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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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"No shit," Ethan muttered with a side-eyed glance when Harriet said something was happening to her. Puberty ofmemopaths? He'd take her word for it. He too followed the others and he shrugged at her question.

"Dunno," he whispered. "Maybe one of them being a demon and the other a dragon has something to do with it." He checked his equipment as he walked before looking at Harriet again. "Don't know if you noticed, but most people in this agency are human and we tend to capture or kill things that aren't human. I was surprised the three of you were agents in the first place. Not saying I agree with what happened, but, you know, not exactly surprised about it either."

There was a growl, but when Ethan looked up Barrow had already shot something. Another of those lesser demons.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Harriet listened to Ethans words and stayed quiet before she flinched at the growl and gunshot.
She gave a bit of a sigh before looking back to Ethan. "Well, Steph looked human when she first came here." She started with a small frown, "And I guess they were testing Gaia, and either my father put in a good enough word or blended in too perfectly for them to really notice." Harriet sighed as she moved to rub her temples slightly.
"I fear that the people hunting Gaia down got in contact with them here." She admitted, making sure Barrow and Morrison wouldn't hear her words, she didn't want to try and speak mentally to Ethan as she knew it would be a rude thing to just enter.

"Ethan." Harriet said as she paused, putting a bit more space between herself and the other agents, "May I ask you a question in.. more privacy?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Ethan listened to Harriet. It was true, Steph had looked human at first and had revealed her true self later. But Gaia had never looked like a human and seeing someone like her had surprised him.
"Yeah, sure," he replied to her question. He considered the other two agents mentors and trustworthy, but he knew some things were better said without them hearing it. He couldn't imagine getting enough privacy here to discuss things between the two of them, but he didn't doubt an opportunity would arise soon enough.

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Harriet watched the two other males got a bit further along before she glanced to Ethan.
"I want the truth." She said softly, "I know it may be a hard question for you, from someone like me." She continued before she sighed.
"Do you... Trust us?" She asked, "Like, Trust my team?"
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Ethan looked at Harriet for a moment, followed by a shrug. "You three haven't been dishonest yet. I trust Gaia, I'm not too sure about you and I have no idea about Steph. She's a demon, but Ben likes her, so she'll get the benefit of the doubt." He glanced at the agents before turning to Harriet. "It may not be the truth you wanted to hear, but it is."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Harriet gave a nod and a smile, "No, that's what I wanted to hear." She said with a soft grin, "I understand why you would be hesitant about myself, and Steph isn't a full demon." Harriet straightened herself up to get ready to continue following the two other Agents as if nothing happened. "You didn't hear it from me, but she's got some Angel in her too. Quite literally." Harriet only grinned at the idea of Ethan trusting Gaia.

"She trusts you too, by the way." Harriet said softly, "Which for Gaia is, very rare. It took ages for me to get her to trust me after I broke her out." She smiled softly, "But that is the truth, and that's what I wished to hear. Thank you Ethan."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"You're weird," Ethan said, followed by a moment of silence. "Or maybe just not human," he concluded.
It was nice to knoe Gaia trusted him and he did worry about the big girl.

The two other agents had stopped and turned to Harriet.
"Did you get what you needed, or do we need to get to another section?" Morrison asked. "This building will be demolished anyway, so I'm not planning to hunt everything lurking here."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

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Harriet just grinned at Ethan calling her weird, she was about to speak before Morrison spoke. She looked to Ethan with a small smile once again before she looked to Morrison.
"I'm finished here," She started, glancing towards Ethan with a tilt of her head. "Did you grab the necklace from Gaia's room?" She asked with a soft smile.

Gaia felt herself pulled from sleep, slowly opening her eyes to look through the cracks in her wings as she noticed someone entering her room.
The two guards slowly pulled the goat into Gaia's room, moving to place it in the center before they looked to Gaia and then to each other.

"A beast this size?" One whispered, Gaia's ears twitching aggressively, "This is dangerous to even have here."
"Does it even understand English?" The second asked as they walked back towards the door, "I heard we were contacted by the ones who created the creature. We might have to give her up after our tests."
"I don't know. Boss is pretty adamant on keeping her." The first replied again, allowing the second guard to walk out before they followed and closed the door behind them.

