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Roleplaying is the only thing that gives meaning to my mediocre existence. And cookies too.
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Wants to be a saikyou hero.


I am a rather middling RPer who likes to believe they are actually at an advanced level. This is of course, nonsense created by my desire to be known as good at something. In otherwords, I'm kinda okay at things and stuff.

Most Recent Posts

Awan, a city of two worlds; ostensibly under the great purview of Ur, even administered by an Akkadian ensi, yet similarly boasting a sizable population of Kassite people. Some might have called it an experiment by the preeminent Šar Kiššati, others might call it a method of soft control, of preparing the barbarians of Zagros for their eventual imperial occupation. . .

Regardless of such conjecture Awan has found a certain homeostasis between its polity. One that the Hellions have no interest in upsetting. . .

SIRIS: "Come on then, come on. Thought I saw an azure cloak in the street, can't be too careful." The swordsman wore a smirk as he spoke, half in jest, half with the utmost deadly truth coupled with an eagle eye to the bustling ways of the city. He ushered in a slight form enwrapped heavily in silk.

IA: "Akkadian. Hands. Off." Her voice was a whisper, but a harsh one as she moved with purpose into the hostel their company had all but rented full out.

Siris simply nodded, though his grin grew, "Starting to realize I need to find myself a Kassite girl. Iddin doesn't know what he's missing; spicy."

LAHAMU: "Nice to see you're in high spirits. Siris."

SIRIS: "Hahaa. . . Not you of course Lahamu, you're one of a kind, heh heh. . ." He ran a hand down the sweat slick back of his neck and promptly sealed his lips as the sub-captain and Ashür passed into the building as well; granting him their trademarked glares all the while.

One more figure ambles toward the mudbrick hostel, enrobed and humming a tune.

SIRIS: "Where in all of Erṣetu have you been?" The merc muses with a wry grin, one hand resting on his sheathed blade while leaning himself against a wall.

MUNAKATA: "Guarding the rear." Says the fellow matter-of-factly, heading up the small steps before bronze rasps against leather and Siris' blade stays his movement. Loosening his collar, the young man adds, "You know how Ninil gets on her own, she needs someone to help with the caravan."

SIRIS: "Bullshit." Said he, still wearing that punchable smirk. "Wanna know what I think?"


SIRIS: "You're too much of a coward to join us in a real battle. It's no wonder why your old man is so disappointed in you Munakata - Even Lahamu was on the field at Der. What were you doing? Tending to the fire at camp?" Siris bursts into a mocking laugh that only seems to seethe Munakata more.

MUNAKATA: "I just don't want to take all the glory for myself, that's all. I like to let futureless losers like yourself take to the fore."

SIRIS: "Oh yeah?" He jeered, still chuckling. "Wanna bet? Come join us on the front then, we'll see who gets more glory in the next one." With that Siris sheathed his blade again and began to whistle as he made his way inside. "Sorry for your loss; in advance!"

MUNAKATA: "Prick." With a shrug, and truthfully a smile of his own, he climbed the little stair into the building as well, "Poor idiot doesn't know I could blow him away with a single word."

It was busy. Busy enough for crotchety old fella whose been running it since 'before the Zagros were mountains' he'd say. The influx of mercenaries pouring into his door put a sour note on his otherwise mediocre day, still, mercs had their aurums about them, and up front too as long as you didn't ask too many questions. This was just as well amenable to Iddin-Ninshubar who moved with purpose for the man bearing their payment - he didn't trust bankers, money-lenders, and writ writers, only the cold touch of copper, silver, and glass of course.

NINIL: "Finally~ Food that isn't salted beef or dried fish. . . I'll never be unfaithful again." Rang the young archer, gathering a bowl of the hostel's hearty public stew. "Hey! Let's all drink to Balathu! You've got wine right old man~?"

One of the Inn's patrons, resting on their loansome rose a wooden cup high in concert. "More here as well! I'll join you for a drink." Ninil drew herself over bearing a wide toothy smile. "Who is it we're drinking too then?"

NINIL: "Balathu! Kindest merc I ever knew. Damn bandits got him. . ." She tries to keep her spirits high, but the veneer cracks some.

"Bandits hm? Seems even Šar Kiššati in their infinite grace cannot assuage the destitute from desperation. . ." The pair of them withdraw into themselves some before at last their cups are filled electing the patron to toast. "To Balathu then. To. . . Fallen comrades."

