Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


an Eldritch Victorian Fantasy Tale of Suspense

Welcome to the game!

In The Shadow over Old Caldeon, you will play as a gathering of individuals investigating a series of strange occurences in the city of Caledon. Your characters will begin their journeys separate from each other, but will have to team up as the plot thickens. You will have a lot of freedom when creating your character, albeit within the framework of the theme and setting.
My Role

I will take on the role of a traditional DM, giving you feedback on your characters actions and playing the part of the more important NPCs. I will not control every aspect of the game outside of your characters, though. I want you to have the freedom to write the story of your character without too much meddling. The rule goes as such: If you're using your post to get ahead in the plot and need my assistance with feedback or NPCs, you'll tag me in the post. If your post is dedicated to developing your character, or interacting with NPCs or other players in a way that isn't crucial to the plot, you don't have to tag me. I will try to be as clear and fair as possible. If you have feedback on my DMing, feel free to write them in the OOC or send me a PM.
Your Role

You will take on the role of an investigator trying to solve the mysteries of the strange occurences in Caledon. There is no Character Sheet or anything like that for this game. I want you to write me a decent profile on your character that fits with the theme and setting. I would prefer it if the majority of players chose to play as humans or human hybrids, but you are free to pick any race for your character. You may also play as a character with status, or an infamous one, if you prefer. Anything goes within the framework of the story. When playing, I want the group to be fair and creative. We should all strive towards making the story as interesting and satisfying as possible. If this sounds fun and manageable to you, you're welcome to apply with a character in the discussion below.

This game takes place in Thalamor, an ancient land full of mystique and magic. There are high mountains and deep forests, alongside wild rapids, calm lakes, wind-swept plains, and grand cities. Here, humans mingle with elves, dwarves, orcs, and a host of other creatures and beings. Over the past century, Thalamor's old medieval world has been thrust into an industrial revolution with humans, a previously insignificant people, at the forefront. The old order is challenged by winds of change which, depending on who you ask, promise a bright future or threaten with darkness and ruin.


At the mouth of the Kaper River, on the coast of the Twilight Sea, lies a city. Black smoke rises over the city's rooftops like man-made thunderclouds from the countless factory chimneys, plunging streets and alleys into shadow. The glow of gas lamps dispels the darkness, and under their light, thousands upon thousands of souls scurry back and forth to the rhythm of the city's pulse. People and creatures of all kinds gather here, some above ground and others below, to chase dreams and engage in more or less shady dealings. It is a wondrous city, home to the latest scientific discoveries and the richest market in the world. It is a terrible city, a stinking gutter filled with poverty and oppression. It is Caledon, the city of tomorrow, and nowhere in the world can its equal be found.

Strange Occurences

Below are a few notesworthy news that could serve as a start to your characters investigation. You may choose among them at your own discretion.

Looking forward to playing with you!
Questions, feedback and applications below, if you please!
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
Avatar of Red Wizard

Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The Shadow over Old Caledon

an Eldritch Victorian Fantasy Tale of Suspense

Act I: Strange Occurences

As the sun capitulated to the ebony cloak of night, an uncanny transformation swept across Caledon. The rhythm of the city shifted, the mechanical din of day, with its unrelenting industry, segued into an undercurrent of secretive vibrancy as daylight receded.

In the affluent districts of the east bank, Caledon's wealthy glitterati emerged. Their carriages deposited them at opulent theatres and grand music halls, their refined laughter slicing through the hushed whispers of the twilight. Yet, even amid the glamour, a sense of unease lingered. A masked figure in a corner, a suspicious glance over a champagne glass, the shiver of a debutante, there was a palpable sense that not all was as it seemed.

Across the river, in the west bank taverns, the city's less fortunate sought solace in shared stories and cheap ale. The conviviality was marred, though, by a building tension. Whispered rumours of a missing dock worker, the sight of a regular's empty chair, the hushed conversation of the tavern owner with a hooded stranger, all hinting at an unfolding drama that held patrons in its grip.

In the labyrinthine alleyways of Caledon, clandestine activities intensified. The black market flourished, but even the hardened criminals seemed on edge. Transactions were hastier, voices were lower, glances nervously darted down the darker corners. Something was amiss, and even the underbelly of society could sense it.

At the harbor, the cacophony of industry belied an eerie undercurrent. Workers noticed cargo being moved stealthily, whispers of unfamiliar vessels docking at odd hours, and sightings of unusual figures skulking in the shadows. The harbor, usually a sanctuary of routine and hard work, was ensnared in the web of suspense.

