![]() | CHARACTER NAME _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CHARACTER NAME ▮▮▮▮▮║▮▮▮▮▮ CLASS/// ║ SUBCLASS RACE//// ║ SUBRACE |
T H E S K E L E T O N T H E S K E L E T O N ![]() "Quote." T H E S K U L L T H E S K U L L N A M E ║ Enter Character name Here A G E ║ 20-100 & DOB (Age - 100005 TK) G E N D E R ║ Gender & Pronouns R A C E ║ Enter Race Here S U B -R A C E ║ Enter Sub-Race Here, None for Humans M A G I C ║ ⬤ T H E S P I N E T H E S P I N E ![]() T O W N ║ Name the Town R E G I O N ║ Refer to the map P O P U L A T I O N ║ Enter the # C E N S U S ║ What Race dominates the census? T R A D E ║ How does this town make it's money. N A M E S A K E ║ Enter something here. ✦ ✦ ✦ P A R E N T ║ Name P A R E N T ║ Name (remove if it's N/A) S I B L I N G ║ Name (add as many as you want or remove) O T H E R ║ Feel free to change the title and add whomever L I M B S L I M B S W E A P O N 1 ║ Weapon 1 W E A P O N 2 ║ Weapon 2 or remove it S H I E L D ║ Shield or remove it A R M O R ║ Armor even if it is robes T R I N K E T ║ Something you wear on you at all times. P E C K S ║ 1 peck = 1 dollar B A C K P A C K ║ ///✦ Add as many ///✦ As you need ///✦ But no weapons ///✦ or armor | T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E 𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙 S U B L C A S S ║ Subclass Write out what the subclass means to you, and what you feel like you want to learn to really solidify it. ▮▮▮▮▮ ║ ▮▮▮▮▮ RACIAL SKILL ║ Just copy and paste, and put the status effects below. Status effects go here. CLASS SKILL ║ Just copy and paste, and put the status effects below. Status effects go here. ✦ ✦ ✦ SKILL NAME ║ RANK # MAGIC/COMBAT/EXPERTISE ║ ATTACK/AID/EXPLORATION ║ RANGED/MELEE/SELF/UTILITY A brief summary on what this entails. One or two sentences max. Status effects go here. You can take a stab at this or ask me. SKILL NAME ║ RANK # MAGIC/COMBAT/EXPERTISE ║ ATTACK/AID/EXPLORATION ║ RANGED/MELEE/SELF/UTILITY A brief summary on what this entails. One or two sentences max. Status effects go here. You can take a stab at this or ask me. SKILL NAME ║ RANK # MAGIC/COMBAT/EXPERTISE ║ ATTACK/AID/EXPLORATION ║ RANGED/MELEE/SELF/UTILITY A brief summary on what this entails. One or two sentences max. Status effects go here. You can take a stab at this or ask me. Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S S T U D Y ║ ///✦ PLACE OF STUDY/MENTOR/ETC ║ A brief description of what you learned. /// Date Range in which you attended ///✦ PLACE OF STUDY/MENTOR/ETC ║ Copy/Paste/Delete how many you need ///Date Range in which you attended E X P E R I E N C E ║ ///✦ WORK/JOB/BATTLE/ETC. ║ Where did you put that knowledge to the test? What did you see? How did you put that knowledge to the test? ///Date Range in which this happened ///✦ WORK/JOB/BATTLE/ETC. ║ Copy/Paste/Delete how many you need ///Date Range in which this happened Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T ✦ GOOD TRAIT ✦ BAD TRAIT ✦ GOOD TRAIT ✦ BAD TRAIT ✦ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║ Give a brief run down of your character's personality. ✦ G O D N A M E ✦ ✦ G O D N A M E ✦ D E V O T I O N ║ Why do you worship them? How do you worship them? For priests, I'm looking for also how you draw power from them. Everyone else can have something a little lighter. M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S Why do you delve? Is it a rescue mission for someone imprisoned there? For the gods? For the glory? For the money? For the discovery? There's a reason that you will risk life and limb for this. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Ut velit libero sit dicta quae At porro doloremque qui dolore perferendis ex consequatur alias. Non quos numquam in delectus cupiditate ab placeat laboriosam aut magnam dolores quo sunt repudiandae ut similique doloremque. Est nihil velit quo recusandae tempora qui iusto voluptas quo atque deserunt. Aut natus neque sed eligendi quia ea modi ullam et voluptas reprehenderit ea pariatur neque id dolor atque! T H E T R A P P I N G S T H E T R A P P I N G S A P P E A R A N C E ║ How do you look? And this is not entirely cosmetic. This can also be stance, demeanor, or even how well you take care of yourself and your weapons. I N J U R Y ║ ![]() |
T H E S K E L E T O N T H E S K E L E T O N ![]() "You'll find that death by my blade is a gift as opposed to what awaits you." T H E S K U L L T H E S K U L L N A M E ║ Naenia Blackwell A G E ║ 28 (99977 TK) G E N D E R ║ Female (she/her) R A C E ║ Human S U B -R A C E ║ None M A G I C ║ ⬤ T H E S P I N E T H E S P I N E ![]() T O W N ║ Frontier Town R E G I O N ║ Northern White Wasting P O P U L A T I O N ║ 2,214 C E N S U S ║ Humans T R A D E ║ Travel N A M E S A K E ║ Last human town before White Wasting ✦ ✦ ✦ P A R E N T ║ Acantha Blackwell (Deceased) P A R E N T ║ Ryder Blackwell (Deceased) S I S T E R ║ Xanthe Rasc-Blackwell (Missing) B R O T H E R - I N - L A W ║ Ozul Rasc (Alive) T H E L I M B S T H E L I M B S W E A P O N ║ Crooked Consecration (Large Rapier) A R M O R ║ Priestly Heavy Armor T R I N K E T ║ Rosary of Dhorbris P E C K S ║ 1 peck = 1 dollar B A C K P A C K ║ ///✦ Add as many ///✦ As you need ///✦ But no weapons ///✦ or armor | T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕻𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘𝖙 S U B L C A S S ║ GRAVE INQUISITOR The priests of Dhorbris come in all styles. Most tend to funerals and other services for the dead, but all of them make sure that the citizens of Goan eventually find death. The inquisitors enact the rites of nulla immortalitas to make sure that magic is not being used to pervert the cycle of life. While liches and thralls do not fall into their prevue, that doesn't mean they don't hunt those that wish to emulate that lifestyle. Or liches that take it upon themselves to enthrall someone against their will. They are here to snuff out those that do not allow for the cycle of life to complete. ▮▮▮▮▮ ║ ▮▮▮▮▮ PRAYER ║ Once during a day, you evoke your chosen god to come to your aid and help you overcome all challenges. You get one temporary skill point. ✦ ✦ ✦ TWO-HANDED FINESSE ║ RANK 1 COMBAT ║ ATTACK ║ MELEE The heft and dexterity needed to wield the great rapier make it not easy to master, and as such, it is the only weapon