NINIL: "To Balathu!"

This was the rest they needed. One job to the next for weeks; it'd been since that scholar 'Kastilus' contracted them to descend into that Yeek infested ziggurat and spill a barrel's worth of blood for his own aims. At least the man paid. . . To finally have beds calling to them that were more than straw mats and food more appetizing than chewing on leather, it was a balm to their otherwise flagging morale. Not to mention Captain Doan-Nasir collecting their pay for the retaking of Der, he and the rest of the Hellions should arrive in Awan in a week and some change. The only rub - What to do with this 'Ia' woman?

To that end it isn't long before the Hellions are all gathered in their rented quarters. The sub-captain stands at the head of a large table, across from which Ia unveils herself. He addresses his men first.

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "Well done." He began, expression unchanging and ever stern. The priest carefully took account of the Hellions, passing his silent judgement upon them with a goodly sum of relief - despite their loss it seemed hearts had not driven down into an abyss. "Well done Hellions. Not only have we turned a poor situation around, but so too have we garnered a new glint. Take pride in your prowess, but. . . Do not grow complacent. Though I will preserve your place beside immaculate Zuzu as I have our Balathu, pray; do not hasten yourself there. Be tempered - the teardrop shape is strongest under pressure, but dare not snap its tail." A general nod and agreement to the man's 'wisdom' goes about the room before he refocuses. "Now. The Kassite woman-"

IA: "Ia."

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "You will tell us all, you will not obfuscate a single detail; most presently on my mind, why were you being pursued by Šar Kiššati's finest? Who are you? What is it you wish from our employment. Most importantly - If we should aid you, how will you pay us?" Before she can answer he adds, "Speak carefully, do not think we will not collect on your head if we must."

The crimson headed Kassite sucks in a deep breath, barely disguising her disdain for Iddin. "I am Ia." She refrains, gauging the hardened mercenaries about the room, she couldn't help but feel she'd traded one pride of lions for another, yet, Lyun's presence kept her centered. Maybe it was kinship, or perhaps simply the aura he exuded, maybe it was the same for the rest of these sellswords. "Anqullumašḫu - I am called. She who has inherited the Spirit of the Flame. I understand the meaning of this is lost on you, so this is all you need to hear of who I am. "

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "I will be the one to determine what we do and do not need to know. Speak. What is this barbarian custom?"

IA: "Barbarian. . ?!"

LYUN: "She is meant to guide our people."

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "You choose a child to lead? Then it is no wonder why your people are so draconian." Iddin lets loose a rumbling chuckle, soused with pity.

She sucks in another deep breath before responding, measuredly so, "Every second generation a woman is born for which the Flame inhabits, it drives us to steward our fellow kith and kin across Zagros."

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "A mere heretical superstition. . . I see." The glass-priest gently scratches at his chin, raising a brow, "So then - our upstanding men of Uruk simply wished to root out your influence lest you drum up more senseless thugs to sack our cities."

IA: "That was never our intention!" Ia cried, emotion flaring up in those burning eyes of hers. "We left to stop Kashtilashu, to stop a tragedy from befalling. . . Now he's dead. They're all dead, aren't they?"

ASHUR: "To the last."

She retracts into herself as the merc's cold summation. ". . ."

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "Intentions are one thing, perception is another. After what happened it would surprise me if a commandment comes down from Uruk to expel all of your people from these lands." Iddin redoubled his voice, honing in on his line of inquiry again. "So tell me then, do you have any other reason to have been targeted? First by brigands, second by soldiers."

IA: "Aside from reprisal for my uncle's actions. . ?" She considered, a distant thought raising its dark head. "Maybe your Šar Kiššati simply desires a war on their hands. Calling themself 'King of Everything'. Hmmph."

ZARIF: "Everything. Hah!" The quartermaster cannot help but laugh, "There is more from here to the west than there is grains in the sand dial of this so-called King of Everything's lifespan. They cannot hope to conquer it all."

ASHUR: "But they'll try. And that's our purest hope as sellswords, isn't it?"

The sub-captain clears his throat, "Akkad has reason enough for sake of Der and the death of its ensi but. . . So be it. I will accept these words. For now. Tell us then, Anqullumašḫu - What is it you want from us?"

IA: "Simple. I hire you to escort me safely through the Izeh Pass. I don't care how you do it, just get me past the border checkpoint that I may return home. That will be your charge."

