_______________________________________ N A M E
Isaac Moretti ∞ Izzy or Zack. A L I A S E S
@IzzyMaguire (personal, finsta)
@Morettizzy A G E
18 || May 7th G E N D E R
Cisgender Male S E X U A L I T Y
Homosexual, sort of oblivious. Surprisingly insulated from any sort of internal homophobia, so he doesn't really register he's any different. P L A C E O F O R I G I N
Savage, Minnesota C U R R E N T C I T Y
Seal Beach, California E T H N I C I T Y
Italian | Anglo-Saxon
_______________________________________ A P P E A R A N C E
- Height: 5’11”
- Weight: 154 lbs/70kg
- Hair: Chestnut brown - Dark brown, depending on the season. | Sometimes styled, sometimes not, always a mess of curls.
- Eyes: In between brown and hazel.
- Body Type: Lithe and limber, like a swimmer. Strong arms.
- Body Marks: A birthmark shaped like West Virginia (according to him) under his left shoulder blade.
- Clothing Style: Isaac’s wardrobe is something of an 80s throwback, with heavy inclusions of denim and bright coloured t-shirts demanding attention. He has an exceptional love for sneakers, possessing a variety of equally eye-popping pairs from Converse to Nike. His shoelaces are often tied haphazardly, with floppy bunny ears threatening to come undone at any moment. Even his formalwear can be lovingly described as fruity: He prefers bright-patterned shirts and suits, never settling for just a regular suit and tie.
_______________________________________ R E L A T I O N S H I P S T A T U S
Single. Interested in general, but no one's caught his eye yet.
- Current Relationship:
N/A - Crushes:
Foster father: ∞ Marcus McCoy || 65 || Retired cop who quit the force as he became disillusioned with it. Now an active volunteer in the community. || FC:Danny GloverFoster mother: ∞ Hellena McCoy || 62 || Teacher at the local elementary school. || FC: Pam Grier P E T S
∞ Pickles - 2 year old Gidgee Skink ∞ Ham - 2 year old Leopard Gecko _______________________________________ M I C A S A
_______________________________________  | ____________________________________________________________________________ L I K E S
✔ Strangely enough for a boy his age, the law. Isaac is intimately interested in everything legal, from fictional to real. He has knowledge of obscure rulings and laws to spin circles around your average police officer, and keeps up with any interesting developments in the legal world. ✔ Baseball! It was one of his few fond memories of Minnesota, and he's kept it up ever since. ✔ Though he definitely doesn't need the caffeine, Isaac has a fondness for coffee. The fancy ones, of course. He's the type of guy to hit the character limit tweeting his Starbucks order. ✔ Isaac loves any sort of music he can dance to, meaning his tastes are very much varied. Lady Gaga is a guilty pleasure. ✔ Isaac loves anything that tests his brain: Rubix cubes, crosswords, sudoku, anything to give himself a challenge. He is the self-proclaimed Wordle champion of Delbrook. ✔ Isaac loves people! He's eager to get along with just about anyone, and isn't prone to butting heads or causing friction. ✔ Social exercise is a big thing for Isaac: Going for a jog or to the gym is always more fun with a friend. ✔ Isaac is great with kids. He appreciates their complete lack of a filter, and gets along with them easily. He often finds himself wishing he had a little brother or sister to play with and look after. ✔ Isaac loves the feeling of solving a problem. He's always poised to offer advice and help people out—even if they didn't necessarily ask. D I S L I K E S
✘ Loneliness is the ultimate killer for Isaac. He can't bear to imagine living a life of solitude with little or no friends. ✘ He doesn't exactly dislike them, per se, but he's terrible at video games. He'll take Animal Crossing over Call of Duty any day, thank you very much. ✘ Orphan jokes. ✘ The feel of velvet, or a chalkboard, or cotton wool, or...Eugh. Any of those weird sensations give him the willies. ✘ Even if they're not always bad people, Isaac finds a barrier wedged between himself and those with wildly successful lives. He's definitely more prone to jealousy than he'd like to admit. ✘ In the same vein, Isaac disapproves of those who disparage the down and out of society. He despises victim blaming and hand-washing for why some people will just always have to suffer. ____________________________________________________________________________ P E R S O N A L I T Y
Quick-witted → Adaptive → Intelligent → Social-minded → Personable → Guilt-stricken → Anxious → Stubborn → Lonely → Self-critical → Scatterbrained
____________________________________________________________________________ Up until last year, Isaac was a dickhead. He was always gossiping, always making snide remarks and jeering the "weird" kids. Deep down, he was wracked with guilt about it—but the approval he gained from the "cool" crowd overcame that. He was a brown-noser for anyone popular, bending over backwards to please them and get in their good books. It was safe to say that, beyond his social circle, people found Isaac an ignorant, meatheaded asshole.