the Naenia can wield with any effectiveness. But effective it is. It can cleave through flesh and bone alike. Deals 1 Health Damage TRANSLATION ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ EXPLORATION ║ UTILITY Naenia has had to travel Goan and learn different languages to be able to decipher their funerary texts and gravestones. She's made a small notebook of shorthand to reference while translating a different language. Able to translate a known or retired language of Goan MY SISTER'S BONES ║ RANK 1 MAGIC ║ ATTACK ║ RANGED Naenia can summon a skeletal archer from beyond to aid her in a battle. It's wearing the armor of the Holy Knights and wielding a powerful longbow. Deals 1 Health Damage Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S S T U D Y ║ ///✦ FRONTIER TOWN MILITIA ║ Every teenager learns how to fight at a young age considering that the town is up against White Wasting. /// 99989 - 99994 ///✦ DHROBRIS SANCTUM - FATHER MARKUS ║ Traveled to Ordai'el, learned the rituals of the God of Death, and took an oath to uphold them. ///999995 - 100000 E X P E R I E N C E ║ ///✦ PILGRIMAGE ║ Worked as an inquisitor for the Dhorbris Sanctum and traveled throughout Goan finding those that have evaded the circle of life and death. ///100000 - 100005 Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T ✦ RELENTLESS ✦ MORALLY AMBIVALENT ✦ LOYAL ✦ INSENSITIVE ✦ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║ Naenia has seen the best and worst in people. But the irony is that she knows people only show their best when put upon to do so. True altruism is rare in the world. So, she doesn't let anyone rest on their laurels. She will lambast them with her less-than-charitable nature until they show their true colors. If they are actually one of the few good people left in this world, then she'll more than happily show her loyalty to them. Kindness begets kindness and wrath begets things that are far worse than wrath, are the tenants that Naenia follows. ✦ D H O R B R I S ✦ ✦ D H O R B R I S ✦ D E V O T I O N ║ When Frontier Town was destroyed by a plague that seemed to only target the older members of the community, leaving anyone in their teens and under alive--the only priests that came in the aftermath were those of Dhorbris. Many had come before, but when they realized it was a lost cause, they left. When the children were left to tend to the dead, did the priests of Dhorbris show up. They ferried what children wished to leave with them to the various temples around Goan. They aided those that wished to stay until their dead were tended to. It was an act of kindness Naenia never forgot. So, she honors this commitment by helping those through times of death and making sure that no one prospers off of the pains of the living. To see the cycle of life through, and then to aid those left behind is her mission. M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S ![]() Unfortunately, four years later her sister Xanthe would be one of the many that would volunteer to delve into Ordai'el. She said it was because her goddess, Ikphine, told her to come. She'd been summoned to aid the goddess in her quest to save Ordai'el. While Naenia had her doubts, there was no talking her sister down. A year later, Xanthe still hasn't returned. Naenia has decided to go look for her. T H E T R A P P I N G S T H E T R A P P I N G S A P P E A R A N C E ║ Naenia stands a little under six feet, with pristine armor with a lot of filagree and design layering her body. She wears a long dress underneath it, but it's less cosmetic and more so hides her armored legs and allows for swifter movements. Her hair is a deep brown and cut below her chin. She'll braid it back if needed but seems to have no problem wearing it down. Her eyes are a deep hazel, but not wide or attractive. Instead, they have an intense stare that can undress even the most clothed of flatteries. Her clothes and weapons are pristine with the exception of the worn rosary around her wrist, which has the symbol of Dhorbris made of a strange metal hanging from the end. She stands needle straight and smells of lavender and incense. I N J U R Y ║ ![]() |
VEL ARRIANUS _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VEL ARRIANUS ▮▮▮▮▮║▮▮▮▮▮ SOLDIER/// ║ GLAIVE WARRIOR ELF//// ║ ORPH |
T H E S K E L E T O N T H E S K E L E T O N ![]() "I may just be a noble, but it is not what defines me." T H E S K U L L T H E S K U L L N A M E ║ Vel Arrianus A G E ║ 24(99,981 TK) G E N D E R ║ Male(He/Him) R A C E ║ Elf S U B -R A C E ║ Orph M A G I C ║⬤ ⬤ ⬤ T H E S P I N E T H E S P I N E ![]() T O W N ║ Mea Taesi R E G I O N ║ Underground P O P U L A T I O N ║ 150,000 C E N S U S ║ Elf(Orph) T R A D E ║ Trade and Mining N A M E S A K E ║ The underground river that runs through the middle of the city ✦ ✦ ✦ P A R E N T ║ Aulus Arrianus P A R E N T ║ Licinia Arrianus B R O T H E R ║ Aiwin Arrianus S I S I T E R ║ Aelia Molacus S I S I T E R ║ Naevia Arrianus S I S I T E R - I N - L A W ║ Verania Arrianus B R O T H E R - I N - L A W ║ Kaeso Molacus L I M B S L I M B S W E A P O N 1 ║ Steel Glaive W E A P O N 2 ║ Steel Sword A R M O R ║ Steel Medium Amour T R I N K E T ║ Ring that bears the symbol of Dhorbris P E C K S ║ B A C K P A C K ║ ///✦ Two light blocking goggles ///✦ Water Skin ///✦ Rations ///✦ 500 pecks ///✦ Spyglass ///✦ Special sun blocking cream ///✦ Necklace Bearing His Family's Crest ///✦ Basic Medical Supplies ///✦ Necklace Bearing the Symbol of Sedmis | T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E 𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖎𝖊𝖗 S U B L C A S S ║ Glaive Warrior A Glaive Warrior is someone that has taken up the training and use of a polearm, a glaive rather than a sword and shield like most soldiers. Gaining reach over their foes and can engage at a distance. Along with using their mobility to gain an advantage and unleash a fury of attacks. So a Glaive Warrior does not wear heavy armor into combat as it would limit their mobility. Preferring medium or light armor in combat and tend to prefer to dodge or parry attacks rather than blocking. A Glaive Warrior can be an effective force on the battlefield and be respected for their fighting style. ▮▮▮▮▮ ║ ▮▮▮▮▮ DARK ESSE ║ The Orph have the ability to see in the dark, no matter how pitch