Guarding over all this was the city watch, their lanterns casting long, probing shadows in their ceaseless quest for order. Yet tonight, their step was more hurried, their gazes more suspicious, their grips on their weapons a bit tighter.

Beneath the shimmering moonlight, Caledon pulsed with an inscrutable sense of suspense. An invisible web of intrigue was slowly being spun, ready to ensnare the unwary. As the citizens navigated the precarious night, a palpable question echoed in the gaslit gloom: what secrets did the night hold? Would the coming dawn bring resolution or draw them deeper into the mysterious embrace of the unknown?
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


This picture was generated by DALL-E
Welcome, Intrepid Adventurers, to Progress Quest!

As brave pioneers on the cutting edge of AI storytelling, you are about to embark on a grand medieval fantasy adventure like no other! Our AI, powered by the latest iteration of ChatGPT, will serve as the ever evolving environment, providing challenges, surprises, and mysteries along the way. But be not mistaken, the success and course of this quest rest on your collective decisions and ingenuity.

Character Creation

Your journey begins with crafting your unique character. To ensure the process is as seamless as possible, we have prepared a special prompt. Just feed it to ChatGPT, and let it weave the narrative of your character. Here's your character creation prompt:

Setting Out on the Adventure

Once everyone has their characters, we will begin our adventure. Your starting scene has been crafted to set the mood and the theme of the journey you are about to undertake. Here's the starting text:

For each response, take your character's summary and the AI's previous reply, then input them into ChatGPT to generate your character's actions and dialogue.

Guiding the Adventure

As the GM, my role will be to take the AI's responses from each player's post, feed them back into ChatGPT, and generate the unfolding world and its reactions.

This play-by-post system ensures that everyone can take their time to immerse in the storytelling experience. It's an unbroken cycle of imagination, creating a continuously evolving game.

We stand on the precipice of a brave new world of role-playing, where human creativity and AI synergy come together to weave epic tales of adventure and heroism. So grab your virtual dice, gather your courage, and step into the immersive world of "Progress Quest!" The realm of Veridian awaits!

This message was generated by ChatGPT
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
Avatar of Red Wizard

Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

S i m b e l m y n ë

Simbel looked at what apparently passed for food being sloshed into wooden bowls and offered around to her fellow companions. She could see the individual components swimming around in the slop, see the minced and mashed pieces of the plants and animals sacrificed to make this... this thing. All of it wasted. All of it ruined. Nice, tender rabbits slaughtered, only to be defiled. She couldn't stop her nose from wrinkling at the smell, and as the ignorant woman turned to offer Simbel a bowl of her own, she realized she must be frowning too, because the woman shied back when meeting her gaze. I do not eat... that, she said, holding out her hand to pass up on the stew. I will hunt my own food.

Turning around, her yellow eyes fell on the next affront. The so-called beds. Damp, dirty, lice infested sacks of cloth. And they were supposed to... to share them? It was more than Simbel could bear. As if having to sleep cooped up inside a small, smelly house wasn't enough, they expected her to degrade herself even further? No. She would sleep in the fresh air, under a starlit sky, where she could smell the scents of night and hear its denizens. She looked about the room, searching for some kind of solace, but there was none. A small window up by the rafters caught her attention. It would probably serve.

I will sleep in the wild, she said, I will find you at dawn. Then, without waiting for an answer, she transformed once more. In a matter of moments her hair and skin had been exchanged for a white feather coat, her arms for wings, and her legs for razor sharp talons. The eagle took flight, slipped through the window, and was lost in the night.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
Avatar of Red Wizard

Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Welcome! In this game we will play as a party of dwarves going on a grand adventure to steal the treasure of an old dragon and reclaim a long lost heirloom. On the way we will encounter mysterious elves in enchanted forests, menacing goblins in the dark underworld and many other magical beings. Together we will exploe dwarven culture and share stories and songs around the campfire under starlit skies. There will be laughter, danger, bravery and blood. Join in if you want to partake in a classic epic fantasy adventure!

First off, then:

The dwarves are a subterranean humanoid species originating from the mountains around the world. They share many characteristics with humans (two eyes and ears, a nose, a mouth, two arms and two legs) but there are many features that tell them apart. Dwarves are normally no taller than 100cm (roughly 3 feet). They are hairier than humans, and all dwarves grow big beards. It is very hard, if not impossible, for humans to tell dwarven males from females. The dwarves themselves say it’s a matter of scent.

These subterranean creatures have a long lifespan of around 300 years, but are considered old at 100. They can see perfectly even in complete darkness, because their eyes can register heat down to fractions of a degree. Dwarves are very sensitive to sunlight and prefer to stay indoors if possible. If not, they usually garb themselves with heavy clothes, covering as much as possible of their skin.

