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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Holding the line wasnt exactly difficult, although Giovanni almost felt bad about not being in the midst of the fray. But he did feel good about remaining alive so it wasnt all that big a deal. it seemed the only advantage these hollows had was surprise. other than that they werent anything special and were seemingly weak. At least the ones that got within his range were. Gio kept shooting the low level kido with enough precision to kill in one strike and enough force to knock them back a few feet. he reached his left hand to his sword "inhale " he said calmly to have his zanpakto begin charging energy. it was only a matter of time before something big made it through. depnding on what it was, being preemtive would probably work to his advantage. he let out a few blast of Hado 30 shakaho before settling back into his dual wield byakurai position. some medic had set up near by and he usually covered them as they were healing others and escorting, usually unwilling, shinigami to the back line to be healed. But from the looks of it, there didnt seem to be that many injuries. Among all the chaos and carnage there werent that many spiritual pressures that stood out. There were two high levels that seemed to be fighting each other but everything else seemed deceptively subdued.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 11 days ago


The Captain was sitting down relaxing, drinking his treasured coffee when an alarm sounded. So the time for battle is among us? He thought, placing his cup of joe on the desk before shunpoing out of the door almost instantly. Once outside his office, Rinkei could sense multiple spiritual pressures in the distance, both common and foreign. Hmmm, not bad but I have something of more importance to do than swinging my blades up and down til they're all dead. So who to send from my squad to help assist? Oh wait, my squad is resting up but I have to send someone. Rinkei continued to ponder before Minasa arrived inside the gates."Captain, an army of Hollows are trying to invade the Seireitei!!!" Minasa said in a high tone as a smile grew on his face. "Perfect timing!!! Ok you wait here and prevent anyone from entering my office at all costs. If something happens that you can't seem to handle, then increase your spiritual pressure to the limit and I'll come the second I sense it." He said, shunpoing inside his office before appearing back out with a notebook and pencil in his hand. "I trust you can keep my prized possession safe so don't fail me!!!" The Captain's words disappeared with him. Shunpoing on top of a rooftop that was quite a distance away from the battlefield, he could be seen opening up a notebook before writing something inside of it.

He wanted to see and know what was going on but didn't want to get caught up in the battle. The Hollows hadn't attacked the Seireitei like this in awhile so what made them choose now? Did they really want Captain Rinkei's coffee that bad or did they come for another reason? Either way, it was obvious with the multiple Captains appearing on scene that he wasn't needed. Still, Rinkei had forgot about one small but crucial error in their plans, that error was on the tip of his tongue. "Did they know my members would be injured before coming here? No it must just be my paranoia, I can't let them trick me into revealing the secret ingredient's location!" The Captain struggled to keep his paranoia in check.

He closed his eyes and in almost an instant, Soul Society transformed into a devastated state once his eyes reopened. "You think I didn't know who was filling my mind with that stupidity all this time? It was fun thinking about my precious coffee I admit but I lost a bet so I can no longer play around anymore." He said in a nonchalant tone, making someone fly down from the sky. "Oops, I didn't know you were such a bore but why keep playing with me if you knew all this time?" "To keep you entertained, that's why. Now this is over for today, try something new tomorrow and see if you can get me to do something different." Rinkei said before closing and opening his eyes again. He appeared back on the rooftop with a relaxed look painted on his face. "Now, time to get down to work!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan nodded to Yu's explanation of the situation. "Thank you, guess we should force the enemy to stop hiding behind this distraction, then..." He put his hands together as if he were meditating, his shikai beginning to glow. "Bankai..." As his shikai disappeared, turning himself into the bankai, he pulled his arm back. aiming himself in the direction of as many hollows as he could without getting anyone from the squads in the blast. "Air Strike..." He sent out his energy, attempting to ensure that this fight wouldn't keep any of them from stopping whatever plan was actually happening. The attack would probably hit a few, but if he was lucky, it might take out a good number of the enemies.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Forcedsmile


