Oda Junichiro
VII. Chariot
Junichiro stands at slightly above average height for a boy his age. Students know him well as a messy, rather unkempt individual; his honey-brown hair is often rustled out of place and his uniform is almost always wrinkled. It's common to see him with a slumped posture and his hands in his pockets or with a glower plastered on his expression. Junichiro is also prone to staring at people he doesn't know, many times to the point of making them uncomfortable.
A problem child through and through, Junichiro is well-known at Izumi for all of the wrong reasons. His grades are poor, isn't very sharp, doesn't participate in sports like the other boys do, and frequently gets lets his aggression get the better of him. He is also rather loud, poorly-spoken, and hot-headed. Because of this, students have labeled him as an anti-social delinquent, actively going out of the way to avoid him. Junchiro doesn't mind too much though; it only means that he has more time to do whatever he wants without anyone holding him back.
Despite everything, he doesn't mean any harm. Sure, he has anger issues and a lot of times he says something he shouldn't. But under that shell, Junichiro is quite the energetic young man with a disdain for injustice and a burning passion for art. He adores spending time with people he calls his friends, even if he's prone to dragging them into sticky situations.
When he was only eight years old, Junichiro's mother packed up in the middle of the night and left without a word. Her sudden departure left him at the mercy of his drunkard father, who deemed him the sole reason his wife left. He was a disgrace, his father stated, something so repulsive that his mother could no longer stand the sight of him. Then came the beatings. The abuse rendered Junichiro a fairly reserved little boy who had trouble making friends. When he did, he'd quickly become clingy and follow them around like a lost puppy.
His early onset of puberty unbottled all of the anger he had welling in him. Junichiro's disagreements with his friends were aptly dealt with through punches and bites, and soon enough he was left without any. His father's beatings continued and his unbridled fury only festered further. Other students became wary of him, then fearful. By the time Junichiro went to Izumi Academy, he was socially labeled as a ticking time-bomb. Many people avoided him-- others actively went out of their way to torment him. The fights continued-- some of them more vicious than many others than he had been part of until then-- and he spent more days in detention than he could count. It was at the end of his second year that the academy threatened him for the last time: if he returned the next year and further instigated violence on school grounds, he would be expunged from the academy. Junichiro was smart enough to know that he couldn't afford something like that to happen to him. Perhaps that's why he's been drawing so much at school as of late.
- Junichiro's an amazing artist, but he's very self-conscious and apprehensive about it. One's lucky to even see a handful of his drawings.
- Despite not having a job, Junichiro always seems to have money to buy all the food and video games he desires.
- He's an avid animal lover and cares for all sorts of strays.
Nothing as of yet.