In a time long past, the world was a place of wonder and magic, ruled by powerful sorcerous lords whose arrogance knew no bounds. Their unchecked hubris led to the Manaburn, a cataclysmic event that shattered the very fabric of reality. The skies now crackle with dark energies, and the land is a twisted shadow of its former self. Man and beast alike are transmuted into grotesque horrors, monstrosities that roam the wilderness, threatening the fragile remnants of human civilization.
Scattered across the perilous landscape are small holds, pockets of human resilience clinging to life amid the ruins. Each day is a relentless struggle against the treacherous nature of the world, a fight for survival against overwhelming odds. Yet, amidst the chaos and despair, a single beacon of hope endures: the Hexward.
The Hexward is an order of knights, forged in the fires of adversity and bound by a strict code of honor. These warriors and scholars are the last line of defense against the encroaching darkness. From their formidable stronghold, the castle of Aldholt, they wage a relentless war against the twisted abominations and rogue magics that threaten humanity.
Players will take their place among these hardened defenders, tasked with the sacred duty of reclaiming the world from the abyss. As Hexward knights, they will confront horrors both monstrous and human, venturing into the heart of the cursed lands to tame the forces of magic and eradicate all threats to civilization. In this bleak and unforgiving world, their courage and resolve will be tested at every turn, but the survival of mankind depends on their unyielding determination.
Welcome to a world where magic has become a curse, and only the bravest can hope to restore what was lost. Welcome to the realm of the Hexward.
Each squad in the Hexward is comprised of four knights, each with a specific role and purpose. There are four different classes of knights in the Hexward: Knight Combatants, Knight Scholars, Knight Sentinels and Knight Heralds.
In the bleak aftermath of the Manaburn, where chaos reigns and monstrosities roam unchecked, the Knight Combatants of the Hexward stand as living titans. Clad in the legendary Aegis armors, these juggernauts of steel are more than mere men; they are walking fortresses, augmented by powerful enchantments that grant them superhuman strength and agility. Without these mystical enhancements, the weight of the Aegis would be unbearable, but with them, the Knight Combatants move with the grace of warriors and the power of giants.
In their hands, they wield the infamous Firebrands—colossal two-handed swords that resemble sharpened slabs of metal more than traditional weapons. These massive blades, impossibly heavy and enchanted to ignite upon striking an abomination, are symbols of the Hexward's indomitable spirit. Each swing is a blaze of purifying fire, a burning promise to cleanse the world of the twisted horrors birthed by the Manaburn.
Knight Combatants are the spearhead of any Hexward mission, the first to charge into battle and the last to leave the field. Their presence alone can turn the tide of a desperate skirmish, their Firebrands carving a path through the darkness. They are the embodiment of raw power and unyielding resolve, the iron wall against which the horrors of the cursed wilds break and falter.
Each Knight Combatant has undergone grueling trials, both physical and mystical, to earn their place within the Aegis. They have been tempered in the fires of combat, their bodies and spirits honed to withstand the most harrowing of conditions. They bear the scars of countless battles, each mark a testament to their unbreakable will and their unwavering duty to protect humanity.
In a world shattered and remade by arcane catastrophe, the Knight Combatants of the Hexward are the guardians of hope, the living bulwark against the nightmarish forces that seek to consume what remains. They are the roaring inferno in the heart of the storm, the champions who will stop at nothing to reclaim their world.
In the shattered remnants of a world once dominated by arcane wonders, the Knight Scholars of the Hexward are the torchbearers of forbidden knowledge and ancient secrets. These loremasters delve into the enigmatic depths of the Mana, seeking to understand and harness its power while adhering to a strict code that forbids them from channeling the dark energies directly. Instead, they wield a vast array of enchanted items and alchemical gadgets, their minds as sharp and deadly as any blade.
The Knight Scholars are the intellectual might of the Hexward, dedicated to unlocking the mysteries of the Manaburn and finding ways to use magic to humanity's advantage without succumbing to its corrupting influence. In their secluded libraries and laboratories, they pore over crumbling tomes and arcane manuscripts, their fingers stained with the residue of alchemical experiments. Their work is meticulous and often perilous, for even the slightest miscalculation can lead to catastrophic results.
Among their arsenal are wands that can channel bursts of elemental fury, potions that can heal or harm, and other specialized enchanted items crafted with precision and care. These tools are the result of years of relentless study and experimentation, each one a testament to the Knight Scholar's mastery over the arcane arts. In the heat of battle, they are the strategists and tacticians, using their knowledge to turn the tide and support their comrades with potent magical effects.
The path of the Knight Scholar is one of constant vigilance and discipline. They walk a razor's edge, ever aware of the seductive lure of dark power that led to the world's downfall. Their code is both a shield and a burden, a reminder of the terrible price of arrogance and the sacred duty they bear to prevent history from repeating itself. Through their wisdom and restraint, they aim to harness the Mana not as a weapon of destruction, but as a force for healing and protection.
In the grim expanse of a post-apocalyptic world, the Knight Scholars stand as beacons of enlightenment. Their quest for knowledge and their unyielding commitment to the Hexward's principles make them invaluable in the fight against the twisted horrors that plague the land. They are the seekers of truth, the bearers of light in the darkness, and the architects of a future where magic serves mankind once more, rather than destroying it.