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

He awoke with a gasp. "What I could of swore I was standing..." A long sigh polluted the silence around. "I guess it was just a dream, need my sleep I guess" Taking his sword he would walk around the seretei, searching for a place to sit and likely enhance his skills. It had always taken long for him to train on his own, he was always better with someone. However the Seretei ; he pictured was no home to friendship, to him it was either you help yourself to impress others around you, or just sit there and do nothing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Vongola_Hasayo
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Zane620 said
Aya looked at him as he accepted her little contest and instantly start attacking Hollows, even without a Shikai. "Thats the spirit! But dont think you will catch up that easily I have many skills that hit multiple targets, due to how large they are." Aya then shunpoed into the air and momentarily deactivated the electricity on her Shikai and started to splatter multiple hollows with gray liquid which then sucked right into them. Her electricity then came back and she shnoped down towards one of the hollows that was hit by the gray liquid, and she simply touched it with her shikai. As soon as she did that Metal like spears punctered out everywhere in its body and head, she then went and poked all the Hollows that got hit by the liquid and the same thing happened to them. She looked over at the red haired boy and grinned. "So you want a handicap?"

Hasayo looked at the girl and then to his sword. "You're lucky I like you." He told it before sweeping to the side to parry a hollows strike with a hard swing that stunned the hollow. Hasayo then took his sword in both hands ducked cutting into the hollows abdomen. "Hado #32..." The a yellow energy charged at the middle of the blade and widened across the length of it. "Okasen." Hasayo cut through the hollow, completing his swing and firing the kido in wide arc taking out several more. "Don't think that I can't keep up. Even without shikai, my sword won't let me down~"

Star Platinum said
Yoshimitsu quickly jarred his head backwards, but couldn't get enough distance to avoid the strike. His opponent's knee connected with the edge of his previously wounded chin, sending him flying into the air a few feet, crashing down in front of the attacker. His mind tried to put words together, but he shock of the impact was too great and he lay dazed for a moment before coming to. A moment later, however, he jumped to his feet. "Nice Shot! You got me right in a vulnerable spot, good aim!" he called to his opponent, wiping blood from the bottom of his face. "Alright, I really needed that to get my blood rushing!" he said, quickly changing back to a fighting stance. "C'mon, let's go!" the shinigami said, gently bouncing on the balls of his feet, passing his sword between hands quickly. His energy was completely different from the start of the duel; he seemed more alive. "Come at me again, let's do this!" he said, resting his sword in his right hand, and beckoning his opponent forward with his left.

Taiki looked at Yoshimitsu and clenched his fist. "Kuh...what kind of game are you playing?" Taiki's first instinct told him that this erratic behavior was just a way to rile him up and provoke him into an uncoordinated attack. He wasn't so sure about the theory though. Taiki took a calming breath. "We're done." He looked back at the captain. "I'm sure you've seen enough. There's no reason to continue if he won't take this spar seriously."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Star Platinum

Star Platinum

Member Offline since relaunch

"See that's all I needed to hear!" Yoshimitsu said, falling onto his back again. "If you had really come after me there I'd have been in trouble," he panted, wiping blood from his ravaged chin. "You're a hell of a lot stronger than I am, and I knew I wouldn't be able to disguise that fact for long," he continued, drawing ointment from his side pocket and applying more to his wound. "Maybe one day when I get my Shikai I'll take you on again!" he said, pulling himself onto his feet. "Right now, there's an emergency to attend to, if I may be dismissed that is, Captain."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The man and the Arrancar continued to fight a vicious battle with each other, neither of them giving an inch. However in a sudden turn of events the Arrancar had managed to call hollows to surround the man, which caused him to look around at the gathering hollows then he looked to the Arrancar and spoke "Tch...I was hoping you'd do something like this" The Arrancar gave a menacing laugh before speaking " Well let's see how you handle this! TEAR HIM APART!!" The hollows ran at the man who had stabbed his Trident into the ground, he then closed his eyes as his spiritual energy began to rise which caused it to suddenly burst out from him then his eyes shot open revealing them to be glowing blue, He then ripped his Trident out from the ground then shouted out "BAN-KAI!" Water then erupted from the ground around the man and began expanding outwards at an incredible speed, the hollows caught in this were ripped to shreds with little to no effort.