Dwarves are renowned for their supreme stonemasonry and blacksmithing. It is said that dwarven strongholds are carved from the rock of the mountains itself, and that dwarf-made steel never bends, breaks or dulls.

The dwarves are a traditional and superstitious lot. They are all about preserving things, and change comes very slow to them. Determining which stone to use in a mural can be a question for an entire generation of dwarves. They do not like to do things on a whim and will think the matter through thoroughly and then discuss it with their brethren before coming anywhere near a conclusion. Honor and honesty is also very important to dwarves. Losing face and bringing shame onto ones family is the greatest fear of any dwarf, sometimes even greater than the fear of death. There are no lengths a dwarf will not go to in order to preserve or restore its honor.

Dwarves are superstitious but not very religious. They do not worship any gods but take a keen interest in interpreting signs and omens from their environment. Falling stars, prophecies, natural phenomenon; the dwarves try to understand them all in their quest to understand the world around them. Many of these signs are attributed to their ancestors, and this is the closest thing they have to divine worship. The dwarves revere their ancestors and do their best to preserve their memory. It is expected of a dwarf to know the names of the ones that came before it, and dwarven homes are covered from top to bottom with stone tablets containing runes that tell of the lives of dead family members. Giving respect to the ancestors is key in dwarven society and it is considered shameful to forget an ancestor’s name.

Another tradition of the dwarves is their musicality. Songs and tunes are a great way of remembering old friends and deeds, and so almost every dwarf is taught to sing and play an instrument. Common instruments among the dwarves are bagpipes, horns, fiddles, flutes and drums.

The one great flaw of the dwarves is something they are all very aware of, but at the same time silent about. It is only ever discussed with ones closest companions and always in the dark. There they tell of the dark deeds that some distant ancestor once committed to bring shame on its family. Greed is the greatest enemy of the dwarven people. It lives inside all of them and always shows its ugly face at the worst of times. Whenever confronted by the rumor or visage of wealth, a dwarf simply cannot help itself. It’s like a hungry dog looking at a bowl of food. If properly trained it will restrain itself, but not for long. The greed isn’t about spending the treasure on resources or using it to gain influence, it is simply about having it. Dwarves like to look at gold, they like to feel its weight in their hands and shiver when it slides through their fingers. They all have it, in various degrees, but they all fight it. It is their greatest shame, but also their greatest driving force.

Now, secondly:

The truth of the matter is that the dwarves don’t know much about what’s outside of their mountain halls. They are generally reclusive and only ever hear of the rest of the world on the rare occasions when travelers are let in and choose to share their stories with the dwarves. As such what little information they have is either strongly influenced by the person sharing it or completely untrue. Nevertheless, here follows what goes as common knowledge among the dwarves.

The outside world is a big place. It’s huge. It is in fact so huge that no one has ever seen the ceiling, or even the walls. The environment is prone to swift and sudden change which cannot be controlled; the sun goes up and down, it sometimes rains (or even worse, snows), and the temperature goes up and down without any reason at all. There are a lot of different plants and animals there which are also prone to swift and sudden change. The leaves on the trees change color, like the fur on the animals, sometimes many times a year. It is all very confusing.

Humans are tall people that sometimes grow beards and sometimes don’t. Their women can’t grow beards for some reason, or they simply refuse to (but why would they?). They live very short, very fast lives and don’t seem to stick to one thing for more than a couple of years. There’s no sense of unity among these people. Everyone is on their own. But they’re usually nice when they come to the mountain, and some are even quite alike the dwarves in their pursuit of tradition and ancestral reverence. They seem very well suited for the chaos outside.

Elves are shorter than humans but still a head or two taller than dwarves. They live for very long, even longer than dwarves, but even though their outside never changes their heart and soul do. They seem to be all about change and sudden notions. They don’t even have settlements, but wander the woods as they like. Elves are more like each other than humans, but only in that they are all individualists to the extreme. Still, they know and love music and it has been said they even know of a dwarven tune or two. But you can’t really trust them. They can’t even grow beards!

Goblins. Ugh. Dwarves know pretty much about goblins, or at least everything you need to know (according to the dwarves). They’re about as tall as dwarves but skinnier and even paler. They’re practically hairless and also live underground. Dwarves and goblins are mortal enemies by ancient tradition and have fought many wars. The only thing a goblin wants is to take what others have or destroy it if taking it isn’t possible.

The only thing the dwarves know about dragons is that they’re big and very bad for business. They’re attracted to large treasures (which the dwarves usually keep in their halls) and they’re also extremely difficult to kill. Legend speaks of a monster large enough to fill a hall by itself, capable of flight as well as breathing fire. They have scales as tough as iron and acid for blood. Taking on a dragon is quite the undertaking.

