In the region of Criwnil and Slatnder, they are bringing a huge festival to the two so that they can celebrate the two pokemon that are represented by the two, though however one more pokemon will appear and cause a huge havoc, which causes a small group of trainers and the champion of both region to figure out what it is and how it needs to be ended. Though more problems arise, as the two regions start to blame each other and the bond is straining causing the two pokemon to get sick of the negative and fearful auras. Some people are worried a war will come, though will it happen or will it? The answer is no, of course since the two regions are forced to see that this wasn’t anyone’s fault but something else had done this, but the two pokemon will leave allowling the chaos as they go with the group to stop this mysterious pokemon
This place is more on the grassy land with a few towns and cities, they are considered as more advanced than the other region that is near where the region is located.
Region map:
Cherryfall city (on the region map it is located on the top of map):

Cherryfall profesor’s lab:
Route 1 (Fluttercurl forest):
Route 2 (Flashwind vale):
Wildblossom town:
Bug gym:
Route three (Charmsoil rainforst):
Route 4 (Beeswine forest):
Route 5 (Scattercross tunnel):
Sparkshot city:
Water gym:
Route six (glassglint ridge):
Route 8 (Sandyrocks):
Route 9 (crystalglass):
Greencork town:
Poison gym:
Route 10 (Sapphire coast):
Sweetheart Hollow:
Sunnysands town:
Ground gym:
Route 11 (Royalrocks):
Route 12 (Ashtrails):
Route 13 (Sparklegroves):
Frosttree city:
Ice gym:
Sparkling cave:
Route 14 (Flamespark volcano path):
Route 15 (Hazepin garden):
route 16 (Saprush graveyard):
Sunnyreed city:
Normal gym:
route 17 (Shortfly swamp):
route 18 (Crushsink pass):
Cherrybeat tangle:
Cherrybeat village:
Physic gym:
Cherrybeat's forest:
Tinkling cave:
route 19 (Flashshook field):
Ironstone city:
route 20 (silverfork):
route 21 (Gemhill meadow):
route 22 (Firefly trail):
Wishcross town:
Dragon gym:
Route 23 (Creekpin forest):
Brittleboil shrine:
route 24 (Wonderflower isle):
route 25 (Victini trail):
Victini stairs:
Elite four building:
Region map:

Cherryfall city (on the region map it is located on the top of map):

Cherryfall profesor’s lab:

Route 1 (Fluttercurl forest):

Route 2 (Flashwind vale):

Wildblossom town:

Bug gym:

Route three (Charmsoil rainforst):

Route 4 (Beeswine forest):

Route 5 (Scattercross tunnel):

Sparkshot city:

Water gym:

Route six (glassglint ridge):

Route 8 (Sandyrocks):

Route 9 (crystalglass):

Greencork town:

Poison gym:

Route 10 (Sapphire coast):

Sweetheart Hollow:

Sunnysands town:

Ground gym:

Route 11 (Royalrocks):

Route 12 (Ashtrails):

Route 13 (Sparklegroves):

Frosttree city:

Ice gym:

Sparkling cave:

Route 14 (Flamespark volcano path):

Route 15 (Hazepin garden):

route 16 (Saprush graveyard):

Sunnyreed city:

Normal gym:

route 17 (Shortfly swamp):

route 18 (Crushsink pass):

Cherrybeat tangle:

Cherrybeat village:

Physic gym:

Cherrybeat's forest:

Tinkling cave:

route 19 (Flashshook field):

Ironstone city:

route 20 (silverfork):

route 21 (Gemhill meadow):

route 22 (Firefly trail):

Wishcross town:

Dragon gym:

Route 23 (Creekpin forest):

Brittleboil shrine:

route 24 (Wonderflower isle):

route 25 (Victini trail):

Victini stairs:

Elite four building:

This region is more village and small towns with not much technology, and do not have gyms/elite four but a test to defeat the guardian pokemon that are living in forests, and then they fight the champion back in the last town they stop at.
region map:
Sweetcone village:
route 1 (twinrush woods):
route two (Birdcall opening):
Cracklespot tunnel:
route three (Splash sewers):
Glassspark town:

Forest of steel guardian (Scatteredbolt forest):
Route four (Crystalriver walk):
route five (Clearbreeze meadow):
Softsun village:
hiddenfork garden:
Route six (Silkbrew stream):
Forest of grass guardian (Breezyblade):
Twintwig pond:
route seven (Searend ruins):
doublehold shrine:
route eight (Ninevale valley):
route nine (Razorstone summit):

Rumblefoam town:
route ten (Airysalt ocean):

route eleven (redtangle jungle):
forest of fire guardian (Bitterbark woods):
route twelve (Moonrush cave):
Twistsand village:
route thirteen (Shallow dunes):
desert ''forest'' of ground guardian (Miraclewondering forest):
route fourteen (Stillglaze oasis):
route fifteenth (Snakecove savanna):
Smokequick town:
forest of ghost guardian (Mistycurl forest):
route sixteen (Poorrush Malpais):
sunflow town:
forest of electric guardian (Harshrock forest):
route seventeen (Heatscrap bridge):
route eighteen (royalcrown meadow):
Sunflowerrush village:
route nineteen (Bluesparkle waterfall):
route twenty (crystalsponge brook):
Moonknock village:
forest of fighting guardian (Dewcry forest):
route 21 (quietburst breeze plains):
pebblesheen town:

route twenty-two (Drizzlestring Pierre):
Wildgust town:
forest of water guardian (Moonhorn ravine):
route twenty-three (Duskrain cemetery):
route twenty-four (Cracklestorm mountain):
route twenty-five (blisteringcold summit):
Clearstone village:
champion house/battle:
region map:

Sweetcone village:

route 1 (twinrush woods):

route two (Birdcall opening):

Cracklespot tunnel:

route three (Splash sewers):

Glassspark town:

Forest of steel guardian (Scatteredbolt forest):

Route four (Crystalriver walk):

route five (Clearbreeze meadow):

Softsun village:

hiddenfork garden:

Route six (Silkbrew stream):

Forest of grass guardian (Breezyblade):

Twintwig pond:

route seven (Searend ruins):

doublehold shrine:

route eight (Ninevale valley):

route nine (Razorstone summit):

Rumblefoam town:

route ten (Airysalt ocean):

route eleven (redtangle jungle):

forest of fire guardian (Bitterbark woods):

route twelve (Moonrush cave):

Twistsand village:

route thirteen (Shallow dunes):

desert ''forest'' of ground guardian (Miraclewondering forest):

route fourteen (Stillglaze oasis):

route fifteenth (Snakecove savanna):

Smokequick town:

forest of ghost guardian (Mistycurl forest):

route sixteen (Poorrush Malpais):

sunflow town:

forest of electric guardian (Harshrock forest):

route seventeen (Heatscrap bridge):

route eighteen (royalcrown meadow):

Sunflowerrush village:

route nineteen (Bluesparkle waterfall):

route twenty (crystalsponge brook):

Moonknock village:

forest of fighting guardian (Dewcry forest):

route 21 (quietburst breeze plains):

pebblesheen town:

route twenty-two (Drizzlestring Pierre):

Wildgust town:

forest of water guardian (Moonhorn ravine):

route twenty-three (Duskrain cemetery):

route twenty-four (Cracklestorm mountain):

route twenty-five (blisteringcold summit):

Clearstone village:

champion house/battle:

-Robow(1st evolution)
-Persky(2nd evo of Robow):
-Vexrowl (3rd evo)
-Robow(1st evolution)

-Persky(2nd evo of Robow):

-Vexrowl (3rd evo)