The path twists downwards, loose rocks and stones litter the faint trail making it easy to lose one's footing. It doesn't appear as though it has seen the tread of feet for awhile, possibly a deer trail as the droplets of animals are scattered about. It takes some time to descend the treacherous trail.

[3] It's rough going at first, especially for those of a smaller stature like Burt whom suffers a few cuts and scrapes as the group slowly makes their way down the path. Rish has no trouble keeping his footing what with his keen sense of balance but Jay has a bit of trouble, thankfully only just stumbling before righting himself while one of the group catches him by the shoulder. Mira didn't have much trouble but her robes were caught in the prickly shrubbery from time to time, like Lady Aur but she wasn't as concerned by her dress tearing as the distinguished lady was.

There is something in the air, something other than a mixture of earthy tones and smell of wet lumber burning in the wind that at first is difficult to make out. It's only when the path ends that it becomes disturbingly clear, the smell of burning flesh coming from the smokestack drifting up from the settlement. The log gate leading into the settlement hung loosely upon it's hinges, yawning open from forced entry and the thatch rooftops of ramshackle cabins or the remains of them could be made out from a haze hanging about the ruined settlement.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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The smell of burning flesh was unmistakable. It unsettled the young acolyte. As the group entered through the remains of gates Mira's hand hovered over her hunting knife. Who or what was responsible for this destruction? She passed several cabins, some were turned into unrecognizable piles of wood. A whispered prayer of protection was repeated steadily as she walked. It took away some of her trepidation and fear, ushering her forward.

Mira turned to the bearded man of smaller stature.
"Burt do you need me to tend to your cuts before we continue?"
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by RBYDark
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RBYDark Demigod of Spite

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"And how about you, lad? You don't strike me as much of a frontiersman. What are you hoping to find out here?"

Jay blinked, opened his mouth to answer, and hesitated. 'Myself', while honest, sounded almost sarcastic compared to the tale Rish told. 'My memories' might make him think he'd be useless. 'The reason I was out here' begged for far more detail that Jay could give at this time. There was one answer left.

"The key to this book." With that, he produced the tome he'd studied in the wagon to no avail. He picked up his pace a bit to show Rish the open book and its odd text. "It's definitely ciphered, but I can't tell if it's written in a common language or something more specialized. The book came from somewhere out here - I think I'll be able to translate it through whatever I find here." It was the best and most detailed answer he could give. He tucked the book back once he was satisfied Rish had seen enough.

He tried to keep the quicker walking pace up as they traveled, a mistake he realized when he focused more on the settlement than the path at his feet and missed a brief dip in the road. Were it not for one of his companions, he likely would've fallen and twisted his ankle. He gave a brief "Thank you" before carrying on, a little slower and more cautiously. The two women had their clothes tear, and Jay wished he'd thought to bring a sewing kit. Burt was getting scratched up too. He could offer the spare set of clothes to makebandages, but that was all he had.

The settlement walls loomed into view and with them came new scents. Wet lumber burning was concerning - had a house caught on fire? Surely people didn't try to burn wet wood. It was still quiet, though. Surely a house burning would raise some kind of alarm. Then came a second smell, both foreign and familiar at the same time. Something raw and meaty burning. His stomach heaved, but he kept down the bile. What worried him was the gate - forced open, not left open. He stepped into the village warily, withdrawing the grimoire once more. He hadn't lied to Rish, he did need to find out how to translate it. But, part of it he had, and he was confident in its power, especially for such a situation like this. If any hostiles were around, he wouldn't be able to kill them, but he might be able to buy time for everyone.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Goblinguy
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Goblinguy Chaotic green troublemaker

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Burt grunted as he fell on his backside once again, it seemed that his small statur had him at a disadvantage. He stood up and dusted himself off, wincing slightly as a he found yet more shallow cuts on his person. Despite the rough start he still had a smile plastered across his face, though it did diminish slightly when he saw the state of the gate. It seemed that his plan to pedal his services would have to be put on hold. 'I still might be able to scrounge a few things up.' He thought to himself as he watched Jay enter first.

He was a bit surprised when Mira offered to tend to his scrapes. "Thank you for the offer but despite my size I'm not made of glass, and if whoever did that is still around we may need you to tend to more serious wounds than these." He said as he slung his heavy crossbow and loaded a bolt. "Or they are gone and have left and I am being paranoid but I for one am not to confident they aren't still here, so I suggest we proceed carefully." He continued into the village though he hung a bit behind Jay as he did. He looked around carefully for anyone, or thing that might be lurking in the shadows. "I wonder what caused such destruction?" He wondered to himself as he scanned the area. "Judging from the fire I'm guessing something intelligent."
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