And so, finally:

To apply to the game, you’ll need to read the above information and then fill out a Character Sheet. Once that CS has been accepted you’re in! Now, apart from the above information there are a few more things you need to know:

  • You were born in the halls of Thrillem and have lived there with your family and friends your entire life
  • You have never been outside of the halls
  • You are the oldest among your siblings and have therefor been chosen for this quest
  • You may or may not have had any military training

And here’s the CS! You may of course format it however you want.

Picture (Voluntary.)

Name: (Feel free to use classical dwarven names.)

Age: (Around 100 is recommended.)

Gender: (Female or male, it doesn’t matter since dwarven tradition doesn’t make any difference between the two.)

Appearance: (Description is mandatory.)

Skills and Flaws: (Basically your characters strengths and weaknesses. Greed is obviously one of your weaknesses.)

Background: (Who were your parents? What did they do? Did you follow in their footsteps or did you do something else? What relationships do you have in the halls? Do you have a mate, or children? What instrument do you play? Do you have an ancestor that you are proud or ashamed of? Give us a good idea about what your dwarf is like!)

Miscellaneous: (Other information you’d like to share about your character.)

If you have any further questions, I’d be delighted to answer them!
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

The journey to the docks was largely uneventful, save for an incident where an intoxicated working class man had to be forcibly persuaded by the night watch to exit the subway for disturbing public order. The man flatly refused to move, only to be lifted and carried off the cart by the two burly constables. One of them nodded at Adraman, silently apologizing for the commotion, before the train continued south. Before long, Adraman reached his destination and the train continued on its way back north.

The factory in question was only a short walk from station, across the bridge to the western bank. The dark waters of the Kaper glittered with the light from the lamp posts above, burning bright through the night. The sounds of activity and commotion grew louder as he approached the opposite bank. There was another kind of life in that part of the city that never slept, a kind that thrived in the cover of night. People could be seen passing by on the street, or moving in and out of alleys and buildings. The occational constable patrolled the roads and walkways, keeping watch for any signs of trouble.

Adraman drew some attention to him, but nothing more than curious glances. He looked like he belonged elsewhere; certainly not on the western waterfront, but the people here were accustomed to strangers on strange errands and none confronted him. A scantily clad woman called out to him as he passed an establishment, offering nocturnal business, and cursed at him behind his back when he passed her by.

Finally, he arrived at the factory in question. It was a behemoth of a building next to the smaller, older buildings surrounding it. The chimneys, usually spewing black smoke into the sky, lay dormant and silent. There was light spilling into the night from a few windows, indicating a presence, but the place looked mostly deserted. A guard was standing on watch by the gate to the courtyard, eyeing Adraman as he approached. He was dressed in a uniform and carried a pistol in a holster on his belt.

Jared, the guard, was perplexed. He had noticed the man walking down the street a while back and had wondered what an upstanding member of Caledons society could possibly be doing in the western docks at this time of day. He could guess at several less savoury reasons, of course, but his mother had always told him not to judge people all to quickly and decided against his initial speculations. The man in question was a gentleman, no doubt. Was he perhaps lost? The streets and alleys of Old Town could be labyrinthean even to its inhabitants, so it would be of no surprise if an outsider got turned around trying to navigate them. He knew full well what his employer would think about the situation, but Jared was kind at heart and wanted to help. As the man drew near, he raised his hand in greeting.

"Good evening, Sir" he called out, "Lost, are we? Can I offer my assistance with anything? Directions, perhaps?"
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

A gust of cool air greeted Desmond as he went through the doors of the boarding house and ventured out into the night. The dark streets were illuminated by the burning light of the lamp posts, casting sharp shadows across Desmonds face as he made his way uptown. A carriage drove past, splashing water as it passed through a puddle, it's wealthily clad inhabitants peering warily at Desmond as the carriage turned a corner and disappeared into the night. Most windows were dark, save for the rare few here and there, melding into the stars of the night sky in the horizon.

He was looking for one ms Agatha Blakes, a journalist in employ of the Caledon Times. Their offices were located in the north east, if he remembered correctly, in the same neighborhood as several other of Caledons journals and newspaper establishments. It was only a short treck to get there, but as he arrived, he found the building vacated. Not one to be easily disheartened, however, he took his search onwards. There were a few pubs and restaurants that journalists were known to frequent, and he decided to try his luck with one of them.

