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The doctor is very busy. He sometimes misunderstands.” The droid told her, kind of just standing there uselessly. It didn’t want to disobey orders, but a sleep aid might just help keep her there, even if the doctor was mixing it up with something else in his head, after all, he was a very busy man.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megara nodded and said “if it helps, why don’t you check orders with your boss and see if that will be okay. I swear I won’t move. I’ve done what I needed to…”

Bane was waiting outside the ship, waiting to talk to kissimi.
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The droid hesitated then nodded. That was good enough for it. It went off to a corner by a desk to do so but didn't exactly expect an answer.

Kissimi Cresis

The conversation with Skywalker hadn't taken very long, and by the time Skywalker left, Kissimi was on edge. She couldn't read him like she could many others and it bothered her. The white wolf had sat by her side the entire time, while the brown wolf was nowhere to be seen.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Megara sighed and leaned back on the bed; holding her head.

Bane walked in after he smelled the Jedi gone and he poked his head in “Kissimi? You alright? Is this a good time to talk freely?”
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Kissimi Cresis

Kissimi sighed, putting her hand on the white wolf's head but the wolf quickly walked away and sat a few feet to her left. "I'm fine. It's just fine. What do you need?" She responded as calmly as possible. The brown wolf regarded Bane with an odd look before padding into the ship himself and sitting beside his sister, who regarded him with apathy. She knew what her brother had done, and had no intentions of taking action to repay any debts she might owe. Nope, that was her human's job. Kissimi noticed this and cracked a smile. Just like her mother, She thought.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane walked up and looked around to make sure they were alone and asked softly “I wanted to hear your side of what the lad found…if you are willing to tell me? Megara has faith in you…so I wanted to be opened minded about this…”
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Kissimi Cresis

Thought so, Kissimi thought, turning to face Bane. She seemed exhausted but she was functioning- sort of. She sighed. "Master Windu and I were sent to Lothal to hunt down an alleged Sith lord, the Council having gotten wind of the legends the people of Lothal tell. They kept it quiet; forgot about us for six months." There was a slight bitterness in her voice that cleared quickly as she paused for a second. "We were close until he was killed. The Sith contacted me, so I played along. I was almost close enough to bring others into the mission. It could have ended the fight in this system if I had been able [there was a slight hint of accusation in the word able, as if she put Bane and Megara to fault for this] to finish what we had started. The boy doesn't see it the way it really is." It was mostly the truth, but something could be off about her response. It was the same thing she'd told Skywalker, and it would only buy her some time before the Council filled in the gaps and corrected any lies she'd told. But it was what she'd convinced herself she was doing for the last six months.

Something beeped from inside the cockpit; she was receiving a transmission. "Now if you don't mind, we can discuss this later if we must further the conversation." With that, she turned away from him and let the cockpit door shut behind her. Both wolves watched Bane, prepared to make a move if they needed to. Both of them hated Bane just as much as Kissimi secretly did, but only White was willing to show it; she growled at him softly for a split second before her brother silenced her with a snap.

Chase and Pira Jackson

Chase had hunted Pira down and was trying to talk to her. But she was ignoring him like she wanted to make a point.

"Look, Pira, I'm sorry for whatever I-"

"Whatever you. It's not about you, Chase. I'm allowed to not feel like talking to you. Leave me alone, Chase. Go hang out with your precious Master-" Pira rounded on him, her voice loud in the mostly empty hallway. She stopped short, knowing that bringing Master Shade into this was ten times too far, even for her.

"Leave Master Shade out of this!"

"Why? We were fine before we left the Temple!"

"You're right. This isn't you, Pira."

"And it isn't you, Chase! You never would have stuck your nose in what wasn't yours!" He'd done just that more times than Pira knew about. Most of the time though, what he found wasn't highly incriminating evidence against an insider.

"This is about her now?" Of course it was about Kissimi. I never should have told her the truth, even if she would be mad at me. It's not really worth it, is it? He was starting to have serious second thoughts about his choices, but he couldn't exactly go back now.

"It's about you!" Sort of. You know I love you, Chase- you're my brother- but sometimes you really do drive me crazy, Pira thought, keeping the words unspoken; saying those words probably would have eased her torrential downpour of anger and stress being taken out on her brother.

"How? You're the one being selfish!"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane held up a hand and said “relax. Not sure why you all hate me so much…I don’t care what she is. Sith or Jedi. Or just a force user. She saved megara so she’s good in my book. My kind aren’t a good or evil believing race. We believe in protecting your own and being loyal to your pack. And she is to her pack which is you two and she even protected those cubs when she didn’t have to. And saved Megara when she didn’t have to. I just want to clear the air so I can protect my Jedi partner. That’s my mission right now. Everything else I don’t care. So as long as those cubs are safe and so is Master shade, that’s all I care about. If she needs help you can’t give, come find me. Even if it’s to get her off the ship safely…I’ll do it” he walked away, rubbing his neck.

Bane walked till he heard the kids fighting and sighed and leaned on the wall outside, waiting to hear how it would end.
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Chase and Pira Jackson

"How am I being selfish?" She knew she was being petty at the very least. But she didn't really know how to react. She was mad at Chase for going into Kissimi's things and blamed him for Kissimi keeping her at a distance. The brown wolf really was a troublesome informant, Pira realized.