The Arrancars eyes widened as the grin he had on his face fell off and turned to a look of shock, then suddenly a small arc of water flew out from the walls of water and cut right through the Arrancars left shoulder causing blood to shoot out from it, the Arrancar's eyes then widened further as it realised what had happened then it's head shot up and looked to the sky showing the man in the air with a Katana rather than his trident, the man's Zanpakuto was coated in a mass amount of water as he held it behind his head then the man slashed down firing off a massive arc of water. The Arrancar used Sonido to avoid the attack but was then slammed in the back by another Water arc which sent it flying into the path of the first water arc fired which then made contact releasing a massive eruption of water to fire into the air. The man landed on the ground near the Arrancar who was scrambling to his feet and coughing up water along with blood "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!? WHERE DID THIS POWER COME FROM!?" The man kept a stone cold face as he shunpoed infront of the Arrancar and slashed up across his chest causing blood to shoot out from the cut and making the Arrancar Sonido back a bit more "If you are any sort of man then you will stand here and fight to the death against me..." The Arrancar straightened his posture whilst still clutching his chest with his right hand he then spoke "You're right..." The Arrancar then threw out his left arm and seemingly cut through the air to form a Garganta which he then stepped into 'BUT UNLUCKILY FOR YOU I'M A MONSTER!" The Arrancar let out a sadistic laugh as the Garganta closed. The man then stabbed his Zanpakuto into the ground as he clenched his hands into fists "YOU COWARDLY PIECE OF SHIT! I'LL CUT OFF YOUR LEGS NEXT TIME SO YOU CAN'T RUN!!" The man then ripped his Zanpakuto out the ground then slashed down at it sending an arc of water tearing through it "FUCK IT!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hearing the Captain say they should go to the attack of many hollows put a grin on Shiro's face "Heh about time something interesting happened around here!" Shiro held his Zanpakuto in his right hand then began shunpoing away heading to the battle, he appeared on the top of the Seireitei's wall for less then a second then appeared high in the air above a mass amount of hollows, his Spiritual energy then exploded out of him as a grin formed on his face as he began falling towards them "FUCK KNOWS HOW MANY ON 1? I LIKE THOSE ODDS!" Shiro then landed in the middle of the mass amount of hollows forming a crater as he landed but wasting no time he shunpoed infront of hollow and cut it clean in two then began cutting through the rest of them whilst dodging and catching all their attacks, he made this look effortless which had stunned a few nearby Squad 11 members. "Where the fuck are the strong ones around here!?" Shiro cut through a few more hollows when a massive fist smashed into the side of him which kicked up a massive gust but Shiro didn't move an inch. blood dripped from his mouth as he then spoke "You call that a punch?" Spiritual energy then burst out of Shiro as he knocked away the hollows fist with his Zanpakuto then he smashed his left fist through the hollows mask and out the back of it's head "That's a punch!" Shiro then ripped his arm out the hollows head and continued to cut his way through the hollows grinning and laughing as he did
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kaizo was sat in the Onmitsukidō/Squad 2 training grounds along with other Onmitsukidō members. He like the other wore the same uniform the Onmitsukidō wear then he heard the alarms sound then he shot up to his feet and began walking off to the direction of the many Spiritual energies when a voice stopped him " Kaizo! Where the hell do you think you're going!?" Kaizo turned and looked to the teacher then spoke "To do my duty as a Shinigami...you can punish me for leaving the lesson later but right now I think some battle experience will do me some good" Kaizo then shunpoed off before the teacher could say another word to him "There's always one...Well? what are the rest of you waiting for!? we are under attack! GO!" the rest of the Onmitsukidō shunpoed off to follow Kaizo to the location he had gone to.