Desmond soon found himself inside the Bugle, a drinking establishment of good repute, well furnished and not too expensive. The salon was full of potential informants as to Blakes whereabouts, and Desmond wasted no time in asking around. It was not too long before he found a colleague of ms Blakes, mr Goodman, who, after having been persuaded with a pint and some charming conversation, divulged her adress. Desmond thanked him for his kindness and was soon on his way once more.

He found the townhouse only a few blocks away. It was a good house, made of stone, well looked after and with beautiful windows. Ms Blakes was not the owner; apparently she let a room from an old widow, mrs Twain, who mr Goodman had informed Desmond was a prudent but rather unjovial sort. The house was dark, save for a lit window on the upper floor. Was that perhaps ms Blakes room? Desmond could only guess, but he found it likely. He could try the front door, potentially risking to disturb the old widow in her sleep, or try some other more... discreet method of contacting ms Blakes. Both strategies held merits and risks. The night wore on as he contemplated his approach.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
Avatar of Red Wizard

Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Browns desk was neat and tidy. All the pencils and papers were in the right place, everything folded and tucked away. There was a ledger in the top drawer containing the files of his open cases, along with Browns own notes on each one. The rest of the drawers contained what you would expect, like additional materials, old notebooks (dated and sorted), a framed picture of his sweetheart (or daughter? Olivia wasn't sure), an unsealed but closed envelope which Olivia decided against opening, etc, etc, etc. In this perfect picture of serene order, one thing stood out like a fresh sore; the newspaper, a copy of The Caledon Courier, flung carelessly on top of everything else.

The newspaper lay with the first page up, the headline exclaiming its message to the universe: Graveyard Vandalized! There were no notes next to this one, no clues or indications, save one. A name in the article was underscored, followed by a question mark. Worthington. Worthington? Olivia read the piece, starting to understand the significance of the scrawl. There had been body snatchers at work, a usual enough problem in Caledon. The surgeons needed their samples, after all, and few families were keen on selling their beloved dead to the butchers of the hospitals. Resurrectionists were cheaper, anyway, and required less paperwork. That wasn't anything to furrow your brow over, gruesome as it was. No, it was another detail of an almost throwaway line that demanded closer inspection.

Apparently, the crypt of the Worthington family had been breached, the stone door smashed open, but no corpse had been stolen. The article made no mention of the ghouls having been disturbed or stopped while doing their skullduggery, which meant they had chosen to refrain from touching the dead in the crypt. Understandable enough, as the family in question was old, rich, and powerful, but that demanded the question as to why they had bothered breaking down the stone door in the first place. No body had been stolen... But was there perhaps something else?

Olivia realized she had three possible leads to investigate; she could try searching the graveyard in general, and the crypt in particular, for clues. There could be something there overlooked by the journalists and constables. Maybe something more in line with her... Unusual talents. Or, she could try tracking down the writer of the article, one mr Simeon Gadd, and pry him for information. He would probably have been at the scene early. Maybe he had seen or heard something that didn't make it into the article, or wasn't possible to observe anymore. Finally, she could of course try to query the Worthington family in her quest for answers. Although why they would allow a detective, or a simple beat cop for that matter, to pry into what could possibly be private matters, she couldn't say.

One way or the other, the strange nature of the case called to her, no matter which lead she was going to choose.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

There’s a place where you really don’t want to be. A place where it’s cold and dark, and where no one can hear you scream. They call this place the Maw, because it swallows people whole and chews them up. Once you’ve checked in, you can never check out.

Unfortunetly, that’s where you are.

But it’s not like you didn’t do your best, or your worst, to get here. They don’t just feed anyone to the Maw. Only the worst of the worst are put here, and you’re worse than most. An enemy of the Kingdom, as it were. A proper blight on the land.

So why aren’t you dead?

It happens all the time, after all. People are killed for all manners of mischief, most of it far less terrible than what you’ve done. They’re hanged, beheaded, quartered and burned at the stake. So why keep you alive?

Because you’re useful, that’s why.

Your sort doesn’t come along every day. You’re smart, capable, powerful, and free of the moral inhibitions that keep the sheep from rising up. Talents like yours are hard to come by, so they have decided to save you for a rainy day.

Who are they, anyway?

They’re the King and all his men, or the tyrant and his cronies, depending on how you look at it. Rumor has it that he killed his brother and usurped his throne, and has been ruling with an iron fist ever since. No rebellion, coup or assassination has ever been able to topple his reign. Not that people haven’t tried. But he’s not the one who gives the orders. That’s the Warden.

She’s a piece of work, that one.