black it is. They also blend into it easily. They have to wear light-blocking goggles if they are anywhere with light brighter than ambient. They can act normally in darkness, and do not suffer any penalties that might be given in it. RALLY ║ Once during a delve, you can summon your strength to push through the fear or pain You get one temporary health point ✦ ✦ ✦ POLEARM FINESSE ║ RANK 1 COMBAT ║ ATTACK ║ MELEE Having learned how to use polearms effectively, a weapon that Vel uses to great effect. Deals 1 Health Damage WOUND DRESSING ║ RANK 1 COMBAT ║ AID ║ UTILITY After his stay in Ordai’el, Vel picked up some medical knowledge while being healed by a doctor and has learned to be able to provide aid to others while in combat. Fix one simple injury/wound during combat SWORDMANSHIP ║ RANK 1 COMBAT ║ ATTACK ║ MELEE Vel, despite learning how to use one weapon, he has taken the time to learn how to use a sword as a backup weapon in situations where his glaive is troublesome to use. Like indoors or in tight spaces. Deals 1 Health Damage Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S S T U D Y ║ ///✦ ARRIANUS'S ESATE/HERIUS AFER ║ From Herius, Vel learned about various topics such as history, politics, and other subjects that nobles should learn. Along with learning how to fight. /// 99993 - 99,998 ///✦ ORDAI'EL HOSPITAL/MYRIANI CRAVARIS ║ While staying at the hospital in Ordai'el for his illness. One of his doctors, when he was healthy enough, taught him basic medical knowledge when he became curious about it. Such as setting a leg splint. ///99,999 - 100,000 E X P E R I E N C E ║ ///✦ Bandit Hunting ║ Vel's parents wanting their son experienced in battle. So they allowed him with some others to deal with the bandit problem near the Mea Taesi, and he would sometimes apply his medical knowledge when one of his companions gets hurt. ///100,000 - 100,005 Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T ✦ LOYAL ✦ STUBBORN ✦ COURAGEOUS ✦ COLD ✦ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║ Vel, despite belonging to a major noble family and being in control of a major city. He can, at times, be humble about his postion and not gloat or lord it over others. Though this is mainly the case since he is the fourth child and despite knowing his parents love him. He knows that he is least likely to inherit anything and has few options to advance in life. Making it hard for him to figure out his place in life and for one. He is not one for politics, unlike his older siblings. Showing a lack of political tact and does not like engaging in the game that happens behind the scenes that the nobles like to play. For now, he simply lives in the moment while trying to figure out his next move. Still, he is loyal to his family and will help his family in any way he can despite his situation. Though he would like to prove his worth and that he can be more than just a noble. ✦ SEDMIS ✦ ✦ SEDMIS ✦ D E V O T I O N ║ Sedmis, that god is one that has always felt a connection to. Partly on how he was taught when he was growing up. Always reminded of one's duties to oneself and to others. Mainly his family but also to others that he cares about. Along with the duty to the citizens of Mea Taesi as expected of a member of the noble family that controls the city. Which he honors the god by doing duties that are expected by him. By helping his family with problems, they have to the best of his ability. Like with dealing with the city's bandit problem that has thanks to his efforts. It has been greatly reduced, and trade to the city has improved significantly. Thus, he holds Sedmis close in his heart and hopes to never waver in his duties, not just as a member of the Arrianus family but as a person that seeks to uphold his own personal duties to himself and others. M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S Vel used to call Ordai’el home for two years while being treated for a rare illness. He enjoyed his time there and made several friends there. To see the holy city cut off by this mysterious fog and not knowing what is happening to its citizens. It was a blow to him that he could do nothing about it and simply focused on his duties as the years passed with still no news about the is happening to the city. Then he had an idea since he wants to prove himself to be more than a noble. What better way than to go to the holy city to discover what is happening there and maybe just maybe figure out how to save the city. He knew he could not come back, but what if he does succeed then his future is limitless. So with his family's hard-fought blessing, he now prepares to venture to the city and discover what is happening to it and maybe find out how to save it. T H E T R A P P I N G S T H E T R A P P I N G S A P P E A R A N C E ║ Standing at six foot, wearing high quality and well-kept armor that comes with a hood. Also, his family's crest is on the small part of his armor, just under his chin. Along with two necklaces that he wears openly. One bearing his family's crest and the other bearing the symbol of Sedmis. That and a ring that bears the symbol of Dhorbris that he has worn since leaving Ordai’el after. He has white hair that he likes to keep at chin length and has red eyes. Vel is considered attractive but normally does not flaunt or draw attention to it. He carries himself like a noble and one with duty on his shoulders, along with a stare that can change from caring to a cold one that pierces the soul. His weapons and clothes are well-kept and of high quality. I N J U R Y ║ ![]() |
