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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot looked up. "Yeah, please. We need parts we don't have, unfortunately." The pilot answered, turning his attention back to the task at hand.

Pira Jackson

Pira nodded, not minding that the Jedi didn't yet know her name. "Pira," She told the Jedi quietly, moving to stand nearby and watch Megara with a curious gaze. "The real question is: are you okay?" Her tone was kind, but carried a hint of worry, both for the Jedi and for her brother. As always. Pira Jackson playing cleanup crew for her brother's mess, She thought bitterly, though said bitterness wasn't displayed by her physically. She knew Chase always played games, but she also knew she always ended up taking the fall for it or cleaning up after it- or both half the time. After this, I'm done being his friend. I've seen how other kids treat their siblings. I can just ignore him.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane got down to look and said “I see let me look around ghe scrap yard. See what we can use”

Megara sighed and said “I’ll be okay…my body will take time to heal from the trauma I went thru…and I’m pushing my limits having to babysit…I’m sorry if being mad at your brother made things worse” she sat down and flinched. Her wrists were burned from the electric shocks. She tried to wrap them herself but her hands were shaking too much. “Dang it all…”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot sighed. "We can't reenter droid airspace until we have shields up, not with the other ship docked onto us."

Pira Jackson

Pira moved forward and took Megara's hands in her own, wrapping them gently. "Master Kissimi can keep an eye on us with Bane until you're fully healed. My brother is an imbecile and I don't know why he's even here. Truth is, I don't even know why both of us are here," She admitted quietly, not making eye contact as she spoke.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane nodded and said “let the other woman know that while I loon for parts to upgrade things” he started to look around and started digging.

Megara looked at er and said “what was your mission exactly? I’ve been out of the loop for a little bit…” she moved so the girl could see her burns better
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot sighed. "She already knows. She won't undock with us until the one kid is back on her ship though," He answered.

Pira Jackson

Pira shrugged, finishing up and stepping back. "Chase was sent for you. I was sent so Chase would go, but we didn't expect to meet Master Kissimi. Once we're back at the Temple, I'll probably go back to my studies," She replied, sitting down with her legs crossed on the floor. She looked up and reached out a hand as the white wolf passed the door. The wolf lifted its head then came and lay down, head across the girl's lap. Pira smiled and stroked the wolf. "I'm hoping not though."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane looked at him and said “which kid does she want?”

Maggie looked at her and said “wait…a padawan for me? They didn’t wait for my reply to that…” she sighed then said “he doesn’t want me. If she’s a Jedi and I can confirm that…make sure she is who she says who she is…he can be hers if she wants a padawan. And…I’ll take you on if you want”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Dunno. Ask her, not me." The pilot grumbled as the wires in his hand sparked and he had to drop them.

Pira Jackson

Something crossed Pira's face that was almost unreadable. Something between a mix of hope and sadness. She studied the wolf's head, debating what to say. Eventually, she went with an answer that left it up to the two Jedi Masters. "You'd have to talk to Master Kissimi about that." She was torn between wanting to stay with Kissimi and the wolves or getting better training with somebody more experienced. The wolf nuzzled her hand and licked the girl's face, picking up on her indecision.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane was digging in the pile and moved back with some things to help with repairs. “Try these”

Megara am frowned and said “sure…I’ll talk with her…@ she was getting a really bad feeling from all of this.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot looked up and took a few parts, nodding his thanks and doing his best to finish the job so they could land.

Pira Jackson and Kissimi

Pira didn't share that bad feeling. Probably because she was a child. She trusted Kissimi and liked spending time in the company of the wolves. Speaking of the wolves, the white wolf lifted her head suddenly and looked toward the door. Pira followed the wolf's gaze to where Kissimi was standing.

"Pira. We should get back to my ship and find a spot to land," Kissimi spoke firmly, but not harshly.

Pira nodded and the wolf stood, padding over to its master and nuzzling her hand. Pira nodded to Megara then trailed after Kissimi, silent. This will be interesting. I wouldn't mind if either one of them trained me, honestly, but I kind of want Master Kissimi to train me. I don't know what I should do!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane went back to looking at the scrap for more things to help.

Megara looked at the woman and said “why are they so trusting of you? They met you this morning. They both want you for a master…ar e you even able to take them?”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago


Kissimi sent Pira and the white wolf ahead and leaned against the doorframe. "I'm not sure it's me they trust," She sighed, "It's more likely they trust the wolves. As for whether I take them, well, I can even though I'd rather not. Then again, I'm not sure the Council didn't just send them so they could get them off-world." Her words carried a slight bitterness toward the Council, having been away from contacting them for years. She was pretty sure they didn't even know Mace Windu was dead. She was careful to word her theory as simply that- as a theory- but she guessed it was probably true. She wasn't ready for a Padawan and wanted one much less. The wolves were her companions, not a child.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Megara frowned and said “I need to see the mission the kids have. Something about this makes no sense. That boy isn’t ready to be a padawan. Too much anger in him. No master could train him yet. And sending the sister as well…something is more wrong”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot was almost finished.


