Crystal Frost

Age: 15.
Birthday: September 26th.
Height: 5ft¾.
Body Type:Athletic/ lightly toned.
Eyes: light blue.
Hair: White.
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers.
Orientation: Heterosexual.
Musical Theme
Something about Crystal stands out and not in the way that has her feeling popular with others or makes her unique. Crystal just seems like she doesn't really belong anywhere while simultaneously planting her foot firmly and saying otherwise. She isn't the type to beat around the bush - if she sees an opportunity, she's going to seize it. It'll probably be by the receiving end of her powers, but, hey, at least she got what she came for.
Crystal has an outsider air to her, she feels this is why people don't like her, or at least, don't like being near her. She's got a distinct bubble around her, like if she went through a crowd in the cafeteria, they wouldn't think twice before parting and acting as if she hadn't just stomped her way through them, of course, that's not to say she would. Crystal's not rude, nor does she ever see herself as intimidating - but it proves as a great example of how people seem to distance themselves from her or vice versa. Honestly, if that's how the world perceives her, that's fine by her.
That being said, however, Crystal is definitely not the type of person you come to looking for answers. Regardless of whether or not she has them, chances are, she's not the type of individual to just give them away. The girl can be honest and forthcoming, but that doesn't mean she's willing to hand everyone a cheat sheet to 'Who The hell is Crystal Frost?' Her nature not to trust people and to stick to her guns has left her with little regrets - things she knows she could have prevented though.
Regrets, however, tend to be something Crystal has deeply set on her shoulders. Her pre killer frost personality is still in there some where. It's also why people consider her brave, just because she's willing to not give a dam about her wellbeing, that paints a vivid picture of some kind of heroine or does it? She'll go down with a fight, but the thing is, she's willing to start that fight in the first place.
Powers & Abilities
Thermokinetic Cryokinesis: Crystal has the ability to generate extreme temperatures of cold from her body. By absorbing heat from external sources, she can freeze molecules of moisture that hang in the air, creating a variety of effects. Primarily this is used to freeze others in place or to create a sheen of ice over an intended target. Using these powers, Crystal can also create an ice-sheen across her entire body that grants her increased durability, cause intense blizzards that can freeze targets and objects, generate objects composed completely of ice, such as projectiles in the form of ice shards or ice daggers and defensive walls or shields. She often uses hand gestures while doing this to make it appear as if she can project ice directly from her fingertips. This is not necessary however, and is done mostly for theatrical effect.
Minor Heat-Resistance: Contrary to others who share her power set, heat does little damage to Crystal. In fact, heat is essential to her continued existence. Attacking Crystal with a heat based-weapon only serves to strengthen her.
Talents & Skills
Crystal has basic skills in melee combat which she could use in conjunction with their powers as well as impressive agility from time spent with her montor. Crystal has learned to speak basic Norwegian.
Crystal Frost was originally born in New Orleans, Louisiana. She is the only child of the family, where her mother and father had met via a mutual friend. Crystal would spend the early years of her life Initially being looked after by some various babysitters. her parents were scientists that were often doing long shifts or abnormal hours. Her life was okay, the young girl was always running around like young kids do her age, but it took time for her to adjust and make friends, Crystal suffered with Asthma at a young age.
Despite all this, Crystal had a pretty normal upbringing with a pair of hard working but very loving parents, she did pretty well in her education and performed well in sports where she could as she was quite the active type, refusing to let her Asthma hold her back. she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers she was weary of and bullies at a safe distance. As time went on, the young girl would go on to be enrolled into the girl scouts for a while. It was not long before her teenage years that the first evidence of Crystal's Asthma had finally subsided and was gone, of course this was good news as the teen was able to fully go out there and begin pushing herself and not get held back by it any longer.
However, this is where Crystal's life would take a drastic turn, a series of events that have made her who she is today. Several times when she could Crystal would visit her parents at the lab they were working in, her parents actually embraced the idea really well, hoping their daughter would take an interests in their work and maybe become a scientist like them. In all honesty though, Crystal was just happy to spend some quality time with her family and listen to their conversations, even if she didn’t understand the majority of it. This particular facility had a thermafrost chamber unit built inside it, researching placing biological organisms into a state of suspended animation.
Sadly, on this one particular day, Crystal was wondering the facility, having a look around, but keep out of the way of course. There was some sort of problem however. It is believed some sort of lab incident occurred that breached the thermafrost unit, the young teen was not massively far from the location at the time. Internally the facility quickly was hit with intense waves of cold air with extremes well below the sub-zero spectrum. Fortunately, lockdown protocols enabled to keep the incident contained within the facility. By time any help arrived, everyone was found to be dead within the facility. However, they would find an unexpected discovery the deeper they explored.
Crystal was found deeper in the facility but in a vastly different state to anything else they had seen so far. She was found to be encased in a cocoon of ice, scientists who investigated this theorized that the sub-zero temperature had permanently altered her body’s chemistry in some way but needed to run more tests before they could be sure. But a few weeks later Crystal broke free and was discovered to be a metahuman with ice-based powers when she initially attacked the scientists through shock and fear before being persuaded to stop. The horror didn’t stop there as the teen came to learn she was the sole survivor and the realization she had lost her parents.
During this time however, she discovered the media found out about the incident and believed that she was the cause of the whole thing and branded her the name of ‘Killer Frost’. Crystal accepted the name however, as horrible as it was to hear the things in the media said after just losing her parents, even to this day she does not know the truth of what really happened on that particular day and fears if she did really cause it. Higher ups in the government were trying to decide what to do with Crystal until a solution presented itself, one that would no doubt have a positive effect on Frost.
Tora Olafsdotter, a member of the justice league international, stepped in to offer a solution that would ultimately be better for Crystal instead of incarceration. Tora offered to take Crystal in and be a mentor, given that there two abilities were similar in nature. She felt she could be uniquely qualified to help the teen, to avoid Crystal falling through the cracks of the system and use her powers for good instead. After much deliberation, Tora got her wish and was accepted full responsibility of mentoring Frost and thus during the time of caring and mentoring the teen, Tora took to a JSA reserve role.