Gaia let out a rumble, her wings vibrating from her noise before she looked towards the dead goat left in her room. A snack, unless they were going to test her mentality when starved.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Yeah, I did," Ethan replied. "We're good to go." He glanced over his shoulder when he heard something. "Let's hurry. Who knows how many of those things there are."

Morrison nodded to agree and led the way out. Barrow waited for the young ones to follow so he could guard the rear. One lesser demon crossed their path, but Morrison quickly took it out. At least there were no more vampires on the inside, but it still wasn't safe outside. He heard something that sounded like a sheep or a goat. Bait, probably. This place was set up for demolishment, and anything they could lure inside before it happened was a monster less to worry about.

He hoped they had only placed animal baits... he shook his head. Of course they had only placed animal baits, the few times they had used human bait was when a team was ready to defend the bait.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Harriet nodded and followed the others quickly, she glanced to Barrow and flashed a soft smile to him as he took the rear. Her ears perked up as another lesser demon crossed their path and she moved to look at it as they passed, taking a mental screenshot of what they looked like before continuing.

She would have to consult her parents for a book on angels and demons when she could next get in contact with them, surely they would have something of the sort in their libraries... Knowing her father, most definitely.

"This place doesn't exactly scream a resting place for something as innocent as a sheep." Harriet found herself sighing before she closed her eyes. She wished she could bless the place before it disappeared, but she understood why the boys wanted to get out of her so quickly.
Boys? Men. They weren't boys, they were men.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

Morrison halted at the entrance and glanced left and right before going outside. He stayed close to the wall and waited for the others to join him as he kept his eyes on the area around them. Of course Ethan was a full agent, but he was also young and Morrison would make sure he'd make it out alive.

Ethan joined him outside, he too kept his guard up as they waited for the other two to join them. The sound of an owl came from a nearby tree and something flew past them, a bat probably. It was too small to be dangerous. There was another sound and he aimed his gun at a bush, but through the infrared he saw what looked like an imp. Harmless, really. He had seen the creatures on his first assignment with Gaia and he had caged several of them. Mike had smiled when he had told him about it, saying that if the bars hadn't been made of silver or iron, they weren't likely to keep imps in. It had been a wooden cage. At first he had felt annoyed to have been sent on a pointless task, but he had realised it was probably a test to see if he could catch them, not to keep them prisoner. Probably a good thing, he wouldn't want the little created to explode with the rest of the building.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Harriet followed after, her ears perked at the sound of the owl and she moved to watch the little creature fly past them all. She glanced to the boys as they seemed to pause, she could see the Imp in the darkness without the infrared.
She looked towards Ethan gently, before moving her hand to summon a small portal beneath the creature to teleport it somewhere else so the buildings demolition wouldn't end their life.

Harriet sighed, she couldn't reach Gaia through their mental link and she was starting to worry. She wondered if the others were treating her well enough; and she hoped that the place that made her wasn't trying to pull their way into her life again to try and use her dna to make another beast.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

At dawn Ethan waited for his friends at the agreed upon location. The shift was over and they had some successes. Agents Morrison and Barrow had already left, and Morrison had promised to write the report for their shift.
When they approached they looked relieved to see he had survived the night and he gave Benjamin and Mike the details of what had happened. He had texted them some of it already when he let them know he was done for the night, but he filled in some more details now.
"I'm off to bed," he concluded. "Try not to get into trouble during the day, without me around."
"Of course," Mike said.
"And don't go on any crusades to find Steph without me."
"We won't," Benjamin promised. "Daytime is not a good moment for that anyway."

Confident his friends wouldn't do anything dangerous, Ethan took his leave to get some much-needed sleep at the new base.

Benjamin and Mike remained where they were for a moment and Benjamin checked his watch. It was a bit early still. The movie and a good night sleep had kept him from worrying too much, but his mind wandered back to Steph.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Duncan had gotten back into contact with Harriet after the mission had happened with Ethan, and gotten her back to the house with Freya and the Brothers. He let her rest as long as she needed after a big feast, running diagnostics on everything that had happened.

April was heading to location quietly, she glanced to her phone for a moment as she hesitated to message Benjamin about her heading there, but she wasn't going to push for them to go any earlier than already agreed on. She glanced over to her hooded companion quietly and sighed.
"You didn't need to come with me." She stated quietly.
"It seemed important." The Jackal spoke from under his hood, his eyes glistening slightly, "Plus I'm interesting to see these humans you're so antsy about."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"What do we do now?" Mike asked. "We still have some time to kill."

