We all know the stories, but what if one simple event... never happened?
Welcome to the world of Mobius Guardians. As already stated, we know the story of the Sonic Universe pretty well by now. Well, as the question poses... what if one event changes? Apparently... a lot changes.
Mobius Guardians is an AU that came to life starting from a simple concept. What if the disaster that wiped out the Echidna... never happened? What if Tikal had managed to convince her father to seek peace? If Perfect Chaos never went on their rampage?
From there... more what ifs began to arise and more and more pieces began to fall into place. This universe encompasses a plethora of ideas including Legacy Media, Fan Concepts, and new Original Characters in the story thus far.
So what does that mean for our favorite characters? Well, for the most part... they are fairly different. There's way too much to explain in just the interest check and it's often much easier to explain in the story itself, so we'll hold off on that. But, if enough interest drums up... I may go into detail with what is currently set in stone.
With all that out of the way, this is where we begin. A great deal has already happened, but the perfect point to open up the world to others and let their stories be told... is the arc of Forces. While we won't be jumping right into the war and all that entails, we'll be building up to it and soon after those events will kick off.
Interested? Pop your voice and your ideas down below and let's see if we can get the ball rolling. There's still many stories left to tell in the world of Mobius Guardians!
Since a few people have been interested in the events in this alternate universe, I figured I'd share a few of the events that have transpired prior to the events that would occur here. Team Sonic has their hand in most of all of these, so I'll only mention anything that isn't directly tied to them.
S3&K Arc - The legendary floating land mass known as Angel Island, home to the Echidna and Owl Clans, crashes into the ocean with the theft of the mythical artifact known as the Master Emerald. The two chosen guardians by each clan, Knuckles the Echidna and Longclaw the Owl, as well as Knuckles younger sister Onyx, set out to recover it.
SA1 Arc - With Angel Island still on the surface, the exiled Nocturnus Clan, now partnered with Dr. Robotnik, seek to unleash the ancient entity known as Chaos to take vengeance on their people for their clan's downfall, ultimately resulting in destruction of their own clan aside from one survivor under Robotnik's command, Shade.
SA2 Arc - With intel recovered from an undisclosed source, Robotnik raids a G.U.N. Facility and uncovers what he believes to be his Grandfather's greatest creation, discovering it to be a Mobian Clone of his cousin Maria who instructs him to gather the Chaos Emeralds and bring them back to Space Colony ARK. Joined by Shade and a less than trustworthy bat named Rouge, the group becomes targeted by an unknown assailant who is bent on stopping them at all costs.