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Chase Jackson

"D- do you want me to ask Master Kissimi if she can find Pira...?" Chase asked slowly, not sure if either of the olders would get mad at him for asking that. It seemed like Kissimi really didn't want to be contacted, of course, and Bane seemed stressed out as it was.

Pira Jackson and Kissimi

Kissimi slid off White's back and approached the small form. She could feel that it was Pira and was rather confused. She reached out a hand but Pira slapped it away. Only then did Kissimi realize Pira had been crying. She knelt, fumbling with her radio to contact Chase.

"I take it you two are aware that Pira's not at the ship?" She asked via radio, sarcasm dripping in her voice. She was irritated that Pira had left the ship, but more so at Chase and Bane for letting Pira leave.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane said “when she gets back if she isn’t here then Kissimi can see if she can find her. But I’ll go now and see if i can smell her” he laid megara back down and headed out, pulling his pistol out again and looking around. “Come on sweetheart where did you go…”

Then heard the call and Bane said softly “just about to call on that one. She needed some air. And I didn’t have a chance to see she left the ship totally. I’ve been taking care the Jedi. She’s in bad shape. Is she with you?” Then he saw the droids starting to search and he cursed. “You better hurry, the droids are here…I’ll stall if I have to but we need to get out here”
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Kissimi and Pira Jackson

"We're pretty far. Get the ship out of the port as soon as possible. We'll find you and dock with you," Kissimi responded, stroking Pira's head. The little girl was still crying quietly, so Kissimi would have to deal with that before going to her ship, the Andromeda, and meeting up with the others. But it was the best possible course of action, considering that there was no way she got back to the port in time. The Andromeda was landed in a scrapyard nearby, where Kissimi had paid off the workers not to scrap her ship in exchange for getting them extra pay- which she had done rather effectively with the Force.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane said “alright. I’ll send you our location as soon as we are out” he ran back inside and said “change in plans kid. We need to get out of the docks and in the air. You know how to fly?”
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Chase Jackson

Chase gave Bane a rather impolite look that will not be translated, then turned and called for the pilot to get them out of there, getting rather angry when the pilot first refused. The pilot gave in pretty quickly after that, not wanting to get in too much trouble with the child though his angry muttering could be heard over the engines as they took off.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane chuckled and said “hey give me a break, I didn’t know the pilot has stayed around” he moved to secure megara and muttered “hang on…just hang on you’ll be okay…” he moved to the front and stood by the pilot “okay we need to get out of here but ready for a quick landing.
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

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The pilot nodded. "Where are we headed?" He asked, guiding the ship through the already-closing bay doors and into the air. The port's turrets fired, but the pilot wasn't half bad and easily avoided getting shot down, even though the shields took a hit. "Great. Of course, I got the ship with crappy shields," He muttered.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane chuckled and said “you’re going great. Can you send a signal to the comm link here?” He held it out to him to hook up.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

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The pilot held up a hand for silence as a droid-like voice spoke over the ship's comms. "Republic ship. Identify yourself or be destroyed." The pilot frowned. Well, how am I supposed to do that when we're clearly Republic. They'll destroy us anyway. He thought for a moment then find a response to use. "We're just passing through. Sorry about the Republic codes, uh, we stole this from a Jedi," He lied, shaking his head when there was only silence for a long moment.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane looked around and said “get ready for a fast dive. There.” He pointed to a scrap yard “we can hide in there for now. Then I’ll go find the girls and get us off this rock”
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"Impressive. You're clear for flight," The droid confirmed after a few moments of suspenseful silence. Relief flew across the pilot's face. He manuvered to a point where he could watch the droid ships before standing and not glancing at Bane as he went to try and fix the shields. "Jackson! Keep your Republic friend entertained, will you?" The pilot called.

Chase Jackson

"Sure," Chase called back, though he didn't sound very sure; he sounded more distracted than interested in "entertaining his Republic friend," which he was sure meant Bane. He was laying on his bed, reading a book.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane walked back and said “this is going to be a long trip home…” he looked at chase then said “you better call the woman. Let her know where we landed”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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"She said not to contact her. She'd contact us, now let me read," Chase sighed. He was more interested in his book than any sort of conversation. The cover read A Young Boy's Guide to Trouble, which he seemed to be rather invested come to think of it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane stared and said “are you kidding me? Are you Jedi or a book worm! Your fellow Jedi is in pain and in a coma. Get off your butt and help me find something to help her or do I need to call the council myself to get you to take care of the mission?”
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

