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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Star Platinum

Star Platinum

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In the distance, Yoshi saw a shinigami standing with his sword drawn. Pulling himself back to his feet, he stumbled as he ran toward the figure. "Hey! You there! What happened? I got here as fast as I could," he shouted to the man he didn't recognize as Giovanni as he approached. "My name is Kurono Yoshimitsu, sir!" he stated, saluting his assumed superior officer, holding back the tears he ached to continue crying in the wake of this devastation. "I have no medical training but if there's anything I can do in the wake of this event, please let me know!" he continued, standing at attention.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Gio was in such a daze everything registered slow to him at first. someone was calling to him. the voice was closer... Kurono...yoshimitsu. asking to help. "um theres no need for the sir, chances are you an I are on the same level, It was chaos, I dont know how else to explain it. the amount of chaos was...chaotic." he realized he was repeating himself and no making much sense. "an army of hollows... half an army of soul reapers" meaning he knew some squads might not have participated under orders, though he honestly only was referring to the kido corps, in the back of his head. "they came....we fought... this is whats left. dont worry about me, see if you can find anyone among this devastation thats not dead. help them. I would but" Gio slumped down into a sitting position, sheathing his sword "if just dont have the energy yet....the name is Giovanni by the way. Giovanni Cain."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan exhaled slowly as his bankai returned to the sealed state. He sheathed the zanpakuto, looking around at the battlefield. Too much work was put in to just end up a mini-war and then stop out of nowhere... There's probably going to be another attack soon... An even stronger one... Unless they completed their objective, whatever it was. He sent a message to each of his squad's members, telling them to take a break, seeing as the mission had been completed. He shunpo'd back to his headquarters to write the report for what had happened that day, according to what he saw and heard.
Julia was breathing heavily as she stood there. The overall fight had been tiring for someone low rank like her, especially since she was expected to keep on the move while also fighting like the others were. It was a tough job being in the second squad, but it was worth it to her. She started heading to the squad four barracks to get any and all wounds patched up, as well as see if they needed any help over there until she got an order from squad 2.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu stood amongst the rubble of destroyed buildings, he could sense that the hollows that came were gone, yet it did cost them a lot. It didn't take a genius to figure out that the Shinigami side lost a lot as well, and seeing as how their side hardly had many to begin with, this could be seen as a loss for both sides. Yu was lucky for the most part, he just had to stay out of reach and use his long range attacks, so he really wasn't hurt besides the occasional Cero's that blew him away, yet when you are hit directly with one, being blown away is like a fly buzzing around you. Yu made his way back to the Squad One barracks, and noticed the vast decrease of people from before. So even Squad One suffered some heavy losses. What was the purpose of this attack anyway? All the leader did was arrive then vanish. Yu thought to himself wondering if this situation could have went any better.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Well I wasn't trying to hide from you, Aokiji thought as the man walked away. Throughout the whole time, even with the hado 4 shooting at him, Aokiji stayed as calm as ever with emotionless eyes. He was going to follow and talk to the man, that was until he heard the sirens. Immediately the man was out of mind as he shunpo'ed towards the wall, eyeing the man in the cloak. Before he knew it, more Shinigami appeared and the man that fired the hado at him began fighting the cloaked man.

Guy works fast, guess I'll let him handle it, Aokiji thought as he shunpo'ed to the ground with a slamming arm, an explosion shooting into the air as many Hollow began dissolving. Some time later, Aokiji noticed two others arrived, one shooting balls of flame from his staff while the other sliced Hollows and made explosions throughout his sword using his Spirit Energy just as Aokiji did with his fist. He payed them mind only for a second before continuing fighting the Hollows in an area no one else were fighting at, despite that Captain wiping out nearly most of them. Squad two then arrived, which was good, the more people the faster the work went. After what seemed like forever, the two clashing above everyone stopped as the cloaked man escaped.

You win some, you lose some. Though he should have tried harder, Aokiji thought before shunpo'ing up into the air. He looked down at the scene, shit got wrecked, Shinigami got wrecked, atleast the Hollows got more wrecked. He took a breath, noticing there were a bit more Hollows left. It was an easy take out, after it was over Aokiji noticed even a Captain was worn out. That wasn't good, especially if another attack happened, a stronger one would tire them all.