They decided to hang around town for a bit to get their thoughts straight and just enjoy the city as it was waking up. It was probably the last time today they could feel like regular people, something they hadn't felt like often since they had joined the agency. Mike also called Mitch to ask how things had gone the previous night and promised the professional assassin to send a text when they would go to the meeting and a text when it was over - Mitch told him he'd come and check on them if it took too long.

Eventually it was time for their meeting, and they went to the place it would take place. Benjamin entered first, Mike followed behind, sending the text he had promised to send.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

April waited in the little coffee shop she told the boys about, secret from basically everyone on the outside. She looked up as she noticed Benjamin and Mike enter; moving to stand up to greet them with a handshake or a hug if they wanted.
"I'm glad to see you two in one piece." April said softly, she smiled to both of the boys before looking to Jackal quietly. She knew that they'd ask about him but she would wait for a moment. "I hope you had a good night?" She asked with a small smile.

Duncan finished wrapping up Harriets' side quietly in the living room of their house. She had Ethan return her alone after the mission, and Duncan welcomed her in with open arms but kept a close eye on her.
Over night her skin on her ribs seemed to fizzle and bubble with blackish inky goo, which is why he was bandaging her up. He tried his best to contact Seb, only to get no response on the matter. Was Harriet's stress over her friends causing her body to react so violently after something else? She told him about her battle which led to her disappearance but...
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Slept like a baby," Benjamin said, shaking April's hand.
"You woke up a few times, crying because you were hungry?" Mike asked, trying his best not to grin and only partly succeeding.
Benjamin chuckled. "I slept like a rock," he answered the question again. "I hope you had a good night as well."

Mike also moved in to shake April's hand and then turned to the figure in the hoodie standing close to them, unsure if he was with April or not, but the buzzing of his cellphone caught his attention and he muttered an apology before taking it to have a look at it.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

April only smiled at the interaction with the boys, before she nodded gently to Mike as he excused himself to look at his cellphone.
"I'm glad you are all okay." She said gently, "I have word that Harriet has returned as well, with word that Ethan is also doing well." April continued before she hesitated and glanced towards Jackal.

"My apologies." April said as she nudged Jackal slightly, who looked up from his hands and towards the boys before to April before he grinned a bit. He pulled his hood down to reveal a tanned human male with russet red hair, just past his chin and messy to high hell. His yellow eyes had a slight glow to them.
"Where are my manners," The Jackal said softly, offering his hands out to the boys once Mike was back. "My name is Jack. I am Aprils husband." April rolled her eyes at the words he decided to use, "Well, To-Be Husband. Weddings are currently on stand-by in Hell for... the time being."
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Loksfjoer
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Loksfjoer Lucky flame

Contest Mod Seen 3 days ago

"Ethan is doing well, that's true. We talked with him this morning," Benjamin said and then turned to Jack as he introduced himself. Yellow eyes? What surprised him most was how that something like glowing yellow eyes didn't even surprise him anymore.

"A wedding?" Mike said. "Congratulations." He paused as he thought about the most polite way to voice any of his thoughts about a wedding in Hell. "Why are weddings currently on stand-by?" he asked.
Benjamin also looked at Jack when Mike asked the question, as he was curious about that as well. Hell had a negative association here and sending dangerous beings back to that place was one of his tasks, but now was not the time to be thinking about that.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by SporkoBug
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SporkoBug The Cosmic Engineer

Member Seen 1 hr ago

April rolled her eyes before she looked to Benjamin before giving a small smile, "I'm glad he's doing okay. If he ever needs help, please let him know I'm here for all of you." She said before she looked over towards Mike, cutting off Jackal before he could speak about it. "The Devil isn't exactly happy about some disappearances and captures from humans." She spoke gently, trying to hold back her anger.

"Oh she's really angry." Jack added with a laugh, "She's not happy that her 'prized possession' is captured." He sighed slightly, he looked towards April for a moment before he straightened up slightly. "Of course she'd be angry her granddaughter has been captured."
April shook her head slightly before she smiled to the boys, "Would you like some food? Coffee? My treat, of course."
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