Kaizo appeared on the wall of the Seireitei as many Onmitsukidō members appeared around him, this made him grin behind his mask "Half of you take the right and the other half follow me! we will execute a pincer movement and take out any stragglers whilst Squad 11 and the other divisions push them towards us! this allows us to stop them from retreating! Let's go! split!' Kaizo then shunpoed off across the wall followed by half the Onmitsukidō members. They had begun to make their way around the Seireitei then they moved through the the districts taking out any hollow that had tried to escape or had gotten split from the group, they continued to do this until they finally got behind the massive army of hollow and met up with the other half of the Onmitsukidō members, they then began attacking the hollow from behind, forcing them into the swords of the other divisions and preventing them from retreating
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Vongola_Hasayo said
Hasayo looked at the girl and then to his sword. "You're lucky I like you." He told it before sweeping to the side to parry a hollows strike with a hard swing that stunned the hollow. Hasayo then took his sword in both hands ducked cutting into the hollows abdomen. "Hado #32..." The a yellow energy charged at the middle of the blade and widened across the length of it. "Okasen." Hasayo cut through the hollow, completing his swing and firing the kido in wide arc taking out several more. "Don't think that I can't keep up. Even without shikai, my sword won't let me down~"

Aya grinned at the boy still trying to keep up with her. "Keep thinking like that and I'm sure you will catch up!" She then felt that one spiritual pressure from earlier leave which made her pout. Whoever was fighting it chased it away. "Awww that one guy left. And here I was hoping all our mindless destruction would catch his attention." Aya said with a sigh as she held her Shikai out to the side blocking an attack from a hollow with ease. "I was saving this for him but might as well as use it now." Aya mumbled as she quickly cut through the hollows mask and shunpoing further into the air. She then started to swirl her Shikai in a little circle above her head slowly forming the gray liquid and gradually made it bigger and bigger. When it was big enough to the point she struggled carrying it above her head she swung her shikai downwards, sending the Hardened gray liquid crashing into multiple Hollow practically clearing out most of them. "Don't know about you Ember, but I think I won." Aya said lowering herself to the ground with a huge grin on her face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

rusty4297 said
Ryan nodded to Yu's explanation of the situation. "Thank you, guess we should force the enemy to stop hiding behind this distraction, then..." He put his hands together as if he were meditating, his shikai beginning to glow. "Bankai..." As his shikai disappeared, turning himself into the bankai, he pulled his arm back. aiming himself in the direction of as many hollows as he could without getting anyone from the squads in the blast. "Air Strike..." He sent out his energy, attempting to ensure that this fight wouldn't keep any of them from stopping whatever plan was actually happening. The attack would probably hit a few, but if he was lucky, it might take out a good number of the enemies.

Yu watched Ryan use his Bankai and then practically clear out most of the hollows in the area with one attack, leaving his wolves to finish off the few remaining as they jumped back over to him, while Yu stared at Ryan awe struck by his power. He almost didnt sense that the one pressure from earlier just vanished. "W-well, it seems the one that brought the hollows here, either died or fled from the one attacking him, so all that's left are the hollows." Yu said as he looked around to see only a few that were pretty much running from Ryan's attack.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

From his vantage Point Giovanni noticed to spikes that normally indicated a bankai release. The first was in the middle of the battle and was followed by the eradication of a good number of hollows. The second was accompanied by a eruption of water that he could see from where he was shooting. Judging by the cold feel of it, it was extremely powerful but the one he was fighting with it disappeared. Oh well, hopefully that meant this invasion would be just about over with the leader gone. But chances were it would mean that the hollows he was controlling would go back to their mindless selves and get even more wild.

As if on cue there were several hollow shrieks and several broke from the chaos and started rampaging in Gios direction. of the five he only shot down two before they were close enough to warrent him drawing his sword. thankfully he had prepared for this, having activated his shikai a while ago he drew his now glowing blade "ROAR" he slashed in an horizontal arch unleashing a semi guided blast of energy that took the heads clean two of the remaining three, but the last one jumped. this one had some semblance of sense it seemed. but that wasnt he issue, the issue was that while this one was trying to occupy his attention others were coming as well. he held his hand out toward the jumping hollow and his sword to the approaching ones. from his hand he let out a Hado 1, Sho which pushed it back farther into the air, giving him enough time to launch a Hado 32 Okasen, wide yellow arch of energy from the blade of his zanpakuto, at the oncoming horde to take most of them out. then turning his attention back to the now falling hollow a Shakaho was all it took to take it out. with a bit more breathing room he took a step forward and tried to regain his line with his original strategy but would use Bakudo 9 Geki to hold some of the quicker ones still to kill them.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Upon hearing the captain telling them they would finish this another time and to go help with the attacking hollows, of course Shiro was the first one out of the building, as she could feel his own pressure rising. "Were going to end up having to restrain Shiro, by the end of this." Chie sighed as she shunpoed off as well coming across an area with Hollows stomping around in, she sat down on a building quite a bit out of their reach and pointed their index finger at them, and started to fire off Hado 4's hitting one by one in the head.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Rio Okotaru Darishimo