She leaned her head against the frame, closing her eyes. "Look. I haven't spoken to the Council in months, and the kids aren't being very open about their mission. I probably know less than you do on that front. Now if you don't mind, we're wasting fuel. We can figure this out at a later date." She kept her voice even and calm, but she was getting a tiny bit agitated. She knew she wouldn't have enough fuel in her ship to stay in the air much longer, and the Republic ship would have less than she did. It was a matter of logistics. Fuel isn't easy to find as is, and I already need to trade for a second port for the Republic ship. I'm lucky Andromeda doesn't look Republic, or I wouldn't get a single spot. They're hostile towards me even then, just knowing I can use the Force. It'd be better if the others just got off Lothal as soon as possible. Better for me, for them, for everybody.

"I suggest you use this ship's comm system to contact the Council. If you do, let them know Mace Window is dead, will you?" With that, Kissimi moved around the door and began the very short walk to her own ship, letting the airlock slide shut behind her.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane came back with the rest of the scraps and said “what can I do now to help?”

Megara blinked and said “wait what?” Then she cursed and moved to the comm computers and started her reaching out
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Can you make sure everybody is where they're-" He was cut off by the sudden rocking of the ship as the Andromeda separated from the Republic shuttle. He braced against it, muttered an insult that was meant for Kissimi though she wasn't there, and stood. "That should hold," He noted, forgetting Bane was there as he turned and hurried to the cockpit.

Kissimi and Pira Jackson

Kissimi slid into the seat, strapping in and indicating for Pira to do the same. The two spoke in hushed voices, even though they were almost completely alone. The wolves didn't count to either of them. Both were thinking different things, and the conversation was rather slow, not going anywhere really.

"Identify yourself."

"Casey Rivers, captain of the Andromeda. Merchant." Kissimi answered, using her regular code name and profession. She'd done this too often to mess up.

"Ah. Greetings again, Rivers. Permission granted."

"Thanks," She clicked through the comm system for the right channel and manuvered the ship to a point where she could get in contact with the scrap yard, which probably had a place for her to land. "Graveyard Scrap, this is Casey Rivers. Do you copy?"

"Copy, Rivers. Coming in for a landing?"

"Can I bring friends? I have a lightsaber I can give you if you let me."
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane cursed and ran after him saying “warning would have been nice!” He got inside with the pilot and shut the doors.

Megara was trying to reach the council but the signal was too weak. She cursed and hit the wall by her, clearly stressed out by all of this. She looked around and said “I need to boost the signal…”
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot sighed. "Well, I didn't even get a warning so stop whining!" He patched the ship's cockpit comms system into Kissimi's so he could listen into the conversation.

Chase Jackson

Chase had simply remained silent and still, listening to everybody else. He knew a bit about technology from being sent to pretty much harass the mechanics at the Temple. He debated going and offering Megara his help but decided not to do so. If she was mad at him, better to leave her alone.


"Fine. Bring it in, Andromeda."

Kissimi smiled, victorious. She sighed, clicking off the comms and beginning the descent.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane chuckled and said “I meant her moving her ship. Not you”

Megara got up and limped to the supplies and caught her foot on a board and fell, hitting the floor hard and crying out. She cursed and said “this is really not my day…” she was mad at herself not the boy.

Hidden 1 yr ago Post by 4323O2
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4323O2 Your device ran into a problem and has to restart

Member Seen 3 days ago

The pilot scowled. "I wasn't talking to you, Bane. I'd say your name if I was," He grumbled, flicking a few switches and following Kissimi into a decent.

Chase Jackson

Chase eventually stood and began wandering around the ship, coming upon Megara. He stood there, debating whether to help or not. It's really a matter of do I care or not. She's already over dramatic, But at that point, he gave up and offered her a hand. "You really should be resting, Master," His voice carried none of the anger it had when he had last spoken. It had been an outburst, and it was over now.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Bane nodded and said “gotcha…it’s been a bad day…”

Megara sighed and took his hand and got up “thank you…my mood is soured by my pain…I need to boost the signal to the council and I keep tripping…” she moved to sit on the floor and said “are you good with tech? I could your help…my hands are making this a lot harder to fix…”
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