The Warden is scary, even to people like you. She’s… Different. Alien. She might look like a person, but she’s not. There’s something behind those dark eyes that makes your skin crawl and stomach churn with terror. She gets inside your head, somehow. Makes you do things you normally wouldn’t. No matter how much people try to avoid, cheat or kill her, they always end up doing what they’re told.

And now, it’s your turn.

You don’t know what it is, but they want something done, and you’ve been selected to do it. Could be a daring rescue. Could be a nefarious murder. What’s certain is, it’s probably going to get you killed. And in the unlikely event that you make it, the Maw will be waiting to swallow you up when you’re done…

…Unless you can do something about it.

Welcome to Blackguards!

This is the medieval fantasy version of Suicide Squad, in which a crew of colorful criminals get sent to their deaths trying to complete an impossible and sometimes (mostly) immoral mission, or quest, or thing. We will each take on the role of one of the inmates of the incredibly infamous prison the Maw, all terribly dangerous individuals, and portray their story as they do everything in their power to escape, survive, and possibly, but improbably, actually complete their mission.

Our motley crew of misfits will consist of the usual villainous archetypes; dark knights, heathen warlocks, deadly assassins, etc. You will have relatively free hands in creating your character but will have to abide by a few guidelines.

  • You will use and fill out the provided CS. You may tweak the formatting if you wish.
  • You will stick with fantasy races, either the usual ones or something more exotic. Nothing stupid, though.
  • You will create an anti-hero or likeable villain; chaotic evil monsters or full on psychopaths are not what I’m looking for.
  • Your character will be of a considerable power-level. Enough so that it poses a threat to the Kingdom if left unchecked, but nothing stupid. Could it take on a squad of the Kings finest? Without a problem. Could it solo a dragon? Not a chance.

A Little Lore

Character Sheet Template

Interested? Great! Let me know below, and apply with a character!

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Red Wizard
Avatar of Red Wizard

Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

There’s a place where you really don’t want to be. A place where it’s cold and dark, and where no one can hear you scream. They call this place the Maw, because it swallows people whole and chews them up. Once you’ve checked in, you can never check out.

Unfortunetly, that’s where you are.

But it’s not like you didn’t do your best, or your worst, to get here. They don’t just feed anyone to the Maw. Only the worst of the worst are put here, and you’re worse than most. An enemy of the Kingdom, as it were. A proper blight on the land.

So why aren’t you dead?

It happens all the time, after all. People are killed for all manners of mischief, most of it far less terrible than what you’ve done. They’re hanged, beheaded, quartered and burned at the stake. So why keep you alive?

Because you’re useful, that’s why.

Your sort doesn’t come along every day. You’re smart, capable, powerful, and free of the moral inhibitions that keep the sheep from rising up. Talents like yours are hard to come by, so they have decided to save you for a rainy day.

Who are they, anyway?

They’re the King and all his men, or the tyrant and his cronies, depending on how you look at it. Rumor has it that he killed his brother and usurped his throne, and has been ruling with an iron fist ever since. No rebellion, coup or assassination has ever been able to topple his reign. Not that people haven’t tried. But he’s not the one who gives the orders. That’s the Warden.

She’s a piece of work, that one.

The Warden is scary, even to people like you. She’s… Different. Alien. She might look like a person, but she’s not. There’s something behind those dark eyes that makes your skin crawl and stomach churn with terror. She gets inside your head, somehow. Makes you do things you normally wouldn’t. No matter how much people try to avoid, cheat or kill her, they always end up doing what they’re told.

And now, it’s your turn.

You don’t know what it is, but they want something done, and you’ve been selected to do it. Could be a daring rescue. Could be a nefarious murder. What’s certain is, it’s probably going to get you killed. And in the unlikely event that you make it, the Maw will be waiting to swallow you up when you’re done…

…Unless you can do something about it.

Welcome to Blackguards!

This is the medieval fantasy version of Suicide Squad, in which a crew of colorful criminals get sent to their deaths trying to complete an impossible and sometimes (mostly) immoral mission, or quest, or thing. We will each take on the role of one of the inmates of the incredibly infamous prison the Maw, all terribly dangerous individuals, and portray their story as they do everything in their power to escape, survive, and possibly, but improbably, actually complete their mission.

