At first the world was nothing - a blank slate, void of all colour and life. This blank slate was a canvas for The Creator, painting his world with whatever he had desired. Lush forests, vast valleys, and endless oceans, there was no limit to what The Creator had envisioned. Once the landscapes were painted, it was now time to populate the world with his children. In a lone, massive desert, far from any forest and oceans, sprouted a plant. This plant soon began to grow, growing larger and larger until it became a tree. A tree that was much more monstrous than any other. It's branches stretched across the sky, visible from the horizon and its leaves large enough to cover lakes. The tree, once fully grown, began to bear fruit. The first fruit fell from the branches of the tree to the world below, smashing it to pieces as it hit the desert sand. Out of this fruit, came a being - the first of its kind, this was The Creator's plan. To give birth to the inhabitants of the world, through the Creation Tree. As each fruit fell to the world, each one gave birth to a new being, and the world as we know it, began to take form.
- Book of Creation

Location: Continent of Aras | Country: Salos
The World has entered the Third Era. Currently in the midst of a Civil War, the King of Salos, known as King Gabriel, is warring with the rebellion group known as Grandora. Diaz, the leader of this rebellion group, is currently gaining a lot of traction in the country, vowing to end King Gabriel's reign, and become the leader of the country in his place. Diaz offers the people of Salos a much more aggressive approach to international affairs, compared to King Gabriel. Wanting to invade other countries, and expand his empire, Diaz claims that other countries will take advantage of King Gabriel's passive nature, and it's only a matter of time before Salos becomes the receiving end of a dispute among countries. Although some people side with Diaz, many people consider his approach to be too extreme, evident in current events, where his forces have been razing and taking over villages and towns, in an effort to expand his rebellion's hold on the country. As of right now, Grandora has most of their captured regions within the north-eastern part of the country, however, they have been slowly making their way to central Salos, as well as reports of some forces being seen in western Salos as well. As of right now, only time will tell of how the war will be played out, and whether or not we continue to be ruled under Gabriel, or possibly Diaz.
Welcome to my role-play! Blood & Ruin is set in a typical medieval/fantasy setting, and is not part of any existing franchise/series. Because of this, there will be lots of world building, and I will update the Lore as I see fit.
The role-play will currently begin in the town of Bellus. As it was stated in the beginning of the post, the country is currently in the middle of a civil war, with the rebellion group known as Grandora being the main antagonist. Bellus however, is located in the southern-central portion of the country, where it has been largely unaffected by the war at this point in time. Because of this, the town has still been quaint and bustling with people continuing their day-to-day lives. There are markets, farmland, as well as various other businesses located in town such as a blacksmith, mills, etc. Bellus also has their own Law-Enforcement Department, called the Bellus Peace Keeper Division. As of late, the city has increased their presence of Peace Keepers, just as a safety precaution and to give citizens added security. Here are part of Bellus, more in-depth:
The Bunberry District
This is where the wealthy or noble citizens reside. Located on the northern end of town, this area is generally smaller than the other districts, comprised of large manors and gated communities. Although not uncommon to see non-wealthy citizens around here, there is not much to do other than look at houses or simply take a walk around.
The Hive District
The largest of all districts. The Hive is the name given to the entire district of this city. This district houses everything such as businesses, residential neighborhoods, and the local church is also located here, where people read the Book of Creation. This district is the one area anyone can be seen at because of the multitude of things to do. The blacksmith are also located here, as well the theatre where actors will perform and participate in plays for the public to enjoy. The central market place is usually the busiest in this district, where street-vendors will be located alongside smaller businesses and children playing around near the city fountain. It also in this central marketplace where executions will also take place. The main building for Bellus Peace Keepers is also located here, alongside the jail.
The Willows
The worst district in Bellus. Here is where the poorer citizens reside. Although some areas in this neighborhood are not that bad, much of it is filled with crime and shady activity. Generally speaking, the people here do not make much money and some are pushed into this district when they cannot pay enough to keep living in the other districts. Rumors also state that a certain powder-like drug known as Salva is also being made here and distributed.
The Outfields
Although outside the city, it is still technically a part of the city due to its location. Here is where the farmland is located, where crops grow and the local farm produce for businesses and vendors to buy and sell. There is also a mine located out here, where the miners work. It should also be noted that there is a cemetery located out here. Other than that, there is not much else here, and it is essentially this area that cuts off Bellus from the rest of the world. What lies beyond, is a grassy landscape with few trees littered about.
Although there are Non-Human races that exist (such as Elves), these races are not going to be playable. I'm trying to flesh out the Lore for these races throughout the role-play, and so that's why they will be locked for the time being. Magic also exists in this role-play, but not at the beginning of this role-play. If players wish to learn magic, I will make it available as the RP progresses, for select players. But for now, do not worry about it. Monsters will also exist (monsters as in, non-animal creatures), and I will be creating a monster-index of sorts for these creatures.

Your character is currently a citizen of the town of Bellus. How they got there, is up to you. It's possible they were born there, travelled there for work, or came from another country. What they do for work, or their day-to-day life, is also up to you! I will note, this role-play IS an adventure role-play. Because of this, keep in mind when making your character, as the story will force them to travel away from Bellus at some point, due to the war.
Rules + World Rules
1. All Forum Rules Apply
2. This is a rather darker roleplay, so I guess I rate it "m" for all the usual stuff (swearing, some gore, adult themes). Please don't abuse this, and use it as an excuse to swear excessively or be crude or vulgar. I rated it this, to give a bit more freedom with writing.
3. No godmodding. As said before, this is not an RP about fighting, but make the fighting realistic. If your character got hit, make sure you describe they actually got hit and not just shook it off like it was nothing ( a punch to the face does hurt).
4. No having multiple characters
5. No bunnying other characters without permission. However, something I do allow, is for you to bunny my character if you need to (you don't have to ask me, unless you think it is something out of the ordinary for my character to do).
6. Not really a rule, but please give me critique if you don't like something. For example, if you guys absolutely hate the whole chapter thing, then please let me know and I will most likely scrap it. With that said, if you have an idea for a chapter or want to have one revolving around your own character or whatever, please let me know.
7. Once again, not really a rule, however, I should note that this roleplay is not based around any existing franchise of the sort. It is simply my own creation.
Current Party (Accepted Characters)
None as of yet
The Sign-Up Sheet
(Straightforward. A First name and middle or last name (if they have one)).
(Age doesn't generally doesn't matter in this roleplay. Could play as an old man, middle aged woman, etc. Just have it make sense please.)
(Again, straightforward.)
(Good description of your character. Picture does not substitute for writing. Only human characters.)
(Explain their personality. Their traits, habits, how they behave etc.)
(Probably the most important section. Detail anything here, from their origins, social class/status, occupation, family, or anything else that would fit in here.)
(This is OPTIONAL. Your character will be getting a weapon as per story anyways, but if you want them to start with one, that's okay. If you do choose to start with a weapon, choose a basic one for now).
(Anything else you want to add?)
Hi everyone! This is the OOC :) Post your characters here, and I will approve upon reading your characters :)