Hello, good people of Roleplayer Guild! I go by Dat Yellow Boi. I'm a biological male approaching his 30's from the continental United States, and I've been RPing on forums since I was around 12 years old; before I had been writing little projects by myself for a year or two by then. Despite all these years of experience under my belt, I prefer writing at a Free to Casual level (1-3 paragraphs per post). That being said, I've listened to my English teachers a little too well over the years, so I do my best to write using proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and I appreciate partners who feel the same; that being said, I'm not a grammar fascist, and I'm more than happy to give partners slack in the grammar and spelling department. We're all human (I think? I'm sometimes not sure what I am), we all make mistakes!
When it comes to partners, I am open to anyone regardless of their gender, identity, etc., so long as they're polite and enjoy OoC banter. I RP as a little bit of escapism from the real world, so topics like religion and politics are something I'd like to avoid as much as possible. That being said, if you need someone to vent to about your own life, I'm more than happy to metaphorically get some tea ready for a private chat.
As for escapism, part of it is to help deal with my own issues (depression, social anxiety, autism spectrum disorder; as a side note, I find using pictures of real people for RPs uncomfortable). But maybe for an hour's worth of posts, I can be a supersoldier fighting aliens! Or a young woman piloting a mech to push back against a kaiju invasion! Maybe a guy hit by Truck-kun trying to figure out his new life! It's all about having fun!
For the time being, I'll make a basic list of pairings, plot ideas, settings, keywords, and franchises that I wouldn't mind RPing with, either as inspiration or using the setting!
- Monster Hunter (perhaps featuring my character Ryuuko)
- Halo
- Starship Troopers (I adore the two animated films, "Invasion" and "Traitor of Mars")
- Mecha and kaiju (odds are that the biggest inspirations for these settings will be the Monsterverse and Pacific Rim)
- Magical girls (probably in the vein of PMMM)
- Military sci-fi
- Military moe (so sue me, I have a soft spot for cute anime girls running around with military-grade firepower)
- God Eater
- Code Vein (just started playing the game, so new to the lore; however, I am aware of one massive spoiler from later in the game)
- Expelled From Paradise (the world this movie is set in is one I would love to explore, and I may or may not really, really like Angela)
- Monster girls and kemonomimi
- Monsters and mysteries (was the little old lady down the street attacked by a bear, or is the town drunk who says a local Bigfoot is pissed off actually right?)
- Jurassic Park/World (I've adored this series since I was a kid, and would love to explore a post-Fallen Kingdom/post-Dominion world; that being said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with trying to survive on an island of genetically modified theme park monsters!)
If anything here catches your attention, or you'd like to spitball ideas back and forth, please send me a PM! Thank you kindly! ^^