Now, however, he's remarkably different: He's meeker, more humble. The guilt he carries from his past actions weighs heavily on him and his present decisions. He'll hang out with just about anyone that'll have him—no matter how weird or out of place they are. He's eager to help people out and dispense advice, whereas previously he would have mocked and derided them. Isaac is a people pleaser to his core, self-sacrifice etched into his soul—he’ll go to hell and back for nothing more than a thanks a lot and a pat on the back, if even that. This often comes at the detriment of his own health, both mental and physical. However, he’s surprisingly resilient—not stoic, certainly, far from it. But he can weather intensity that would bring most others to their knees, and carry on with little to no vitality left.
He has a wide range of interests he doesn’t often vocalise, some of them incredibly specific—for example, his love of reptiles. When he’s passionate about something, he’s deeply passionate about it: He’ll talk for hours on length if he’s allowed to, eager to express his love for the many subjects he takes an interest in. His people-pleasing attitude makes him quite the skilled listener, as well—he’s eager to hear people out and help them solve their problems, or just offer a shoulder to lean on if they need it. When he cares about someone, he can be surprisingly thoughtful, going out his way to improve their day or look out for them. He believes in them and their ideas, and will take the time to build them up and support them in their own endeavours—support he’d always wished he’d had when he was younger.
Still, as much as he cares for others, Isaac doesn’t care much for himself. His self-esteem is quite low, as is his ability to emotionally self regulate: It’s common for emotions to quickly overwhelm him, causing him to lash out and hurt himself or others around him. He struggles to process things on his own, relying on others to help him talk out and sort through difficult emotional events—though this is a privilege he’s seldom afforded, and isn’t aware he should seek out, often leading to him silently stewing in his own angst. Now that he isn’t receiving the benefits of it, his behaviour in the past few years weighs on him quite heavily: He feels guilty for how he treated others, an emotion he of course struggles to process and does his best to repress. ____________________________________________________________________________ B I O G R A P H Y
When Isaac first arrived at Delbrook, it came as a surprise to everyone there. He'd never been there before, and there were no signs of anyone new moving in. One summer, he simply started showing up around town, and then at school in September. He had no siblings. There were no sign of his parents, or grandparents, or any other family. Of course, it didn't take long for the truth to come out: Isaac was an orphan, taken from his previous parents by social services and placed in foster care for the foreseeable future. Still, that wasn't what people were most interested in. What interested them most was how much of a total jackass this new guy was.
Almost immediately upon arrival, he wormed his way into the "popular" crowd with no mercy for those "beneath" him. He was a bully, plain and simple: He mocked and derided the weak and vulnerable, and though he never escalated to physical violence, his words were enough to torment others and make their time at school miserable. It seemed this would be his role for all of time: Isaac was the bully, the guy you avoided catching the eye of in the school corridor. No one knew why he did it—rough childhood, they assumed. They were half right: It was indeed his past experiences that motivated Isaac to be so brutish. But the driving force behind it was a deep-rooted fear—a fear of loneliness, of fading into obscurity and being forgotten. He was desperate for attention, acceptance, to be noticed, and so he went to the furthest lengths he could to get that. He knew what he was doing was wrong, that it was hurtful. He hated himself for it—But he couldn't stop himself. He was a slave to the approval of others.