T H E S K E L E T O N T H E S K E L E T O N ![]() "The blood I bear is the same blood that once ruled these lands. The bones of the earth remember. The waters, salted and fresh, remember. The very air itself whispers of the halcyon days of my ancestor's sovereignty. Stand beside me and we shall rejoice in my birthright together." T H E S K U L L T H E S K U L L N A M E ║ Valmial the Ineffable A G E ║ 42 (D.o.B: 99963) G E N D E R ║ Male: He/Him/His R A C E ║ Draconbreed S U B -R A C E ║ Nightfire M A G I C ║ ⬤ T H E S P I N E T H E S P I N E ![]() T O W N ║ Starspire R E G I O N ║ Sunbow, port to the interior sea P O P U L A T I O N ║ ~150,000 C E N S U S ║ Humans; Elves; Orcs T R A D E ║ Sea Trade N A M E S A K E ║ The Starspire Astrolabe and Observatory ✦ ✦ ✦ P A R E N T ║ The Grand Duke Zelbam Hippokrates, Lord Preceptor of Starspire Tower. S I B L I N G ║ Titus Hippokrates, Oldest Half-Brother, Heir to the Duke Zelbam, a capable statesman S I B L I N G ║ Erme Hippokrates, Older Half-Sister, witch-in-exile for heretical leanings, removed from succession. S I B L I N G ║ Victorine Hippokrates, Older Half-Sister, preceptor of the Starspire Tower. S I B L I N G ║ Edsel Hippokrates, younger half-brother, estranged-yet-acknowledged wandering swordsman of the family lineage. S I B L I N G ║ Winmar Hippokrates, known as "The Darkling", youngest half-brother of Valmial, a half-elf of Orph descent. An oft overlooked and mischievous sort. T R I V I A ║ Each of the Duke Zelbam Hippokrates' children are by different mothers, but Valmial and Winmar are the only bastard-born children. Unlike the human-borns, Winmar and Valmial neither know nor have ever met their mothers. L I M B S L I M B S W E A P O N 1 ║ The Starspire Sceptre - Long brass staff cunningly crafted to double as a long-view telescope. It bears an intricate design motif reminiscent of the Starspire Tower, crowned with a jagged depiction of the crescent moon that comes to a rather impressive edge. A R M O R ║ Starspire Robes and draconic scale - Valmial is a scion of the Duke of Starspire, and as such has the fine robes of an astrologer and nobleman. His scales are thick and layered more heavily than is ordinary for one of his race, and are suitable enough protection for a man dedicated to the sorcerous arts. T R I N K E T ║ The Divine Symbol of Mastrix - This holy trinket remains bound about his right arm at all times by a leather cord which keeps it taut against the scales of his arm. P E C K S ║ 1,000 Pecks B A C K P A C K ║ ///✦ Journal, Quill, Ink ///✦ Soap ///✦ A Bundle of Torches ///✦ Spare Clothing and a Bedroll ///✦ Signet Ring of the Duke of Starspire | T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖓 𝕸𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖓 S U B L C A S S ║ Ancestral Conduit The blood is strong in Valmial; his lineage harkens back to the Elder Dragon Vertyristix, renowned supplicant of the Goddess Mastrix. The legend of the two regards them as ill-fated compatriots in study, scholars of the highest order who sought to understand the nature of the Great Ruin that was fated to befall the world. Long was their toil and rich was their companionship, until at last the madness of the dragonkin began to take root in even Mighty Vertyristix. In the end, the Elder Wyrm turned upon Mastrix and tried to devour her and take upon itself the mantle of the God of Magic- but though their duel in the heavens is the stuff of song, the Wyrm was cast down and broken upon the earth. Mastrix, taking pity upon the madness of her friend, put her blessing upon those of his bloodline and instilled them with great power- but the dragon's madness is also said to be a curse upon its offspring, the final pride and hubris of Vertyristix laying like a hidden serpent within the blood of its children. This cursed legacy belongs to Valmial. The ancestral knowledge of Vertyristix flows in his veins and he hears the whispers of the mad Dragon in his dreams, imparting dark and twisted flows of the arcane into his mind. Long has he wielded caution when listening to the longing within his blood- but the time for ambition is nigh, and Ordai'El beckons. Those who have heard of Valmial speak of him as being the Dragon Reborn, his keen mind delving deeper into the fundamentals of the Magical Schools and seeking to wrest from those depths the ultimate control of the Arcane. In short, Valmial's bloodline resonates with the knowledge of his progenitor Dragon and it guides him on the path of imposing his will upon the Arcane. ▮▮▮▮▮ ║ ▮▮▮▮▮ RACIAL SKILL ║ DRAGON'S FEAR - The high dragons never really used their powers to subjugate or harm others. Instead, they spoke in terrifying absolutes that were able of causing lower dragons to cower in fear and mortals to die. The nightfire can summon that might and cause mortals to become supernaturally frightened. Once per day Valmial can activate this to try to supernaturally frighten any beast that understands the common language and can hear. It is automatically successful for basic enemies but will require a coinflip for NPCs/PCs/Sidebosses. It does not work against minibosses. CLASS SKILL ║ PRIMORDIAL SURGE - There is no perfect spell for every situation, sometimes you have to throw everything at an obstacle--living or otherwise. Once per delve, if you need to use a free action attack, it automatically succeeds. ✦ ✦ ✦ Counterspell ║ RANK 1 MAGIC ║ AID ║ UTILITY One with the appropriate knowledge may wrest the threads of a spell from an opponent and render it null. Valmial has this knowledge. Reduce or eliminate the effectiveness of another's spell or magical ability. Detect Magic ║ RANK 1 MAGIC ║ AID/EXPLORATION ║ UTILITY By drawing upon the currents of the arcane, Valmial can detect, and even identify, magic in his presence. Identify the source of magical energy in an area, such as an item or person, and determine the nature of the magical effects present. The Echo of Vertyristix ║ RANK 1 MAGIC ║ ANY ║ ANY All magic leaves ripples in the primordial chaos beneath the fundamental schools. Vertyristix yearned to master those ripples; Valmial continues his studies. Copy and cast a spell cast by another creature recently. Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S S T U D Y ║ ///✦ The Starspire Dungeons ║ A Young Draconbreed grows, dreaming of the stars; Valmial's dungeon-birth and eventual acknowledgement by his father. /// .963-.969 ///✦ Enrollment into the Starspire Tower: Facing the Duke's Test ║ Valmial proves his worth, achieves recognition, and earns his seat at the Royal Table through excellence in the Academy. ///.969-.983 E X P E R I E N C E ║ ///[/color=2c2c2c]///✦ The Dragon Reborn ║ Valmial's status within the academy and prowess with the arcane earns him the favor of the Duke Zelbam, and Valmial enters the political stage as the Scion of Starspire. His charisma and guile earns him much reputation and credibility. He rises within the upper echelons of Goan's elite society. ///.983-.995 ///✦ The Dragon and the Witch ║Valmial discovers his sister's heretical research and experimentation, and seeks to bring her to justice; his might is tested against her own, and both fall in the process. Valmial is crippled but wields mercy; Erme faces exile and disgrace in her defeat. ///.999 ///✦ The Schism of the Hippokrates ║ The Grand Duke Zelbam, now old and bitter, contests his progeny against one another for his succession. Set up for failure by his father and conspired against by his siblings, Valmial eventually realizes his position and elects to prove his worth with the only path left available to him; Ordai'El. ///.0000-.0005 Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T ✦ Noble ✦ Wroth ✦ Temperate ✦ Prideful ✦ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║ Having risen from the lowest of births into the heights of nobility, Valmial is a sympathetic figure. He is not the weary eyed sap, however! He requires of those around him a competence and suitability to their tasks, but focuses upon their merits rather than their station. Kindly to servants, charismatic and rousing to the common, and yet delicate and ingratiating to the knowing and the noble as well. His bearing is regal and his charisma palpable- his presence takes up even more space than his already large body does, and when he leaves a room it often feels much emptier than it otherwise should. He is fair to all so long as they do not prove themselves the fool, and his reputation is that of the Wise and Noble. Those who find in him an ally, find him to be loyal, stalwart, and selfless. And yet, when his ire is stoked, this charisma can twist into something sharper and harder. Many a troublesome student, would-be prankster, or blackguard drunk on coin but low on luck, have found themselves rendered inert and incapable by his words alone. This wrath is kept in check, cut short of its ultimate pyre, but it does not stop those who hate or fear him from wielding it against him and his lineage unduly. In this same vein, the relationship he has with his family is oft strained and difficult- but even to these conniving and competitive siblings he bears love and sympathy for, despite their differences. Winmar, and to a lesser extent his immediate elder sister Victorine, especially bear his love as contemporaries and colleagues. ✦ Mastrix ✦ ✦ Mastrix ✦ D E V O T I O N ║ Valmial's dedication to Mastrix is as supplicant of the magical arts, as well as venerator of the one who smote down his legendary ancestor. His devotion to the gods is true and wholesome, but he puts the mistress of magic above all others. M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S "Ordai'El calls to me. The very Gods themselves presumably still stride within that fog, deep within halls whose very outline is become the stuff of mental mist, changing and intangible to those who once walked them often. Is the sake of a thing not reason enough? Alas, I do have my own purposes- a challenge, a challenge of multiple origins. Firstly, my lord father, the Grand Duke and Lord Preceptor, has issued forth a commandmant of me; 'Go, go unto the world, Valmial, blood of my blood, and with your own hands let your worth be wrought. Prove yourself the stuff of Hippokrates and let your glory be as mine'. And, thus, I go. Secondly, the blood stirs. Starspire will always be home and hearth, but my blood knows all of Goan. How am I to achieve the fullest of my own measure if I do not entreat myself to surpass my horizons? Is not the teaching of the Starspire Tower that the heavens are impossibly vast? Does the horizon not bend beyond sight and remain e'er unattainable? It is that philosophy, that desire to know all and be worthy of that knowledge, that drives me to this place that deters all others. Finally, and I am reluctant to even say this much, I am someone of some skill. In truth, I wished to volunteer for the first expeditions called for by the fair Empress- but it was my father's will, and the decision of the Academy, that I remain. At last my bonds are loosened, my obligations fulfilled, and my skills available to a task that I am equal to- at least, it is the belief that I am equal to it. I pray to Mastrix that I have the wisdom and skill necessary to succeed where others have failed. If it may bring peace to many and an end to these dark times, then I will risk myself and bring upon this task the entirety of my being. May the Stars guide us well, and the Moon gaze upon us in fullness to light our path." T H E T R A P P I N G S T H E T R A P P I N G S A P P E A R A N C E ║ Valmial is a tall, imposing, and intimidating figure. Upon the horizon, his silhouette would form a near demonic visage of horns, scales, jagged edges, and broad frame. As this terrifying visage approaches, leaned heavily upon the long brass staff at his side, the lumbering and uneven nature of his gait would become apparent- but so too would the size of his body in truth. Standing at seven feet in height, with the highest of his horns peaking a few inches higher still, even whilst bent upon his staff renders Valmial imposing to most, and intimidating to many. Whilst one would think of soft bodies and gentle hands in relation to the typical sorcerer of the academy of the Starspire, Valmial embodies something entirely opposite. His body is hard scale, thick and heavy, and beneath it is hard muscle and practiced athleticism. The philosophy of Valmial is that for the contents of the cup to be worthy, so too must the cup itself- and it shows in his powerful physique, and the sharpness of his eyes is equal to the measure of his form. His steps are heavy, hindered by both scale, weight, and the limp he carries. Do not be deceived by this lumbering quality, however- his arms are long, as is his stride, and when the need arises and he has staff on hand he can still perform cunnings acts of speed and strength that would daunt lesser men. In his powerful arms, the skillfully crafted Starspire scepter can be both tool of the wise as well as weapon of the humble, and more than once has his measure proven to be greater than an assailant who thought they had the 'drop' on this 'lumbering bookworm'. And yet, the air that surrounds him is one of the knowing, the wise, and the understanding; though, at times, this same wisdom and noble air can turn savage, sharp, and kindle into the inferno of wrath. His eyes are the most expressive part of his face- sensibly so, for someone who is all hard angles and sharp teeth. The light of his eyes and the sharpness therein are the key to revealing his strange and intangible moods. I N J U R Y ║ ![]() -Valmial's leg was crushed by the Graviturgical magics of his sister, Erme, in their duel. The scales have grown back hard, thick, and restrictive. This is in addition to the now malformed nature of the bones in his leg. This results in great hinderance in his ambulations when unassisted by tool or man. |