The game is currently full. Every user who participated in the Interest Check is invited to join here, but I'm afraid I must ask newcomers to refrain from applying unless I for some reason open the game up again.
A Little Lore

Rules for Posting

There is one general rule that all players of Blackguards! must adhere to, and that is the Hierarchy of Content. Every post and actions within said post should strive to uphold this hierarchy. It goes as follows:

  • The Story comes first. Try to keep your post in line with where the story is right now, and where it is going. Don't post a development that breaks with the story, like one-shotting an apparent Big Bad or going off on an own adventure. Be smart. And, if you're uncertain as how to proceed, just ask. We can discuss it in the OOC.
  • The Group comes second. This isn't a one man show. We're collaborating a story here, so let's try to make sure that everybody has fun and gets something out of it. Our characters might turn into rivals, and perhaps even fight, but we as players should always strive to find solutions that work well for the group. Bear in mind that the group needs to prioritize the story.
  • The Character comes last. Stay in character. What would it do, given the current circumstance? Remember, you're not playing yourself. Your character might have moral inclinations and goals that differ from your own. Use this to your and your fellow players advantage. Don't, however, go against the group. And don't go against the story.

If you follow this hierarchy, there should be no problems. You will have lots of freedom in this game; I will try to interfere as little as possible. My role as GM will be to introduce you to the quest and eventual obstacles to overcome, but I don't want you looking to me for every NPC interaction or story development. Again, if you're unsure, just ask and we'll discuss it. Most NPCs are free game to do with as you wish. The more important ones will be obvious, and may require a bit more finesse in dealing with. If your character acts against another PC, however, the rules are slighty different. You may not control other PC characters. Instead, you must describe a) what your character tries to do to them and b) what it hopes to accomplish with that action. It is up to the other player to decide how their character reacts. Remember the hierarchy.

I expect every player to contribute a minimum of 1 post per week. If you know that you're going to miss the mark, I expect you to communicate this in the OOC. An unannounced absence of two weeks will result in forfeiting the character, which will be written out of the game by the GM. Similarly, if a player wants to, or has to, opt out of the game for any reason, I would strongly like to encourage making a final post in which the character is written out of the game, lest I have to do it for you.

Let's make this a fun and memorable game! I'm really excited about playing with you guys; we have so many great characters, and I think this could be a really cool experience for all of us. Let's keep it tight, and don't be afraid to ask questions or raise concerns in the OOC. We're doing this together!
Hidden 6 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Out of the Ashes...

Thuk Meuch-Tok sat atop his steed and looked out into the distance. They were still quite a ways ahead, but he could see them now; a band of easterling raiders, stealing across the plain like a plague. Or at least what was left of them. He and his warriors had been pursuing them for over a week since they had intercepted them near the border. Hoping to sneak across for some fun and games, no doubt. Well, fun and games it had been all right. But not for the raiders. They had put up a good fight at first, but their primitive weapons and uncivilized ways of warfare had been no match for the Sulfreyan knights. Before long they had broken and ran off, presumably thinking they could outrun the heavy riders. Thuk had entertained the thought of sparing some of them for interrogation, or to take some of them as slaves to be sacrificed in the glory of Ael-Gol atop the pyramids of Galgat, but had decided against it. It was heads on spears for the lot of them. Damned savages.

True, it had taken him some time to find them. Say one thing for the barbarians, they know the lay of the land. They had been smart, keeping to thickets and hidden caves, covering their tracks impressively. It had been chance that brought them out into the light at last. Chance and their poor morale. He had simply passed overhead, and the mere sight of the wyvern had made some of them lose it and take off in a panic, no doubt gunning for what they hoped was beter ground. Or they were just running wild. They weren't much better than animals anyway, these barbarians.

Ordering his men to start persuing and eventually charge, Thuk gave his wyvern a sharp smack with the butt of the spear and took flight. The great winged reptile hissed menacingly, but did as it was instructed. He had trained it well. Once airborne, it stretched its long neck, a full ten feet of serpentine scales and spikes, its wings beating like war drums on the wind. The tail, along with its lethal barbed stinger, flowed elegantly behind, subtly steering its path through the sky. They were marvellous creatures, wyverns, but ugly. Or terrifying.

Having gained some ground on the fleeing raiders, his two dozen horned knights following behind, he spotted something peculiar further ahead. The barbarians were about to scale a ridge, and beyond it - not yet visible to the landlocked - was a strange gathering of... individuals. Some small, some big, and was that an actual Frost Giant? Thuk was surprised, to put it mildly, but soon shook the sensation. Whatever they were, they were too strange. A group like that belonged in a funny tavern yarn, not on his border. He didn't know who they were and what they were doing there, but it didn't matter. It would have to be heads on spears for the lot of them too.

Having seen all he had to, Thuk circled back to his knights. He would lead the charge coming in low, as was the custom. Let the barbarians and the strangers fight it out first. He and his knights could handle the leftovers.

...And into the Fire

You hear them before you see them. There's a rumble on the wind, and then the distant warcries of bloodthirsty raiders. They spill over a ridge to the east, still some distance away, but closing fast. Easterlings. Barbarians. Two score perhaps, maybe less, maybe more. Some mounted, others on foot. All armed, that you are certain of, and possibly dangerous. They're coming your way, too. Just your luck.