Emboldened by the approval of the other bullies, Isaac saw no reason to change his toxic behaviour. Even if it was getting him into trouble, and hurting others, he was getting attention. People were acknowledging him, commending him—they were proud of him. That’s all he’d wanted. He’d bend over backwards and crawl through a mile of glass, if only for someone to congratulate him on a job well done at the end. If that meant suppressing who he truly was, what he truly wanted—who he truly wanted—then so be it.
That was, until recently, about halfway through Grade 10. Isaac chose the wrong person to pick on that day in March, or perhaps he just pushed it too far. A brawl quickly broke out, with Isaac at its centre—and he was shown emphatically that his machismo crumbled once a certain Carlos Santiago actually fought back. He was knocked on his ass, had his clock thoroughly cleaned—and received a harsh condemnation from his dad when the school called about the incident. Isaac couldn't suppress the negativity welling up inside him now, without the reinforcement of others. He spiraled, and sank, and collapsed into a deep pit of self-loathing. He saw plainly that he hadn't escaped his unfortunate circumstances, hadn't used the second chance he was given to start anew—he squandered it, begging for the approval of others who'd toss him aside without a second thought. He was such an idiot, such a heartless asshole.
After some rumination, he decided that enough was enough: He was going to turn his life around. He was going to get a job, start studying hard, and be the best he could possibly be. No more tormenting others—he'd help them, be their friend. He'd build them up instead of tearing them down, gain approval by helping instead of harming. He wouldn't take the easy way out anymore—he wouldn't let his old family win, and turn him into them.
It's been a year since Isaac's resolution—since his metamorphosis into an almost entirely different person. He still has a lot to make up for, much further to go. But he's not going to give up: He's going to do all he can to make sure the memory people have of him after graduation is a fond one. Only then can he let go of his guilt and put his old self to rest, once and for all. ____________________________________________________________________________ S C H O O L I N F O
G R A D E Y E A R12th - Senior G P A & A V E R A G E3.3 GPA || Clever, but until recently, he wasn't willing to apply himself. Now, he does his best. Could easily bump up a few points if he stays on the straight and narrow. E L E C T I V E C L A S S E SCriminal justice & Rhetoric E X T R A C U R R I C U L A RBaseball T R A N S P O R T A T I O NSuzuki Liana 2006, black P L A N S A F T E R G R A D U A T I O NThe law, of course. Specifically, he wants to specialise in criminal law as a defence attorney. Too many innocent people get screwed over by the system, and he wants to give everyone the defence they deserve. ____________________________________________________________________________ A F T E R - S C H O O L I N F O
E M P L O Y M E N TIsaac works part time at the local movie theatre. He also volunteers on weekends at the local animal shelter. The cats love him. F A V O R I T E P L A C E SHis bedroom, otherwise known as the place where he gets all his best ideas. Also, more importantly, where his bed is. He also, of course, has a fondness for the great outdoors—anywhere, really. He much prefers it over the gym. R E S P O N S I B I L I T I E S∞ Work, school, volunteering, and Pickles and Ham. ____________________________________________________________________________ O T H E R
- Fight him in chess. Do it. You won't.
- His foster father is a big figurehead in the community—as such, the most common question he gets is, "How's Mr. McCoy?"
- He has a rock solid relationship with his foster family—and simultaneously feels very guilty about all the cruel stuff he's done behind their backs.
- He's not publicly out yet. Frankly, it's never really occurred to him that that's something he can do. As far as anyone's concerned, he's another straight dudebro. Unless they've got their gaydar on max settings, of course.
- Isaac is autistic, but undiagnosed—it's never really caused problems for him, and he wasn't in a position to be diagnosed at the age most are. As far as he's concerned, he's just like that.
T H E M E S O N GThe Strokes - Life Is Simple in the MoonlightFace Claim: Joshua Bassett - | #FEDD33/#AB3428