Discord link: discord.gg/DqEG8C9q8T
Hi all,
This is an interest check for anyone who would be in into doing a criminal faction roleplay together using GTA IV as the setting. My intention for this is similar as the GTA atmosphere, not taking itself so serious and just having fun with it. The idea would be to use the existing gangs and criminal organizations as NPC factions for flavor and plots and we would have our own original organizations. The idea would to be use some set structures but I don't want to it to be too strict or complicated.
Michael, Trevor and Franklin will not be available in this roleplay and you cannot play as any other existing characters or organizations in the game. However you can interact with them as NPC characters in case you want.
Please see below for more details.

So you would have two different kinds of characters in your organization, essential and non-essential. They are pretty self explanatory but the thought behind it would be so that you can have a constant controlling part of your organization that would be consistent where you can make effort for character development without the risk of them being killed in a random drive by and need to be replaced. As this roleplay would reflect how most of us play GTA there will be a lot of action and shooting so for me it makes sense to have some core of the organization that will be persistent, like the main characters.
Then you would have the non essential personnel that can be more of less expendable. However you can always do your best to keep non essential people out of harms way of course.
Organization template:
Name: What is the name of your organization?
Type: What kind of type of organization do you have? ex. Mafia, Biker Club, Street Gang etc
Essential members: List essential members (max 3)
Non-essential members: List non-essential members (unlimited)

Essential members
You can make 3 essential members of your organization. These individuals will always be a core part of your organization and cannot be killed or taken out. You can change the essentials members as the story progresses if you would like. The essential members also do not have any cost of upkeep. Change of essential member needs to happen in one IC post which describes the change in some way.
Name: What is their name?
Age: What is their age?
Gender: What is their gender?
Role: What is their role in the organization?
Expertise: What is their expertise or specialization? Cannot be more than 3.
Other info: Any other info that is relevant to the individual.
Non-essential members
Can have 2 non essential members from the start, can hire more as the story goes on. In order to hire more members you need to make one IC post per individual you want to hire which reflect that you are taking a new person into the organization in some way. You can use the same template as for the essential members.
Each non essential member will have to be paid 500$ per week in passive expenses to reflect their salaries. This will add some economics to the roleplay where you will have to think to manage your organization to be profitable.
I will cover passive and active expenses/income further down.
Name: What is their name?
Age: What is their age?
Gender: What is their gender?
Role: What is their role in the organization?
Expertise: What is their expertise or specialization? Cannot be more than 3.
Other info: Any other info that is relevant to the individual.

Legal Properties
This is where you list all your legal properties, this doesn't mean that you cannot use illegal operations in these properties, but this shows what you own directly or indirectly and is controlled by your organization. For the start you can choose one property to use for free and can later purchase more of course. The initial property should be used as a initial central hub or headquarters for your organization.
For this roleplay we will use the following GTA V interactive map in order to find all available properties: gta-5-map.com
You can filter there for what you are looking for. In case you have any questions if you are allowed to use any specific property, please feel free to ask.
Legal property template:
Name: What is the name of the property?
Type: What kind of property/business?
Staff listing: Which members are working there?
In order to get profit from a property you need to have at least 1 organization member working there.
Purchase price for new property is always 50 000$.

This is where you will list all your operations. So all operations will be dependent on both properties and members of your organization. You can have both legal and illegal operations, but you will only be able to earn 50% from the legal operations as compared to the illegal operations. Breaking the law has risks, but also benefits. In order to fully utilize your operations you need properties where the operations can be performed but also manpower to handle the operations.
Example operations ideas: counterfeit, drug distribution, weed farm, drug lab, protection, extortion etc
Operations can by anything really, they can have whatever IC flavor you want but they all follow the overall rules for profit in order to keep simplicity.
There are 5 levels of operations which will increase the profit 1.5x per level. In order to increase the level of your operation you need to purchase additional property and manpower to fully staff the property. Operation property can be filled to up to 5 people (can be both essential and non-essential members) and then you can purchase a new business location in order to increase the level of the operation.
Base profit for business is 5000$ passive income, fully staffed business has boost in income by 2500$ per fully staffed property.
Operation level profit:
Level 1: 1x
Level 2: 2.5x
Level 3: 4x
Level 4: 5.5x
Level 5: 7x
Example: Operation with 5 fully staffed properties will have the following profit in passive income:
5000$ base profit
12,500$ bonus profit for 5 full properties connected to the property
Level 5 profit modifier 7x
Total passive income profit 122 500$ for the operation (this is the max profit you can have).
If the operation is legal then the total profit will only be 50%.