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "You. Will hire us? Expect us again to clash with Imperial Agents?" Again, Iddin is taken by an uncharacteristic humor. "You, whom holds no more than ten silvered coins expect to employ the Hellions of Gyr?" After chuckling it off the man realizes the veracity of her claim, the purpose in her gaze, and responds in kind. "There is nothing more to discuss, you may stay the night, but be on your way come-" A gemstone, crystalline as the glass orb affixed to Iddin's staff yet dyed the most brilliant shade of red is cast across the table. It's small. But speaks of value. The priest's gaze remains firmly affixed.

IA: "The Zagros is brimming with untapped beauty, sellsword. Expect more when we arrive." The sub-captain stares for a time, eventually moving his gaze toward Lyun who responds with a firm nod to his wordless query. He pockets the ruby.

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "Izeh pass. . . There are other routes into your lands. Ways that do not pass under a watchful gilded eye."

IA: "Are you not awaiting someone? No. This is my only offer, I cannot delay while you Akkadians are planning on marching us down."

A hand clasps on Iddin's shoulder while he pinches at his forehead, "We can handle it boss." Speaks up Siris, who rarely makes his thoughts known during 'business'. "We rest up tonight, then in and out, just one more day of work ain't too bad. The Lady's right anyhow, we've gotta be here to welcome the Captain."

ZARIF: "We will disguise as merchants from Awan here, Lyun as our guide. If it is a city of Kassite and Akkadians both, they must come and go, no?"

ASHUR: "Whatever our strategy, let's not fly our banner."

The man sighs. He reaches back into a folded pocket, feeling the heat of the ruby between his fingers. In a flash he casts it into the air catching the last motes of sunlight beaming through a porthole window. Its reflection casts a vibrant red upon Ia until it clatters down back onto the table. "Fine." He ruminates at last, "Tonight is for rest and preparation. Tomorrow we will set out for Izeh. Let this matter be adjourned. . ."

The young woman couldn't muster much in response, Siris' words merely rained down upon her, joining tears, joining the blood of the fallen, joining the cracked earth below. Ia didn't budge much, her eyes fixed on Gao-Lubaan and Akmaan. They were dead, she knew it. Men she'd looked up to, me that raised her, men that died for her. The hotheaded merc wasn't wrong. . . She found her eyes wandering over to her kinsman Lyun as he lifted the Hellions' lost comrade. And then to the bandits, and to the Imperial soldiers. . . All lives lost, for nothing, for something she didn't even understand.

Ashür scanned over the battlefield, certain now that it had come to an end. Following the rest of his contemporaries, he joins in pressing the young Kassite, "These irreverent, corrupt mercs have a name. . ."

IA: ". . ."

ASHÜR: "Hellions of Gyr. On account of where most of our finest men are little more than dust and bones now."

IA: "Just leave me. I don't need your condescending charity about life and death." She rubs her face, finally turning to Ashür.

ASHÜR: "You're right about one thing." The merc replied, hand resting upon his sheathed blade. "You're not getting charity." He eyed the piles of the defeated gritting his teeth between all the silver and blue. "Mixing bronze with our excellency's direct subordinates - that won't come cheap."

IA: "I. . . Can't pay you." As if to drive home the point, she pats down her practical garb. "We only took with us a small sum to pay toll and travel to Der."

ASHÜR: "Hnn. . ." The merc sighed, a hand at the back of his neck. "Der. Kashtilashu you mentioned too. You're too late I'm afraid."

IA: "What? What do you know sellsword?"

ASHÜR: "Your army is dead and gone little lady. You're on your way to a ghost town."

IA: "Damn it! No!!" Ia's firey eyes faltered in a true defeat. She clutched that hatchet and bit anxiously at her lip. "Even Kashtilashu? It shouldn't have been this way. . . I could have. . . He didn't deserve this, he was misguided. . ."

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "Deserve? The only ones who can speak of such things are we. We deserve payment, as you cannot comply - We will hand the woman over to Uruk, salvage any reputation marred, and collect bounty." Ever pragmatic, the priest drew in towards Ia, along with the rest of the Hellions. "Glass preserves, now don't make a struggle girl."

IA: "What?! You think I'll go to my death willingly?!" The spirit of flame burned hot and shed the trepidation that were consuming her. "Come then you bastard dogs!"

LYUN: ". . ." A heavy hand came to rest upon Ia's shoulder, Balathu hoisted over his own. His presence was two fold; to quell her well understood fury, and as a general denial to the sub-captain's suggestion.