"The second you knew I was becoming a Padawan and you weren't, you got jealous." Chase stomped his foot, throwing a small tantrum at his sister.

"You only became a Padawan because you cheated off me!" Well, that accusation was true at least.

"Not true! You cheated off me!" Even Chase knew his words were total lies. Pira would never cheat even to save her own life. No, she was too perfect for that.

"Then where was Master Skywalker born? Where is the clone army's main factory? Where is Master Yoda from?" Pira's challenge would go met with Chase's lack of knowledge, considering he had studied but remembered very little. Pira was relying on this knowledge now to manipulate her brother.

"Tatooine. Classified. Dagobah?" He had no idea where Master Yoda was from, but he didn't know nobody actually knew that information. He would have been better off admitting he had no idea.

"Nobody knows where Master Yoda is from. Kamino, actually. Yes, Tatooine. Congratulations, you're an idiot." Pira knew she was being cruel, and that telling Chase about Kamino would probably get her in trouble, but she didn't care. People should have been more careful about what they said around her at the Temple.

"You're right. Sorry, Pira..." Chase muttered. He wasn't really sorry, but he would do anything to end this. He knew Pira would play nice in public, but when she thought they were alone, her anger was almost worse than getting scolded by a Jedi Knight or the Council themselves.

"I know," Pira's voice softened suddenly as she turned away from him. "Don't hide things from me next time. This fighting you cause is petty," She added, walking away and leaving Chase standing there, stunned.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane blocked the doorway, his eyes glowing in anger as the loked at the pair. “You both need to say sorry. You’re both acting like small minded life forms. You both need to grow up and get over the facts. Pira. You aren’t a padawan because you’re not of age. It’s not safe to send one not of age out into this war. Chase, you don’t have to know everything. But both of you have to understand that neither of you have all the answers and you have no idea what’s at stake here. No idea. You’ve never been in a battle or war zone. So knock this crap off right now or so help me I’ll get you both send back to the temple for good. And Kissimi? Leave her alone. She has enough crap right now. She’s not your nanny. She’s a Jedi who lost her teacher and has been on her own. She doesn’t need to deal with your sibling fights or mess. Doesn’t matter how much you know. Knowledge isn’t everything. Sense in the field and thinking of your next steps is more important.”

He moved into the room and shut the door; both kids still in front of him. “Knowing where a master Jedi was from won’t stop a sith from putting a saber in your chest. Or stop a blaster bolt from killing your best friend. If I hear you two fighting like this again…you will not like the out come. Am I understood?”

Bane was sick of the fighting where it didn’t help anything. Megara was hurt, Kissimi was just trying to figure out her life. And a war was going on. This fighting didn’t help anyone.

“Pira. Chase. I mean it. Get over yourselves or so help me…I’ll tell the masters of this and let them decide if you’re even mature enough to be Jedi” he hit the door open and walked out, fuming. He wanted out of here. He just wanted megara to heal so they could get the holocron to the council and they could move on from this nightmare. He was done dealing with wolves who hated him and kids who had no business being outside of a temple. He ended up sitting outside the medical wing sitting in the hallway, knowing his anger would keep megara from sleeping in peace.
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Chase and Pira Jackson

The two exchanged a look once Bane was gone, then shrugged, and went different ways. They were both used to fighting. They both knew Bane was right. Yet they'd made their peace. Pira soon found herself in the library, while Chase was content with wandering and learning the layout of the ship.

The brown wolf, who did not share the same feelings as his sister, had followed to make sure everything was alright. Now he followed Bane, silent. His tail was between his legs and his ears lowered slightly. He felt for Bane, sharing the same feeling when White was out of commission. He kept his distance, being a rather polite wolf- much unlike his sister.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane was rubbing his eyes, trying to calm down. “Breath you moron…you get too ticked off and you’ll shift and that’s really not going to help…they are kids…they will learn…and the young lady will figure things out…she’s strong…just needs to know she’s not alone…megara will heal…it will be okay…”

He looked at his hands and saw they were still shaking. “Dang it all…”
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The brown wolf approached Bane slowly and lay his head on Bane's shoulder, offering what comfort he could. He knew everything would work out in the end. The kids would figure themselves out and his human always had survived on her own for as long as he'd known her. All that mattered was keeping calm and helping out where they could.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane glanced at the wolf and smiled softly at him. “Thanks…been working too hard…worrying so much. How is your sister? Is she okay?”
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The wolf nosed Bane's face, a small show of affection. He then pulled back and nodded, half understanding Bane's words.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane nodded and said “good…I hope you know that I call you and your sister pack siblings out of respect…it’s a thing my people do…that those who show loyalty are pack. And you both are so loyal to Kissimi…I admire it”
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The wolf seemed to shrug before laying down, head on Bane's lap as he lay in a semi-protective manner against the door. He didn't really care for customs or anything, but he would let Bane do as Bane did- even if it annoyed him a little. He made a mental note to tell his sister later so she'd back off.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Bane nodded and said “thank you for understanding. I’ll try not to do it so much. I see how it upsets your sister…”
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The wolf made a sound that was almost a cross between amusement and annoyance. Sometimes I wish words worked, The wolf thought, closing his eyes.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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MegaraFoxfire The Shadow of Heros

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Bane leaned back against the wall, and after a few minutes he started to doze off. He had been up for days and his worry and anger before was enough to make him feel tired enough
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