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Chase set the book down, leaving it splayed open to mark his page. He crossed his arms. "I can be both. Besides, it's not like anything is changing. I'd know if it was," He answered calmly, clearly trying not to smirk. "And go ahead, go to the Council if you want. Let them know you failed to protect Master Shade while you're at it."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane growled and his eyes glowed “you threatening me you little brat?” There were steps and megara stood there, panting “knock it off both of you. Bane wasn’t hired as my protection. I was his. His the right hand of the ambassador of his home world of Lupins…and his here to help get the holocron. Talk like that again and I’ll be handling the situation myself. You’re not in charge here. Not anymore. I am. Bane, I’ll be fine. I’m sore and I will have side effects but I was able to trigger a force coma to help my healing kick up.”

She looked at chase and said “you’re supposed to be my padawan? Act like it. Or that won’t happen. Bane is my friend. And a war hero. Respect. Learn it.” She flinched and tried to move to the chair close by
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Chase and Pira Jackson and Kissimi

Chase quieted surprisingly quickly, even though he still looked rather irritated. Yet he didn't speak. It wasn't worth getting in more trouble. Despite himself, he muttered "I should be Master Kissimi's," under his breath. Meanwhile, Kissimi had just arrived to dock and did so rather effectively. She had spent enough time in the air not to draw the attention of the droids, but that wouldn't last long. She appeared at the doorway, Pira by her side.
"Already being trouble, Chase? As expected," She shook her head in mock disappointment before acknowledging Megara. "Ah, you're awake. Good, good. We won't be able to land again until tomorrow, but I should be able to get us into a port away from the droids's reach." The information given was just general, and not really directed at anybody specific. Either way, it would be useful.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Megara nodded weakly and said “good…let’s get out of there then. No reason to wait now…” she flinched again and limped out of the room. Bane sighed and said “she’s not okay. I’m not sure how this is going to go…” he looked at Pira and said “hey little one. Maybe you can make sure she’s alright? She’s already bitten Chases head off…you might be able to calm her down?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The pilot had almost finished repairing the shields, but even he knew his poor repair job probably wouldn't last. The pilot was in no manner a mechanic, and that was always problematic. While he was working, he was also muttering. "Disrespectful kids... shouldn't have signed up for this... bloody dogs..." were only bits of his quiet rant. He was regretting his life choices, but there wasn't any way to undo his decisions now.

Pira and Chase Jackson, and Kissimi

Pira actually smiled a little, but she was giving Chase a death glare while he tried to hide from her in his book. She relaxed her gaze and nodded.

"Yeah. I can try. Maybe she'll have some interesting stories!" The little girl sounded hopeful. "If she's in the mood after Chase's actions. I really hate when he-" She quieted suddenly, realizing she was saying her thoughts under her breath, and would probably be reprimanded if anybody had heard, especially Kissimi- who hadn't appeared to hear her.

She loved stories, and they almost always made up for Chase's antics when she requested them. Then again, she was the well behaved sibling and Chase was the living dark side when it came to misbehaving. Besides, if stories didn't work, she had other tricks up her sleeve that she could use. She often had to play clean-up for Chase and had become a master of doing so.

"If that's okay with Master Kissimi, of course," Pira added, realizing that with two Master Jedi on the ship, this would be an interesting dynamic.

Meanwhile, Chase looked like he regretted his life. Why did she do that? I guess I have to deal with that now. I miss the Temple. They just let me be there and I didn't get yelled at unless I damaged something. And what's Pira's problem? She used to be so nice to me! He thought, trying to get back into reading his book until it was yanked out of his hand.

"Hey!" He whined, "That's mine!"

Kissimi had lifted her hand just slightly and the book tore itself from Chase's hands and flew into hers. "And this will be mine until you apologize and learn how to behave yourself. We'll discuss your behavior on a later date," She ignored Chase's whining, giving Pira a nod and watching the child scurry away before turning and returning to her own ship.

Of course, the white wolf sat where she had been standing, and stared fangs at Chase until he muttered a quiet apology- that he probably didn't mean- and turned away from Bane, kicking at the bed's sheets until he got under them. He curled up, trying not to think about Pira. Just two days ago, she was the clingy little girl who wouldn't leave his side unless he wanted her to do something, but now she was the complete opposite. Instead, she clung to Master Kissimi like a tick to a dog. He hated it.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane sighed and said “I’m not counting that one kid…” he walked out and found the pilot “can I help? I was a mechanic in another life…”

Megara was leaning on the wall in the next room, breathing hard. She sensed Pira and said “you okay little one? I’m sorry missed your name before…”
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