"RIO WAIT! JUST STOP!... F-FINE! I'LL STOP CHASING YOU! JUST... JUST DON'T GO ANY FURTHER!" One set of footsteps stopped immediately. Rio could feel the person behind her halt; true to her word. This caused Rio to slow to a stop, still keeping distance between the two. She glanced back once before facing forward, her arms crossed and her back to the woman.

"Look... I... I'll stop following and will go away... Don't move any further, turn back and continue your training." The woman took a hesitant step forward, knowing that Rio couldn't see her. However, the latter wasn't stupid, her sense's were much more sharper than before... She knew exactly where the woman stood. "...I'm sorry for bothering you..." The woman eventually voiced after a moment of silence landed between the two. Turning around, the woman ran until she could no longer be seen.

'I'm not stupid. I know what's over there, she must of thought that I can't sense the mass amount of Hollow energy... It's at the Seireitei... Should I go?... No, they wouldn't need me... I would be useless as usual... But I can't stand by any more... I'll just... watch' A small creator indented into the dirt as Rio promptly launched into a full-blown sprint. Her speed was high and eyes were focused. If this was before she left, she wouldn't of been able to sense a thing or move this fast. Any liquid that was held in her eyes had been blown away by the forceful wind as Rio continued to move; relying on her sense's alone to make her way back to the Seireitei.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Axel
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Axel Red Haired Coffee King

Member Seen 11 days ago


His power was extremely low after completing the Head captains near impossible test. Still, he managed to survive with a couple gashes on multiple parts of his face which was good considering the risks. He could feel a large battle going on near Soul Society and rushed up the staircase after getting permission to leave. So they came back for revenge this soon but how could this be? Not like the first time was expected either so I best give out my support or else we're all dead. Probably dead with my help after thinking about it, I'm not prepared for something like this. I guess in the end we'll have to see if we're the ones who come out standing or they do. Koastu thought, as he finally made it out of the staircase.

Once out, he focused most of his remaining spiritual pressure before launching off the ground . The second he reached a certain altitude in the sky, he shot off in the direction of the many spiritual pressures in the distance as if he was a bullet from a gun. It took him no time at all to get ready since his eye was already set on one of the Hollow's still remaining. His Zanpakuto came from behind in a downward motion but before the Hollow could react, it was already too late. Directly above the Hollow's mask, the Zanpakuto stopped before making contact. "It seems you're out of fuel, now it's time for me to satisfy my insatiable hunger!!!" The hollow placed both of its' hand onto the wooden blade before noticing red spiritual energy through it. "Glaciar Congeldo." Two words could be heard leaving Koatsu's mouth as the Zanpakuto changed form. The wielder of the blade applied extra force downwards, splitting cleanly through the hollow's mask in an instant.

"More...death is among you all." His spiritual pressure skyrocketed while his hair turned from blue to red. He went on a demonic murderous rampage, sending twelve Hollow varying in size upwards with ease. Koatsu jumped after them, ripping apart each Hollow he reached first in a connect the dots like manner before coming in contact with the last one.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Fumio Hari Kouineji

Blood splattered onto the grass, trees and Fumio's clothes. "ULGHH! C-C-AHH-huuuhhhhuuu..." A long, thick crystal delved deeper into the chest of Souta; accompanied by a wide, toothy grin of pure enjoyment situated on Fumio's face. He had the face of a mad man... Staring deep into the painstakingly beautiful eyes of Souta as the guy coughed his life up. "... Loo-ks... like yo-you... w-win" Gasping for air, Souta looked down, his hands pinned to the trees by smalls crystals, his feet pinned to the floor also by small crystals. His face, body and ripped clothing were mostly drenched in blood.... But not just his own blood, Fumio's aswell as the latter wasn't in any better state. "AHAHAHA! That much was obvious~ But..." Easing up, Fumio pulled the crystal that he was slowly pushing into Souta's chest back, pulling it out. "GAAHHH! FUCK!" Grinding his teeth together in agony, Souta screwed his eyes closed, not only in pain but also in confusion.