The Knight Scholars are the quiet strength of the Hexward, their brilliance illuminating the path forward in a world consumed by shadows. They are the minds that shape destiny, forging hope from the ashes of the past.
Amidst the ruins of a world torn asunder by the Manaburn, the Knight Sentinels of the Hexward are the silent watchers and vigilant rangers, masters of the wilds where darkness festers and dangers lurk. These skilled scouts and trackers are the eyes and ears of humanity's last bastions, tasked with navigating the cursed landscapes and ensuring the tenuous survival of the scattered holds.
The Knight Sentinels are unparalleled in their mastery of stealth and bushcraft. Their knowledge of the land is encyclopedic, from the safest paths to the hidden dangers that could spell doom for the unprepared. Clad in armor designed for agility and silence, they move like shadows through the wilderness, their presence known only when they choose to reveal themselves. In a world where twisted abominations and ruthless brigands roam free, the Sentinels are the unseen guardians, ever watchful and ready to strike.
Equipped with an array of tools tailored for survival and combat in the wild, Knight Sentinels wield bows of exceptional craftsmanship, their arrows striking true from the darkest cover. Their proficiency with traps and snares can turn the terrain itself into a weapon, ensnaring and disabling foes before they even realize the danger. Every Sentinel carries a survival kit filled with essential supplies and enchanted items, ensuring they can endure even the harshest conditions.
The Sentinels' role extends beyond mere survival; they are the lifeline of communication and support between the isolated pockets of human civilization. They brave the treacherous roads and overgrown trails, keeping the lines of trade and information open. In times of crisis, a Sentinel’s knowledge of the terrain and the threats it harbors can mean the difference between life and death for those they protect.
Knight Sentinels embody resilience and adaptability. Their training is as grueling as it is comprehensive, forging them into consummate survivalists and deadly combatants. They learn to read the signs of the land, to anticipate the movements of both beast and man, and to strike with lethal precision. Their senses are honed to a razor’s edge, allowing them to detect even the faintest hint of danger long before it becomes a threat.
In the desolate expanses of a post-apocalyptic world, the Knight Sentinels are the guardians of the wilderness and the protectors of the pathways that connect humanity's remnants. They are the silent predators that keep the night at bay, the scouts who ensure safe passage, and the rangers who fight to preserve the flickering flame of civilization.
The Knight Sentinels are the unsung heroes of the Hexward, their vigilance and courage safeguarding the fragile threads of human survival. They are the wardens of the wild, the watchful protectors who stand between humanity and the encroaching darkness.
In the shattered realm where humanity clings to survival, the Knight Heralds of the Hexward are the living embodiment of order and hope, the harbingers of the Hexward’s will and the unyielding enforcers of its code. These knights are more than warriors; they are leaders, diplomats, and judges, bearing the weight of humanity’s future on their armored shoulders.
Knight Heralds are the keepers of lore and customs, their minds as sharp as their blades. Trained in the ancient tenets and arts of leadership, they are the guiding lights for their comrades and the scattered holds they protect. Their deep understanding of the fractured societies that dot the cursed landscape allows them to navigate the complex web of alliances and enmities that could mean the difference between unity and downfall.
Clad in armor that gleams with both strength and authority, the Knight Heralds are a formidable presence on the battlefield and in council chambers. Their weapons are not just tools of war but symbols of their righteous duty, each strike and parry a testament to their mastery and their unwavering commitment to their cause.
The Knight Heralds are skilled orators and negotiators, their words capable of inspiring hope or quelling dissent. They are trained to mediate disputes, enforce laws, and deliver justice with a firm yet fair hand. In a world where survival often hinges on cooperation, their ability to unite people under a common cause is invaluable. They are the voice of reason in times of turmoil, the peacemakers who can turn potential conflicts into alliances.
On the battlefield, Knight Heralds are the rallying points for their fellow knights. Their presence alone can bolster morale and turn the tide of combat. They lead from the front, their commands clear and decisive, their strategies forged from experience and a deep understanding of warfare. When a Knight Herald raises their banner, it is a beacon of hope for the beleaguered and a signal of doom for the enemies of humanity.
But the role of a Knight Herald extends beyond battle and diplomacy. They are also the spiritual leaders of the Hexward, the keepers of its sacred traditions and its moral compass. Their lives are dedicated to the principles of honor, justice, and sacrifice. Through their actions and their words, they inspire others to uphold these ideals, to strive for a better world despite the overwhelming darkness.
In a post-apocalyptic world fraught with danger and despair, the Knight Heralds are the flame that refuses to be extinguished. They are the symbols of humanity’s resilience and determination, the leaders who guide their people through the darkest of times. With their unwavering resolve and their steadfast commitment to the Hexward’s mission, they stand as the bulwark against chaos and the torchbearers of a new dawn.
The Knight Heralds are the heart and soul of the Hexward, the champions of justice and the protectors of hope. They are the light in the darkness, the leaders who will not rest until the world is reclaimed from the shadows and humanity stands united once more.