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "You will go against me again, Lyun?" Iddin palmed his pointed chin, tapping his rod twice unto the cracked earth. "Seems your people have no respect for oaths."

Lyun raised his head some, gazing eastward, completely unphased by Iddin's words, "Return home Anqullumašḫu. There is nothing for you here."

IA: "Failed. . . Before even a chance. Akkad will strike at us for this. . ." The woman spoke to herself before turning to her great kinsman. "You will come with me, yes?"

IDDIN-NINSHUBAR: "Hellions. Secure this woman and don't hesitate to-"

ASHÜR: "Iddin-Ninshubar. . ." The merc spoke quietly beside Zuzu's chosen so that only he could hear. "The big guy said, 'Anqullumašḫu', did you hear? They may just be 'heretics', but she's a VIP when it comes to the Kassites. Maybe we should. . ."

As the pair spoke clandestine, and the mercenaries at large gathered around, Makeen finishes collecting what trinkets of the deceased he sees fit before chiming in, practically deciding the endeavor, "We're going as far as Awan, come along if you like."

And so it was.

She can't even speak. Her trembling lips sealed. Nearly had she shared sentiments with Siris before the bodies of her beloved caretakers stood erect, and evermore lifeless. As the priest turned away she found her knuckles wrapped white against the hatchet Lyun left for her. In her state, no amount of reason would ablate her feelings, and certainly not the spectacle before her, whether she understood the differences between her people and the men of Akkad was irrelevant.

The young Kassite stood and in a single motion hurled the axe Iddin's way, "You damn. . . Lowlives!"

Yet this enrobed figure was settled well in Zuzu's graces. It seemed a thick shard of quartz had broken free from the upheaval of the earth, flying just so directly into the path of the spinning axe blade. Deflecting it ever so slightly, just enough for it do little more than tear at Iddin's silk.

"Enough of you Akkadians, enough of your irreverence, and enough of your šar-kiššati!" Those eyes of hers flared up, if Lyun had doubted that the flame of his people had reincarnated into this young woman, he certainly wouldn't now. "Kashtilashu was right. . . There's no living with you corrupt people!" Tears flowed free upon her face, her expression was solidified into anguish, fervor.
Ashür's sunken gaze is inscrutable, the man only offers the barest few seconds of it lingering upon the still corpse of their comrade as Lyun hefts the equally stout mercenary into his arms, replacing the young woman. The dour man instead turns his sight upon the bodies choking the grassy fields between farmsteads. He turns a few over with his boot, brigands and the like, but so too men bearing the insignia of Ur. The gears turn in his head. . . Who is this woman? That is the principle thought on his mind.

Ashür turns to her, or where she should have been left by their Kassite brother in arms. Phased by her sudden vanishing, he whips his head about, only to fall on her traipsing across the blood soaked land. He pursues. But only so far until she drops to her knees.

IA: "Akmaan. . . Gao-Lubaan. . . How could I have let this happen?"

The firey haired Kassite rolls her most ardent guards onto their backs, frantically holding pressure against the flow of their wounds a *knowing* in the back of her throat. "Please. . . Please!" She cried to little avail, casting the embers of her eyes to the Hellions, "One of you filthy sellswords are a shaman aren't you?! Save them. . ! Please. . ."
Sheev falls silently, unable to even utter a final curse.

MAKEEN heals ASHUR for 10 VIT (16/19), gaining 20xp and 1 Theurgy!

ASHÜR: "Hnn. . ." The lancing wound at his shoulder is quickly mended up by the thief, the theurgic fetish they'd 'appropriated' from the Yeeks working the will of their Petrified God to make solid the flesh and blood. Ashür winces at the weight of it, but that doesn't halt his advance. The merc quickly files in beside Siris. "Not a single shot more." He calls hoarsely, whipping his fingers into the air and weaving the sign of flame.

ASHÜR moves to K-28 and casts FLAME at KURGAZU, dealing 10 damage! Killing him! He gains 87xp and 2 Mysticism!
KURGAZU: "Damn it! DAMN IT!" The bandit leader fumbles with the mechanism of his weapon at the approach of Siris, yet he's no slouch, before another strike could be made his bolt is aimed and true, direct for the young swordsman's skull. Only a certain dryness saps at the man, before he can realize the parchness of his lips, the fletching on his ammunition catches fire, a moment later and his entire head erupts into a blazing flame. Kurgazu's pitiful screams are the last thing to grace this impromptu battlefield.