Time to go train then, Aokiji thought despite being tired he shunpo'ed away.
Ayashi ran a hand through her hair as she looked down at the mess from the battle from above, she had got there a bit late due to training with the Captain and had helped take out the rest of the Hollow, but she had no idea what happened. Frowning, she scanned the area quickly and noticed someone familiar, Yu.

As he made his way back to Squad one, the squad she was accepted in not too long ago, she followed him. She silently walked behind him as he walked inside the barracks, once inside she ran up closer and grabbed his hand as if to stop him or pull him back, instead she kept walking beside holding his hand. She scanned him, he looked beat, actually, everyone who got back did. He looked like he overused his energy a bit too, causing a concerned look on her face. "Are you ok?" She asked softly, eyes staying on him as they walked, "What happened out there?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Yu continued walking oblivious to the fact Ayashi grabbed his hand, If anything he was wondering why it felt like he was touching something soft. It was only until she spoke up did he realize she was standing beside him holding his hand. He looked down at her, wondering when she got there, but also slightly glad to see that she was even alive at all. "Yeah, I fared better than most did." Yu said with a slightly sad tone. "I bet we all knew what happened out there, all we know is some crazy lunatic brought an army of Hollows, and proceeded to destroy what little we had." Yu replied to her question as he raised his arm that was holding her hand. "So how long have I been holding your hand for exactly?" Yu said with a smirk, although he really was curious as to how long he wasn't paying attention to anything around him.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"That sounds weird, maybe someone else out there knows why that guy attacked. No use dwelling on it when we know nothing, atleast you're ok~" She said with a small smile, then looked at their hands as he raised it, his hand way bigger than hers. For some reason that made her look down, her eyes trailed back up hoping he didn't catch what she was looking at despite her smirk and suggestive tone in what she said next, "If it's as long as I think it is....Has been, about seven seconds before you noticed~" She normally wasn't like this, but it was something about this guy. And his reactions from before amused her, especially when he ran away with a pink face, that made her giggle a little as her eyes stayed onto his.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"You are probably right. Someone engaged him, so maybe they know." Yu said lowering his arm not really caring that he was still holding her hand at this point. He saw her move her head down but quickly raise it back up, which made him look down himself a little confused, not noticing anything he raised his head curious as to why she keeps looking down at something. And her sudden change in tone only confused him further. And he wasn't sure why, but he could tell he was blushing for some reason. "Oh, well that explains the soft feeling then...I guess you got in to Squad One with you being in the barracks?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"If they do then they'll inform someone of it," Ayashi said, "Soft feeling, interesting," she whispered. She then nodded at his Squad One question, "Yeah, I took the test and got in. Once I left I heard the sirens and hurried to where everyone else was, so it wasn't long ago, hence why I kinda look terrible. Not as terrible as you though," she said jokingly as she smacked some dust from his shoulders. She then looked forward as they continued to walk, looking around, as her head turned her flowing hair brushed against him a couple of times. It reached below her buttocks, so that would have been to his legs somewhere.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu was curious as to what test she took, it couldn't have been the same as his. The head captain may have been powerful but getting more Hollows that quickly would be somewhat difficult even for him. "Well I looked much worse when I took his test, only cause I was locked up in a room with several things wanting to kill me." Yu mentioned when he felt something touch the back of his legs, which made him look behind him, then saw that her hair was what caused the feeling. He noticed that it was long enough to go past her bottom, his face then turned further red as he looked straight ahead hoping she didn't notice. Although he couldn't really hide the fact he pretty much just stared at her butt when he turned around and everything.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Several things trying to kill you? Well, I guess they weren't too hard if you survived right?" Ayashi said as her head turned once he looked down at her, though she saw from the corner of her eyes pretending not to see. Once he looked forward, Ayashi did, though purposely--making it seem accidentally--brushing her hair against him more as they walked. She wondered if he would catch on to that, he seemed smart, and she liked smart people. She then saw his face redden more, which made her think that he actually did look at her butt instead of just seeing what was brushing against him. That thought, along with her light teasing, caused her own face to become red. She stopped looking at Yu quickly and looked down trying to hide it.