Passive income profit & active profit
Passive income is income that comes automatically. The upkeep cost/salaries for your members comes from the passive income. You can never have more members than what your passive income can accommodate. Passive income is counted every week last day of the week (Sunday). This means if you buy a property, you can only expand your members after the first passive income has occurred, i.e after the next Sunday.
Unused passive income and be claimed after every Sunday by one IC post reflecting it in some way. For example an IC post about collection of the profit or report of the profit etc.
Active income can be earned via IC posts and can be used to buy everything you want, but cannot cover member upkeep/salaries. You can make active income to sell things to any of the NPC organizations/groups or any player organization. You will always be able to interact to player organizations with 20% more profit from both sides than with NPC groups. You can also collaborate with one or more player organizations to be able to increase your active profit as per the following, the profit it total and it will be up to the player organizations to negotiate the price.
Level 1 active profit: 15 000$
Level 2 active profit: 50 000$ minimum two player's organizations collaboration
Level 3 active profit: 150 000$ minimum three player's organizations collaboration
You can only be a part of 1 active profit operation per calendar month in order to keep some progression. In order to be able to take part in an operation you need to have at least 3 members free that are not tied to any property.

Pricelist weapons
We will follow the GTA V Ammu-Nation pricelist that you can find here:
In case you have questions about the prices - please let me know.
Pricelist vehicles
We will follow the GTA V pricelist of vehicles that you can find here:
In case of questions or feedback ideas, please let me know. This will most likely be an developing structure in case we have enough people interested.
Thanks for your time and see you in Los Santos!
Hi all,
This is an interest check for anyone who would be in into doing a criminal faction roleplay together using GTA IV as the setting. My intention for this is similar as the GTA atmosphere, not taking itself so serious and just having fun with it. The idea would be to use the existing gangs and criminal organizations as NPC factions for flavor and plots and we would have our own original organizations. The idea would to be use some set structures but I don't want to it to be too strict or complicated.
Michael, Trevor and Franklin will not be available in this roleplay and you cannot play as any other existing characters or organizations in the game. However you can interact with them as NPC characters in case you want.
Please see below for more details.

So you would have two different kinds of characters in your organization, essential and non-essential. They are pretty self explanatory but the thought behind it would be so that you can have a constant controlling part of your organization that would be consistent where you can make effort for character development without the risk of them being killed in a random drive by and need to be replaced. As this roleplay would reflect how most of us play GTA there will be a lot of action and shooting so for me it makes sense to have some core of the organization that will be persistent, like the main characters.
Then you would have the non essential personnel that can be more of less expendable. However you can always do your best to keep non essential people out of harms way of course.
Organization template:
Name: What is the name of your organization?
Type: What kind of type of organization do you have? ex. Mafia, Biker Club, Street Gang etc
Essential members: List essential members (max 3)
Non-essential members: List non-essential members (unlimited)

Essential members
You can make 3 essential members of your organization. These individuals will always be a core part of your organization and cannot be killed or taken out. You can change the essentials members as the story progresses if you would like. The essential members also do not have any cost of upkeep. Change of essential member needs to happen in one IC post which describes the change in some way.
Name: What is their name?
Age: What is their age?
Gender: What is their gender?
Role: What is their role in the organization?
Expertise: What is their expertise or specialization? Cannot be more than 3.
Other info: Any other info that is relevant to the individual.
Non-essential members
Can have 2 non essential members from the start, can hire more as the story goes on. In order to hire more members you need to make one IC post per individual you want to hire which reflect that you are taking a new person into the organization in some way. You can use the same template as for the essential members.
Each non essential member will have to be paid 500$ per week in passive expenses to reflect their salaries. This will add some economics to the roleplay where you will have to think to manage your organization to be profitable.
I will cover passive and active expenses/income further down.
Name: What is their name?
Age: What is their age?
Gender: What is their gender?
Role: What is their role in the organization?
Expertise: What is their expertise or specialization? Cannot be more than 3.
Other info: Any other info that is relevant to the individual.