VARANDAS _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________VARANDAS ▮▮▮▮▮║▮▮▮▮▮ EXPLORER/// ║ PROWLER NIGHTKIN//// ║ THRALL |
T H E S K E L E T O N T H E S K E L E T O N ![]() "I've got quite the fancy looks, haven't I ?" T H E S K U L L T H E S K U L L N A M E ║ Varandas A G E ║ 32 (born 99973, turned 99996) G E N D E R ║ Male, him. Some disrespectfully say 'it' though. R A C E ║ Nightkin S U B -R A C E ║ Thrall (Adamant Orc) M A G I C ║ ⬤ T H E S P I N E T H E S P I N E ![]() T O W N ║ Antranach R E G I O N ║ Wasting Whites P O P U L A T I O N ║ 1,023 C E N S U S ║ Mainly Nightkin and Orcs T R A D E ║ Mining N A M E S A K E ║ Name of a particularly large gemstone found in the region. Reason why the mining town of Antranach was formed. ✦ ✦ ✦ P A R E N T ║ Zupaugh (former Orc parent) P A R E N T ║ Ragash (former Orc parent) C R E A T O R ║ Madawc (the Lich who turned him) L I M B S L I M B S W E A P O N ║ Primitive, improvised sword. A R M O R ║ Thick, shaggy robes T R I N K E T ║ Large, red-ish crystal stuck in his chest. P E C K S ║ 400 pecks B A C K P A C K ║ ///✦ Food and water for a day or two ///✦ A few candles ///✦ Bedroll ///✦ Sharpening stone | T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 S U B L C A S S ║ P R O W L E R People draw strength from being firmly embedded into all kinds of structures, be it socially, in the military or religious. Yet as advantageous as this can be, it can also be a constraint. Not being entangled in so many tethers means you can fall with nothing to catch you, but you can also rise to heights otherwise out of your reach. Treading carefully enough, a prowler might find the next change in life he can both survive and profit from greatly. ▮▮▮▮▮ ║ ▮▮▮▮▮ UNNATURAL HUNGER ║ While liches require to drink blood and eat flesh solely for nourishment, the thralls have another use for it. It's what keeps their body from decaying, and makes their countenance more vibrant. Meaning that they usually overindulge if they wish to remain as normal looking as possible. Eating flesh or drinking blood, will give 1-3 temporary HP depending on the freshness and amount. TAKE ANOTHER STAB ║ If you mess up, you can center yourself and call upon steady hands and a clear mind to try a challenge again. Once a delve, you can reroll anything that required a coin flip. ✦ ✦ ✦ TOXIC BLOOD ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ ATTACK ║ MELEE Given Varandas' diet and his overall... constitution..., his body has started to produce some substances even monsters should be afraid of. One just needs to apply them. Deals 1 health damage to himself, but bolsters his or somebody else's next attack by 2 health damage should it succeed. REANIMATED BEHEMOTH ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ AID ║ UTILITY Stale air and flooded areas are treacherous things, but only as long as you need to breathe a lot. Maybe it's a good thing this former Orc doesn't. Is less impeded/limited by bad air and capable of feats of strength in non-combat related situations, e.g. lifting blockades, carrying stuff or cracking open a rusty door. FROM THE DEEPEST, DARKEST ABYSS ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ EXPLORATION ║ SELF A busy, deep and widespread mine is sort of a dungeon of its own. In these dark tunnels, you get either a good eye and orientation or in trouble. Has a keen sense of where to go and might more easily spot dangers imposed by the environment itself. Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S S T U D Y ║ ///✦ ANTRANACH MINES ║ This is no place to go unless you're ready for the most challenging of physical hardships. /// 99989 - 99996 ///✦ THE TURNING - MADAWC ║ Varandas' current state is not the result of any malicious act, but of an accident at work. He just wouldn't have survived with one of those fancy crystals sticking out of his chest without some very drastic and immediate measures. He was lucky enough to have the right person around in Antranach to actually have that choice. ///99996 E X P E R I E N C E ║ ///✦ MERCENARISM ║ Not everybody needs a sellsword, some just need individuals with the right set of skills. After the incident in the mines, Varandas put his new state and knowledge to the test in both official research expeditions and some private ventures. ///99997 - 100005 Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T ✦ GOOD-HEARTED ✦ NOSY ✦ INTELLIGENT ✦ STUBBORN ✦ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║ Varandas has made the decision that his sudden turn into a Thrall shall not serve as a petty excuse to give up his former standards of morale. He has had coworkers working just as hard as him, a family that tried to care for him albeit being hundreds of miles away, and even friends in that tiny, artificial settlement high in the mountains. Many of those hadn't been able to cope with his new way of existing and turned away from him, but how's he supposed to regain their trust if he just gives up himself ? He still likes to make friends, to have a good feast in a tavern or to just enjoy life. Varandas also does, however, quite often feel his patience stretched to the limit by just how superficially and ignorantly he thinks people tend to approach him now. And he hasn't truly managed to lose his bad habits while just maintaining the good ones either. ✦ V A A R A E ✦ ✦ V A A R A E ✦ D E V O T I O N ║ While his turning happened under the watchful eyes of Ghaaris, Varandas still remembers his Orcish origins. One might argue that Vaarae has made their kind waiting for justice far too long already, but she still represents their hope that the struggle might end one day. Varandas' turn into a Nightkin only helped him to learn about yet another fate partly forced onto people by the