Taking some time to get his breath back, Souta spoke softly, no anger in his voice despite the situation. "But what... Kazuhiko?..." Souta's body hunched forward as he used whatever strength he had left to hold his head up and look at Fumio.

An unlikely expression dawned on Fumio's face. The flaming red-head stood back, holding the crimson-covered crystal in his left hand, staring at it with... frustration? Well, more confusion warped frustration. His gaze then slowly drifted onto Souta's weak appearance; only his eyes moved, his face stayed still. "I... I'm tired of this... I've had enough of being used as a pawn in this bullshit game..." His voice was softer than a few seconds ago as his gaze fixed on Souta's weary stare. Souta, however, looked back in silence and pursed his lips in quiet agreement.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan saw that this part of the battle was not where he was needed anymore, "I'll head off to fight elsewhere." He quickly shunpo'd to the next area he could find with a large number of hollows. He began punching and kicking each one he could reach, moving through the battlefield as he went. Of course hollows would get hits, but he wouldn't let those stop him from helping to fight off the attack.
Julia was among the squad 2 members that were working with Kaizo. She dashed after the group, moving as quickly as she could to go towards their destination. As they went, she activated her shikai, proceeding to attack every hollow she saw, once or twice almost hitting an ally passing by due to the adrenaline. The battle had made it so she was ready to attack at the first sight of movement she didn't recognize, but she avoided actually hurting any of her allies as they went around the hollows. She continued following Kaizo and the rest of the group in their attempt to tighten the noose that the hollows were now in.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

After a few more hours had passed most of the hollow army had been killed but at a cost. Many districts were destroyed in the process along with many souls being consumed so although some may consider this a victory some think about how it cost lives but every battle works that way. As the Shinigami collect the dead bodies of their fallen comrades they head back to the Seireitei to rest although most expect it to be short...it seemed that the Shinigami still didn't have enough numbers and with the recent battle now even less remained but in doing so this has potentially revealed promising Shinigami that showed no hesitation in the face of danger.

(Surprise death: Akio ^.^ you may not have seen that one but I wrote it in somewhere...)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Star Platinum

Star Platinum

Member Offline since relaunch

Yoshimitsu, after waiting for the captain's go-ahead only to receive no response, ran through the rubble of a district so in shambles that he couldn't put a name to it if he tried. Damn it, if Captain Kurisa hadn't been so stubborn I could have been here, I could have saved people! he thought, his heart racing, his blood boiling. Fuck! He had to realize this was more important than a stupid sparring match! This devastation is unreal! his mind screamed as tears welled up in his eyes. "DAMN IT ALL!" he screamed to the sky, falling to his knees in the middle of what was once a street.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Giovanni was exhausted, absolutely exhausted. He felt good about the fact that he had protected the squad four members which probably saved countless lives and minimizes the already stark number of casualties. The wreckage was devastating, just looking at it made him wonder if they actually won. and if so, at what cost? Blood was everywhere debris wasnt. it was almost comforting to know that when souls die their bodies and clothing fade away into reishi and their souls return to the cycle of rebirth. But all the blood all the destruction was almost terrifying. If he hadn't been there Gio probably wouldn't have believed how things had went. Even with captains present the shinigami suffered more than anyone would have expected.

He looked at his sword, it was covered in blood, meaning he had been drawn into more physical confrontations than he had wanted. In the long run that might have been why his kido shooting idea worked so long bu he also owed a lot of the medics he was defending. Since healing involved replenishing spiritual energies first he had a couple boosts to keep up his shooting. hopefully there was a silver lining somewhere but he sure as hell couldnt find one.
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