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu thought back to when he was pressed against a cero, which made him wonder how he did survive "Lucky to survive might be the better choice of words." Yu said trying to figure out the possibilities of surviving a head on cero. His concentration was cut off when he could feel her hair brushing against him again, which he knew for a fact that she most likely saw him look, was this her way of trying to catch him in the act by making him check again. Yet when she looked down this time not at him, he stopped and looked at her a little confused. "Are you okay? Your not badly injured are you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ayashi nodded as he answered but didn't dare look up at him, they walked for a bit more until he stopped, she could feel his eyes on her. Asking his question, "Are you okay? Your not badly injured are you?", she shook her head. Some hair falling into her face, she was a little thankful as it hid her face a bit more. She shook her head again, then spoke immediately afterwards to hide the fact that she shook her head to get more hair into her face, "Uhhh, no...No I'm not....Well, I'm not injured is what I mean! I'm ok otherwise, so....How are you feeling? You're the one who fought out there, not me, ya'know?" she spoke somewhat fast when she actually said a sentence, and kept her face down and hidden.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu watched her with a skeptical look as she answered and asked her own question yet kept her head down. "Yeah..... I'm fine, I didn't get hit that much. I used my wolves for the most part...." Yu said speaking much slower than she was speaking as he bent down trying to look at her face. "You sure you are okay? You have been looking at the ground for a bit now." Yu asked trying to see past all her hair which was blocking most of her face. Yet only caught glimpse of her Yellow eye. At this point he had forgotten all about his inner hollow with the attack that happened.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Oh? Have I? Must have....Gotten lost in thought," she said, but when he bent down to look at her it caused her to jump back. Still holding his hand, she lost her balance and fell, pulling him with her. The wind was knocked out of her as she landed with Yu falling on top of her, Yu falling on top of her, Yu on top of her.....Well, the hair from her face was gone as it fell on the floor behind her, a couple strands stuck to her cheek. That wasn't enough to hide her cherry red face, without letting him react she tried to squirm out from under him that resulted in her boobs pressing up against his cheek as she did. She then stopped completely when she began feeling it, and just laid there embarrassed with a red face.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu found himself being pulled down after her little surprised jump she did. A little stunned from the sudden fall he could feel her squirming, and before he could lift himself off her his cheek got smothered by what he could only assume to be her breast. Yet for some reason she stopped there, it took him a few seconds before he figured out why and got off her. Yu looked away from her his face red somewhat from embarrassment, and other feelings. He held his arm down towards her not looking at her as now he was trying to hide his face. "Sorry..... I didn't mean to..... startle you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When he got up, Ayashi got up immediately after and crossed her arms over her chest looking away with a red face. She wasn't sure what to think about what happened, especially the part where her breast touched his face, that made her bit her lip to try and stop blushing and the blush wasn't all from embarrassment. "Sorry..... I didn't mean to..... startle you." Yu said, in which Ayashi nodded despite the fact that they were standing opposite of each other, she replied, "Um, yeah....Don't worry about it, it's ok....It's ok, right?" she asked, which was referring to the breast to face incident.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu glanced at her from the side of his eye when she asked if it was okay, in a questioning tone. he wasn't certain why she would be asking if it was okay, she wasn't really at fault. "Yeah, although you really didn't do anything to be embarrassed about. Me however..... I should be glad you didn't instantly stab me." Yu said as his eyes started to trail down, before they shot right back up, trying not to look guilty. He did however notice her change in tones, from her earlier tone which was more along the lines of teasing him a bit... Yu's eyes then widened a bit when he finally realized what she looked down at earlier.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She gave a small laugh at his comment, and turned towards him. If it weren't for that awkward moment she would have said something stupid like 'Usually guys are the one who stabs me' but instead said, "I wouldn't stab you, Yu," that made her giggle a bit, she couldn't help it when it came to that name, "Everything's fine then." With that she hesitantly grabbed his hand again and began walking, kinda hoping no one had saw them. Especially not the Captain, she highly doubted it, but it was still something she didn't want to happen.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

After she giggled after saying she wouldn't stab him, he sighed wondering if this was the main reason his parents decided to name him Yu in the first place. "Well thats good, I doubt either of us are in the mood to stab anything anyway." When she grabbed his hand again, he really didn't question it after what had happened. Although after what did happened, he forgot why he came to the barracks in the first place but then again, she did seem like she was the one leading them. It didn't even make him think if anyone saw them, although with the attack Squad One barely had anybody left to begin with. So this practically ensured that Squad One had the fewest members out of every division.
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