A quick scan of the landscape leaves few options. There's a hill a bit further north, and a small thicket a ways south. The west offers nothing but rolling grasslands for miles upon miles, a poor deal for anyone looking for an escape or an advantage. A fight seems inevitable. Death, a possibility. But... are those really war cries? There's something off about the way the barbarians move, the way they sound. The band moves in your direction, yes... But are they coming for you? Then again, do you have the luxury of doubt, with potentially fifty or so murderous savages seemingly bearing down on you.

Time to think fast, or maybe not think at all. Sometimes, instinct is the voice of reason. Then again... Sometimes it definitively isn't.
Hidden 6 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 5 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 4 mos ago 4 mos ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 4 mos ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Red Wizard
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Red Wizard Crimson Conjurer

Member Seen 11 hrs ago


In the far north of the world lies the Vale of Daka-Gorn. It is a frontier of deep woods and wild rivers, encircled by high mountains to the east, west and north, and by the sea in the south. The Vale lies far from the realms and great empires of the world, and has only recently been settled by mankind. Other creatures have lived here since ancient times, from the secretive elves of the treetop villages to the suspicious dwarves of the underground mines, as well as all manner of beasts and monsters; orcs, goblins, ogres, gnolls, and worse.

There are three human cities in the Vale; Kari-Mar by the sea, ruled by a league of Merchant Princes, Korros Tor in the eastern riverlands, ruled by the King Benetzaron and his knights, and Mor Kadar in the utmost north, ruled by the Witch-Queen Arkan and her spellblades. Between these lie villages and farmsteads, each contested by the rulers of the cities in endless border skirmishes and raids. All avoid war for fear of upsetting the balance, but the peace is frail.

In the middle of the Vale lies Crossroads Keep, a settlement that once began as a popular inn for weary travelers, that since has expanded into a fortified hub of commerce. Here rules the Lord Host Netzcaro, a shrewd inn keeper turned noble, who has his fingers in more pies than most can count.

People come to the Vale for many reasons. Some flee war, persecution, or the law. Others seek fame, riches, or a new beginning. Some, however, seek to unravel the mystery of the Daka-Gorn; an ancient civilization whose ruins now dot the wilderness of the Vale. Not much is known about them, and neither the dwarves or the elves have much to say. It is said that heir ruins are haunted, filled with horrid shadows, monsters, and worse. It is however also said that incredible treasures and forgotten knowledge can be won by those who dare brave the darkness of the tombs and dungeons.

The Game

Welcome! In this game, you will take on the roles of a few adventurers who brave the wilds of the Vale in search of treasure, glory, or the chance of a new beginning. There will be quests, dungeons, dangers, mystery and intrigue and, most importantly - hopefully - fun! This is a tale of high adventure, medieval sword and sorcery at its best, with everything that entails.

I'm looking for that special feeling that comes with exploring a strange faraway land, delving into unknown dungeons, uncovering magical mysteries, and fighting for your life against marauding orcs or murderous ogres. Comedy, horror, tragedy, love and other themes have their place here, too, but always within the concept of High Adventure. That concept (that is, the narrative) always comes first.

We were originally going to use the Fate system for this game, but have since reconsidered. We will however use the guiding principle of Fate while we play; banking "points" from failures or from letting your character complicate situations, to use in extraordinary circumstances of difficulty or danger where an extra level of success in necessary. There won't be an official counter or anything like that, but I'd like all players to keep this in mind while writing - to make the story more dynamic and enhance the experience for all involved.

As there were quite a few players in the Interest Check, I will give them precedence before admitting new players. If you're interested in participating anyway, let me know in the thread and I'll put you on a waiting list.


Every character will begin the game just having stepped of a ship in the bustling port of Kari-Mar. The hows and why's of this I'll leave to you, but it is important to note that this is your characters first visit to the Vale. And, yes, you will all have been on the same ship. As such, you may have developed relations to the other characters in the story even before we begin. I leave it to you to discuss that in the OOC.

Create your character by filling in the character sheet below. If you have any questions about races, magic or anything else in the game world, just ask in the OOC and we'll discuss it!

Once you've submitted a character sheet I'll either accept it right away, or discuss aspects of it that I want changed or clarified. Once accepted, I'll move your sheet to the character roster and you're all set to participate!

In closing

As always, if you have any questions or thoughts about the game, the setting, or anything else that you feel I can help you with, don't hesitate to write in the OOC. Let's have a fun and rewarding experience together!
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