Below is a very brief test run before an untimely demise. It was then conceived to try something a little different which follows directly after, follow the link above to begin at the Miletos 928 section..
Jugdral 757

On the Gran Calender year 757, a barbarous horde based about the region of Ribaut in the Kingdom of Isaach made haste through the rocky stretches of the Yied Desert and laid siege to the quiet and poorly prepared city of Darna 'neathe Grannvale rule. It was all but a massacre with Darna - a holy place where the great Twelve Crusaders were born a little over one hundred years ago to topple the tyrannical Loptrian Empire - left in utter shambles. Public outcry was immense, not only for the savage and purposeless loss of life, but for the sullying of a place held sacred to all whom call Jugdral home.

The ever evenhanded Prince Kurth, whom handled most of Grannvale's politics due to his father King Azmur's advanced age, had no choice but to retaliate against the Kingdom of Issach, believed to be the belligerents of Darna's sacking. And so, Grannvale officially declared war upon Issach for the grave loss of life and sacrilege. Then King of Issach, the calm Mananan traveled in person to Grannvale in bids for peace, arguing that they had nothing to do with the massacre of Darna. However. . . The King was assassinated during his visit, throwing all of Issach into a fervor just the same as Grannvale's for the loss of their beloved monarch, believing the other nation dishonorably marred in his blood.

The very first act of Mananan's son as the new King Mariccle was to declare war against the greater nation in kind. Wielding the Divine blade of the Crusader Od, Mariccle was driven to avenge his father's death, and so were his people. In the dunes of the Yied, the Isaach - Grannvale War of Subjugation had begun.
As the Lord of the small city Tirnanog in the northwest of Isaach, your coffers supply you with 40,000 Gold for which to fund your army in preparation for the war. You may use this gold to hire soldiers and purchase gear for their campaign.

King Mariccle: "Warriors of Issach! Have we not been dealt a great injustice? Not only have the impetuous Grannvalians deigned to make war with us over mere banditry, but so too have they slain the wise King Mananan, my honored father, in the coldest of cold blood. Now too I say, let us make war as well!" A cheer echoes across the field as the newly made king speaks from the gate of Ribaut. His people's fervor against Grannvale's recent actions since their King Azmur became too ill to lead has only reached a fever pitch.

"Just the same across Jugdral, the tyrannical Grannvalians have begun to subjugate Verdane -- and now they come for us! But we are no deep-wood barbarians, we are masters of our craft, they will not have Issach!" Mariccle raises aloft Balmung, the holy blade denoting himself as direct descendant of the Divine Crusader Od. His soldiers rally yet more at the sight, ready to begin their first campaign.
". . ."
"Ayra. . . Please take good care of Shanan. This country will need its next king dearly."

"Just the same across Jugdral, the tyrannical Grannvalians have begun to subjugate Verdane -- and now they come for us! But we are no deep-wood barbarians, we are masters of our craft, they will not have Issach!" Mariccle raises aloft Balmung, the holy blade denoting himself as direct descendant of the Divine Crusader Od. His soldiers rally yet more at the sight, ready to begin their first campaign.
". . ."
"Ayra. . . Please take good care of Shanan. This country will need its next king dearly."

Duke Angbert: "We've only but recaptured Darna from savages and now we're expected to fight off the Issachian army?! Just my luck, heh. These ballista best put in their fair share. . ."

General Alkard: "Hmmph. . . So this is the prelude to your ascent, is it Lord Arvis? I'll be certain to play my part in realizing your dream. Cavaliers, reinforce Darna, Duke Angbert's force is already exhausted. The rest of you await further orders, our goal is to weather the Isaachians for the first month of this campaign before Price Kurth arrives alongside the Grunnenritter."

"Captain Maya! A message has arrived - orders from the capital."
We are aware of Tirnanog's difficulty raising soldiers for this campaign, yet it cannot be understated how crucial a position your forces hold in our Kingdom, be well wary of any Grannvale assault as you hold the border, it is unlikely that their forces stationed in Phinora will hold their position forever. Ganeishire yet musters their own forces and will march toward Tirnanog within the month. When at last they arrive, together you are to take Phinora castle with haste. Good graces to you on the battlefield.
A retainer of the poor little city sucks at his teeth. "Not only Grannvale, but the bandits of the Fiodmahr are certain to make their move. . ."
And sure enough.
We are aware of Tirnanog's difficulty raising soldiers for this campaign, yet it cannot be understated how crucial a position your forces hold in our Kingdom, be well wary of any Grannvale assault as you hold the border, it is unlikely that their forces stationed in Phinora will hold their position forever. Ganeishire yet musters their own forces and will march toward Tirnanog within the month. When at last they arrive, together you are to take Phinora castle with haste. Good graces to you on the battlefield.
A retainer of the poor little city sucks at his teeth. "Not only Grannvale, but the bandits of the Fiodmahr are certain to make their move. . ."
And sure enough.

Gilla: "Listen ta that sound boys, them Issach's're gearing up fer war. Ain't nobody''ll be rushing to aid the city against some pesky barbarians eh? Hehehe. . . Come on Tirnanog's ours!"

Aindréas: "Boss Gilla, Tirnanog is still defended by a strong-hearted garrison, so many of us will die for this. . . And after the war we'll be routed out anyway, what's the point?"

Gilla: "Shut yer damn trap! I didn't raise ye outta the kindness of me own heart so ye could question my every order, I raised ye so you'd WORK. Now get yer ass out there."

Aindréas: ". . . Yes sir."