The group flew up away from the mushroom monster, and towards town. Along the way, Juniper pointed out the sights. Including some poisonous mushrooms she warned them not to touch. Who would have thought mushrooms could cause so much trouble.
Things should have been easier when they got to the city, but it wasn’t. The place was eerily empty. A chill went down Sky’s back. After some time searching, an officer came up to them, and said fairies had been turned to stone here too. Even Mrs. Greypetal herself had been affected. Sky’s wings faltered, and he frowned. So much for saving his parents quickly. “Sir, my mother and father, the king and queen of Feydellia have also been turned to stone. This is a matter of utmost importance. Especially if it’s spreading to other kingdoms. Anything you can tell us would be helpful.”
Zircon and Surge were quick to ask questions, and Officer Sundew was quick to answer. “Unfortunately, we don’t know what caused it. But we do have a few leads… We’ve discovered fairy dust residue at the scene. At least… We think it’s fairy dust residue.”
“What do you mean you think?”
“You know Fairy dust residue shines and sparkles. But this was completely matte black. Also, we also found these mysterious symbols etched into the trees nearby.” The officer pointed out a few of them. We’re researching what they mean, but not having much luck.
Sky wondered if this those clues were there back in Feydellia. He wouldn’t have thought to look for them at the time… “I still think it was rogue dark faires!” Sky said matter of factly. “Although, what motive could they have for doing this to others? I thought they just hated my kingdom…”
The officer gave the prince a perplexed look. “If you ask me. I suspect whatever did this isn’t of fairy origin.”