Legal Properties
This is where you list all your legal properties, this doesn't mean that you cannot use illegal operations in these properties, but this shows what you own directly or indirectly and is controlled by your organization. For the start you can choose one property to use for free and can later purchase more of course. The initial property should be used as a initial central hub or headquarters for your organization.
For this roleplay we will use the following GTA V interactive map in order to find all available properties: gta-5-map.com
You can filter there for what you are looking for. In case you have any questions if you are allowed to use any specific property, please feel free to ask.
Legal property template:
Name: What is the name of the property?
Type: What kind of property/business?
Staff listing: Which members are working there?
In order to get profit from a property you need to have at least 1 organization member working there.
Purchase price for new property is always 50 000$.

This is where you will list all your operations. So all operations will be dependent on both properties and members of your organization. You can have both legal and illegal operations, but you will only be able to earn 50% from the legal operations as compared to the illegal operations. Breaking the law has risks, but also benefits. In order to fully utilize your operations you need properties where the operations can be performed but also manpower to handle the operations.
Example operations ideas: counterfeit, drug distribution, weed farm, drug lab, protection, extortion etc
Operations can by anything really, they can have whatever IC flavor you want but they all follow the overall rules for profit in order to keep simplicity.
There are 5 levels of operations which will increase the profit 1.5x per level. In order to increase the level of your operation you need to purchase additional property and manpower to fully staff the property. Operation property can be filled to up to 5 people (can be both essential and non-essential members) and then you can purchase a new business location in order to increase the level of the operation.
Base profit for business is 5000$ passive income, fully staffed business has boost in income by 2500$ per fully staffed property.
Operation level profit:
Level 1: 1x
Level 2: 2.5x
Level 3: 4x
Level 4: 5.5x
Level 5: 7x
Example: Operation with 5 fully staffed properties will have the following profit in passive income:
5000$ base profit
12,500$ bonus profit for 5 full properties connected to the property
Level 5 profit modifier 7x
Total passive income profit 122 500$ for the operation (this is the max profit you can have).
If the operation is legal then the total profit will only be 50%.

Passive income profit & active profit
Passive income is income that comes automatically. The upkeep cost/salaries for your members comes from the passive income. You can never have more members than what your passive income can accommodate. Passive income is counted every week last day of the week (Sunday). This means if you buy a property, you can only expand your members after the first passive income has occurred, i.e after the next Sunday.
Unused passive income and be claimed after every Sunday by one IC post reflecting it in some way. For example an IC post about collection of the profit or report of the profit etc.
Active income can be earned via IC posts and can be used to buy everything you want, but cannot cover member upkeep/salaries. You can make active income to sell things to any of the NPC organizations/groups or any player organization. You will always be able to interact to player organizations with 20% more profit from both sides than with NPC groups. You can also collaborate with one or more player organizations to be able to increase your active profit as per the following, the profit it total and it will be up to the player organizations to negotiate the price.
Level 1 active profit: 15 000$
Level 2 active profit: 50 000$ minimum two player's organizations collaboration
Level 3 active profit: 150 000$ minimum three player's organizations collaboration
You can only be a part of 1 active profit operation per calendar month in order to keep some progression. In order to be able to take part in an operation you need to have at least 3 members free that are not tied to any property.

Pricelist weapons
We will follow the GTA V Ammu-Nation pricelist that you can find here:
In case you have questions about the prices - please let me know.
Pricelist vehicles
We will follow the GTA V pricelist of vehicles that you can find here:
In case of questions or feedback ideas, please let me know. This will most likely be an developing structure in case we have enough people interested.
Thanks for your time and see you in Los Santos!