elves. If there is anyone he really hates, then it is those with the pointed ears. If he was certain that Vaarea would accept that kind of sacrifice, he would have a hard time resisting the temptation to offer her elven blood. For now however, he prefers to light one more candle than would be necessary to combat a lack of light alone. M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S Legend has it that the Nightkin's existence can basically be tracked back to nothing else than a single item that's been waiting to be found. If a single thing can do that, then something, and not someone, might also have caused the recent trouble in Ordai’el. It has to be powerful then... and be up for the grabs! Powerful always implies valuable. Even if there's not the one thing, there might still be many other, smaller things... Secondly there's also simple logic. Logic dictates that no matter what's the cause of the events in and around Ordai’el, there's no telling that they will stay there forever. What if they spread ? What if this is just the beginning of something far larger, far more terrible ? Yes, going in there is very risky, but not doing so might be, too. Having the choice between taking a risk and taking a risk, Varandas simply prefers going down the route that's bound to have the better outcome at the end should the risk not realize itself. T H E T R A P P I N G S T H E T R A P P I N G S A P P E A R A N C E ║ Once undamaged, green-ish skin has turned pale gray and withered. The tusks of his Orcish past have worn away, but the array of smaller, razor-sharp teeth is just as good for consuming large quantities of flesh. There is nothing left on his scalp to create a fancy hairstyle with, but the pair of sunken eyes that constantly emits a dim glow not unsimilar in color to the large piece of mineral his chest has worked its way around would take the attention away anyway. His fingers do not really have sharp tips, but their shape still invokes the silent threat of potentially tearing things apart. In short: He might be considered ugly as hell. Or miraculous. At least he tries not to present more of his naked self by consequently wrapping the latter in a thick layer of cloth, but said layer is in an obvious state of dilapidation. Speaking for a lack of coin rather than a lack of care might be the fact that his 'sword', upon closer inspection, has more semblance to a long, sturdy piece of sheet metal sharpened on both edges by himself than to a proper blade. Whether he'd need this masterpiece of mechanical butchery to hurt somebody ? He might just throw all of his now undead, but still well-fed and even more muscled Adamant Orc's height and weight into things. I N J U R Y ║ ![]() |
T H E S K E L E T O N T H E S K E L E T O N ![]() "What is gone from sight should not be gone from mind. That is how fools lose their coin, and despots their life." T H E S K U L L T H E S K U L L N A M E ║ Whatever other name they once carried has been lost to time; now, he is Wraith. A G E ║ 23 - 99 982 TK G E N D E R ║ He/they R A C E ║ Halfling S U B -R A C E ║ Provincial M A G I C ║ n/a T H E S P I N E T H E S P I N E ![]() T O W N ║ Terecél R E G I O N ║ Northeast of the Nordan Lengths P O P U L A T I O N ║ ~10k C E N S U S ║ Mostly humans, though the city sees a decent and surprising mix of folks from all races, united in their desire to learn. T R A D E ║ Home to one of the largest libraries left in Goan, Terecél's greatest exports are the many scholars it produces. N A M E S A K E ║ Said to be the opening words to an ancient incantation for prosperity. ✦ ✦ ✦ P A R E N T ║ Delajah Myrthworth (mother †) P A R E N T ║ Friedehar Myrthworth (father †) O T H E R ║ T'haleus Thinebellow, a famous scholar, who once came to him with an offering L I M B S L I M B S W E A P O N 1 ║ A serrated dagger, with runes running along the length of the blade. Those in the know call it the Essence Reaver. Wraith calls it a dagger. It's safe to assume that whenever his hands aren't in sight, they're hovering near its hilt. W E A P O N 2 ║ Shortbow, made for his size. A R M O R ║ Leather armour, hidden underneath a black, hooded cloak. T R I N K E T ║A quill, with its ink long gone and its tips torn from travel. He has never been seen writing with it. P E C K S ║ 170 pecks; more when he next sees a pocket. B A C K P A C K ║ ///✦ Spare clothes ///✦ Crowbar ///✦ Ball bearings ///✦ Tinderbox ///✦ Small mirror ///✦ Lock picking equipment ///✦ Rations ///✦ Waterskin ///✦ Vials of poison ///✦ Arrows | T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E T H E F L E S H & M U S C L E 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖝𝖕𝖑𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖗 S U B L C A S S ║ Scoundrel Rules are only ever as solid as society's ability to enforce them, and scoundrels know how to make that task difficult indeed. Abandoned by goodwill, they live on the outskirts of cities and towns, skulk through shadows unseen, and make their living through any means necessary. Quick, nimble and unpredictable, they are not afraid to employ dirty tactics if it means they get to live another day. The good ones do their deeds before anyone notices anything amiss, their heists the topic of many a bardsong. The best ones are not sung about - for to this day, no one realizes their crimes took place at all. Those who have incurred the wrath of a scoundrel better fear every drop of wine, every loose sleeve, and every splotch of darkness that marks the alleys between here and home. ▮▮▮▮▮ ║ ▮▮▮▮▮ BLINK AND YOU'LL-- ║ The winglings were once very powerful illusionists, and while they have lost their control over magic it's instead embedded itself within them. They can blend into their surroundings without so much thought. They can be tactically invisible three times a day. Meaning they aren't entirely unseen, but they are far harder to perceive with normal means. A secret coin toss will decide this. TAKE ANOTHER STAB ║ If you mess up, you can center yourself and call upon steady hands and a clear mind to try a challenge again. Once a delve, you can reroll anything that required a coin flip. ✦ ✦ ✦ UNIVERSAL KEY ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ EXPLORATION ║ UTILITY Wraith is an expert at knowing where he isn't wanted - and going there anyway. Performs a quick feat of skill with their tools, such as picking a lock or disarming a trap. THE WEAPON OF COWARDS ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ ATTACK ║ RANGED/MELEE The only thing deadlier than a blade is a blade coated with poison - or a drink spiked with it. For three rounds, the target must flip a coin at the start of their turn, taking 1 health damage on a failure. If by the third round they've taken no damage, they instantly take 1 health damage instead. LAST LEGS ║ RANK 1 EXPERTISE ║ AID ║ SELF More than once, Wraith has been likened to a cockroach. He thinks it a compliment; they are, after all, notoriously hard to kill. For the next round, anyone targeting the user with an attack or a harmful effect must flip an extra coin to succeed. Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S Y O U R B R A I N & N E R V E S S T U D Y ║ ///✦ THE STREETS OF TÉRECEL ║ The only place of study Wraith ever truly attended. The streets taught him everything he is and isn't, the difference (and the overlap) between should and could, and everything there is to know about the world that doesn't want him. /// 99982 - 100003 ///✦ THE EVERGLADE INSTITUTE OF MAGIC ║ During his brief stint at the academy, Wraith wt̸̷̶̵̷̗͉̰̯͕̗̬̑̃̈́̆ͦ̒ͯ̽̋̕̚h̴̸̶̶̸̶̷̢̼͈̖͙̲̥̭̦̳̪̱̠̬̠̊̓̂̌̽̈́̀̅̑̈́̈́͗̂͆̈́͛͜͟ͅȩ̵̸̷̶̵̷̦̻̬͓̯͇͎̗̪̻̻̃̒̎͒̆̉̌̈́̎́̇͌̕͝͠y̵̵̵̵̵̶̶̵̸̡̨̩̟̦̳̖͙̦͖̣̥͍̺͕̝̠̯͍ͥ͛̽̋͊̍̑̍͒͆͋̉͗̏̓̏̕͘͜͜͠͠͠͝͠͝ͅ ̸̴̧͚͓͙̩̬̌̾̃͘̚҉̸̸̶̴͎̼̪̜̹̺̤̳͔̅̍̑͛̀͒̀̕͜d̸̷̶̵̶̸̪͕̳̱͎͕̩̺̥͇̖̰̫̦͖̭̞̭̈́̀̈́͆̒́̐̄͑̏ͩ̈́̉̔͒̕̕͘͠͝͝͝i̴̵̵̵̵̶̶̢̛̼̣͎͇͍̱̦̦͕̜̟̺̮̜͍̠̳͔͍̎͑̐̀̌̾̂̓͋̈́̔̑͑͑̂̔̐͋̋͘͝d̷̵̸̸̵̶̸̷̢̨̖̙̠̻̜̰͎͙͈̠̰͍̤̹͖͖̜͎̱̽̽̊̽̎͗̊̋̌̀̈́̔̅̀̕͜͜͝ ̵̵̶̸̴̶̢̧̪̳͇̱͍̤͉͚̆́͌͂̓͛͋̽̒̒̋͐͗̒̍̕͜͝ͅṱ̷̸̷̸̵̷̴̶̢̢̛̘̗̙̲̲͎͚̥̱̬͓͚̖̭̣̘͇̠̞̑̑̽̅ͧ̈̓́͐̇̃̇͐͐̕͘̕͜͜͝ͅḙ̷̶̴̵̴̸̸̷̷̢̡̮͓͎̯͇͖̘̱̳̦͙̺̦̪̣̼̪̦̣̇̎̈́̄̉͊̃͗̓̂̾̄̒̈́̓́̂̈̕͘͜͜͠s̷̵̵̴̸̵̴̵̷̸̨̧̛̻̟̜͚̭̩̖̦̦̪̮͕̦̹̙̭͕̬̦͖͇͖̲̲̳̥̗̰̝̳̩̒̐̅̀͛͒̈́̉̀̈͌̒̄͒̄͌͛̆͘̚͝͝ţ̷̶̵̸̶̛̬͈̰̺̼̳͉̦̱͖̜̙͛̉͗̅̑̾͂̍̽̔͗͌̆͗͊̚͘͘͟͠͝s̴̵̷̵̴̵̨̧͙̱͙̤̺̠͉͓̹͍̗͙̃̅̒͋̊̔̽̈̀̑̏̔̔̒̓̚̕ ̶̸̶̵̵͕͇̳͇̪̼͍͓͑̅̈́͛̾̊̑͂̽̓̕̚̚͝n̴̷̷̯̞͉̙̯̜͚͇̋͑̅̏̎̔͛̌͡d̵̷̸̵̴̴̵̸̴̷̸̢͖͇̙̲̯̮̖̙̬̝͙̗̦̳̜̖͎̱̙̫̲̝̼̀͋ͧ̎͊̓̌ͩ̂̎͒̓̊̒̒̈̃̽͛͑̽͌̽͑̎̄͘̚͘͝͝ͅ ̶̶̸̵̶̶̴̸̡̧̢͔̻͎͎̰͓͎͔̯̟͈̖͙͒̇ͧ̍͌̐ͦ̐́ͮ̐̏̈́̈̎͌͛̐̌͛͝͝ẗ̵̵̸̸̷̶̶̛͙̥̠̦͉͉̙͇̰͍̘͙̦̯͖̳̉͛̿̽̇̅͂̒̑̿̐̓͛͐̕͝͝͠h̸̸̶̶̶̴̢͈͍̟͎̭̫̙̻͓̘̰̱̬͒̆̅̈́̑̒̽̊͒̃͛͐̕͘̚͜͝͝e̵̵̷̸̶̲̪̟̜̼͍̘̥͕͊̄̈́̽̎̾̓̈̂̒̀͢͝y̴̵̷̵̴̵̧͎͔͓̹͔͍̪̭͚̰̔̍ͣ̈̽ͩ̇̒͛̑ ̸̵̵̴̸̸̨̧̢̢̡̲͖̯͇̭̺͔͇̖̰̱̤̤͛͐̈́ͯ̈̏͂͌̃̄͊͗̈́̇̕͠ͅd̸̶̶̴̨̛̖̲̰̗̝̥̘̗̞̳̪̥̜̄̊̅́̅̇̽͆̅̚̕̚̕ḯ̸̵̝̺͍͈̩̳̊͗̃͘͝ḍ̵̷̷̷̖̱̱̖͇̤͇̏̂̑ͮ̋̑̎̽͗͗̅̽͜͝͠͝ ̸̶̷̯̩͉̼͈̻ͤ̾͑͗̏̕̚̕̕͜͏̷̎ń̷̸̸̸̴͓̜̝͚̦̤͇̹̻̺̣̔̏̿̋́̐̉̓̈̓́̚ơ̷̸̶̸̸̷̵̴̴̡̡̨̢̧̤̮̦̰̥̬̗̥̩̥̠̜̞̝͕̱̫̑̓͑̏̌̉̎͐̿̽̽͋̔̊̀̀́̚͜͝͝ţ̷̷̵̶̴̷̴̛̯̻̣̫̪̺̹̰̟̥̜͉̰̤̰̰̘̀̊ͣ́̒͐̍ͬ̀̽̒̈́̀̍̈̀̒͘͜͟͝͠ ̴̸̸̵̙̭̮̬̙̘̺̎͂̃̈́̍̀̓̐̔̀̋͠͝s̵̸̴̵̴̸̴̸̨̧̡̧̡̡̩̰̜̯̹̦̥͕͖̫͚͙̘̲̣̼̀͗̀͐ͬ͊̓̅̍̎͌ͫ̓̈́̊͌͛͌̑́̐͘ù̵̶̵̵̷̧̢͎͎̼̦͖̺͈̺͙̝͔̩̑̋̓̉̂̍̋̓̆̅̐̿͘͜͠͝͏̷͒c̷̭̫͙̈c̷̷̸̶̝̪̙̖̝̼̙͉̤̿͊ͩ̅̽̎̍͑ȩ̴̷̷̸̵̵̷͕̟͕͈̖̦͇͇͎̟͕̝̪̰̯̖͍̠̲͐͒̽͒̐̊̓̈͌̈̉͛̂͂̍̾̃̆̔̒͆̕͘̚e̷̶̸̴̶͎̻̱͎̗͈̱̯̣̜̿͂͑͐̾́͛͊́̅̊̈͗̊d̴̶̸̸̶̶̵̡̢̧̢̖̮̯̗͇̟͙̥̮̯̥̞̰̘̱́̑ͪ͑̏͛̾̄̋̌̏͛͆̓̔̄̆͆̀̀̚̕͘͜͜ ///100003 - 100003 E X P E R I E N C E ║ ///✦ A THIEF BY ANY OTHER NAME ║ To list every moniker given to him and every job he's ever performed would be an exercise in futility, but for almost as long as he's lived, he's worked. None of it honestly. ///99987 - 100003 ///✦ SAME JOB, DIFFERENT TOWN ║ For the past few years, Wraith has travelled the world, doing much the same he always has. Except this time, he's had a purpose other than survival; a search, still ongoing. ///100003 - 100005 Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T Y O U R S O U L & H E A R T ✦ RESOURCEFUL ✦ CUNNING ✦ ADAPTABLE ✦ SELFISH ✦ P E R S O N A L I T Y ║ Having long since learnt that knowledge is power, Wraith lets slip very little of himself or his intentions. Some things, however, can be surmised easily enough. For one, Wraith is reserved, keeping to himself in every sense of the word; he abhors physical proximity as much as emotional, and is at his most comfortable (which is to say, not very) when at an arm's length away from others. What he isn't is shy; when he does decide to talk, he does so with deadpan confidence and the boldness of someone who never quite learnt how and when to stay his tongue. In a similar vein, insults from most others don't seem to bother him either, and though he can certainly display frustration, he doesn't anger easily. Curiosity is a vice Wraith has suffered from for the longest while, and try as he might, he cannot keep it completely under wraps. Some say his cowardice is another, perhaps even worse vice, though Wraith considers it his greatest asset. It's his alertness and willingness to drop whoever might slow him down that has gotten him this far - and he isn't about to stop anytime soon. If you can trust anything about this halfling, it's his determination to see the morrow. ✦ GYTEUS ✦ ✦ GYTEUS ✦ D E V O T I O N ║ Though not the most devout when it comes to matters of faith, Wraith finds no harm in welcoming divine help if any is to be distributed. He worships Gyteus come the darkest hour of the night, whispering the secrets of others into shadows, so that his own secret may stay safe. M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S M O T I V A T I O N & I M P E T U S A halfling of ill-repute has little hope for honest work, less so with a branded face. Ordel'ai welcomes all desperate enough to delve within, and promises riches to those who make it out besides - and sometimes to change your life, you must first risk it. T H E T R A P P I N G S T H E T R A P P I N G S A P P E A R A N C E ║ Short and unassuming even when compared to his kin, Wraith is easy to miss in a crowd - and that is by design. Standing a few inches short of three feet, he comes across as little more than a mobile pile of tattered clothes, scurrying from shadow to shadow. Even when standing still, his posture is poor and stance wary, as if the slightest sound could spur him into a run. Cloaked in hood and a mask, few are those who have caught a glimpse of the halfling's face - but those who have, cannot say they've forgotten. A past magical injury has branded him, carving blue veins into the skin below his eyes. They ripple as if made of liquid, an occasional shimmer giving them an eerie hue. Their shade is a turquoise similar to his eyes; sharp, unnatural, unnerving. Though Wraith comes across as unarmed at a glance, no self-respecting warrior truly assumes him to be such. Halflings always carry blades, the smart ones two, and the ones that live the longest as many as they can. Wraith intends to live long. I N J U R Y ║ ![]() |