And now. . . The Hellions are left one man lesser and with a new ward to consider. . .


LANCE CAVALIER #3 attacks BALATHU with their BRONZE SHORT LANCE, dealing 8 damage (7/23)! BALATHU counters with their IRON LANCE killing them! He gains 17xp and 2 Polearms!


BALATHU: ". . ."
KURGAZU: "Stupid mercs, stupid BASTARD mercs! You always get in the way!!!

He deals 10 damage! Killing BALATHU!
BALATHU: ". . ." Despite the a myriad of wounds draining his blood down from his armor and unto the sluggish river below, Balathu does not even budge. There is a peace about him that seems almost unobtainable as always there had been. He closes his eyes for the last time.

SHEEV attacks ASHUR with their BRONZE LANCE!
SHEEV: "Hmmph. . . You are the Hellions of Gyr, are you?"
ASHUR: "Good eye. Glad to hear even the Imperial Army knows us lowlives. Come to think of it, you seem to know a whole lot about lowlives, don't you?"

"What I know is that you will give up the woman you have taken into your custody, from there I will be certain the Imperial Army is aware of the Hellions' exploits in stomping out a vile band of villains, and we'll send your share of Aurums for the bounty. . . Understand?
ASHUR takes one momentary, sweeping gaze over toward Lyun, he reads that expressionless expression and snaps back to the knight in response, "'Fraid not, no can do my friend, we Hellions don't renege on deals we've made."
"Hmmph. So be it. Then prepare yourself!"
Dealing 13 damage, LEATHER ARMOR (4/10)! ASHUR counters with his BRONZE CURVED SWORD, dealing 6 damage (22/28)! He gains 10xp and 1 Blades!






Ashür darted alongside Lyun and Iddin both adding his own words onto theirs towards, to he, an unknown Kassite. "Don't expect our vengeance-facilitating to come cheaply, woman. And don't mistake our hearts, if it weren't for my companions, you'd be food for the vultures by now. . ."

IA: "Tch. . ." The Anqullumašḫu stayed her seething tongue, a part of her clearly apprehensive between Ashür and Iddin-Ninshubar's black words. Were they any different than the bandits that put her men in the dirt? Ia grasped tighter upon Lyun's shoulder, finding some comfort in its familiarity, an island amidst a stormy sea.

ASHUR: "Boy. . . Stay your hand, calm your mind." He stood beside Etor as he spoke, blade in hand, lining up with the rest of the Hellions before the final charge. He kept especial attention on the young mercenary, unable to take his eyes or thoughts off the image of him losing control to particular the alignment of his soul.

ASHUR moves to N-27


LANCE CAVALIER #1 attacks BALATHU with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR, dealing 8 damage! BALATHU counters with his IRON LANCE killing them! He gains 17xp and 2 Polearm!

BALATHU: ". . ."


IA: "Let me down so I can fight! I won't let Gao-Lubaan and Akmaan's deaths go unanswered!"





Almost in unison, both of their weavings fail, a sense of dread fills Ashur's soul. . .

ASHUR casts SEEP on AXE BRIGAND #4 and misses! AXE BRIGAND #4 counters but misses!
ASHUR moves to O-21 and attacks SWORD BRIGAND #6 with FLAME, dealing 9 damage! (3/24) He gains 10xp & 1 Mysticism.
MAKEEN moves to P-21 and casts HEAL on ASHUR for 9 VIT. He gains 18xp and 1 Theurgy!
IDDIN moves to P-19, activating INSPIRATION for LYUN, MAKEEN, & ASHUR.

BALATHU moves to G-25.
ZARIF moves to I-32 (Forest)


AXE BRIGAND #4 attacks MAKEEN with BRONZE HAND AXE but misses! MAKEEN counters with their BRONZE THROWING KNIVES, dealing 0 damage x2. He gains 9xp!
SWORD BRIGAND #6 moves to O-22 and attacks ASHUR with their IRON SHORT SWORD, dealing 9 damage! (10/19) ASHUR counters with FLAME dealing 9 damage and killing him! ASHUR gains 27xp and 2 Mysticism!

LANCE CAVALIER #1 attacks ZARIF with their BRONZE SHORT SPEAR and deals 12 damage! (12/25) ZARIF counters with his BRONZE SHORT SPEAR TWICE! Dealing 20 damage! He gains 9xp and 2 Polearm!






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